 public static bool Vamp_MatsBodyBaseAt(PawnGraphicSet __instance, Rot4 facing, RotDrawMode bodyCondition, bool drawClothes, ref List <Material> __result)
     if (__instance.nakedGraphic != null)
     if (__instance.pawn.IsVampire() && __instance?.pawn?.VampComp()?.CurrentForm != null)
         __instance.nakedGraphic = __instance.pawn.VampComp().CurrentForm.bodyGraphicData.Graphic;
     __result = new List <Material>();
     __result.Add(GraphicDatabase.Get <Graphic_Single>("NullTex").MatSingle);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, Quaternion quat, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump)
            if (!this.graphics.AllResolved)
            Mesh mesh = null;

            if (renderBody)
                Vector3 loc = rootLoc;
                loc.y += 0.0078125f;
                if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && this.graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !portrait)
                    this.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(loc, bodyFacing, this.pawn, 0f);
                    if (this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                        mesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                        mesh = this.graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                    List <Material> list = this.graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType);
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        Material damagedMat = this.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(list[i]);
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc, quat, damagedMat, portrait);
                        loc.y += 0.00390625f;
                    if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
                        Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc;
                        drawLoc.y += 0.01953125f;
                        this.woundOverlays.RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quat, portrait);
            Vector3 vector = rootLoc;
            Vector3 a      = rootLoc;

            if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North)
                a.y      += 0.02734375f;
                vector.y += 0.0234375f;
                a.y      += 0.0234375f;
                vector.y += 0.02734375f;
            if (this.graphics.headGraphic != null)
                Vector3  b        = quat * this.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing);
                Material material = this.graphics.HeadMatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType, headStump);
                if (material != null)
                    Mesh mesh2 = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, a + b, quat, material, portrait);
                Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b;
                loc2.y += 0.03125f;
                bool flag = false;
                if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap)
                    Mesh mesh3 = this.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                    List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = this.graphics.apparelGraphics;
                    for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++)
                        if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayer.Overhead)
                            if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace)
                                flag = true;
                                Material material2 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                                material2 = this.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material2);
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc2, quat, material2, portrait);
                                Material material3 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                                material3 = this.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material3);
                                Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b;
                                loc3.y += ((!(bodyFacing == Rot4.North)) ? 0.03515625f : 0.00390625f);
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc3, quat, material3, portrait);
                if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump)
                    Mesh     mesh4 = this.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                    Material mat   = this.graphics.HairMatAt(headFacing);
                    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh4, loc2, quat, mat, portrait);
            if (renderBody)
                for (int k = 0; k < this.graphics.apparelGraphics.Count; k++)
                    ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphicRecord = this.graphics.apparelGraphics[k];
                    if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayer.Shell)
                        Material material4 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                        material4 = this.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material4);
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quat, material4, portrait);
            if (!portrait && this.pawn.RaceProps.Animal && this.pawn.inventory != null && this.pawn.inventory.innerContainer.Count > 0 && this.graphics.packGraphic != null)
                Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, vector, quat, this.graphics.packGraphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null), 0);
            if (!portrait)
                if (this.pawn.apparel != null)
                    List <Apparel> wornApparel = this.pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
                    for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++)
                Vector3 bodyLoc = rootLoc;
                bodyLoc.y += 0.04296875f;
                this.statusOverlays.RenderStatusOverlays(bodyLoc, quat, MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void Postfix(PawnRenderer __instance, ref Vector3 rootLoc, ref float angle,
                                    ref bool renderBody, ref Rot4 bodyFacing, ref Rot4 headFacing, ref RotDrawMode bodyDrawType,
                                    ref bool portrait, ref bool headStump, ref bool invisible, Pawn ___pawn)
            if (invisible)

            if (__instance != null)
                Pawn pawn   = ___pawn;
                var  hediff = (AlienMutationHediff)pawn.health.hediffSet.GetFirstHediffOfDef(PurpleIvyDefOf.PI_AlienMutation);
                if (pawn != null && !pawn.Dead && hediff != null && hediff.mutationActive &&
                    !headStump && ((!portrait && pawn?.jobs?.curDriver != null
                    ? !pawn.jobs.curDriver.asleep : portrait) || portrait))
                    Quaternion quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);

                    //Get base offset.
                    Vector3 baseHeadOffset = rootLoc;
                    if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North)
                        baseHeadOffset.y += 0.0281250011f;
                        rootLoc.y        += 0.0234375f;
                        baseHeadOffset.y += 0.0234375f;
                        rootLoc.y        += 0.0281250011f;

                    Vector3 headOffset = quat * __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing);

                    //Finalize offset.
                    Vector3 eyeOffset = baseHeadOffset + headOffset + new Vector3(0f, 0.01f, 0f);

                    //Render eyes.
                    if (headFacing != Rot4.North)
                        //Is not the back.
                        Mesh headMesh = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                        Log.Message("Glow eyes");
                        if (headFacing.IsHorizontal)
                            GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, eyeOffset, quat, PurpleEyes.GetEyeGraphic(false, new Color(0.368f, 0f, 1f)).MatSingle, portrait);
                            GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headMesh, eyeOffset, quat, PurpleEyes.GetEyeGraphic(true, new Color(0.368f, 0f, 1f)).MatSingle, portrait);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override void DrawBody(
            PawnWoundDrawer woundDrawer,
            Vector3 rootLoc,
            Quaternion quat,
            RotDrawMode bodyDrawType,
            bool renderBody,
            bool portrait)
            // renderBody is AFAIK only used for beds, so ignore it and undress
            if (renderBody || Controller.settings.IgnoreRenderBody)
                Vector3 bodyLoc = rootLoc;
                bodyLoc.x += this.CompAnimator.BodyAnim?.offCenterX ?? 0f;
                bodyLoc.y += Offsets.YOffset_Body;

                if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated &&
                    !this.Pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike &&
                    this.Pawn.Drawer.renderer.graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !portrait)
                    this.Pawn.Drawer.renderer.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(bodyLoc, this.BodyFacing, this.Pawn);
                    Mesh bodyMesh;
                    if (this.Pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                        bodyMesh = this.GetPawnMesh(true, portrait);
                        bodyMesh = this.Pawn.Drawer.renderer.graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(this.BodyFacing);

                    List <Material> bodyBaseAt = null;
                    bool            flag       = true;
                    if (!portrait && Controller.settings.HideShellWhileRoofed)
                        if (this.CompAnimator.InRoom)
                            MaxLayerToShow layer;
                            if (this.CompAnimator.InPrivateRoom)
                                layer = renderBody
                                        ? Controller.settings.LayerInPrivateRoom
                                        : Controller.settings.LayerInOwnedBed;
                                layer = renderBody ? Controller.settings.LayerInRoom : Controller.settings.LayerInBed;

                            bodyBaseAt = this.BodyBaseAt(this.Graphics, this.BodyFacing, bodyDrawType, layer);
                            flag       = false;

                    if (flag)
                        bodyBaseAt = this.Graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(this.BodyFacing, bodyDrawType);

                    foreach (Material material in bodyBaseAt)
                        Material damagedMat = this.Graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material);
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(bodyMesh, bodyLoc, quat, damagedMat, portrait);
                        bodyLoc.y += Offsets.YOffsetInterval_Clothes;

                    if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
                        Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc;
                        drawLoc.y += Offsets.YOffset_Wounds;

                        woundDrawer?.RenderOverBody(drawLoc, bodyMesh, quat, portrait);
        private static void RenderFacepaint(PawnRenderer instance, bool hideFacepaint, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump, Rot4 headFacing, Vector3 baseDrawPos, Quaternion quaternion, bool portrait)
            var pawn = instance.graphics.pawn;

            if (bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump &&
                pawn.GetComp <CompFacepaint>() is CompFacepaint facepaintComp)
                Mesh mesh = instance.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                if (facepaintComp.facepaintGraphicOne != null)
                    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, baseDrawPos - new Vector3(0, 0.0007f, 0), quaternion, facepaintComp.facepaintGraphicOne.MatAt(headFacing), portrait);
                if (facepaintComp.facepaintGraphicTwo != null)
                    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, baseDrawPos - new Vector3(0, 0.0005f, 0), quaternion, facepaintComp.facepaintGraphicTwo.MatAt(headFacing), portrait);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void RenderPawnAt(Vector3 drawLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump, bool invisible
                          , int curLevel, int baseLevel)
     if (!this.graphics.AllResolved)
     if (this.pawn.GetPosture() == PawnPosture.Standing)
         this.RenderPawnInternal(drawLoc, 0f, true, bodyDrawType, headStump, invisible, curLevel, baseLevel);
         if (this.pawn.carryTracker != null)
             Thing carriedThing = this.pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing;
             if (carriedThing != null)
                 Vector3 vector = drawLoc;
                 bool    flag   = false;
                 bool    flip   = false;
                 if (this.pawn.CurJob == null || !this.pawn.jobs.curDriver.ModifyCarriedThingDrawPos(ref vector, ref flag, ref flip))
                     if (carriedThing is Pawn || carriedThing is Corpse)
                         vector += new Vector3(0.44f, 0f, 0f);
                         vector += new Vector3(0.18f, 0f, 0.05f);
                 if (flag)
                     vector.y -= 0.03787879f;
                     vector.y += 0.03787879f;
                 carriedThing.DrawAt(vector, flip);
         if (!invisible)
             if (this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData != null)
                 if (this.shadowGraphic == null)
                     this.shadowGraphic = new Graphic_Shadow(this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData);
                 this.shadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
             if (this.graphics.nakedGraphic != null && this.graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic != null)
                 this.graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
         float        angle        = this.BodyAngle();
         Rot4         rot          = this.LayingFacing();
         Building_Bed building_Bed = this.pawn.CurrentBed();
         bool         renderBody;
         Vector3      rootLoc;
         if (building_Bed != null && this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
             renderBody = building_Bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody;
             AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)building_Bed.def.altitudeLayer, 16);
             Vector3       vector2;
             Vector3       a = vector2 = this.pawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer);
             vector2.y += 0.0265151523f;
             Rot4 rotation = building_Bed.Rotation;
             rotation.AsInt += 2;
             float   d  = -this.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z;
             Vector3 a2 = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
             rootLoc    = a + a2 * d;
             rootLoc.y += 0.007575758f;
             renderBody = true;
             rootLoc    = drawLoc;
             if (!this.pawn.Dead && this.pawn.CarriedBy == null)
                 rootLoc.y = AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn.AltitudeFor() + 0.007575758f;
         this.RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, angle, renderBody, rot, rot, bodyDrawType, false, headStump,
                                 invisible, curLevel, baseLevel);
     if (this.pawn.Spawned && !this.pawn.Dead)
        static void DrawImplant(HediffComp_DrawImplant comp, PawnRenderer __instance, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump)
        {// this.Pawn
            Pawn    pawn     = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>();
            bool    selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(pawn) && Prefs.DevMode;
            Rot4    rot      = bodyFacing;
            Vector3 vector3  = pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing) : new Vector3();
            Vector3 s        = new Vector3(pawn.BodySize * 1.75f, pawn.BodySize * 1.75f, pawn.BodySize * 1.75f);

            GetAltitudeOffset(pawn, comp.parent, rot, out float X, out float Y, out float Z, out float DsX, out float DsZ, out float ang);
            vector3.x += X;
            vector3.y += Y;
            vector3.z += Z;
            angle     += ang;
            s.x        = DsX;
            s.z        = DsZ;
            if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                vector3.x += 0.01f;
                vector3.z += -0.35f;

            Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);
            Vector3    b          = quaternion * vector3;
            Vector3    vector     = rootLoc;
            Vector3    a          = rootLoc;

            if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North)
                a.y      += 0.02734375f;
                vector.y += 0.0234375f;
                a.y      += 0.0234375f;
                vector.y += 0.02734375f;

             * Material material = __instance.graphics.HeadMatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType, headStump);
             * if (material != null)
             * {
             *  Mesh mesh2 = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
             *  GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, a + b, quaternion, material, portrait);
             * }
            Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b;

            loc2.y += 0.03105f;
            bool flag = false;

             * if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap)
             * {
             *  Mesh mesh3 = __instance.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
             *  List<ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = __instance.graphics.apparelGraphics;
             *  for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++)
             *  {
             *      if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead)
             *      {
             *          if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace)
             *          {
             *              flag = true;
             *              Material material2 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
             *              material2 = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material2);
             *              GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc2, quaternion, material2, portrait);
             *          }
             *          else
             *          {
             *              Material material3 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
             *              material3 = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material3);
             *              Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b;
             *              loc3.y += ((!(bodyFacing == Rot4.North)) ? 0.03515625f : 0.00390625f);
             *              GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc3, quaternion, material3, portrait);
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
            if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated)
                if (selected)
                    //    Log.Message(string.Format("{0}'s rootLoc: {1}, angle: {2}, renderBody: {3}, bodyFacing: {4}, headFacing: {5}, bodyDrawType: {6}, portrait: {7}", pawn.Label, rootLoc, angle, renderBody, bodyFacing.ToStringHuman(), headFacing.ToStringHuman(), bodyDrawType, portrait));
                if (!portrait)
                    //    Mesh mesh4 = __instance.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                    Material mat = comp.ImplantMaterial(pawn, pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? headFacing : bodyFacing);
                    //    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(headFacing == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, loc2, quaternion, mat, true);
                    Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
                    matrix.SetTRS(loc2, quaternion, s);
                    Graphics.DrawMesh((pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? headFacing : bodyFacing) == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, mat, 0);
                    //    Graphics.DrawMesh((pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike ? headFacing : bodyFacing) == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, mat, 0);

             * Material matSingle = comp.ImplantMaterial(pawn, rot);
             * Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);
             * matrix.SetTRS(drawPos, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), s);
             * Graphics.DrawMesh(rot == Rot4.West ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10, matrix, matSingle, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, RotDrawMode draw, bool headStump)
     RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, angle, renderBody, pawn.Rotation, pawn.Rotation, draw, portrait: false, headStump);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void RenderPawnAt(Vector3 drawLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump)
            if (!graphics.AllResolved)
            if (pawn.GetPosture() == PawnPosture.Standing)
                RenderPawnInternal(drawLoc, 0f, renderBody: true, bodyDrawType, headStump);
                if (pawn.carryTracker != null)
                    Thing carriedThing = pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing;
                    if (carriedThing != null)
                        Vector3 drawPos = drawLoc;
                        bool    behind  = false;
                        bool    flip    = false;
                        if (pawn.CurJob == null || !pawn.jobs.curDriver.ModifyCarriedThingDrawPos(ref drawPos, ref behind, ref flip))
                            drawPos = ((!(carriedThing is Pawn) && !(carriedThing is Corpse)) ? (drawPos + new Vector3(0.18f, 0f, 0.05f)) : (drawPos + new Vector3(0.44f, 0f, 0f)));
                        if (behind)
                            drawPos.y -= 0.0390625f;
                            drawPos.y += 0.0390625f;
                        carriedThing.DrawAt(drawPos, flip);
                if (pawn.def.race.specialShadowData != null)
                    if (shadowGraphic == null)
                        shadowGraphic = new Graphic_Shadow(pawn.def.race.specialShadowData);
                    shadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, pawn);
                if (graphics.nakedGraphic != null && graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic != null)
                    graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, pawn);
                Rot4         rot          = LayingFacing();
                Building_Bed building_Bed = pawn.CurrentBed();
                bool         renderBody;
                float        angle;
                Vector3      rootLoc;
                if (building_Bed != null && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                    renderBody = building_Bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody;
                    Rot4 rotation = building_Bed.Rotation;
                    rotation.AsInt += 2;
                    angle           = rotation.AsAngle;
                    AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)building_Bed.def.altitudeLayer, 15);
                    Vector3       vector   = pawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer);
                    Vector3       vector2  = vector;
                    vector2.y += 0.02734375f;
                    Vector3 vector3 = BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South);
                    float   d       = 0f - vector3.z;
                    Vector3 a       = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
                    rootLoc    = vector + a * d;
                    rootLoc.y += 0.0078125f;
                    renderBody = true;
                    rootLoc    = drawLoc;
                    if (!pawn.Dead && pawn.CarriedBy == null)
                        rootLoc.y = AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn.AltitudeFor() + 0.0078125f;
                    if (pawn.Downed || pawn.Dead)
                        angle = wiggler.downedAngle;
                    else if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                        angle = rot.AsAngle;
                        Rot4 rot2 = Rot4.West;
                        switch (pawn.thingIDNumber % 2)
                        case 0:
                            rot2 = Rot4.West;

                        case 1:
                            rot2 = Rot4.East;
                        angle = rot2.AsAngle;
                RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, angle, renderBody, rot, rot, bodyDrawType, portrait: false, headStump);
            if (pawn.Spawned && !pawn.Dead)
        public static void Patch_PawnRenderer_RenderPawnAt(PawnRenderer __instance, ref Vector3 drawLoc, ref RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, ref bool headStump)
            Pawn pawn = PawnRenderer_GetPawn(__instance);

            //Render shield.
            if (pawn != null && pawn.GetShield() is ThingWithComps shield)
                Vector3 bodyVector = drawLoc;

                CompShield shieldComp = shield.GetComp <CompShield>();
                bodyVector += shieldComp.ShieldProps.renderProperties.Rot4ToVector3(pawn.Rotation);

                shieldComp.RenderShield(bodyVector, pawn.Rotation, pawn, shield);
        public static bool Prefix(PawnRenderer __instance,
                                  ref Vector3 rootLoc,
                                  Quaternion quat,
                                  bool renderBody,
                                  Rot4 bodyFacing,
                                  Rot4 headFacing,
                                  RotDrawMode bodyDrawType,
                                  bool portrait,
                                  bool headStump)
            // Pawn pawn = (Pawn)PawnFieldInfo?.GetValue(__instance);
            PawnGraphicSet graphics = __instance.graphics;

            Pawn pawn = graphics.pawn;

            if (!pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && !Controller.settings.UsePaws)

            if (!graphics.AllResolved)

            CompFace compFace = pawn.GetCompFace();
            bool     hasFace  = compFace != null;

            // Let vanilla do the job if no FacePawn or pawn not a teenager or any other known mod accessing the renderer
            if (hasFace)
                if (compFace.IsChild || compFace.Deactivated)

            CompBodyAnimator compAnim = pawn.GetCompAnim();
            bool             showFeet = compAnim != null && Controller.settings.UseFeet;

            // No face, no animator, return
            if (!hasFace && compAnim == null)

            PawnWoundDrawer woundDrawer = (PawnWoundDrawer)WoundOverlayFieldInfo?.GetValue(__instance);

            // if (Patches2.Plants)
            // {
            //     if (pawn.Spawned)
            //     {
            //         Plant plant = (pawn.Position + IntVec3.South).GetPlant(pawn.Map);
            //         if (plant != null && Patches2.plantMoved.Contains(plant))
            //         {
            //             rootLoc.y = plant.DrawPos.y - (Patches2.steps / 2);
            //         }
            //     }
            // }

            // Try to move the y position behind while another pawn is standing near
            if (compAnim != null && (!portrait && pawn.Spawned && !compAnim.IsRider))
                RecalcRootLocY(ref rootLoc, pawn, compAnim);

            Vector3 baseDrawLoc = rootLoc;
            // Let's save the basic location for later
            Vector3 footPos = baseDrawLoc;

            // No face => must be animal, simplify it
            Quaternion bodyQuat = quat;
            Quaternion footQuat = bodyQuat;

            if (MainTabWindow_WalkAnimator.IsOpen)
                bodyFacing = MainTabWindow_BaseAnimator.BodyRot;
                headFacing = MainTabWindow_BaseAnimator.HeadRot;

            compFace?.TickDrawers(bodyFacing, headFacing, graphics);

            compAnim?.TickDrawers(bodyFacing, graphics);

            // Use the basic quat
            Quaternion headQuat = bodyQuat;

            // Rotate head if possible and wobble around
            if (!portrait || MainTabWindow_WalkAnimator.IsOpen)
                if (showFeet)
                    compAnim.ApplyBodyWobble(ref baseDrawLoc, ref footPos, ref bodyQuat);

                // Reset the quat as it has been changed
                headQuat = bodyQuat;
                compFace?.ApplyHeadRotation(renderBody, ref headQuat);

            // Regular FacePawn rendering 14+ years

            // Render body
            // if (renderBody)
            compAnim?.DrawBody(baseDrawLoc, bodyQuat, bodyDrawType, woundDrawer, renderBody, portrait);

            Vector3 bodyPos = baseDrawLoc;
            Vector3 headPos = baseDrawLoc;

            if (bodyFacing == Rot4.North)
                headPos.y += YOffset_Shell;
                bodyPos.y += YOffset_Head;
                headPos.y += YOffset_Head;
                bodyPos.y += YOffset_Shell;

            if (graphics.headGraphic != null)
                // Rendererd pawn faces

                Vector3 offsetAt = !hasFace
                                   ? __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(bodyFacing)
                                   : compFace.BaseHeadOffsetAt(portrait);

                Vector3 b           = bodyQuat * offsetAt;
                Vector3 headDrawLoc = headPos + b;

                if (!hasFace)
                    Material material = graphics.HeadMatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType, headStump);
                    if (material != null)
                        Mesh mesh2 = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, headDrawLoc, quat, material, portrait);
                    compFace.DrawBasicHead(out bool headDrawn, bodyDrawType, portrait, headStump, headDrawLoc, headQuat);
                    if (headDrawn)
                        if (bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump)
                            if (compFace.Props.hasWrinkles)
                                Vector3 wrinkleLoc = headDrawLoc;
                                wrinkleLoc.y += YOffset_Wrinkles;
                                compFace.DrawWrinkles(bodyDrawType, wrinkleLoc, headQuat, portrait);

                            if (compFace.Props.hasEyes)
                                Vector3 eyeLoc = headDrawLoc;
                                eyeLoc.y += YOffset_Eyes;

                                compFace.DrawNaturalEyes(eyeLoc, portrait, headQuat);

                                Vector3 browLoc = headDrawLoc;
                                browLoc.y += YOffset_Brows;
                                // the brow above
                                compFace.DrawBrows(browLoc, headQuat, portrait);

                                // and now the added eye parts
                                Vector3 unnaturalEyeLoc = headDrawLoc;
                                unnaturalEyeLoc.y += YOffset_UnnaturalEyes;
                                compFace.DrawUnnaturalEyeParts(unnaturalEyeLoc, headQuat, portrait);

                            // Portrait obviously ignores the y offset, thus render the beard after the body apparel (again)
                            if (compFace.Props.hasBeard)
                                Vector3 beardLoc = headDrawLoc;
                                Vector3 tacheLoc = headDrawLoc;

                                beardLoc.y += headFacing == Rot4.North ? -YOffset_Head : YOffset_Beard;
                                tacheLoc.y += (((headFacing == Rot4.North)) ? -YOffset_Head : YOffset_Tache);

                                compFace.DrawBeardAndTache(beardLoc, tacheLoc, portrait, headQuat);

                            if (compFace.Props.hasMouth)
                                Vector3 mouthLoc = headDrawLoc;
                                mouthLoc.y += YOffset_Mouth;
                                compFace.DrawNaturalMouth(mouthLoc, portrait, headQuat);
                            // Deactivated, looks kinda crappy ATM
                            // if (pawn.Dead)
                            // {
                            // Material deadEyeMat = faceComp.DeadEyeMatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType);
                            // if (deadEyeMat != null)
                            // {
                            // GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, locFacialY, headQuat, deadEyeMat, portrait);
                            // locFacialY.y += YOffsetInterval_OnFace;
                            // }

                            // }
                            // else

                if (!headStump)
                    Vector3 overHead = baseDrawLoc + b;
                    overHead.y += YOffset_OnHead;

                    Vector3 hairLoc          = overHead;
                    Vector3 headgearLoc      = overHead;
                    Vector3 hatInFrontOfFace = baseDrawLoc + b;

                    hairLoc.y          += YOffset_HairOnHead;
                    headgearLoc.y      += YOffset_GearOnHead;
                    hatInFrontOfFace.y += ((!(headFacing == Rot4.North)) ? YOffset_PostHead : YOffset_Behind);

                    compFace?.DrawHairAndHeadGear(hairLoc, headgearLoc,
                                                  headQuat, hatInFrontOfFace);

                    compFace?.DrawAlienHeadAddons(headPos, portrait, headQuat, overHead);

            if (!portrait)
                //   Traverse.Create(__instance).Method("DrawEquipment", rootLoc).GetValue();

                DrawEquipmentMethodInfo?.Invoke(__instance, new object[] { baseDrawLoc });

            if (!portrait)
                if (pawn.apparel != null)
                    List <Apparel> wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
                    foreach (Apparel ap in wornApparel)
                        DrawPos_Patch.offset        = baseDrawLoc;
                        DrawPos_Patch.offsetEnabled = true;
                        DrawPos_Patch.offsetEnabled = false;

                Vector3 bodyLoc = baseDrawLoc;
                bodyLoc.y += YOffset_Status;

                PawnHeadOverlays headOverlays = (PawnHeadOverlays)PawnHeadOverlaysFieldInfo?.GetValue(__instance);
                if (headOverlays != null)
                    compFace?.DrawHeadOverlays(headOverlays, bodyLoc, headQuat);

            compAnim?.DrawApparel(bodyQuat, bodyPos, portrait, renderBody);

            compAnim?.DrawAlienBodyAddons(bodyQuat, bodyPos, portrait, renderBody, bodyFacing);

            if (!portrait && pawn.RaceProps.Animal && pawn.inventory != null && pawn.inventory.innerContainer.Count > 0 &&
                graphics.packGraphic != null)
                Mesh mesh = graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, bodyPos, quat, graphics.packGraphic.MatAt(bodyFacing), 0);

            // No wobble for equipment, looks funnier - nah!
            // Vector3 equipPos = rootLoc;
            // equipPos.y = drawPos.y;

            //compAnim.DrawEquipment(drawPos, portrait);

            bool    showHands = Controller.settings.UseHands;
            Vector3 handPos   = bodyPos;

            if (renderBody || Controller.settings.IgnoreRenderBody)
                if (showHands)
                    // Reset the position for the hands
                    handPos.y = baseDrawLoc.y;
                    compAnim?.DrawHands(bodyQuat, handPos, portrait);

                if (showFeet)
                    compAnim.DrawFeet(bodyQuat, footQuat, footPos, portrait);

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void Postfix(PawnRenderer __instance, ref Pawn __state, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump)
            if (__state != null && __instance.graphics.headGraphic != null)
                bool isPawn = false;
                if (__state.Faction.def == FactionDefOf.PlayerColony || __state.Faction.def == FactionDefOf.PlayerTribe)
                    isPawn = __state.Name.ToStringShort.Equals("Happy");
                Quaternion quad          = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);
                Vector3    b             = quad * __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing);
                Vector3    loc2          = rootLoc + b;
                bool       forceShowHair = false;
                bool       hideHats      = HideHats(portrait);
                float      hairLoc       = 0;
                bool       flag          = false;
                List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = __instance.graphics.apparelGraphics;
                for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++)
                    Apparel sourceApparel = apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel;
                    if (sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead)
#if DEBUG && T
                        int i = 10324;
                        Log.ErrorOnce("---hats:", i);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <ThingDef, bool> kv in Settings.HatsThatHide)
                            Log.ErrorOnce(kv.Key + "  " + kv.Value, i);
                        Log.ErrorOnce("---Hair:", i);
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <HairDef, bool> kv in Settings.HairThatShows)
                            Log.ErrorOnce(kv.Key + "  " + kv.Value, i);
                        if (isPawn)
                            if (!Settings.HatsThatHide.TryGetValue(sourceApparel.def, out bool bb))
                                bb = false;
                            Log.Warning("Force no hair --- HatsThatHide[" + sourceApparel.def + "] = " + bb);
                        if (!hideHats)
                            if (!Settings.HatsThatHide.TryGetValue(sourceApparel.def, out bool force))
                                force = false;
                            forceShowHair = !force;

                        if (!sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace)
                            flag    = true;
                            loc2.y += 0.03125f;
                            hairLoc = loc2.y;
                            Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b;
                            loc3.y += ((!(bodyFacing == Rot4.North)) ? 0.03515625f : 0.00390625f);
                            hairLoc = loc3.y;
#if DEBUG && T
                if (isPawn && pawn.Name.ToStringShort.Equals("Happy"))
                    Log.Warning(pawn.Name.ToStringShort + " Hair: " + pawn.story.hairDef.defName + " HideAllHats: " + Settings.HideAllHats + " forceShowHair: " + forceShowHair + " flag: " + flag + " bodyDrawType: " + bodyDrawType + " headStump: " + headStump);
                if ((!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump) ||
                    (!hideHats && Settings.HairToHide.TryGetValue(__state.story.hairDef, out bool v) && v))
                    // Hair was already rendered
                else if ((hideHats || forceShowHair) && hairLoc > 0)
                    if (hairLoc > 0.001f)
                        loc2.y = hairLoc - 0.001f;

                        Material mat = __instance.graphics.HairMatAt(headFacing);
                        if (getBodySizeScalingMI != null && getModifiedHairMeshSetMI != null)
                            Vector3 scaledHairLoc = new Vector3(b.x, b.y, b.z);
                            float   scale         = (float)getBodySizeScalingMI.Invoke(null, new object[] { __state.ageTracker.CurLifeStage.bodySizeFactor, __state });
                            scaledHairLoc.x *= scale;
                            scaledHairLoc.z *= scale;
                            scaledHairLoc   += rootLoc;
                            scaledHairLoc.y  = loc2.y;
                            GraphicMeshSet meshSet = (GraphicMeshSet)getModifiedHairMeshSetMI.Invoke(null, new object[] { scale, __state });
                            GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(meshSet.MeshAt(headFacing), scaledHairLoc, quad, mat, portrait);
                            GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(__instance.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing), loc2, quad, mat, portrait);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        private static void RenderPawnInternal(PawnRenderer __instance, Vector3 rootLoc, Quaternion quat, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType = RotDrawMode.Fresh, bool portrait = false)
            Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>();

            if (!pawn.def.race.Humanlike)

            Corruption.CompPsyker         compPsyker     = pawn.TryGetComp <CompPsyker>();
            List <HediffComp_DrawImplant> implantDrawers = HarmonyPatches.implantDrawers(pawn);
            string patronName = "Emperor";
            bool   drawChaos  = false;

            if (compPsyker != null)
                patronName = compPsyker.patronName;
                //        Log.Message("GettingComp: " + patronName);
                if (patronName == "Khorne" || patronName == "Nurgle" || patronName == "Tzeentch" || patronName == "Undivided")
                    //            Log.Message("drawChaos");
                    drawChaos = true;

            if (!__instance.graphics.AllResolved)
            Mesh mesh = null;

            if (renderBody)
                Vector3 loc = rootLoc;
                loc.y += 0.005f;
                if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !portrait)
                    __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(loc, bodyFacing, pawn);
                    ThingDef_AlienRace alienDef = pawn.def as ThingDef_AlienRace;
                    if (alienDef != null)
                        Mesh mesh2;
                        if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Rotting)
                            if (__instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.ShouldDrawRotated)
                                mesh2 = MeshPool.GridPlane(portrait ? alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.CustomPortraitDrawSize : alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.CustomDrawSize);
                                Vector2 size = portrait ? alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.CustomPortraitDrawSize : alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.CustomDrawSize;
                                if (bodyFacing.IsHorizontal)
                                    size = size.Rotated();
                                if (bodyFacing == Rot4.West && (__instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.data == null || __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.data.allowFlip))
                                    mesh = MeshPool.GridPlaneFlip(size);
                                mesh = MeshPool.GridPlane(size);
                            mesh = (portrait ? alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.bodyPortraitSet.MeshAt(bodyFacing) : alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.bodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing));
                        if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                            mesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                            mesh = __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                    List <Material> list = __instance.graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType);
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        //               Material damagedMat = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(list[i]);
                        //               GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc, quat, damagedMat, portrait);
                        loc.y += 0.005f;
                        if (i == 0)
                            if (drawChaos)
                                Material markMat = (Corruption.AfflictionDrawerUtility.GetBodyOverlay(pawn.story.bodyType, patronName).MatAt(bodyFacing));
                                if (pawn.ageTracker.CurLifeStageIndex == 2 && pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                                    markMat.mainTextureScale  = new Vector2(1, 1.3f);
                                    markMat.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(0, -0.2f);
                                    if (bodyFacing == Rot4.West || bodyFacing == Rot4.East)
                                        markMat.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(-0.015f, -0.2f);
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc, quat, markMat, portrait);
                                loc.y += 0.005f;

                        if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
                            Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc;
                            drawLoc.y += 0.02f;
                            //                    Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("woundOverlays").GetValue<PawnWoundDrawer>().RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quat, portrait);
                Vector3 vector = rootLoc;
                Vector3 a      = rootLoc;
                if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North)
                    a.y      += 0.03f;
                    vector.y += 0.0249999985f;
                    a.y      += 0.0249999985f;
                    vector.y += 0.03f;
                if (__instance.graphics.headGraphic != null)
                    Vector3  b     = quat * __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing);
                    Mesh     mesh2 = MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                    Material mat   = __instance.graphics.HeadMatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType);
                    //            GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, a + b, quat, mat, portrait);
                    if (drawChaos)
                        Material headMarkMat = (AfflictionDrawerUtility.GetHeadGraphic(pawn, patronName).MatAt(bodyFacing));
                        //   vector.y += 0.005f;
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, a + b + new Vector3(0f, 0.004f, 0f), quat, headMarkMat, portrait);

                    Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b;
                    loc2.y += 0.035f;
                    bool flag  = false;
                    Mesh mesh3 = __instance.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                    List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = __instance.graphics.apparelGraphics;
                    for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++)
                        if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayer.Overhead)
                            flag = true;
                            Material material = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                            material = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material);
                            //               GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc2, quat, material, portrait);

                        if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated)
                            Mesh     mesh4 = __instance.graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);
                            Material mat2  = __instance.graphics.HairMatAt(headFacing);
                            //                   GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh4, loc2, quat, mat2, portrait);
                    if (renderBody)
                        for (int k = 0; k < __instance.graphics.apparelGraphics.Count; k++)
                            Material pauldronMat;
                            if (CompPauldronDrawer.ShouldDrawPauldron(pawn, __instance.graphics.apparelGraphics[k].sourceApparel, bodyFacing, out pauldronMat))
                                if (pawn.ageTracker.CurLifeStageIndex == 2)
                                    pauldronMat.mainTextureScale  = new Vector2(1.00f, 1.22f);
                                    pauldronMat.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(0, -0.1f);
                                vector.y += 0.035f;
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quat, pauldronMat, portrait);
                            ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphicRecord = __instance.graphics.apparelGraphics[k];
                            if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayer.Shell)
                                //           Material material2 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                                //           material2 = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material2);
                                //           GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quat, material2, portrait);
                            if (!pawn.Dead)
                                for (int l = 0; l < pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs.Count; l++)
                                    HediffComp_DrawImplant drawer;
                                    if ((drawer = pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs[l].TryGetComp <HediffComp_DrawImplant>()) != null)
                                        if (drawer.implantDrawProps.implantDrawerType != ImplantDrawerType.Head)
                                            vector.y += 0.005f;
                                            if (bodyFacing == Rot4.South && drawer.implantDrawProps.implantDrawerType == ImplantDrawerType.Backpack)
                                                vector.y -= 0.3f;
                                            Material implantMat = drawer.ImplantMaterial(pawn, bodyFacing);
                                            GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quat, implantMat, portrait);
                                            vector.y += 0.005f;
        public static bool RenderVampire(PawnRenderer __instance, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody,
                                         Rot4 bodyFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, PawnRenderFlags flags)
            Quaternion quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);

            Pawn p = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>();

            if (p?.Map?.GetComponent <MapComponent_HiddenTracker>()?.hiddenCharacters?.Contains(p) ?? false)
                if (VampireGraphicUtility.invisibleForm == null)
                    var graphicData = new GraphicData();
                    graphicData.drawSize = new Vector2(2, 2);
                    graphicData.texPath  = "Things/Pawn/Hidden/hidden";
                    VampireGraphicUtility.invisibleForm = graphicData.Graphic;
                __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic = VampireGraphicUtility.invisibleForm;
            if (p?.Map?.GetComponent <MapComponent_HiddenTracker>()?.toRemoveCharacters?.Contains(p) ?? false)
                __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic = null;
                if (p.IsVampire() && p.VampComp() is CompVampire vampCompy)
                    vampCompy.atDirty = true;
                p?.Map?.GetComponent <MapComponent_HiddenTracker>()?.toRemoveCharacters.Remove(p);
                //return false;
            if (p?.VampComp() is CompVampire v)
                if (v.Transformed)
                    if (__instance.graphics.nakedGraphic == null || v.CurFormGraphic == null || v.atDirty)
                        if (v.CurrentForm != null)
                            if (v.CurrentForm.GetCompProperties <CompAnimated.CompProperties_Animated>() is CompAnimated.CompProperties_Animated Props)
                                Graphic curGraphic = v.CurFormGraphic;
                                v.CurFormGraphic = CompAnimated.CompAnimated.ResolveCurGraphic(p, Props, ref curGraphic, ref v.atCurIndex, ref v.atCurTicks, ref v.atDirty, false);
                                v.CurFormGraphic = v.CurrentForm.bodyGraphicData.Graphic;
                            v.CurFormGraphic = p.kindDef.lifeStages[p.ageTracker.CurLifeStageIndex].bodyGraphicData.Graphic;// v.CurrentForm.lifeStages[0].bodyGraphicData.Graphic;
                        __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic = v.CurFormGraphic;
                    Mesh mesh = null;
                    if (renderBody)
                        Vector3 loc = rootLoc;
                        loc.y += 0.0046875f;
                        if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !p.RaceProps.Humanlike && __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !flags.HasFlag(PawnRenderFlags.Portrait))
                            __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(loc, bodyFacing, p);
                            mesh = __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                            List <Material> list = __instance.graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType);
                            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                                Material damagedMat  = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(list[i]);
                                Vector3  scaleVector = new Vector3(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z);
                                if (flags.HasFlag(PawnRenderFlags.Portrait))
                                    scaleVector.x *= 1f + (1f - (flags.HasFlag(PawnRenderFlags.Portrait) ?
                                                                 v.CurrentForm.bodyGraphicData.drawSize :
                                    scaleVector.z *= 1f + (1f - (flags.HasFlag(PawnRenderFlags.Portrait) ?
                                                                 v.CurrentForm.bodyGraphicData.drawSize :
                                    scaleVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc + scaleVector, quat, damagedMat, flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.DrawNow));

                                //GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, Matrix4x4.TRS(loc + scaleVector, quat, Vector3.one), damagedMat, flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.DrawNow));

                                loc.y += 0.0046875f;
                            if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
                                Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc;
                                drawLoc.y += 0.01875f;
                                Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("woundOverlays").GetValue <PawnWoundDrawer>().RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quat, flags.FlagSet(PawnRenderFlags.DrawNow), BodyTypeDef.WoundLayer.Body, bodyFacing);
                                //Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("woundOverlays").GetValue<PawnWoundDrawer>().RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quat, flags.HasFlag(PawnRenderFlags.Portrait), BodyTypeDef.WoundLayer.Body, bodyFacing);
                else if (!v.Transformed && v.CurFormGraphic != null)
                    v.CurFormGraphic = null;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, RotDrawMode draw, bool headStump, bool invisible, int curLevel, int baseLevel)
     this.RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, angle, renderBody, this.pawn.Rotation, this.pawn.Rotation, draw, false, headStump, invisible, curLevel, baseLevel);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public static void Postfix(PawnRenderer __instance, ref Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump)
     if (AnotherModCheck.ShowHair_On)
         Pawn pawn = (Pawn)PawnFI.GetValue(__instance);
         rootLoc = Children_Drawing.ModifyChildYPosOffset(rootLoc, pawn, portrait);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait
                                        , bool headStump, bool invisible, int curLevel, int baseLevel)
            if (!this.graphics.AllResolved)
            float scaledSize = 1.5f * (1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f));

            Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);
            Mesh       mesh       = null;

            if (renderBody)
                Vector3 loc = rootLoc;
                loc.y += 0.007575758f;
                if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && this.graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !portrait)
                    this.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(loc, bodyFacing, this.pawn, angle);
                    if (this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                        mesh = new GraphicMeshSet(scaledSize).MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                        Vector2 drawSize = this.graphics.nakedGraphic.drawSize;
                        drawSize.x *= 1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f);
                        drawSize.y *= 1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f);

                        var newGraphic = this.graphics.nakedGraphic.GetCopy(drawSize);
                        mesh = newGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                    List <Material> list = this.graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType);
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        Material mat = this.OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(list[i], this.pawn);
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc, quaternion, mat, portrait);
                        loc.y += 0.003787879f;
                    if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
                        Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc;
                        drawLoc.y += 0.0189393945f;
                        this.woundOverlays.RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quaternion, portrait);
            Vector3 vector = rootLoc;
            Vector3 a      = rootLoc;

            if (bodyFacing != Rot4.North)
                a.y      += 0.0265151523f;
                vector.y += 0.0227272734f;
                a.y      += 0.0227272734f;
                vector.y += 0.0265151523f;
            if (this.graphics.headGraphic != null)
                Vector3  b        = (quaternion * this.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing)) * (1f - (((float)(curLevel) - (float)baseLevel) / 5f));
                Material material = this.graphics.HeadMatAt(headFacing, bodyDrawType, headStump);
                if (material != null)
                    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(new GraphicMeshSet(scaledSize).MeshAt(headFacing), a + b, quaternion, material, portrait);
                Vector3 loc2 = rootLoc + b;
                loc2.y += 0.0303030312f;
                bool flag = false;
                if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap)
                    Mesh mesh2 = new GraphicMeshSet(scaledSize).MeshAt(headFacing);
                    List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = this.graphics.apparelGraphics;
                    for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++)
                        if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead)
                            if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace)
                                flag = true;
                                Material material2 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                                material2 = this.OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(material2, this.pawn);
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, loc2, quaternion, material2, portrait);
                                Material material3 = apparelGraphics[j].graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                                material3 = this.OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(material3, this.pawn);
                                Vector3 loc3 = rootLoc + b;
                                loc3.y += ((bodyFacing == Rot4.North) ? 0.003787879f : 0.03409091f);
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh2, loc3, quaternion, material3, portrait);
                if (!flag && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump)
                    Mesh     mesh3 = new GraphicMeshSet(scaledSize).MeshAt(headFacing);
                    Material mat2  = this.graphics.HairMatAt(headFacing);
                    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh3, loc2, quaternion, mat2, portrait);
            if (renderBody)
                for (int k = 0; k < this.graphics.apparelGraphics.Count; k++)
                    ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphicRecord = this.graphics.apparelGraphics[k];
                    if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Shell)
                        Material material4 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                        material4 = this.OverrideMaterialIfNeeded(material4, this.pawn);
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quaternion, material4, portrait);
            if (!portrait && this.pawn.RaceProps.Animal && this.pawn.inventory != null && this.pawn.inventory.innerContainer.Count > 0 && this.graphics.packGraphic != null)
                Graphics.DrawMesh(mesh, vector, quaternion, this.graphics.packGraphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null), 0);
            if (!portrait)
                if (this.pawn.apparel != null)
                    List <Apparel> wornApparel = this.pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
                    for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++)
                Vector3 bodyLoc = rootLoc;
                bodyLoc.y += 0.0416666679f;
                this.statusOverlays.RenderStatusOverlays(bodyLoc, quaternion, MeshPool.humanlikeHeadSet.MeshAt(headFacing));
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static bool RenderHulk(PawnRenderer __instance, Vector3 rootLoc, Quaternion quat, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump)
            Pawn p = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>();

            if (p?.GetComp <CompHulk>() is CompHulk compHulk && compHulk.IsTransformed)
                if (compHulk.CurrentHulkForm.bodyGraphicData == null || __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic == null)
                    compHulk.CurrentHulkForm.bodyGraphicData = compHulk.CurrentHulkForm.def.graphicData;
                    __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic         = compHulk.CurrentHulkForm.bodyGraphicData.Graphic;
                Mesh mesh = null;
                if (renderBody)
                    Vector3 loc = rootLoc;
                    loc.y += 0.0046875f;
                    if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !p.RaceProps.Humanlike && __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic != null && !portrait)
                        __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.Draw(loc, bodyFacing, p);
                        mesh = __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                        List <Material> list = __instance.graphics.MatsBodyBaseAt(bodyFacing, bodyDrawType);
                        for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                            Material damagedMat  = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(list[i]);
                            Vector3  scaleVector = new Vector3(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z);
                            if (portrait)
                                scaleVector.x *= 1f + (1f - (portrait ?
                                                             compHulk.CurrentHulkForm.def.CustomPortraitDrawSize :
                                scaleVector.z *= 1f + (1f - (portrait ?
                                                             compHulk.CurrentHulkForm.def.CustomPortraitDrawSize :
                                scaleVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                            GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, loc + scaleVector, quat, damagedMat, portrait);
                            loc.y += 0.0046875f;
                        if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Fresh)
                            Vector3 drawLoc = rootLoc;
                            drawLoc.y += 0.01875f;
                            Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("woundOverlays").GetValue <PawnWoundDrawer>().RenderOverBody(drawLoc, mesh, quat, portrait);
        static void Prefix(PawnRenderer __instance, ref Vector3 rootLoc, ref float angle, ref bool renderBody, ref Rot4 bodyFacing, ref Rot4 headFacing, ref RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, ref bool portrait, ref bool headStump, ref bool invisible)
            Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>();

            //    bool selected = Find.Selector.SelectedObjects.Contains(pawn) && Prefs.DevMode;
            if (invisible)
            if (!portrait)
                if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && pawn.CurrentBed() != null && pawn.CurrentBed().GetType() == typeof(Building_XenomorphCocoon))
                    //rootLoc.z += 1f;
                    //rootLoc.x += 1f;
                    if (pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.North)
                        //rootLoc.x += 0.5f;
                        rootLoc.z -= 0.5f;
                    else if (pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.South)
                        //rootLoc.x += 0.5f;
                        rootLoc.z += 0.5f;
                    else if (pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.East)
                        rootLoc.x -= 0.5f;
                        //rootLoc.z += 0.5f;
                    else if (pawn.CurrentBed().Rotation == Rot4.West)
                        rootLoc.x += 0.5f;
                        //rootLoc.z += 0.5f;
                        rootLoc = pawn.CurrentBed().DrawPos;
                bool pawnflag = !((pawn.kindDef.race.defName.StartsWith("Android") && pawn.kindDef.race.defName.Contains("Tier")) || pawn.kindDef.race.defName.Contains("ChjDroid") || pawn.kindDef.race.defName.Contains("ChjBattleDroid") || pawn.kindDef.race.defName.Contains("M7Mech"));
                if ((pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike && pawnflag) || pawn.kindDef.race.GetModExtension <OffsetDefExtension>() != null)
                    foreach (var hd in pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs)
                        HediffComp_DrawImplant comp = hd.TryGetComp <HediffComp_DrawImplant>();
                        if (comp != null)
                            DrawImplant(comp, __instance, rootLoc, angle, renderBody, bodyFacing, headFacing, bodyDrawType, portrait, headStump);

                } // DrawWornExtras()
                    foreach (var hd in pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs)
                        HediffComp_DrawImplant comp = hd.TryGetComp <HediffComp_DrawImplant>();
                        if (comp != null)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public virtual void DrawBasicHead(Vector3 drawLoc, Quaternion headQuat, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump, bool portrait, out bool headDrawn)
     headDrawn = false;
        public static void Postfix(PawnRenderer __instance, Pawn ___pawn, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool portrait, bool headStump, bool invisible)
            Pawn p = ___pawn;

            if (!Genital_Helper.has_penis_fertile(p) && !Genital_Helper.has_penis_infertile(p) && !Genital_Helper.has_multipenis(p))

            string originalPath = __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic.path;
            string modifiedPath = originalPath + "_Lewd";

            if (ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(modifiedPath + "_north", false) != null)
                if (p?.jobs?.curDriver != null && p.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_Sex ||
                    GraphicData originalGraphicData = p.ageTracker.CurKindLifeStage.bodyGraphicData;
                    Graphic     lewdGraphic         = CachedGraphics.LewdGraphics.TryGetValue(modifiedPath);

                    if (lewdGraphic != null)
                        Mesh lewdMesh = lewdGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                        rootLoc.y = (AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn - 1).AltitudeFor();
                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(lewdMesh, rootLoc, Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up), lewdGraphic.MatAt(bodyFacing), portrait);

                if (p?.jobs?.curDriver != null && p.jobs.curDriver is JobDriver_Sex)
                    if (p.jobs.curDriver.ticksLeftThisToil <= 30f)
                        if (timeSinceSex.ContainsKey(p))
                            timeSinceSex[p] = GenTicks.TicksGame - Rand.Range(0, 180);
                            timeSinceSex.Add(p, GenTicks.TicksGame);
                else if (timeSinceSex.ContainsKey(p) && timeSinceSex[p] + 1000 < GenTicks.TicksGame) //time delay to disappearing texture on job end
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public virtual void DrawHairAndHeadGear(Vector3 hairLoc, Vector3 headgearLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, Quaternion headQuat,
                                         bool renderBody, bool portrait,
                                         Vector3 hatInFrontOfFace)
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public static int CalculateGraphicsHash(this PawnGraphicSet graphicsSet, TerrainMovementPawnKindGraphics graphicsExt, Rot4 facing, RotDrawMode bodyCondition)
            int num = facing.AsInt + 1000 * (int)bodyCondition;

            if (graphicsExt != null)
                num += graphicsExt.pawnSpeedStat.GetHashCode();
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public virtual void DrawWrinkles(Vector3 drawLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, Quaternion headQuat, bool portrait)
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private void RenderPawnInternal(Vector3 rootLoc, Quaternion quat, bool renderBody, RotDrawMode draw, bool headStump)
     this.RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, quat, renderBody, this.pawn.Rotation, this.pawn.Rotation, draw, false, headStump);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static void PawnRenderer_RenderPawnInternal_Postfix(ref PawnRenderer __instance, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType = RotDrawMode.Fresh, bool portrait = false, bool headStump = false)
            if (!__instance.graphics.AllResolved)
            Mesh       mesh = null;
            Quaternion quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, Vector3.up);
            Pawn       pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>();

            if (AdeptusIntergrationUtil.enabled_AlienRaces)
                AM_PawnRenderer_RenderPawnInternal_DrawExtras_Patch.AlienRacesPatch(ref __instance, rootLoc, angle, renderBody, bodyFacing, headFacing, out mesh, bodyDrawType, portrait, headStump);
                if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                    mesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                    mesh = __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
            if (renderBody)
                Vector3 vector = rootLoc;
                if (pawn.apparel != null && pawn.apparel.WornApparelCount > 0)
                    for (int k = 0; k < pawn.apparel.WornApparel.Count; k++)
                        if (pawn.apparel.WornApparel[k].TryGetComp <CompPauldronDrawer>() != null)
                            foreach (CompPauldronDrawer Pauldron in pawn.apparel.WornApparel[k].AllComps.Where(x => x.GetType() == typeof(CompPauldronDrawer)))
                                if (!Pauldron.Props.PauldronEntries.NullOrEmpty())
                                    if (!Pauldron.pauldronInitialized)
                                        if (Rand.Chance(Pauldron.Props.PauldronEntryChance))
                                            Pauldron.shoulderPadEntry    = Pauldron.Props.PauldronEntries.RandomElementByWeight((ShoulderPadEntry x) => x.commonality);
                                            Pauldron.pauldronGraphicPath = Pauldron.shoulderPadEntry.padTexPath;
                                            Pauldron.useSecondaryColor   = Pauldron.shoulderPadEntry.UseSecondaryColor;
                                            Pauldron.padType             = Pauldron.shoulderPadEntry.shoulderPadType;
                                        Pauldron.pauldronInitialized = true;
                                    if (Pauldron.ShouldDrawPauldron(pawn, bodyFacing, out Material pauldronMat))
                                        vector.y += Pauldron.GetAltitudeOffset(bodyFacing);
                                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quat, pauldronMat, portrait);
                                        //    vector.y += CompPauldronDrawer.MinClippingDistance;
                        if (pawn.apparel.WornApparel[k].TryGetComp <CompApparelExtraDrawer>() != null)
                            foreach (CompApparelExtraDrawer Extas in pawn.apparel.WornApparel[k].AllComps.Where(x => x.GetType() == typeof(CompApparelExtraDrawer)))
                                if (!Extas.pprops.ExtrasEntries.NullOrEmpty())
                                    if (Extas.ShouldDrawExtra(pawn, pawn.apparel.WornApparel[k], bodyFacing, out Material extraMat))
                                        Vector3 drawAt = vector;
                                        if (Extas.onHead)
                                            drawAt = vector + __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing);
                                        drawAt.y += Extas.GetAltitudeOffset(bodyFacing, Extas.ExtraPartEntry);
                                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, drawAt, quat, extraMat, portrait);
                                        //    vector.y += CompApparelExtaDrawer.MinClippingDistance;
                        Apparel_VisibleAccessory VisibleAccessory;
                        if (pawn.apparel.WornApparel[k].GetType() == typeof(Apparel_VisibleAccessory))
                            VisibleAccessory = (Apparel_VisibleAccessory)pawn.apparel.WornApparel[k];
                        //ApparelGraphicRecord apparelGraphicRecord = __instance.graphics.apparelGraphics[k];
                        //if (apparelGraphicRecord.sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayer.Shell)
                        //           Material material2 = apparelGraphicRecord.graphic.MatAt(bodyFacing, null);
                        //           material2 = __instance.graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(material2);
                        //           GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, vector, quat, material2, portrait);

                if (!pawn.Dead)
                    for (int l = 0; l < pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs.Count; l++)
                        Vector3 drawAt = vector;
                        HediffComp_DrawImplant_AdMech drawer = pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs[l].TryGetComp <HediffComp_DrawImplant_AdMech>();
                        if (drawer != null)
                            Material material = null;
                            if (drawer.implantDrawProps.implantDrawerType != ImplantDrawerType.Head)
                                drawAt.y += 0.005f;
                                if (bodyFacing == Rot4.South && drawer.implantDrawProps.implantDrawerType == ImplantDrawerType.Backpack)
                                    drawAt.y -= 0.3f;
                                material = drawer.ImplantMaterial(pawn, bodyFacing);
                                //    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, drawAt, quat, material, portrait);
                                if (!pawn.Downed && !pawn.Dead && drawer.implantDrawProps.useHeadOffset)
                                    drawAt = vector + __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing);
                                    if (pawn.Downed || pawn.Dead && drawer.implantDrawProps.useHeadOffset)
                                        drawAt.y = vector.y + __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing).y;
                                drawAt.y += 0.005f;
                                material  = drawer.ImplantMaterial(pawn, headFacing);
                                //    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, drawAt, quat, material, portrait);

                            if (material != null)
                                //    GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh, drawAt , quat, material, portrait);

                                //                                                                                        Angle calculation to not pick the shortest, taken from Quaternion.Angle and modified
                                GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh: mesh, loc: drawAt + drawer.offsetVector().RotatedBy(angle: Mathf.Acos(f: Quaternion.Dot(a: Quaternion.identity, b: quat)) * 2f * 57.29578f),
                                                           quat: quat, mat: material, drawNow: portrait);

                                drawAt.y += HediffComp_DrawImplant_AdMech.MinClippingDistance;
                        HediffComp_Shield _Shield;
                        if ((_Shield = pawn.health.hediffSet.hediffs[l].TryGetComp <HediffComp_Shield>()) != null)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public void RenderPawnAt(Vector3 drawLoc, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType, bool headStump)
     if (!this.graphics.AllResolved)
     if (this.pawn.GetPosture() == PawnPosture.Standing)
         this.RenderPawnInternal(drawLoc, Quaternion.identity, true, bodyDrawType, headStump);
         if (this.pawn.carryTracker != null)
             Thing carriedThing = this.pawn.carryTracker.CarriedThing;
             if (carriedThing != null)
                 Vector3 vector = drawLoc;
                 bool    flag   = false;
                 bool    flip   = false;
                 if (this.pawn.CurJob == null || !this.pawn.jobs.curDriver.ModifyCarriedThingDrawPos(ref vector, ref flag, ref flip))
                     if (carriedThing is Pawn || carriedThing is Corpse)
                         vector += new Vector3(0.44f, 0f, 0f);
                         vector += new Vector3(0.18f, 0f, 0.05f);
                 if (flag)
                     vector.y -= 0.0390625f;
                     vector.y += 0.0390625f;
                 carriedThing.DrawAt(vector, flip);
         if (this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData != null)
             if (this.shadowGraphic == null)
                 this.shadowGraphic = new Graphic_Shadow(this.pawn.def.race.specialShadowData);
             this.shadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
         if (this.graphics.nakedGraphic != null && this.graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic != null)
             this.graphics.nakedGraphic.ShadowGraphic.Draw(drawLoc, Rot4.North, this.pawn, 0f);
         Rot4         rot          = this.LayingFacing();
         Building_Bed building_Bed = this.pawn.CurrentBed();
         bool         renderBody;
         Quaternion   quat;
         Vector3      rootLoc;
         if (building_Bed != null && this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
             renderBody = building_Bed.def.building.bed_showSleeperBody;
             Rot4 rotation = building_Bed.Rotation;
             rotation.AsInt += 2;
             quat            = rotation.AsQuat;
             AltitudeLayer altLayer = (AltitudeLayer)Mathf.Max((int)building_Bed.def.altitudeLayer, 15);
             Vector3       vector2  = this.pawn.Position.ToVector3ShiftedWithAltitude(altLayer);
             Vector3       vector3  = vector2;
             vector3.y += 0.02734375f;
             float   d = -this.BaseHeadOffsetAt(Rot4.South).z;
             Vector3 a = rotation.FacingCell.ToVector3();
             rootLoc    = vector2 + a * d;
             rootLoc.y += 0.0078125f;
             renderBody = true;
             rootLoc    = drawLoc;
             if (!this.pawn.Dead && this.pawn.CarriedBy == null)
                 rootLoc.y = Altitudes.AltitudeFor(AltitudeLayer.LayingPawn) + 0.0078125f;
             if (this.pawn.Downed || this.pawn.Dead)
                 quat = Quaternion.AngleAxis(this.wiggler.downedAngle, Vector3.up);
             else if (this.pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                 quat = rot.AsQuat;
                 Rot4 rot2 = Rot4.West;
                 int  num  = this.pawn.thingIDNumber % 2;
                 if (num != 0)
                     if (num == 1)
                         rot2 = Rot4.East;
                     rot2 = Rot4.West;
                 quat = rot2.AsQuat;
         this.RenderPawnInternal(rootLoc, quat, renderBody, rot, rot, bodyDrawType, false, headStump);
     if (this.pawn.Spawned && !this.pawn.Dead)
Ejemplo n.º 28
        static void AlienRacesPatch(ref PawnRenderer __instance, Vector3 rootLoc, float angle, bool renderBody, Rot4 bodyFacing, Rot4 headFacing, out Mesh mesh, RotDrawMode bodyDrawType = RotDrawMode.Fresh, bool portrait = false, bool headStump = false)
            mesh = null;
            Pawn pawn = Traverse.Create(__instance).Field("pawn").GetValue <Pawn>();

            AlienRace.ThingDef_AlienRace alienDef = pawn.def as AlienRace.ThingDef_AlienRace;
            if (alienDef != null)
                Mesh mesh2;
                if (bodyDrawType == RotDrawMode.Rotting)
                    if (__instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.ShouldDrawRotated)
                        mesh2 = MeshPool.GridPlane(portrait ? alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.customPortraitDrawSize : alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.customDrawSize);
                        Vector2 size = portrait ? alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.customPortraitDrawSize : alienDef.alienRace.generalSettings.alienPartGenerator.customDrawSize;
                        if (bodyFacing.IsHorizontal)
                            size = size.Rotated();
                        if (bodyFacing == Rot4.West && (__instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.data == null || __instance.graphics.dessicatedGraphic.data.allowFlip))
                            mesh = MeshPool.GridPlaneFlip(size);
                        mesh = MeshPool.GridPlane(size);
                    AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator.AlienComp comp = pawn.TryGetComp <AlienRace.AlienPartGenerator.AlienComp>();
                    if (comp != null)
                        mesh = (portrait ? comp.alienPortraitGraphics.bodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing) : comp.alienGraphics.bodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing));
                if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                    mesh = MeshPool.humanlikeBodySet.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
                    mesh = __instance.graphics.nakedGraphic.MeshAt(bodyFacing);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public static bool Prefix(PawnGraphicSet __instance, ref Material __result, Rot4 facing, RotDrawMode bodyCondition = RotDrawMode.Fresh, bool stump = false, bool portrait = false, bool allowOverride = true)
     return(PawnGraphicSet_HairMatAt_Patch.ShouldShowHead(__instance.pawn, portrait));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public static void DrawBackHairLayer(PawnRenderer __instance,
                                             ref Vector3 rootLoc,
                                             ref float angle,
                                             ref Rot4 headFacing,
                                             ref RotDrawMode bodyDrawType,
                                             ref bool portrait,
                                             ref bool headStump)
            PawnGraphicSet graphics = __instance.graphics;

            if (!graphics.AllResolved)
            Graphic_Multi_BHair hairGraphicExtended = graphics.hairGraphic as Graphic_Multi_BHair;

            //if has head and hair graphics
            if (graphics.headGraphic != null && hairGraphicExtended != null)
                Material hairMat = hairGraphicExtended.BackMatAt(headFacing);

                if (hairMat != null)
                    //-------------------------REPLICATED VANILLA CODE-------------------------
                    Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle, new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f));
                    Vector3    b          = quaternion * __instance.BaseHeadOffsetAt(headFacing);
                    Vector3    loc2       = rootLoc + b;
                    //-------------------------REPLICATED VANILLA CODE-------------------------

                    //loc2.y -= 0.0303030312f;    //changed from original, used to be +=

                    bool hideHair = false;
                    if (!portrait || !Prefs.HatsOnlyOnMap)
                        List <ApparelGraphicRecord> apparelGraphics = graphics.apparelGraphics;
                        for (int j = 0; j < apparelGraphics.Count; j++)
                            if (apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.LastLayer == ApparelLayerDefOf.Overhead)
                                if (!apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.apparel.hatRenderedFrontOfFace)
                                    if (HarmonyPatches_BHair.loadedShowHair)
                                        hideHair = Compat_ShowHair.SHCompat_ShouldHideHair(graphics.pawn, apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def, portrait);
                                    else if (HarmonyPatches_BHair.loadedHatDisplaySelection)
                                        hideHair = Compat_HatDisplaySelection.HDCompat_ShouldHideHair(graphics.pawn, apparelGraphics[j].sourceApparel.def.defName);
                                        hideHair = true;

                    if (!hideHair && bodyDrawType != RotDrawMode.Dessicated && !headStump)
                        if (graphics.pawn.IsInvisible())
                            hairMat = InvisibilityMatPool.GetInvisibleMat(hairMat);
                        Material resultMat = graphics.flasher.GetDamagedMat(hairMat);

                        Mesh hairMesh = null;
                        if (HarmonyPatches_BHair.loadedAlienRace)
                            //use modified hair mesh after processed by Alien Race/Babies And Children
                            hairMesh = Patch_AlienRace.ARCompat_GetCopiedMesh();

                        if (HarmonyPatches_BHair.loadedRimWorldChildren)
                            //use modified hair mesh after processed by RimWorldChildren
                            hairMesh  = Patch_RimWorldChildren.RCCompat_GetCopiedMesh();
                            resultMat = Patch_RimWorldChildren.RCCompat_ModifyHairForChild(resultMat, graphics.pawn);

                            //alternate calling method for manual calling
                            //hairMesh = Compat_RimWorldChildren.RCCompat_GetModifiedPawnHairMesh(graphics, graphics.pawn, headFacing);

                        if (hairMesh == null)
                            hairMesh = graphics.HairMeshSet.MeshAt(headFacing);

                        GenDraw.DrawMeshNowOrLater(mesh: hairMesh, mat: resultMat, loc: loc2, quat: quaternion, drawNow: portrait);