Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void When_a_subcommand_has_been_specified_then_its_sibling_commands_will_not_be_suggested()
            var rootCommand = new RootCommand
                new Command("apple")
                    new Option("--cortland")
                new Command("banana")
                    new Option("--cavendish")
                new Command("cherry")
                    new Option("--rainier")

            var result = rootCommand.Parse("cherry ");

            result.GetSuggestions().Should().NotContain(new[] { "apple", "banana", "cherry" });
                public void When_option_is_not_respecified_but_limit_is_not_reached_then_the_following_token_is_used_as_value()
                    var animalsOption = new Option(new[] { "-a", "--animals" })
                        AllowMultipleArgumentsPerToken = true,
                        Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore
                    var vegetablesOption = new Option(new[] { "-v", "--vegetables" })
                        Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore

                    var command = new RootCommand

                    var result = command.Parse("-a cat dog -v carrot");

                    .Select(t => t.Value)
                    .BeEquivalentTo(new[] { "cat", "dog" });

                    .Select(t => t.Value)

Ejemplo n.º 3
            public void tokens_that_cannot_be_converted_by_multiple_arity_option_flow_to_next_single_arity_argument()
                var option   = new Option <int[]>("-i");
                var argument = new Argument <string>("arg");

                var command = new RootCommand

                var result = command.Parse("-i 1 2 3 four");

                .BeEquivalentTo(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, options => options.WithStrictOrdering());

        [Fact] // https://github.com/dotnet/command-line-api/issues/1573
        public void Multiple_validators_on_the_same_option_do_not_report_duplicate_errors()
            var option = new Option <string>("-x");

            option.AddValidator(result => result.ErrorMessage = "Wrong");
            option.AddValidator(_ => { });

            var command = new RootCommand

            var parseResult = command.Parse("-x b");

        [Fact] // https://github.com/dotnet/command-line-api/issues/1573
        public void Multiple_validators_on_the_same_argument_do_not_report_duplicate_errors()
            var argument = new Argument <string>();

            argument.AddValidator(result => result.ErrorMessage = "Wrong");
            argument.AddValidator(_ => { });

            var command = new RootCommand

            var parseResult = command.Parse("b");

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void When_a_subcommand_has_been_specified_then_its_child_options_will_be_suggested()
            var command = new RootCommand("parent")
                new Argument <string>(),
                new Command("child")
                    new Option("--child-option")
                        Argument = new Argument <string>()

            var commandLine = "child ";
            var parseResult = command.Parse(commandLine);

            .Suggestions(commandLine.Length + 1)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Response_files_can_refer_to_other_response_files()
            var file3 = ResponseFile("--three", "3");
            var file2 = ResponseFile($"@{file3}", "--two", "2");
            var file1 = ResponseFile("--one", "1", $"@{file2}");

            var option1 = new Option <int>("--one");
            var option2 = new Option <int>("--two");
            var option3 = new Option <int>("--three");

            var command = new RootCommand {
                option1, option2, option3

            var result = command.Parse($"@{file1}");

        public void CommandLineText_preserves_command_line_prior_to_splitting_when_complete_command_line_is_parsed()
            var command = new RootCommand
                new Command("verb")
                    new Option <int>("-x")

            var commandLine = "verb -x 123";

            var parseResult = command.Parse(commandLine);

            .BeOfType <TextCompletionContext>()
Ejemplo n.º 9
            public void tokens_that_cannot_be_converted_by_multiple_arity_argument_flow_to_next_single_arity_argument()
                var ints    = new Argument <int[]>();
                var strings = new Argument <string>();

                var root = new RootCommand {
                    ints, strings

                var result = root.Parse("1 2 3 four five");

                var _ = new AssertionScope();

                .BeEquivalentTo(new[] { 1, 2, 3 }, options => options.WithStrictOrdering());


Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command Line Parms</param>
        public static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            List <string> cmd = MergeEnvVarIntoCommandArgs(args);

            // build the System.CommandLine.RootCommand
            RootCommand root = BuildRootCommand();

            // parse the command line
            ParseResult parse = root.Parse(cmd.ToArray());

            if (parse.Errors.Count > 0)
                return(await root.InvokeAsync(cmd.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false));

            // add ctl-c handler

            // run the app
            using Config cfg = Config.LoadFromCommandLine(parse);
            return(await App.Run(cfg).ConfigureAwait(false));
        [Fact] // https://github.com/dotnet/command-line-api/issues/1540
        public void When_a_required_global_option_is_omitted_it_results_in_an_error()
            var command     = new Command("child");
            var rootCommand = new RootCommand {

            command.SetHandler(() => { });
            var requiredOption = new Option <bool>("--i-must-be-set")
                IsRequired = true


            var result = rootCommand.Parse("child");

            .Which.Message.Should().Be("Option '--i-must-be-set' is required.");
            public void Multiple_arguments_of_unspecified_type_are_parsed_correctly()
                var sourceArg      = new Argument <string>("source");
                var destinationArg = new Argument <string>("destination");
                var root           = new RootCommand

                var result = root.Parse("src.txt dest.txt");


            public void Unsatisfied_subsequent_argument_with_min_arity_0_parses_as_default_value()
                var arg1 = new Argument <string>
                    Arity = ArgumentArity.ExactlyOne
                var arg2 = new Argument <string>
                    Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrOne,

                var rootCommand = new RootCommand

                var result = rootCommand.Parse("value-1");

Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void When_a_subcommand_with_subcommands_has_been_specified_then_its_sibling_commands_will_not_be_suggested()
            var rootCommand = new RootCommand
                new Command("apple")
                    new Command("cortland")
                new Command("banana")
                    new Command("cavendish")
                new Command("cherry")
                    new Command("rainier")

            var commandLine = "cherry";
            var result      = rootCommand.Parse(commandLine);

            result.GetSuggestions(commandLine.Length + 1).Should().BeEquivalentTo("rainier");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var root_command = new RootCommand {
                new Option <FileInfo>("-f", getDefaultValue: () => new FileInfo("out.wav"), "Where the audio will be stored"),
                new Option <int>("-s", getDefaultValue: () => 60, "The length of the audio clip"),
                new Option <int>("-b", getDefaultValue: () => 44100, "The audio bitrate"),
                new Option <int>("-d", getDefaultValue: () => 16, "The audio bit depth"),
                new Option <bool>("-m", getDefaultValue: () => false, "Enable stereo audio"),
                new Option <int>("-l", getDefaultValue: () => 60, "Leakyness of the integrator")

            root_command.Description = "Generates a WAV file containing processed noise.";

            root_command.Handler = CommandHandler.Create(() =>
                    var res = root_command.Parse(args);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occured. The operation has been aborted.");

Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void When_a_subcommand_has_been_specified_then_its_siblings_will_not_be_suggested()
            var rootCommand = new RootCommand
                new Command("apple")
                    new Option("--cortland")
                new Command("banana")
                    new Option("--cavendish")
                new Command("cherry")
                    new Option("--rainier")

            var result = rootCommand.Parse("cherry ");

Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void When_a_subcommand_has_been_specified_then_its_sibling_commands_aliases_will_not_be_suggested()
            var apple = new Command("apple")
                new Option("--cortland")


            var banana = new Command("banana")
                new Option("--cavendish")


            var rootCommand = new RootCommand {
                apple, banana

            var result = rootCommand.Parse("banana ");

            result.GetSuggestions().Should().NotContain(new[] { "apl", "bnn" });
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Parser_root_Options_can_be_specified_multiple_times_and_their_arguments_are_collated()
            var animalsOption    = new Option <string[]>(new[] { "-a", "--animals" });
            var vegetablesOption = new Option <string[]>(new[] { "-v", "--vegetables" });
            var parser           = new RootCommand

            var result = parser.Parse("-a cat -v carrot -a dog");

            .Select(t => t.Value)
            .BeEquivalentTo("cat", "dog");

            .Select(t => t.Value)
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Main entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Command Line Parms</param>
        public static async Task <int> Main(string[] args)
            // merge environment variables into command line for parsing
            var cmd = MergeEnvVarIntoCommandArgs(args);

            // build the System.CommandLine.RootCommand
            RootCommand root = BuildRootCommand();

            // handle version
            // ignores all other parameters
            if (cmd.Contains("--version"))

            // parse the command line
            ParseResult parse = root.Parse(cmd.ToArray());

            // display errors and help
            if (parse.Errors.Count > 0)
                return(await root.InvokeAsync(cmd.ToArray()).ConfigureAwait(false));

            // load the config from the ParseResult
            Config config = Config.LoadFromCommandLine(parse);

            if (config.DryRun)

            // run the app
Ejemplo n.º 20
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            var cmd = new RootCommand()
                new Option(new[] { "--foo", "-f" }, "A value used for something.")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>("foo")

            // translate from Bullseye to System.CommandLine
            cmd.Add(new Argument("targets")
                Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore, Description = "The targets to run or list."
            foreach (var option in Options.Definitions)
                cmd.Add(new Option(new[] { option.ShortName, option.LongName }.Where(n => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(n)).ToArray(), option.Description));

            cmd.Handler = CommandHandler.Create <string>(foo =>
                // translate from System.CommandLine to Bullseye
                var cmdLine = cmd.Parse(args);
                var targets = cmdLine.CommandResult.Tokens.Select(token => token.Value);
                var options = new Options(Options.Definitions.Select(o => (o.LongName, cmdLine.ValueForOption <bool>(o.LongName))));

                Target("build", () => System.Console.WriteLine($"foo = {foo}"));

                Target("default", DependsOn("build"));

                RunTargetsAndExit(targets, options);

Ejemplo n.º 21
            public void Multiple_command_arguments_can_have_custom_parse_delegates()
                var root = new RootCommand
                    new Argument <FileInfo[]>(
                        argumentResult =>
                        argumentResult.ErrorMessage = "nope";
                        Arity = new ArgumentArity(0, 2)
                    new Argument <DirectoryInfo>(
                        argumentResult =>
                        argumentResult.ErrorMessage = "UH UH";
                        Arity = ArgumentArity.ExactlyOne

                var result = root.Parse("a.txt b.txt /path/to/dir");

                result.Errors.Select(e => e.Message).Should().Contain("nope");

                result.Errors.Select(e => e.Message).Should().Contain("UH UH");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            object[] attributes = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), false);
            _assemblyTitle = ((AssemblyTitleAttribute)attributes[0]).Title;
            attributes     = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false);

            _assemblyVersion =
                Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MainClass).Assembly, typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute))
                as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute;

            _assemblyCopyright = ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)attributes[0]).Copyright;

            if (args.Length == 1 &&
                args[0].ToLowerInvariant() == "gui")

            AaruConsole.WriteLineEvent      += System.Console.WriteLine;
            AaruConsole.WriteEvent          += System.Console.Write;
            AaruConsole.ErrorWriteLineEvent += System.Console.Error.WriteLine;


            AaruContext ctx;

                ctx = AaruContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath);
            catch (NotSupportedException)
                ctx = AaruContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath);

                ExecuteSqlRaw("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"__EFMigrationsHistory\" (\"MigrationId\" TEXT PRIMARY KEY, \"ProductVersion\" TEXT)");

                foreach (string migration in ctx.Database.GetPendingMigrations())
                    ExecuteSqlRaw($"INSERT INTO \"__EFMigrationsHistory\" (MigrationId, ProductVersion) VALUES ('{migration}', '0.0.0')");


            // Remove duplicates
            foreach (var duplicate in ctx.SeenDevices.AsEnumerable() !.GroupBy(a => new
            }).Where(a => a.Count() > 1).Distinct().Select(a => a.Key))
                ctx.RemoveRange(ctx.SeenDevices !.
                                Where(d => d.Manufacturer == duplicate.Manufacturer && d.Model == duplicate.Model &&
                                      d.Revision == duplicate.Revision && d.Bus == duplicate.Bus).Skip(1));

            // Remove nulls
            ctx.RemoveRange(ctx.SeenDevices !.Where(d => d.Manufacturer == null && d.Model == null &&
                                                    d.Revision == null));


            bool mainDbUpdate = false;

            if (!File.Exists(Settings.Settings.MainDbPath))
                mainDbUpdate = true;

            var mainContext = AaruContext.Create(Settings.Settings.MainDbPath);

            if (mainContext.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any())
                AaruConsole.WriteLine("New database version, updating...");

                catch (Exception)
                    AaruConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Exception trying to remove old database version, cannot continue...");
                    AaruConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Please manually remove file at {0}", Settings.Settings.MainDbPath);


            // GDPR level compliance does not match and there are no arguments or the arguments are neither GUI neither configure.
            if (Settings.Settings.Current.GdprCompliance < DicSettings.GDPR_LEVEL &&
                (args.Length < 1 || (args.Length >= 1 && args[0].ToLowerInvariant() != "gui" &&
                                     args[0].ToLowerInvariant() != "configure")))
                new ConfigureCommand().DoConfigure(true);



            var rootCommand = new RootCommand();

            rootCommand.AddGlobalOption(new Option(new[]
                "--verbose", "-v"
            }, "Shows verbose output.")
                Argument = new Argument <bool>(() => false)

            rootCommand.AddGlobalOption(new Option(new[]
                "--debug", "-d"
            }, "Shows debug output from plugins.")
                Argument = new Argument <bool>(() => false)

            rootCommand.AddGlobalOption(new Option(new[]
            }, "Pauses before exiting.")
                Argument = new Argument <bool>(() => false)

            rootCommand.Description =
                $"{_assemblyTitle} {_assemblyVersion?.InformationalVersion}\n{_assemblyCopyright}";

            rootCommand.AddCommand(new DatabaseFamily(mainDbUpdate));
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new DeviceFamily());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new FilesystemFamily());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new ImageFamily());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new MediaFamily());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new ArchiveFamily());

            rootCommand.AddCommand(new ConfigureCommand());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new FormatsCommand());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new ListEncodingsCommand());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new ListNamespacesCommand());
            rootCommand.AddCommand(new RemoteCommand());

            int ret = rootCommand.Invoke(args);


            if (rootCommand.Parse(args).RootCommandResult.ValueForOption("--pause")?.Equals(true) != true)

            AaruConsole.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

Ejemplo n.º 23
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var cmd = new RootCommand();

        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-n", "Max number of requests to make concurrently.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numWorkers", Environment.ProcessorCount)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxContentLength", "Max content length for request and response bodies.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numBytes", 1000)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-http", "HTTP version (1.1 or 2.0)")
            Argument = new Argument <Version[]>("version", new[] { HttpVersion.Version20 })
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-connectionLifetime", "Max connection lifetime length (milliseconds).")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("connectionLifetime", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-ops", "Indices of the operations to use")
            Argument = new Argument <int[]>("space-delimited indices", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-trace", "Enable Microsoft-System-Net-Http tracing.")
            Argument = new Argument <string>("\"console\" or path")
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-aspnetlog", "Enable ASP.NET warning and error logging.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-listOps", "List available options.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-seed", "Seed for generating pseudo-random parameters for a given -n argument.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("seed", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-numParameters", "Max number of query parameters or form fields for a request.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("queryParameters", 1)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-cancelRate", "Number between 0 and 1 indicating rate of client-side request cancellation attempts. Defaults to 0.1.")
            Argument = new Argument <double>("probability", 0.1)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-httpSys", "Use http.sys instead of Kestrel.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)

        ParseResult cmdline = cmd.Parse(args);

        if (cmdline.Errors.Count > 0)
            foreach (ParseError error in cmdline.Errors)
            new HelpBuilder(new SystemConsole()).Write(cmd);

        Run(httpSys: cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-httpSys"),
            concurrentRequests: cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-n"),
            maxContentLength: cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxContentLength"),
            httpVersions: cmdline.ValueForOption <Version[]>("-http"),
            connectionLifetime: cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-connectionLifetime"),
            opIndices: cmdline.ValueForOption <int[]>("-ops"),
            logPath: cmdline.HasOption("-trace") ? cmdline.ValueForOption <string>("-trace") : null,
            aspnetLog: cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-aspnetlog"),
            listOps: cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-listOps"),
            seed: cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-seed") ?? new Random().Next(),
            numParameters: cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-numParameters"),
            cancellationProbability: Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, cmdline.ValueForOption <double>("-cancelRate"))));
Ejemplo n.º 24
    private static bool TryParseCli(string[] args, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Configuration?config)
        var cmd = new RootCommand();

        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-n", "Max number of requests to make concurrently.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numWorkers", Environment.ProcessorCount)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverUri", "Stress suite server uri.")
            Argument = new Argument <string>("serverUri", "https://localhost:5001")
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-runMode", "Stress suite execution mode. Defaults to Both.")
            Argument = new Argument <RunMode>("runMode", RunMode.both)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxExecutionTime", "Maximum stress execution time, in minutes. Defaults to infinity.")
            Argument = new Argument <double?>("minutes", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxContentLength", "Max content length for request and response bodies.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numBytes", 1000)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestUriSize", "Max query string length support by the server.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numChars", 5000)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestHeaderCount", "Maximum number of headers to place in request")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numHeaders", 90)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestHeaderTotalSize", "Max request header total size.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numBytes", 1000)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-http", "HTTP version (1.1 or 2.0)")
            Argument = new Argument <Version>("version", HttpVersion.Version20)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-connectionLifetime", "Max connection lifetime length (milliseconds).")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("connectionLifetime", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-ops", "Indices of the operations to use")
            Argument = new Argument <int[]?>("space-delimited indices", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-xops", "Indices of the operations to exclude")
            Argument = new Argument <int[]?>("space-delimited indices", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-trace", "Enable System.Net.Http.InternalDiagnostics (client) and/or ASP.NET dignostics (server) tracing.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-aspnetlog", "Enable ASP.NET warning and error logging.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-listOps", "List available options.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-seed", "Seed for generating pseudo-random parameters for a given -n argument.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("seed", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-numParameters", "Max number of query parameters or form fields for a request.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("queryParameters", 1)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-cancelRate", "Number between 0 and 1 indicating rate of client-side request cancellation attempts. Defaults to 0.1.")
            Argument = new Argument <double>("probability", 0.1)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-httpSys", "Use http.sys instead of Kestrel.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-winHttp", "Use WinHttpHandler for the stress client.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-displayInterval", "Client stats display interval in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("seconds", 5)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-clientTimeout", "Default HttpClient timeout in seconds. Defaults to 60 seconds.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("seconds", 60)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxConcurrentStreams", "Overrides kestrel max concurrent streams per connection.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("streams", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxFrameSize", "Overrides kestrel max frame size setting.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("bytes", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverInitialConnectionWindowSize", "Overrides kestrel initial connection window size setting.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("bytes", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize", "Overrides kestrel max request header field size.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("bytes", null)

        ParseResult cmdline = cmd.Parse(args);

        if (cmdline.Errors.Count > 0)
            foreach (ParseError error in cmdline.Errors)
            new HelpBuilder(new SystemConsole()).Write(cmd);
            config = null;

        config = new Configuration()
            RunMode        = cmdline.ValueForOption <RunMode>("-runMode"),
            ServerUri      = cmdline.ValueForOption <string>("-serverUri"),
            ListOperations = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-listOps"),

            HttpVersion               = cmdline.ValueForOption <Version>("-http"),
            UseWinHttpHandler         = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-winHttp"),
            ConcurrentRequests        = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-n"),
            RandomSeed                = cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-seed") ?? new Random().Next(),
            MaxContentLength          = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxContentLength"),
            MaxRequestUriSize         = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxRequestUriSize"),
            MaxRequestHeaderCount     = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxRequestHeaderCount"),
            MaxRequestHeaderTotalSize = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxRequestHeaderTotalSize"),
            OpIndices               = cmdline.ValueForOption <int[]>("-ops"),
            ExcludedOpIndices       = cmdline.ValueForOption <int[]>("-xops"),
            MaxParameters           = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-numParameters"),
            DisplayInterval         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-displayInterval")),
            DefaultTimeout          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-clientTimeout")),
            ConnectionLifetime      = cmdline.ValueForOption <double?>("-connectionLifetime").Select(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds),
            CancellationProbability = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, cmdline.ValueForOption <double>("-cancelRate"))),
            MaximumExecutionTime    = cmdline.ValueForOption <double?>("-maxExecutionTime").Select(TimeSpan.FromMinutes),

            UseHttpSys = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-httpSys"),
            LogAspNet  = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-aspnetlog"),
            Trace      = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-trace"),
            ServerMaxConcurrentStreams        = cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-serverMaxConcurrentStreams"),
            ServerMaxFrameSize                = cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-serverMaxFrameSize"),
            ServerInitialConnectionWindowSize = cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-serverInitialConnectionWindowSize"),
            ServerMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize   = cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-serverMaxRequestHeaderFieldSize"),

Ejemplo n.º 25
 public TCommand Get <TCommand>(String input = "")
     where TCommand : class, ICommand
 => _root.Parse(input).CommandResult.Command as TCommand;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static RunTestsOptions Parse(string[] args)
            var command = new RootCommand()
                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--target", "-t" },
                    description: "The test dll to run")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--runtime" },
                    description: "The version of the ASP.NET runtime being installed and used")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--queue" },
                    description: "The name of the Helix queue being run on")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--arch" },
                    description: "The architecture being run on")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--quarantined" },
                    description: "Whether quarantined tests should run or not")
                    Argument = new Argument <bool>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--ef" },
                    description: "The version of the EF tool to use")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--aspnetruntime" },
                    description: "The path to the aspnet runtime nupkg to install")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--aspnetref" },
                    description: "The path to the aspnet ref nupkg to install")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--helixTimeout" },
                    description: "The timeout duration of the Helix job")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--source" },
                    description: "The restore sources to use during testing")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>()
                        Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore
                    }, Required = true

            var parseResult = command.Parse(args);
            var options     = new RunTestsOptions();

            options.Target              = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--target");
            options.RuntimeVersion      = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--runtime");
            options.HelixQueue          = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--queue");
            options.Architecture        = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--arch");
            options.Quarantined         = parseResult.ValueForOption <bool>("--quarantined");
            options.EfVersion           = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--ef");
            options.AspNetRuntime       = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--aspnetruntime");
            options.AspNetRef           = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--aspnetref");
            options.Timeout             = TimeSpan.Parse(parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--helixTimeout"));
            options.Source              = parseResult.ValueForOption <IEnumerable <string> >("--source");
            options.HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT");
            options.Path       = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
            options.DotnetRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ROOT");
Ejemplo n.º 27
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var cmd = new RootCommand();

        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-n", "Max number of requests to make concurrently.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numWorkers", 1)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxContentLength", "Max content length for request and response bodies.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numBytes", 1000)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-http", "HTTP version (1.1 or 2.0)")
            Argument = new Argument <Version[]>("version", new[] { HttpVersion.Version20 })
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-connectionLifetime", "Max connection lifetime length (milliseconds).")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("connectionLifetime", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-ops", "Indices of the operations to use")
            Argument = new Argument <int[]>("space-delimited indices", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-trace", "Enable Microsoft-System-Net-Http tracing.")
            Argument = new Argument <string>("\"console\" or path")
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-aspnetlog", "Enable ASP.NET warning and error logging.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-listOps", "List available options.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-seed", "Seed for generating pseudo-random parameters for a given -n argument.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("seed", null)

        ParseResult cmdline = cmd.Parse(args);

        if (cmdline.Errors.Count > 0)
            foreach (ParseError error in cmdline.Errors)
            new HelpBuilder(new SystemConsole()).Write(cmd);

        Run(concurrentRequests: cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-n"),
            maxContentLength: cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxContentLength"),
            httpVersions: cmdline.ValueForOption <Version[]>("-http"),
            connectionLifetime: cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-connectionLifetime"),
            opIndices: cmdline.ValueForOption <int[]>("-ops"),
            logPath: cmdline.HasOption("-trace") ? cmdline.ValueForOption <string>("-trace") : null,
            aspnetLog: cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-aspnetlog"),
            listOps: cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-listOps"),
            seed: cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-seed") ?? Random.Shared.Next());
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static RunTestsOptions Parse(string[] args)
            var command = new RootCommand()
                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--target", "-t" },
                    description: "The test dll to run")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--sdk" },
                    description: "The version of the sdk being used")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--runtime" },
                    description: "The version of the runtime being used")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--queue" },
                    description: "The name of the Helix queue being run on")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--arch" },
                    description: "The architecture being run on")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--quarantined" },
                    description: "Whether quarantined tests should run or not")
                    Argument = new Argument <bool>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--ef" },
                    description: "The version of the EF tool to use")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

            var parseResult = command.Parse(args);
            var options     = new RunTestsOptions();

            options.Target              = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--target");
            options.SdkVersion          = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--sdk");
            options.RuntimeVersion      = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--runtime");
            options.HelixQueue          = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--queue");
            options.Architecture        = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--arch");
            options.Quarantined         = parseResult.ValueForOption <bool>("--quarantined");
            options.EfVersion           = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--ef");
            options.HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT");
            options.Path       = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
            options.DotnetRoot = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ROOT");
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static RunTestsOptions Parse(string[] args)
            var command = new RootCommand()
                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--target", "-t" },
                    description: "The test dll to run")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--runtime" },
                    description: "The version of the ASP.NET runtime being installed and used")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--queue" },
                    description: "The name of the Helix queue being run on")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--arch" },
                    description: "The architecture being run on")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--quarantined" },
                    description: "Whether quarantined tests should run or not")
                    Argument = new Argument <bool>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--ef" },
                    description: "The version of the EF tool to use")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--helixTimeout" },
                    description: "The timeout duration of the Helix job")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>(), Required = true

                new Option(
                    aliases: new string[] { "--source" },
                    description: "The restore sources to use during testing")
                    Argument = new Argument <string>()
                        Arity = ArgumentArity.ZeroOrMore
                    }, Required = true

            var parseResult     = command.Parse(args);
            var sharedFxVersion = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--runtime");
            var options         = new RunTestsOptions
                Architecture   = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--arch"),
                EfVersion      = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--ef"),
                HelixQueue     = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--queue"),
                Quarantined    = parseResult.ValueForOption <bool>("--quarantined"),
                RuntimeVersion = sharedFxVersion,
                Target         = parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--target"),
                Timeout        = TimeSpan.Parse(parseResult.ValueForOption <string>("--helixTimeout"), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),

                // When targeting pack builds, it has exactly the same version as the shared framework.
                AspNetRef     = $"Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref.{sharedFxVersion}.nupkg",
                AspNetRuntime = $"Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Runtime.win-x64.{sharedFxVersion}.nupkg",

                DotnetRoot          = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DOTNET_ROOT"),
                HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HELIX_WORKITEM_ROOT"),
                Path = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH"),

Ejemplo n.º 30
    private static bool TryParseCli(string[] args, out Configuration config)
        var cmd = new RootCommand();

        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-n", "Max number of requests to make concurrently.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numWorkers", Environment.ProcessorCount)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-serverUri", "Stress suite server uri.")
            Argument = new Argument <Uri>("serverUri", new Uri("https://localhost:5001"))
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-runMode", "Stress suite execution mode. Defaults to Both.")
            Argument = new Argument <RunMode>("runMode", RunMode.both)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxContentLength", "Max content length for request and response bodies.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numBytes", 1000)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-maxRequestUriSize", "Max query string length support by the server.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("numChars", 8000)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-http", "HTTP version (1.1 or 2.0)")
            Argument = new Argument <Version>("version", HttpVersion.Version20)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-connectionLifetime", "Max connection lifetime length (milliseconds).")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("connectionLifetime", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-ops", "Indices of the operations to use")
            Argument = new Argument <int[]>("space-delimited indices", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-xops", "Indices of the operations to exclude")
            Argument = new Argument <int[]>("space-delimited indices", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-trace", "Enable Microsoft-System-Net-Http tracing.")
            Argument = new Argument <string>("\"console\" or path")
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-aspnetlog", "Enable ASP.NET warning and error logging.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-listOps", "List available options.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-seed", "Seed for generating pseudo-random parameters for a given -n argument.")
            Argument = new Argument <int?>("seed", null)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-numParameters", "Max number of query parameters or form fields for a request.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("queryParameters", 1)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-cancelRate", "Number between 0 and 1 indicating rate of client-side request cancellation attempts. Defaults to 0.1.")
            Argument = new Argument <double>("probability", 0.1)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-httpSys", "Use http.sys instead of Kestrel.")
            Argument = new Argument <bool>("enable", false)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-displayInterval", "Client stats display interval in seconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("seconds", 5)
        cmd.AddOption(new Option("-clientTimeout", "Default HttpClient timeout in seconds. Defaults to 10 seconds.")
            Argument = new Argument <int>("seconds", 10)

        ParseResult cmdline = cmd.Parse(args);

        if (cmdline.Errors.Count > 0)
            foreach (ParseError error in cmdline.Errors)
            new HelpBuilder(new SystemConsole()).Write(cmd);
            config = null;

        config = new Configuration()
            RunMode        = cmdline.ValueForOption <RunMode>("-runMode"),
            ServerUri      = cmdline.ValueForOption <Uri>("-serverUri"),
            ListOperations = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-listOps"),

            HttpVersion             = cmdline.ValueForOption <Version>("-http"),
            ConcurrentRequests      = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-n"),
            RandomSeed              = cmdline.ValueForOption <int?>("-seed") ?? new Random().Next(),
            MaxContentLength        = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxContentLength"),
            MaxRequestUriSize       = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-maxRequestUriSize"),
            OpIndices               = cmdline.ValueForOption <int[]>("-ops"),
            ExcludedOpIndices       = cmdline.ValueForOption <int[]>("-xops"),
            MaxParameters           = cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-numParameters"),
            DisplayInterval         = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-displayInterval")),
            DefaultTimeout          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(cmdline.ValueForOption <int>("-clientTimeout")),
            ConnectionLifetime      = cmdline.ValueForOption <double?>("-connectionLifetime").Select(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds),
            CancellationProbability = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1, cmdline.ValueForOption <double>("-cancelRate"))),

            UseHttpSys = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-httpSys"),
            LogAspNet  = cmdline.ValueForOption <bool>("-aspnetlog"),
            LogPath    = cmdline.HasOption("-trace") ? cmdline.ValueForOption <string>("-trace") : null
