private void ClearRouteInput() { this.departureText.Text = ""; this.richTextBox1.Text = ""; try { this.FillDropDownFromDb(); this.cmbBus.SelectedIndex = -1; } catch (Exception e) { } this.BusTypeTextField.Text = ""; this.fareTextField.Text = ""; //If the clear button is clicked then this means a new Route is willingly to be created. this.invisibleScheduleIdText.Text = ""; this.routeStatus.Text = ""; this.changeStatusBtn.Visible = false; this.routeStatus.Visible = false; //If clear button is clicked then a new routeId will be generated try { this.disableBusIdText.Text = RouteRepo.GetId(); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong in Create!\n" + exception); } }
private void cmbBusNo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string[,] info = RouteRepo.GetRouteAndSchedule(this.cmbBusNo.Text); //departure location info[][0] //destination info[][1] //departure time info[2] //arrival info[3] this.txtFrom.Text = info[0, 0]; this.txtDestination.Text = info[0, 1]; this.txtDeptTime.Text = info[0, 2]; this.txtArrivalTime.Text = info[0, 3]; this.txtReturnFrom.Text = this.txtDestination.Text; this.txtReturnDestination.Text = this.txtFrom.Text; this.invisibleFareTextField.Text = info[0, 4]; } catch (Exception f) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong when fetching data" + e); } }
public static void Main(string[] args, KeyStorage keyStorage) { //Usage if (args.Length != 4) { throw new HelpException("Missing arguments"); } string sourcePath = args [1]; string repoPath = args [2]; string receipientName = args [3]; //Source if (Directory.Exists(sourcePath) == false) { throw new HelpException("Source directory not found: " + sourcePath); } //Repo Repo repo = Repo.Create(repoPath); //Sender and Recipient keys PrivateKey senderKey = keyStorage.DefaultKey; PublicKey recipientKey = keyStorage.GetPublic(receipientName); //Prepare Route message recording of ChunkID RouteRepo rr = new RouteRepo(repo); //Prepare Encryption EncryptedRepo er = new EncryptedRepo(rr, null); er.AddKey(recipientKey); Console.Write("Generating Tree..."); //Send Tree ChunkHash tree = TreeChunk.GenerateChunk(sourcePath, er); //TreeMessage TreeMessage tm = new TreeMessage(tree, Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath)); Chunk tmc = Message.ToChunk(tm, senderKey); ChunkHash tmch = er.WriteChunk(tmc); er.StoreMessage("file", tmch); //RouteMessage RouteMessage rm = rr.RouteMessage; rm.MessageChunkHash = tmch.bytes; rm.To = receipientName; //Store unencrypted RouteMessage Chunk rmChunk = Message.ToChunk(rm); repo.WriteChunk(rmChunk); repo.StoreMessage("route", rmChunk.ChunkHash); Console.WriteLine("RouteMessage Stored"); }
private void GenerateRouteId() { try { this.disableBusIdText.Text = RouteRepo.GetId(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong!"); } }
private void cmbBus_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.BusTypeTextField.Text = RouteRepo.BusTypeForRoute(cmbBus.Text); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong in Selected Drop Down!\n" + exception); } }
private void FillRouteDataGridView() { this.dgvRoute.AutoGenerateColumns = false; try { this.dgvRoute.DataSource = RouteRepo.ShowAll(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong in Table!" + e); } this.dgvRoute.ClearSelection(); this.dgvRoute.Refresh(); }
private void rtxtSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dgvRoute.AutoGenerateColumns = false; try { this.dgvRoute.DataSource = RouteRepo.LiveSearchRoutes(this.rtxtSearch.Text); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong!"); } this.dgvRoute.ClearSelection(); this.dgvRoute.Refresh(); }
public DALUnitOfWork() { vygCtx = new VoyageContext(); BusExpeditionPocos = new BusExpeditionRepo(vygCtx); BusPocos = new BusRepo(vygCtx); BusTypePocos = new BusTypeRepo(vygCtx); DriverPocos = new DriverRepo(vygCtx); HostPocos = new HostRepo(vygCtx); PersonPocos = new PersonRepo(vygCtx); RoutePocos = new RouteRepo(vygCtx); SeatInformationPocos = new SeatInformationRepo(vygCtx); TicketPocos = new TicketRepo(vygCtx); }
public async Task Setup() { /// ARRANGE // ask system test setup class to get the context instance _context = SingletonTestSetup.Instance().Get(); //Wait route = new Route() { RouteId = "IR-140" }; await AddRoute(route); repo = new RouteRepo(_context); }
private void cboFrom_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.cboTo.Items.Clear(); try { this.RouteList = RouteRepo.GetAllDestination(this.cboFrom.Text); foreach (var route in this.RouteList) { this.cboTo.Items.Add(route.Destination); } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show($"Error fetching data\n{error.Message}"); } }
private void deleteBusBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.dgvBus.SelectedRows.Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("No data selected"); return; } if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete?", caption: "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) == DialogResult.No) { return; } try { //MessageBox.Show("hello"); //when delete button is clicked the bus will be null to route table since it is foreign key bool ifBusSetsToNullInRoute = RouteRepo.SetNullToBusNum(this.rtxtPhn.Text); if (ifBusSetsToNullInRoute) { try { bool ifBusDeleted = BusRepo.Delete(this.rtxtPhn.Text); if (ifBusDeleted) { MessageBox.Show("Deleted Successfully!\nBus associated with routes is inactivated"); ClearBusInput(); this.invisibleBusNoText.Text = ""; this.FillBusDataGridView(); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when deleting the bus"); } } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when setting bus number to null to route\n" + exception); } }
private void RouteFill() { try { this.Route = new Route { RouteId = RouteRepo.GetId(), DeptLocation = this.txtReturnFrom.Text, Destination = this.txtReturnDestination.Text, BusNo = this.cmbBusNo.Text, Fare = this.invisibleFareTextField.Text, Status = "Active" }; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when getting Route Information!"); } }
private void SaveSalesAmount(string scheduleId) { try { string routeId = ScheduleRepo.GetRouteId(scheduleId); int ticketPrice = RouteRepo.GetFare(routeId); int currentSalesAmount = SalesRepo.CurrentSalesAmount(MainControl.cashierId); if (currentSalesAmount == 0) { int amount = ticketPrice * MainControl.selectedSeatCount; SalesRepo.Insert(MainControl.cashierId, amount); } else { int updatedAmount = currentSalesAmount + (ticketPrice * MainControl.selectedSeatCount); SalesRepo.Update(MainControl.cashierId, updatedAmount); } }catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Error!" + e.Message); } }
private void cashierTicketControl1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.dateTimePicker1.MinDate = DateTime.Now; this.dateTimePicker1.MaxDate = this.dateTimePicker1.Value.AddDays(30); try { string[] deptLocationList = RouteRepo.GetAllDeptLocation(); foreach (string s in deptLocationList) { this.cboFrom.Items.Add(s); } } catch (Exception error) { MessageBox.Show($"Error fetching data\n{error.Message}"); } this.cboFrom.Text = MainControl.cashierFrom; this.cboTo.Text = MainControl.cashierTo; this.cmbBusType.Text = MainControl.cashierBusType; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //MessageBox.Show("fdsf"); //First we have to insert data into route table and then into the schedule table this.RouteFill(); Entity.Schedule schedule = new Entity.Schedule(); try { schedule.ScheduleId = ScheduleRepo.GetId(); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); } schedule.DeptTime = this.dtpDeparture.Text; schedule.ArrivalTime = this.dtpArrival.Text; schedule.RouteId = this.Route.RouteId; //In Schedule table route_id is a foreign key. try { RouteRepo.Insert(this.Route); //inserting into the route table ScheduleRepo.Insert(schedule); //inserting into schedule table MessageBox.Show("Created Successfully"); //After inserting data the route home page will be redirected controlRoute route = new controlRoute(); MainControl.showControl(route, frmAdminDashboard.ActiveForm); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Please Select A Bus No", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } }
/*set pilot repo pattern upon instantiation of flights controller*/ public FlightsController(FlightRepo db_flights, RouteRepo db_route, PilotRepo db_pilot) { _db_flights = db_flights; _db_route = db_route; _db_pilot = db_pilot; }
/* Set context upon instantiation of controller */ public ScheduleController(PilotRepo db_pilots, FlightRepo db_flights, RouteRepo db_route) { _db_pilots = db_pilots; _db_flights = db_flights; _db_route = db_route; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool idExist; bool checkIfBusExistSignal; try { idExist = RouteRepo.SearchRouteId(this.disableBusIdText.Text); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception); throw; } if (idExist) //For Update purpose { if (!this.RouteFill()) { return; } else { Route.Status = this.routeStatus.Text; //Following line used to store Route information when a row from data grid view is double clicked. Route singleRouteInfo = RouteRepo.SingleRouteInfo(this.disableBusIdText.Text); //Following line gets the route_id. string secondRouteId = RouteRepo.CheckIfTwoRoutesExist(singleRouteInfo); try { if (secondRouteId != null)//if two routes exist, will get a route_id, else null { //So there is two routes, and now checking if the bus exist to any different route if we select a different //bus and click on save button. checkIfBusExistSignal = RouteRepo.CheckIfBusExistInTwoRoutesForUpdate(this.cmbBus.Text, this.disableBusIdText.Text, secondRouteId); } else { //So there is one route, and now checking if the bus exist to any different route if we select a different //bus and click on save button. checkIfBusExistSignal = RouteRepo.CheckIfBusExistInRouteForUpdate(this.cmbBus.Text, this.disableBusIdText.Text); } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when check bus exist or not"); throw; } //we will check if the bus number exist for particular route_id in route table. //If exist we will not update, else will update. if (checkIfBusExistSignal == false) { try { bool updateRouteSignal = RouteRepo.Update(this.Route); Entity.Schedule schedule = new Entity.Schedule(); schedule.ScheduleId = this.invisibleScheduleIdText.Text; schedule.DeptTime = this.dateTimePicker1.Text; schedule.ArrivalTime = this.dateTimePicker2.Text; schedule.RouteId = this.disableBusIdText.Text; bool updateScheduleSignal = ScheduleRepo.Update(schedule); if (secondRouteId != null) { //MessageBox.Show("not null"); bool updateSecondRouteSignal = RouteRepo.UpdateSecondRoute(this.Route, secondRouteId); } if (updateRouteSignal && updateScheduleSignal) { MessageBox.Show("Route Updated Successuflly!!"); //Once the save button is clicked for edit, new Id, as primary key, will be generated for the route table. this.disableBusIdText.Text = RouteRepo.GetId(); this.ClearRouteInput(); this.FillRouteDataGridView(); } } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong in Update!\n" + exception); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Bus Number already Exists in different Route!\nCannot Update. Get a new Bus!"); } } } if (!idExist) //for insert purpose { if (!this.RouteFill()) { return; } else if (this.RouteFill()) { try { checkIfBusExistSignal = RouteRepo.CheckIfBusExistInRoute(this.cmbBus.Text); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when check bus exist or not"); throw; } //we will check if the bus number exist in route table. If exist we will not insert, else will insert. if (!checkIfBusExistSignal)//if return false we will insert, else not { bool insertSignal; try { insertSignal = RouteRepo.Insert(this.Route); //inserting into the route table } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when inserting route"); throw; } //First we have to insert data into route table and then into the schedule table Entity.Schedule schedule = new Entity.Schedule(); try { schedule.ScheduleId = ScheduleRepo.GetId(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when getting schedule Id"); } schedule.DeptTime = this.dateTimePicker1.Text; schedule.ArrivalTime = this.dateTimePicker2.Text; schedule.RouteId = this.disableBusIdText.Text; //In Schedule table route_id is a foreign key. //this.Route.ScheduleId = schedule.ScheduleId; //In Route table schedule_id is a foreign key. bool insertSignalSchedule; try { insertSignalSchedule = ScheduleRepo.Insert(schedule); //inserting into schedule table } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when inserting schedule"); throw; } if (insertSignal && insertSignalSchedule) { MessageBox.Show("Route Created Successuflly!!"); //Once the save button is clicked, new Id, as primary key, will be generated for the route table. try { this.disableBusIdText.Text = RouteRepo.GetId(); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong in Create!\n" + exception); } this.ClearRouteInput(); this.FillRouteDataGridView(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Bus Number already Exists in different Route!\nCannot Insert. Get a new Bus!"); } } } }