Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ObstacleSegment(Obstacle obstacle, RotationTreeNode point1, RotationTreeNode point2)
     _obstacle = obstacle;
     _point1 = point1;
     _point2 = point2;
 public ObstacleSegment(Obstacle obstacle, RotationTreeNode point1, RotationTreeNode point2)
     _obstacle = obstacle;
     _point1   = point1;
     _point2 = point2;
 public RotationTreeNode GetOtherPoint(RotationTreeNode p)
     return(_point1 == p ? _point2 : _point1);
 public bool Contains(RotationTreeNode p)
     return(_point1 == p || _point2 == p);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public RotationTreeNode GetOtherPoint(RotationTreeNode p)
     return _point1 == p ? _point2 : _point1;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public bool Contains(RotationTreeNode p)
     return _point1 == p || _point2 == p;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private bool SameObstacle(RotationTreeNode p, RotationTreeNode q)
     return !p.IsSinglePoint && !q.IsSinglePoint && p.Obstacle.Nodes.Contains(q);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private static ObstacleSegment GetHigherSegment(RotationTreeNode node, RotationTreeNode p)
            foreach (ObstacleSegment seg in node.Segments)
                RotationTreeNode other = seg.GetOtherPoint(node);
                if (other != p && other.Y > node.Y)
                    return seg;

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void HandleWithPoints(RotationTreeNode p, RotationTreeNode q)
            if (p == null || q == null)

            if (p.X > q.X)

            if (p.IsSinglePoint && !q.IsSinglePoint && p.Obstacle == q.Obstacle)
                p.VisibleSegment = q.VisibleSegment;
                //AddEdge(p, q);
            else if (q.IsSinglePoint && !p.IsSinglePoint && q.Obstacle == p.Obstacle)
                //AddEdge(p, q);
            else if (q.IsSinglePoint && p.VisibleSegment != null && q.Obstacle == p.VisibleSegment.Obstacle)
                AddEdge(p, q);
            else if (p.IsAdjacent(q))
                ObstacleSegment higher = GetHigherSegment(q, p);
                p.VisibleSegment = higher ?? q.VisibleSegment;
                if (!SameObstacle(p, q))
                    AddEdge(p, q);
            else if (p.VisibleSegment != null && p.VisibleSegment.Contains(q))
                ObstacleSegment left = GetLeftSegment(q, p);
                p.VisibleSegment = left ?? q.VisibleSegment;
                if (!SameObstacle(p, q))
                    AddEdge(p, q);
            else if (PointLiesNearerThanSegment(p, q))
                p.VisibleSegment = q.IsSinglePoint ? q.VisibleSegment : GetNearerSegment(q, p);
                if (!SameObstacle(p, q))
                    AddEdge(p, q);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void Initialize()
            _graph = new UndirectedGraph<PointVertex, Edge<PointVertex>>();
            foreach (Obstacle obstacle in _obstacles)
                foreach (RotationTreeNode node in obstacle.Nodes)
                    _graph.AddVertex(new PointVertex(node.Point));
                _graph.AddEdgeRange(obstacle.Segments.Select(s => new Edge<PointVertex>(new PointVertex(s.Point1.Point), new PointVertex(s.Point2.Point))));
            foreach (Point point in _singlePoints)
                Obstacle obstacle = _obstacles.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Contains(point));
                var newPoint = new RotationTreeNode(obstacle, point, true);
                _graph.AddVertex(new PointVertex(point));

            double maxX = _nodes.Max(p => p.Point.X);
            _plusInf = new RotationTreeNode(new Point(maxX + 100, double.PositiveInfinity));
            _minusInf = new RotationTreeNode(new Point(maxX + 100, double.NegativeInfinity));
            foreach (RotationTreeNode node in _nodes.OrderByDescending(n => n))
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private void AddEdge(RotationTreeNode p, RotationTreeNode q)
     var pVertex = new PointVertex(p.Point);
     var qVertex = new PointVertex(q.Point);
     if (_graph.ContainsVertex(pVertex) && _graph.ContainsVertex(qVertex))
         _graph.AddEdge(new Edge<PointVertex>(pVertex, qVertex));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static bool PointLiesNearerThanSegment(RotationTreeNode p, RotationTreeNode q)
            ObstacleSegment visSegment = p.VisibleSegment;
            if (visSegment == null)	// if there is no segment, it can not lie nearer (to p) than q
                return true;

            // using a linear equation: y = mx + b
            // for the line pq
            double m1 = (q.Y - p.Y) / (q.X - p.X);
            double b1 = p.Y - (m1 * p.X);

            // getting the points of the segment
            RotationTreeNode point1 = visSegment.Point1;
            RotationTreeNode point2 = visSegment.Point2;

            // check if both segment points lie on the
            // same side of that line.
            // if they do, there is no crossing.
            if (!double.IsInfinity(m1))
                double valuePoint1 = (m1 * point1.X) + b1;
                double valuePoint2 = (m1 * point2.X) + b1;
                if ((point1.Y > valuePoint1 && point2.Y > valuePoint2)
                    || (point1.Y < valuePoint1 && point2.Y < valuePoint2))
                    return true;
            else if (point1.X < p.X && point2.X < p.X || point1.X > p.X && point2.X > p.X)
                return true;

            // get the line for the segment
            double m2 = (point2.Y - point1.Y) / (point2.X - point1.X);
            double b2 = point1.Y - (m2 * point1.X);

            if (Math.Abs(m1 - m2) < double.Epsilon)	// avoiding divide-by-zero; lines are parallel
                return true;	// if pq and the segment are parallel, the segment can be discarded and the point "lies nearer"

            // calculate the crossing point
            double x;
            if (!double.IsInfinity(m2) && !double.IsInfinity(m1))
                x = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2);
            else if (!double.IsInfinity(m2) && double.IsInfinity(m1))
                x = p.X;
                x = point1.X;

            double y = m1 * x + b1;

            var crossingPoint = new Point(x, y);

            // check if distancePQ is the smallest
            return CalcDistance(p.Point, q.Point) <= CalcDistance(p.Point, crossingPoint);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static bool LeftTurn(RotationTreeNode p, RotationTreeNode q, RotationTreeNode r)
            if (r == null)
                return false;

            if (double.IsNegativeInfinity(p.Y) || double.IsNegativeInfinity(q.Y) || double.IsNegativeInfinity(r.Y)
                || double.IsPositiveInfinity(p.Y) || double.IsPositiveInfinity(q.Y))
                return false;

            if (double.IsPositiveInfinity(r.Y))
                return p.X <= q.X || (Math.Abs(p.X - q.X) < double.Epsilon && p.Y > q.Y);

            double m = (q.Y - p.Y) / (q.X - p.X);
            double b = p.Y - (m * p.X);
            double rValue = (m * r.X) + b;
            if (r.Y > rValue)
                return p.X <= q.X;
            if (r.Y < rValue)
                return p.X > q.X;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static ObstacleSegment GetNearerSegment(RotationTreeNode node, RotationTreeNode p)
            ObstacleSegment segment1 = node.Segments[0];
            ObstacleSegment segment2 = node.Segments[1];

            return CalcDistance(p.Point, segment1.Point1.Point, segment1.Point2.Point) < CalcDistance(p.Point, segment2.Point1.Point, segment2.Point2.Point) ? segment1 : segment2;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static ObstacleSegment GetLeftSegment(RotationTreeNode node, RotationTreeNode p)
            ObstacleSegment seg1 = node.Segments[0];
            ObstacleSegment seg2 = node.Segments[1];
            RotationTreeNode pointSeg1 = seg1.GetOtherPoint(node);
            RotationTreeNode pointSeg2 = seg2.GetOtherPoint(node);

            // using a linear equation: y = mx + b
            double m = (node.Y - p.Y) / (node.X - p.X);
            double b = p.Y - (m * p.X);

            // there now are several cases:
            // 1) one of the two segments lies to the left
            // 2) none lies to the left
            // 3) both lie to the left
            // 4) one segment lies directly behind the line p to q

            // in case
            // 1) we return that segment
            // 2) we return null
            // 3) we return the segment nearer to p
            // 4) we return that segment (if the other does not lie to the left)

            // check the cases if the line p-to-this
            // is vertical
            if (double.IsInfinity(m))
                if (p.Y > node.Y)
                {	// consider the direction of the vertical line
                    // case 1
                    if (pointSeg1.X < node.X && node.X <= pointSeg2.X)
                        return seg1;	// Segment 1 lies to the left of pq
                    if (pointSeg2.X < node.X && node.X <= pointSeg1.X)
                        return seg2;	// Segment 2 lies to the left of pq

                    // case 3
                    if (pointSeg1.X < node.X && pointSeg2.X < node.X)
                        //return node.GetNearestSegment(p);
                        return GetNearerSegment(node, p);

                    // case 4
                    if (Math.Abs(pointSeg1.X - node.X) < double.Epsilon)
                        return seg1;
                    if (Math.Abs(pointSeg2.X - node.X) < double.Epsilon)
                        return seg2;

                    // case 2
                    if (pointSeg1.X > node.X && pointSeg2.X > node.X)
                        return null;
                    // case 1
                    if (pointSeg1.X > node.X && node.X >= pointSeg2.X)
                        return seg1;	// Segment 1 lies to the left of pq
                    if (pointSeg2.X > node.X && node.X >= pointSeg1.X)
                        return seg2;	// Segment 2 lies to the left of pq

                    // case 3
                    if (pointSeg1.X > node.X && pointSeg2.X > node.X)
                        //return node.GetNearestSegment(p);
                        return GetNearerSegment(node, p);

                    // case 4
                    if (Math.Abs(pointSeg1.X - node.X) < double.Epsilon)
                        return seg1;
                    if (Math.Abs(pointSeg2.X - node.X) < double.Epsilon)
                        return seg2;

                    // case 2
                    if (pointSeg1.X < node.X && pointSeg2.X < node.X)
                        return null;
            {	// check for non-vertical lines
                // function value for end point of segment 1
                double value1 = (m * pointSeg1.X) + b;
                // function value for end point of segment 2
                double value2 = (m * pointSeg2.X) + b;

                // case 1
                if (pointSeg1.Y > value1 && value2 >= pointSeg2.Y)
                    return seg1;	// Segment 1 lies to the left of pq
                if (pointSeg2.Y > value2 && value1 >= pointSeg1.Y)
                    return seg2;	// Segment 2 lies to the left of pq

                // case 3
                if (pointSeg1.Y > value1 && pointSeg2.Y > value2)
                    //return node.GetNearestSegment(p);
                    return GetNearerSegment(node, p);

                // case 4
                if (Math.Abs(pointSeg1.Y - value1) < double.Epsilon)
                    return seg1;
                if (Math.Abs(pointSeg2.Y - value2) < double.Epsilon)
                    return seg2;

                // case 2
                if (pointSeg1.Y < value1 && pointSeg2.Y < value2)
                    return null;

            // return null if this.equals(p)
            return null;