Ejemplo n.º 1
    void Start()

        // ---

        RoadNetworkGenerator.DebugData debugData;
        RoadNetworkGenerator.Generate(out segments, out quadtree, out debugData);

        Debug.Log(segments.Count + " segments");

        // ---

        mask = ((generateHighways) ? RoadNetworkTraversal.HIGHWAYS_MASK : 0) | ((generateStreets) ? RoadNetworkTraversal.STREETS_MASK : 0);

        float minX = float.MaxValue,
              maxX = -float.MaxValue,
              minY = float.MaxValue,
              maxY = -float.MaxValue;
        HashSet <Segment> visited = new HashSet <Segment>();

        foreach (var segment in segments)
            RoadNetworkTraversal.PreOrder(segment, (a) =>
                minX = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Min(a.Start.x, a.End.x), minX);
                minY = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Min(a.Start.y, a.End.y), minY);
                maxX = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(a.Start.x, a.End.x), maxX);
                maxY = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(a.Start.y, a.End.y), maxY);
            }, mask, ref visited);
        Vector2 size   = new Vector2(maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
        Vector2 center = new Vector2(minX, minY);

        boundingBox = new Rect(center, size);

        finished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void Update()
        if (action == 0)

        if (action == 1)
            if (!end)
                end = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F5);

            if (!step)
                step = Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F10);

            if (!step && !end)

            if (end)
                RoadNetworkGenerator.EndInteractiveGeneration(ref context);
                action = 0;
                if (!RoadNetworkGenerator.InteractiveGenerationStep(speed, ref context))
                    action = 0;

            foreach (Segment segment in context.segments)
                RoadNetworkTraversal.PreOrder(segment, Visitor, mask, ref visited);

            if (context.debugData.intersections.Count > 0 ||
                context.debugData.snaps.Count > 0 ||
                context.debugData.intersectionsRadius.Count > 0)
                foreach (Vector2 intersection in context.debugData.intersections)
                    iconGOs.Add(CreateIcon(intersection, iconSize, downscaleFactor, z, intersectionIcon));
                foreach (Vector2 snap in context.debugData.snaps)
                    iconGOs.Add(CreateIcon(snap, iconSize, downscaleFactor, z, snapIcon));
                foreach (Vector2 intersectionRadius in context.debugData.intersectionsRadius)
                    iconGOs.Add(CreateIcon(intersectionRadius, iconSize, downscaleFactor, z, intersectionRadiusIcon));

            step = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    void Start()
        if (roadNetwork == null)
            Debug.LogError("RandomSettlementsSpawner needs a reference to a RoadNetwork");

        if (!roadNetwork.Finished)
            Debug.LogError("RandomSettlementsSpawner script can only execute after RoadNetwork (Configure execution order that in Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order)");

        if (heightmapGameObject != null)
            heightmap = UnityEngineHelper.GetInterface <IHeightmap>(heightmapGameObject);

        if (heightmap == null)
            Debug.LogError("RandomSettlementsSpawner needs a reference to a game object containing at least one component that implements IHeightmap");

        if (!heightmap.Finished())
            Debug.LogError("RandomSettlementsSpawner script can only execute after the components that implements IHeightmap (Configure execution order that in Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order)");

        List <IAllotmentBuilder> allotmentBuilders = null;

        if (allotmentBuilderGameObject != null)
            allotmentBuilders = UnityEngineHelper.GetInterfaces <IAllotmentBuilder>(allotmentBuilderGameObject);
        if (allotmentBuilders == null)
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensitySettlementSpawner needs a reference to a game object containing at least one component that implements IAllotmentBuilder");

        Context           context = new Context(roadNetwork.Quadtree);
        HashSet <Segment> visited = new HashSet <Segment>();

        foreach (var segment in roadNetwork.Segments)
            RoadNetworkTraversal.PreOrder(segment, ref context, -1, SegmentVisitor, roadNetwork.Mask, ref visited);
        GameObject allotmentsGO = new GameObject("Allotments");

        allotmentsGO.transform.parent = transform;
        foreach (var allotment in context.allotments)
            foreach (var allotmentBuilder in allotmentBuilders)
                GameObject allotmentGO = allotmentBuilder.Build(allotment, heightmap);
                allotmentGO.transform.parent = allotmentsGO.transform;
        Debug.Log(context.allotments.Count + " allotments spawned");
    void Start()
        if (roadNetwork == null)
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensityBasedSettlementSpawner needs a reference to a RoadNetwork");

        if (!roadNetwork.Finished)
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensityBasedSettlementSpawner script can only execute after RoadNetwork (Configure execution order that in Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order)");

        if (roadDensityMap == null)
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensityBasedSettlementSpawner needs a reference to a RoadDensityMap");

        if (!roadDensityMap.Finished())
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensityBasedSettlementSpawner script can only execute after RoadDensityMap (Configure execution order that in Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order)");

        if (heightmapGameObject != null)
            heightmap = UnityEngineHelper.GetInterface <IHeightmap>(heightmapGameObject);

        if (heightmap == null)
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensityBasedSettlementSpawner needs a reference to a game object containing at least one component that implements IHeightmap");

        if (!heightmap.Finished())
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensityBasedSettlementSpawner script can only execute after the components that implements IHeightmap (Configure execution order that in Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order)");

        List <IAllotmentBuilder> allotmentBuilders = null;

        if (allotmentBuilderGameObject != null)
            allotmentBuilders = UnityEngineHelper.GetInterfaces <IAllotmentBuilder>(allotmentBuilderGameObject);
        if (allotmentBuilders == null)
            Debug.LogError("RoadDensityBasedSettlementSpawner needs a reference to a game object containing at least one component that implements IAllotmentBuilder");

            float minThreshold = -float.MaxValue;
            foreach (var densityTier in densityTiers)
                if (densityTier.threshold < minThreshold)
                    Debug.LogError("Density tier has a threshold smaller than it's predecessor");
                minThreshold = densityTier.threshold;

        minAllotmentWidth = Allotment.GetWidth(Config.allotmentMinHalfDiagonal, Config.allotmentMinAspect);

        allotments = new List <Tuple <float, Allotment> >();
        HashSet <Segment> visited = new HashSet <Segment>();

        foreach (var segment in roadNetwork.Segments)
            RoadNetworkTraversal.PreOrder(segment, SegmentVisitor, roadNetwork.Mask, ref visited);
        if (maxNumAllotments > 0 && allotments.Count > maxNumAllotments)
            allotments.Sort((a, b) => b.Item1.CompareTo(a.Item1));
            allotments = allotments.GetRange(0, maxNumAllotments);
        GameObject allotmentsGO = new GameObject("Allotments");

        allotmentsGO.transform.parent = transform;
            foreach (var allotment in allotments)
                foreach (var allotmentBuilder in allotmentBuilders)
                    GameObject allotmentGO = allotmentBuilder.Build(allotment.Item2, heightmap);
                    allotmentGO.transform.parent = allotmentsGO.transform;
        Debug.Log(allotments.Count + " allotments spawned");