private RoomBlock GetRandomRoom(int northSpace, int eastSpace, int southSpace, int westSpace, RoomBlock.Direction d)
        RoomBlock roomBlock = new RoomBlock();
        int       rng;
        bool      boss = false;

        //need a way to say stop generating along this chain when it gets too long
        //also need a way to check if you are generating next to a room
        //so the rooms can generate with appropriate doors and also tell
        //the adjacent room that this one is now next to it
        if (!placedBossRoom && currentRoom.distFromCore == bossRoomDistFromCore - 1)
            rng = Random.Range(0, bossRooms.Count); roomBlock = bossRooms[rng]; boss = true;
        //randomly chooses a room from this areas list of rooms
            rng = Random.Range(0, rooms.Count); roomBlock = rooms[rng];
        //Quadratically probes the list of rooms if the one selected does not meet the requirments for the space
        int n = 0;

        while ((roomBlock.Dimentions.n > northSpace || roomBlock.Dimentions.e > eastSpace || //checks if the room can fit
                roomBlock.Dimentions.s > southSpace || roomBlock.Dimentions.w > westSpace) && //within the avalible space and
               roomBlock.HasDoorHere(d))                                                     //it has a door that can connect
            if (boss)
                int nRNG = rng + (n * n);                                   //if this is checking for boss rooms
                while (nRNG > bossRooms.Count)
                    nRNG -= bossRooms.Count;
                }                                                           //it will loop through the boss rooms quadratically
                roomBlock      = bossRooms[nRNG];                           //looking for a suitable room
                placedBossRoom = true;
                int newRNG = rng + (n * n);
                while (newRNG > rooms.Count)
                    newRNG -= rooms.Count;
                roomBlock = rooms[newRNG];
