public ParticipantFrame(RiotApi.Net.RestClient.Dto.Match.Generic.ParticipantFrame pf) { ParticipantId = pf.ParticipantId; CurrentGold = pf.CurrentGold; Level = pf.Level; MinionsKilled = pf.MinionsKilled; TotalGold = pf.TotalGold; Xp = pf.Xp; }
public Event(RiotApi.Net.RestClient.Dto.Match.Generic.Event e) { ParticipantId = e.ParticipantId; EventType = e.EventType.ToString(); int? nullInt = null; ItemAfter = e.ItemAfter == 0 ? nullInt : e.ItemAfter; ItemBefore = e.ItemBefore == 0 ? nullInt : e.ItemBefore; ItemId = e.ItemId == 0 ? nullInt : e.ItemId; LevelUpType = e.LevelUpType.ToString(); SkillSlot = e.SkillSlot == 0 ? nullInt : e.SkillSlot; Timestamp = e.Timestamp; }
public Patch(RiotApi.Net.RestClient.Dto.LolStaticData.Champion.ChampionListDto champList, RiotApi.Net.RestClient.Dto.LolStaticData.Item.ItemListDto itemList) { this.version = champList.Version; Champions = new List<Champion.Champion>(); Items = new List<Item.Item>(); foreach (var champ in champList.Data) { Champions.Add(new Champion.Champion(champ.Value)); } foreach (var item in itemList.Data) { Items.Add(new Item.Item(item.Value)); } Added = DateTime.UtcNow; }
public Champion(RiotApi.Net.RestClient.Dto.LolStaticData.Champion.ChampionDto champ) { AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<StatsDto, ChampStats>(); = champ.Id; = champ.Name; this.key = champ.Key; this.stats = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<ChampStats>(champ.Stats); this.passive = new ChampionPassive(champ.Passive); this.championSpells = new List<ChampionSpell>(); AutoMapper.Mapper.CreateMap<ImageDto, Image>(); this.image = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<Image>(champ.Image); foreach (var champSpell in champ.Spells) { championSpells.Add(new ChampionSpell(champSpell)); } this.title = champ.Title; }
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args) { var riotApi = RiotApi.NewInstance("RGAPI-fdb6e702-1dc4-4ed3-ac3d-bb05f3a4e173"); var summoner = riotApi.SummonerV4.GetBySummonerName(Region.NA, "gorilla sauce"); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {summoner.Name} \nLevel: {summoner.SummonerLevel} \n ID: {summoner.Id}"); Console.WriteLine($"{summoner.Name}'s Top 10 Champs:"); var masteries = riotApi.ChampionMasteryV4.GetAllChampionMasteries(Region.NA, summoner.Id); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var mastery = masteries[i]; // Get champion for this mastery. var champ = (Champion)mastery.ChampionId; // print i, champ id, champ mastery points, and champ level Console.WriteLine("{0,3}) {1,-16} {2,10:N0} ({3})", i + 1, champ.Name(), mastery.ChampionPoints, mastery.ChampionLevel); } Console.WriteLine(); var summonerNameQuery = "gorilla sauce"; // Get summoners data (blocking). var summonerData = await riotApi.SummonerV4.GetBySummonerNameAsync(Region.NA, summonerNameQuery); if (null == summonerData) { Console.WriteLine($"Summoner '{summonerNameQuery}' not found."); return; } Console.WriteLine($"Match history for {summonerData.Name}:"); // Get 10 recent matches var matchlist = await riotApi.MatchV4.GetMatchlistAsync( Region.NA, summonerData.AccountId, queue : new[] { 400 }, endIndex : 10); // Get match results var matchDataTasks = matchlist.Matches.Select( matchMetadata => riotApi.MatchV4.GetMatchAsync(Region.NA, matchMetadata.GameId) ).ToArray(); // Wait for all task requests to complete asynchronously. var matchDatas = await Task.WhenAll(matchDataTasks); for (var i = 0; i < matchDatas.Count(); i++) { var matchData = matchDatas[i]; // Get this summoner's participant ID info. var participantIdData = matchData.ParticipantIdentities .First(pi => summonerData.Id.Equals(pi.Player.SummonerId)); // Find the corresponding participant. var participant = matchData.Participants .First(p => p.ParticipantId == participantIdData.ParticipantId); var win = participant.Stats.Win; var champ = (Champion)participant.ChampionId; var k = participant.Stats.Kills; var d = participant.Stats.Deaths; var a = participant.Stats.Assists; var kda = (k + a) / (float)d; Console.WriteLine("{0,3}) {1,-4} ({2})", i + 1, win ? "Win" : "Loss", champ.Name()); Console.WriteLine(" K/D/A {0}/{1}/{2} ({3:0.00})", k, d, a, kda); } }
public LeagueService(string apiKey) { API = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(apiKey); }
public RiotAPI() { _api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance("RGAPI-84171906-8f89-41ab-9b06-5c2911300015"); }
[Aliases("lastgame")] // alternative names for the command public async Task Last(CommandContext ctx, String user) { // let's trigger a typing indicator to let // users know we're working await ctx.TriggerTypingAsync(); // Validate API key var api = RiotApi.GetInstance("//API goes here"); try { // Get user's Riot information and 10 recent games var summoner = api.GetSummoner(, user); var games = summoner.GetRecentGames(); try { var match = api.GetMatch(, (long)games[0].GameId); } catch (RiotSharpException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } //match.Participants[0].Stats < - How to access stats int totalKills = 1; foreach (RiotSharp.MatchEndpoint.Participant part in match.Participants) { if (part.TeamId == games[0].TeamId) { totalKills += (int)part.Stats.Kills; } } // Calculate KDR var dmg = games[0].Statistics.TotalDamageDealt.ToString(); float KDR = (float)games[0].Statistics.ChampionsKilled / (float)games[0].Statistics.NumDeaths; string KD = "```" + "\n" + games[0].Statistics.ChampionsKilled + " / " + games[0].Statistics.NumDeaths + " / " + games[0].Statistics.Assists + " - " + Math.Round(KDR, 2) + " KDR ```"; // Preparing the embed var embed = new DiscordEmbed { Title = user + "'s Last Game Stats" + " (" + games[0].GameSubType + ")", Description = KD, Footer = new DiscordEmbedFooter { Text = "Copyright © 2017 by A. Webster - all rights reserved." }, Url = ""******"Damage / Kill Participation"; dmgfield.Value = "`" + games[0].Statistics.TotalDamageDealtToChampions.ToString("#,##0") + " damage - " + (games[0].Statistics.ChampionsKilled / totalKills) + "% Kill Participation" + "`"; var towerfield = new DiscordEmbedField(); towerfield.Name = "Towers Destroyed"; towerfield.Value = "`" + games[0].Statistics.TurretsKilled + " - " + Math.Round(((float)games[0].Statistics.TurretsKilled / (float)11), 2) + "% of enemy towers" + "`"; var genStatsfield = new DiscordEmbedField(); genStatsfield.Name = "But did you win?"; string winStatus; if (games[0].Statistics.Win) { winStatus = "`Yes! Game won at "; } else { winStatus = "`No. Game lost at "; } genStatsfield.Value = winStatus + Math.Round(games[0].Statistics.TimePlayed.TotalMinutes) + " minutes.`"; // Add fields to the embed embed.Fields.Add(dmgfield); embed.Fields.Add(towerfield); embed.Fields.Add(genStatsfield); // Send the embed to Discord await ctx.RespondAsync("", embed : embed); } catch (RiotSharpException ex) { ex.ToString(); } }
public RiotApiService() { riotApi = RiotApi.NewInstance(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RIOTAPI")); }
public ChampionService() { _riotApi = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]); }
public async Task View() { MessageHandler messageHandler = new MessageHandler(); EmbedBuilder message; EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithAuthor(a => a.WithIconUrl(Context.User.GetAvatarUrl()).WithName(Context.User.Username + "'s team")) .WithTitle("Here's your lineup!") .WithColor(Palette.Pink); if (CheckStarted(Context.User.Id.ToString())) { string savedMessage = ""; var user = GetUserByIdFromList(Context.User.Id.ToString()); if (user.Saved) { savedMessage = "Your team is currently saved! Don't worry!"; } else { savedMessage = "Team isn't currently saved! Use `team save` when you're done!"; } var summonersInUserTeam = GetNamesForSummonersInUserTeam(GetUserByIdFromList(Context.User.Id.ToString())); var namesForChampionsInUserTeam = GetNamesForChampionsInUserTeam(GetUserByIdFromList(Context.User.Id.ToString())); if (summonersInUserTeam.Count > 1) { message = messageHandler.BuildEmbed("Your current team setup: ", savedMessage, Palette.Pink, summonersInUserTeam, namesForChampionsInUserTeam); } else { message = messageHandler.BuildEmbed("Your current team setup: ", savedMessage, Palette.Pink, new List <string> { "It's empty!" }, new List <string> { "See `help` to see how to add" }); } } else { try { string userid = Context.User.Id.ToString(); User user = new User(userid, Context.User.Username); Team team = new Team(userid); team.GetExistingTeamFromUser(); user.SetTeam(team); int counter = 0; foreach (var summoner in team.Summoners) { counter++; string role; string incrementor; switch (summoner.Lane) { case (Lane.Bot): role = "ADC"; break; case (Lane.Jungle): role = "Jungler"; break; case (Lane.Mid): role = "Midlaner"; break; case (Lane.Top): role = "Top"; break; case (Lane.Support): role = "Support"; break; default: return; } switch (counter) { case 1: incrementor = "Alright! First up we've got: "; break; case 2: incrementor = "Secondly, it's: "; break; case 3: incrementor = "Next up!: "; break; case 4: incrementor = "Let's not forget about "; break; case 5: incrementor = "And last, but not least! It's "; break; default: return; } long id = int.Parse(summoner.SummonerId); embed.AddField(incrementor + RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(Settings.RiotAPIKey).GetSummonerBySummonerId(summoner.Region, id).Name + " as SK" + Context.User.Username.ToUpperInvariant() + "'s " + role + "!", "Looks like they'll be playing... " + GetChampionNameById(summoner.ChampionId).Name + "!"); } } catch (Exception e) { message = messageHandler.BuildEmbed("Whoops! There's been an error getting your team. Make sure you have one!", $"A message for my creators: {e.Message}", Palette.Pink); Debugging.Log("View command CHECKSTARTED ELSE", $"Error trying to get existing team from user: {e.Message}", LogSeverity.Error); } } await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); }
// Input: Summoner IDs (from Table RegisteredPlayers) // API Output: Summoner ranks // Database: Summoner // APIKey Usage: 1 per summoner ID in the selected Competition private static void CompetitionUpdateSummonerRanks(RiotApi apiDev, string competitionName) { using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); var summIdList = new List<string>(); string queryCompId = "SELECT * FROM " + T_REGP + " WHERE " + C_COMPNAME + "=" + P_COMPNAME; using (var cmdCompId = new SqlCommand(queryCompId, connection)) { cmdCompId.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_COMPNAME, competitionName); using (var obj = cmdCompId.ExecuteReader()) { while (obj.Read()) { summIdList.Add(obj[C_SUMID].ToString()); } } } // Now update their Solo queue and Flex queue ranking foreach (string summId in summIdList) { var leagueTask = apiDev.League.GetLeagueEntriesBySummonerAsync(Region.Na, summId); WaitTaskPassException(leagueTask, APIParam.LEAGUES, summId); var leagueObj = leagueTask.Result; foreach (var leagueEntry in leagueObj) { string tier = null, div = null; string queueType = leagueEntry.QueueType; if (queueType == SOLO_QUEUE_STRING || queueType == FLEX_QUEUE_STRING) { tier = leagueEntry.Tier; div = leagueEntry.Rank; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tier) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(div)) { string colTier = (queueType == SOLO_QUEUE_STRING) ? C_STIER : C_FTIER; string paramTier = (queueType == SOLO_QUEUE_STRING) ? P_STIER : P_FTIER; string colDiv = (queueType == SOLO_QUEUE_STRING) ? C_SDIV : C_FDIV; string paramDiv = (queueType == SOLO_QUEUE_STRING) ? P_SDIV : P_FDIV; string queryUpdate = "UPDATE " + T_SUMM + " SET " + colTier + "=" + paramTier + ", " + colDiv + "=" + paramDiv + " WHERE " + C_SUMID + "=" + P_SUMID; using (var cmdUpate = new SqlCommand(queryUpdate, connection)) { cmdUpate.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramTier, tier); cmdUpate.Parameters.AddWithValue(paramDiv, div); cmdUpate.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_SUMID, summId); cmdUpate.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } } connection.Close(); } /* foreach (string Id in IDList) { var LeagueTask = apiDev.League.GetLeagueEntriesBySummonerAsync(Region.Na, Id); WaitTaskPassException(LeagueTask, Endpoint.LEAGUES, Id); var LeagueList = LeagueTask.Result; for (int i = 0; i < LeagueList.Count; ++i) { var league = LeagueList[i]; if (league.QueueType == RANKED_SOLO_STRING) { sbTier.AppendLine(league.Tier); sbDiv.AppendLine(league.Rank); } } } */ }
// Input: Summoner Name Rosters based on Competition // API Output: Summoner IDs // Database: Summoner // APIKey Usage: 1 per new Name not in Summoners Table loaded from .txt private static void LoadSummonerNamesUpdateSummonerIds(RiotApi apiDev) { var ofd_Txt = OFD("Open Summoner Names"); if (ofd_Txt == null) { return; } var summonersList = new List<string>(File.ReadLines(ofd_Txt.FileName)); var summonerMap = new Dictionary<string, Tuple<string, string>>(); // Key: SummonerId -> Values: AccountId, Name string competitionName = summonersList[0]; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { connection.Open(); // If new, register the competition string queryComp = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + T_COMP + " WHERE " + C_NAME + "=" + P_NAME; using (SqlCommand cmdCompetition = new SqlCommand(queryComp, connection)) { cmdCompetition.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_NAME, competitionName); if ((int)cmdCompetition.ExecuteScalar() == 0) { string queryCompInsert = "INSERT INTO " + T_COMP + " VALUES (" + P_NAME + ")"; using (SqlCommand cmdInsert = new SqlCommand(queryCompInsert, connection)) { cmdInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_NAME, competitionName); cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } // Before calling the API, check to see if summonerName is already in database // Add to a list of summoners that will update the database string queryName = "SELECT * FROM " + T_SUMM + " WHERE " + C_NAME + "=" + P_NAME; using (SqlCommand cmdNameCheck = new SqlCommand(queryName, connection)) { cmdNameCheck.Parameters.Add(P_NAME, SqlDbType.NVarChar); for (int i = 1; i < summonersList.Count; ++i) { string summonerName = summonersList[i]; cmdNameCheck.Parameters[P_NAME].Value = summonerName; using (SqlDataReader objRead = cmdNameCheck.ExecuteReader()) { string summid = "", accid = ""; if (objRead.Read()) { summid = objRead[C_SUMID].ToString(); accid = objRead[C_ACCID].ToString(); } else { // New summoner name var summonerTask = apiDev.Summoner.GetSummonerByNameAsync(Region.Na, summonerName); if (WaitTaskPassException(summonerTask, APIParam.SUMMONER_NAME, summonerName)) { var summonerObj = summonerTask.Result; summid = summonerObj.Id; accid = summonerObj.AccountId; } } summonerMap.Add(summid, new Tuple<string, string>(accid, summonerName)); } } } // Check if that accountID exists in the database: If so, they had a name change recently foreach (string summID in summonerMap.Keys) { // SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [Table] WHERE [Col]=[Param] string queryID = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + T_SUMM + " WHERE " + C_SUMID + "=" + P_SUMID; using (SqlCommand cmdIDCheck = new SqlCommand(queryID, connection)) { cmdIDCheck.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_SUMID, summID); string querySumm = ""; if ((int)cmdIDCheck.ExecuteScalar() == 0) { // ID does not exist. INSERT new summoner // INSERT INTO [Table] ([Col, ...]) VALUES ([Param, ...]) querySumm = "INSERT INTO " + T_SUMM + " (" + C_ACCID + ", " + C_SUMID + ", " + C_NAME + ") " + "VALUES (" + P_ACCID + ", " + P_SUMID + ", " + P_NAME + ")"; } else { // ID does exist. UPDATE summoner // UPDATE [Table] SET [Col]=[Param] WHERE [Col]=[Param] AND [Col]=[PARAM] querySumm = "UPDATE " + T_SUMM + " SET " + C_NAME + "=" + P_NAME + " WHERE " + C_ACCID + "=" + P_ACCID + " AND " + C_SUMID + "=" + P_SUMID; } // Execute Query call using (SqlCommand cmdSummoner = new SqlCommand(querySumm, connection)) { var summTuple = summonerMap[summID]; string accID = summTuple.Item1; string name = summTuple.Item2; cmdSummoner.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_ACCID, accID); cmdSummoner.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_SUMID, summID); cmdSummoner.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_NAME, name); cmdSummoner.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } foreach (string summID in summonerMap.Keys) { // Now update RegisteredPlayers based on the Competition names int compID = 0; string queryID = "SELECT * FROM " + T_COMP + " WHERE " + C_NAME + "=" + P_NAME; using (SqlCommand cmdID = new SqlCommand(queryID, connection)) { cmdID.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_NAME, competitionName); using (SqlDataReader objRead = cmdID.ExecuteReader()) { if (objRead.Read()) { compID = (int)objRead[C_ID]; } } } queryID = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + T_REGP + " WHERE " + C_COMPNAME + "=" + P_COMPNAME + " AND " + C_SUMID + "=" + P_SUMID; using (SqlCommand cmdRegister = new SqlCommand(queryID, connection)) { cmdRegister.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_COMPNAME, competitionName); cmdRegister.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_SUMID, summID); if ((int)cmdRegister.ExecuteScalar() == 0) { string queryInsert = "INSERT INTO " + T_REGP + " VALUES (" + P_COMPNAME + ", " + P_SUMID + ")"; using (SqlCommand cmdInsert = new SqlCommand(queryInsert, connection)) { cmdInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_COMPNAME, competitionName); cmdInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue(P_SUMID, summID); cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } } } connection.Close(); } }
protected Api(RiotApi riotApi, string baseUrl) { RiotApi = riotApi; BaseUrl = baseUrl; }
public RapiInfo(String key, IServiceProvider services) { RAPI = RiotApi.NewInstance(key); updateLeaguePatch().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); }
private static IServiceProvider BuildServiceProvider() { var configPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AATROX_CONFIG_PATH") ?? "credentials.json"; var cfg = new ConfigurationBuilder() .AddJsonFile(configPath, false) .Build(); return(new ServiceCollection() .AddSingleton(cfg) .AddSingleton <Aatrox>() .AddSingleton(x => new LogService("Aatrox")) .Configure <AatroxConfiguration>(x => cfg.GetSection("Secrets").Bind(x)) .AddSingleton <AatroxConfigurationProvider>() .Configure <DatabaseConfiguration>(x => cfg.GetSection("Database").Bind(x)) .AddSingleton <IDatabaseConfigurationProvider, DatabaseConfigurationProvider>() .AddSingleton <ConnectionStringProvider>() .AddDbContext <AatroxDbContext>(ServiceLifetime.Transient) .AddSingleton(x => { var config = x.GetRequiredService <AatroxConfigurationProvider>().GetConfiguration(); return new DiscordBotSharderConfiguration { ProviderFactory = _ => x, CommandServiceConfiguration = new CommandServiceConfiguration { IgnoresExtraArguments = true, CooldownBucketKeyGenerator = CooldownBucketGenerator, StringComparison = StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase }, ShardCount = config.ShardCount }; }) .AddSingleton <AatroxPrefixProvider>() .AddSingleton <DiscordService>() .AddSingleton(x => { var config = x.GetRequiredService <AatroxConfigurationProvider>().GetConfiguration(); return new OsuClient(new OsuSharpConfiguration { ApiKey = config.OsuToken, ModeSeparator = " " }); }) .AddSingleton <OsuService>() .AddSingleton <InteractivityExtension>() .AddSingleton <ICache, FileCache>(x => new FileCache(new Uri("./riot-cache", UriKind.Relative), true)) .AddSingleton <IRiotApi, RiotApi>(x => { var config = x.GetRequiredService <AatroxConfigurationProvider>().GetConfiguration(); return RiotApi.GetInstance( config.RiotToken, 500, 30000, x.GetRequiredService <ICache>()); }) .AddSingleton <IStaticDataEndpoints, StaticDataEndpoints>(x => { var config = x.GetRequiredService <AatroxConfigurationProvider>().GetConfiguration(); return new StaticDataEndpoints( new Requester(config.RiotToken), x.GetRequiredService <ICache>()); }) .BuildServiceProvider()); }
public async Task <PartidaAtualViewModel> PersistirDadosPartidaAtualAsync(int regiao, string jogador) { _logger.LogInformation($"Gravando partida do jogador {jogador}"); var api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(_apiConfiguration.Key); var estatisticasPrincipalJogador = await PersistirDadosJogadorAsync(regiao, jogador); if (!estatisticasPrincipalJogador.Desatualizado) { try { var retorno = new PartidaAtualViewModel(); var partidaAtual = await api.Spectator.GetCurrentGameAsync((Region)regiao, estatisticasPrincipalJogador.InvocadorId); var partidaAtualBanco = await _context .PartidaAtual .Find(x => x.GameId == partidaAtual.GameId && x.Platform == partidaAtual.Platform && x.Aliados.Any(k => k.JogadorPrincipal && k.Participante.SummonerId == estatisticasPrincipalJogador.InvocadorId)) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (partidaAtualBanco == null) { _logger.LogInformation("Gravando nova partida"); retorno.GameId = partidaAtual.GameId; retorno.Platform = partidaAtual.Platform; estatisticasPrincipalJogador = await PersistirDadosJogadorAsync(regiao, partidaAtual.Participants.First(x => x.SummonerId == estatisticasPrincipalJogador.InvocadorId).SummonerName, new List <int> { (int)partidaAtual.Participants.First(x => x.SummonerId == estatisticasPrincipalJogador.InvocadorId).ChampionId }); retorno.Aliados = new List <JogadorPartidaAtual>(); retorno.Inimigos = new List <JogadorPartidaAtual>(); var ultimaVersao = await _util.RetornarUltimoPatchAsync(); var campeoes = await api.StaticData.Champions.GetAllAsync(ultimaVersao, Language.pt_BR, fullData : false); var participantePrincipal = partidaAtual.Participants.First(x => x.SummonerId == estatisticasPrincipalJogador.InvocadorId); var idTimeAliado = participantePrincipal.TeamId; retorno.Aliados.Add(new JogadorPartidaAtual(estatisticasPrincipalJogador, participantePrincipal, true, campeoes, ultimaVersao, true)); //adicionar jogadorprincipal a lista de aliados foreach (var item in partidaAtual.Participants.Where(x => x.SummonerId != estatisticasPrincipalJogador.InvocadorId).ToList()) { var estatisticasJogador = await PersistirDadosJogadorAsync(regiao, item.SummonerName, new List <int> { (int)item.ChampionId }); if (item.TeamId == idTimeAliado) { retorno.Aliados.Add(new JogadorPartidaAtual(estatisticasJogador, item, true, campeoes, ultimaVersao)); } else { retorno.Inimigos.Add(new JogadorPartidaAtual(estatisticasJogador, item, false, campeoes, ultimaVersao)); } } retorno.ChanceVitoriaAliados = ((retorno.Aliados.Sum(x => x.ChanceVitoria) / (decimal)retorno.Aliados.Count) + (retorno.Inimigos.Sum(x => 1 - x.ChanceVitoria) / (decimal)retorno.Inimigos.Count)) / 2; retorno.ChanceVitoriaInimigos = 1 - retorno.ChanceVitoriaAliados; var spells = await api.StaticData.SummonerSpells.GetAllAsync(ultimaVersao, Language.pt_BR); await retorno.PreencherDicas(spells); (retorno.ItensSugeridos, retorno.WardSugerida) = await _itensRegraNegocio.ObterSugestaoCampeao(participantePrincipal.ChampionId); await _context.PartidaAtual.InsertOneAsync(retorno); return(retorno); } else { _logger.LogInformation("Partida já existente no banco, pulando"); return(partidaAtualBanco); } } catch (RiotSharpException ex) { if (ex.HttpStatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { _logger.LogInformation(ex, "Partida em andamento não encontrada"); return(null); } else { _logger.LogError(ex, "Ocorreu um erro ao obter partida existente"); return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Ocorreu um erro ao obter partida existente"); return(null); } } return(null); }
static void Main(string[] args) { int ClientNumber = -1; try { ClientNumber = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]); Console.Title = "SummonerFinderV4 Client #" + ClientNumber.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Client Number: " + ClientNumber.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Enter client number argument"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } MySqlConnection link; Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); link = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySqlConnectionString"]); int timeoutTimetime = 1; int batch = 50; int sample = 500; while (!link.Ping()) { try { link.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); } Console.WriteLine("Conncection to Database: " + link.Ping()); //var api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"]); var api = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"], 495, 29500); try { var test = api.Champion.GetChampionRotationAsync(Region.euw); var result = test.Result.FreeChampionIds; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Connection to Api: " + ex.ToString()); goto End; } Console.WriteLine("Connection to Api: True"); var gameBase = new GameBase(); var summonerBase = new SummonerBase(); //var sips = new Summoner("SipsClar", null, null, "0fhpK-H2m0-tS_xeHpBRyXL9Lzu_uGTNts9cwCF36BJ-FnU", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, new DateTime(0)); //summonerBase.AddSummoner(sips); //summonerBase.LoadFromDatabase(link, 100); stopWatch.Start(); while (true) { if (gameBase.GamesScrapable(1) < 1) { tryagain: summonerBase.NewSummonersToDatabase(link); //load new or break if (gameBase.LoadFromDatabase(link, ClientNumber * 5000, sample)) { timeoutTimetime = 1; Console.WriteLine("Loaded " + sample + " new games from database, First Game: " + gameBase.gameList[0].gameId); } else { if (timeoutTimetime > 5) { //Console.WriteLine("Could not load new games from database: Breaking"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Could not load new games from database: Timeout " + timeoutTimetime + " minute"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timeoutTimetime * 60000); timeoutTimetime++; goto tryagain; } } //here Match matchData = null; Game game = gameBase.gameList.Find(g => g.scrapeIndex < 1); try { matchData = api.Match.GetMatchAsync(Region.euw, game.gameId).Result; game.scrapeIndex = 1; } catch (AggregateException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error with game: " + game.gameId); //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); string em = e.InnerException.Message; if (e.InnerException.Message.Contains("A task")) { Console.WriteLine(em); api = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"], 495, 29500); } else if (em.StartsWith("500") || em.StartsWith("503") || em.StartsWith("504") || em.StartsWith("429")) { Console.WriteLine(em); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nOther Error\n"); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } if (matchData != null) { foreach (ParticipantIdentity pId in matchData.ParticipantIdentities) { var summoner = pId.Player; //Console.WriteLine(match.PlatformID.GetHashCode() + " " + match.Region.GetHashCode()); summonerBase.AddUniqueSummoner(new Summoner(0, summoner.SummonerName, null, summoner.SummonerId, summoner.CurrentAccountId, summoner.CurrentPlatformId.GetHashCode(), summoner.ProfileIcon, 0, 0, 0, DateTime.FromBinary(0))); } } if ((gameBase.gameList.Count - gameBase.GamesScrapable(1)) % batch == 0) { stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "\t" + (gameBase.gameList.Count - gameBase.GamesScrapable(1)) + "/" + gameBase.gameList.Count + " Dt: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / batch); stopWatch.Reset(); stopWatch.Start(); } /* * try * { * * var matchResult = api.Match.GetMatchAsync(Region.euw, gameBase.CurrentGame().gameId).Result; * * foreach (ParticipantIdentity pId in matchResult.ParticipantIdentities) * { * var summoner = pId.Player; * //Console.WriteLine(match.PlatformID.GetHashCode() + " " + match.Region.GetHashCode()); * summonerBase.AddUniqueSummoner(new Summoner(0, summoner.SummonerName, null, summoner.SummonerId, summoner.CurrentAccountId, summoner.CurrentPlatformId.GetHashCode(), summoner.ProfileIcon, 0, 0, 0, DateTime.FromBinary(0))); * } * * Console.WriteLine("added summoners from game: " + gameBase.CurrentGame().gameId); * * * //AddSummonersFromMatchAsync(api,gameBase.CurrentGame(),summonerBase,gameBase).Wait(); * * stopWatch.Start(); * //var results = GetMatchesFromApiAsync(api,summonerBase,gameBase,30); * //var results = api.Match.GetMatchAsync(Region.euw,) * var results = GetMatchesFromApiParallel(api, gameBase, 30); * stopWatch.Stop(); * * foreach (var match in results) * { * foreach (ParticipantIdentity pId in match.ParticipantIdentities) * { * var summoner = pId.Player; * //Console.WriteLine(match.PlatformID.GetHashCode() + " " + match.Region.GetHashCode()); * summonerBase.AddUniqueSummoner(new Summoner(0, summoner.SummonerName, null, summoner.SummonerId, summoner.CurrentAccountId, summoner.CurrentPlatformId.GetHashCode(), summoner.ProfileIcon, 0, 0, 0, DateTime.FromBinary(0))); * } * } * * * Console.WriteLine(gameBase.gameList.Count-gameBase.GamesScrapable(1) +"/" + gameBase.gameList.Count + " Dt: " + stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds/batch); * stopWatch.Reset(); * //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * // Handle the exception however you want. * Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); * * //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); * } * * //gameBase.CurrentGame().scrapeIndex = 1; * //gameBase.NextGame(); */ } End: Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public async Task <EstatisticasJogador> PersistirEstatisticasJogadorAsync(string puuid) { #region Instancia api var api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(_apiConfiguration.Key); var ultimaVersao = await _util.RetornarUltimoPatchAsync(); var campeoes = await api.StaticData.Champions.GetAllAsync(ultimaVersao, Language.pt_BR, fullData : false); #endregion //Pega estatisticas do banco var estatisticasJogador = await _context.EstatisticasJogador.Find(x => x.PUDID == puuid).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); //Pega últimas 4 seasons BsonArray arraySeasons = Util.RetornaUltimasSeason(4).Select(x => (int)x).ToArray().ToBsonDocumentArray(); #region Retorna taxa de vitória var match = new BsonDocument { { "$match", new BsonDocument { { "PlatformId", estatisticasJogador.Regiao }, { "ParticipantIdentities.Player.CurrentAccountId", estatisticasJogador.ContaId }, { "SeasonId", new BsonDocument { { "$in", arraySeasons } } } } } }; var unwind1 = new BsonDocument { { "$unwind", "$Participants" } }; var unwind2 = new BsonDocument { { "$unwind", "$ParticipantIdentities" } }; var match2 = new BsonDocument { { "$match", new BsonDocument { { "ParticipantIdentities.Player.CurrentAccountId", estatisticasJogador.ContaId } } } }; var redact = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{'$redact': { '$cond': { if: {$eq: ['$Participants.ParticipantId', '$ParticipantIdentities.ParticipantId']}, then : '$$KEEP', else: '$$PRUNE' }}}"); var groupTaxaVitoria = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$group: { _id : { $toString: '$Participants.ChampionId'}, 'PartidasGanhas' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Participants.Stats.Winner', true]},1, 0 ]} }, 'PartidasPerdidas' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Participants.Stats.Winner', false]},1, 0 ]} }, }}"); //var projectTaxaVitoria = BsonDocument.Parse("{$project: {PercentualVitoria:{ $divide: [ '$PartidasGanhas', '$TotalPartidas' ]}}}"); var pipelineTaxaVitoria = new[] { match, unwind1, unwind2, match2, redact, groupTaxaVitoria, /*projectTaxaVitoria */ }; var lista = await _context .Partidas .Aggregate <VitoriaDerrota>(pipelineTaxaVitoria) .ToListAsync(); estatisticasJogador.CampeoesXTaxaVitoria = lista.Select(x => new Campeao { ID = Convert.ToInt32(x._id), PartidasGanhas = x.PartidasGanhas ?? 0, PartidasPerdidas = x.PartidasPerdidas ?? 0, TaxaVitoria = Math.Round((decimal)((decimal)x.PartidasGanhas / ((decimal)x.PartidasPerdidas + (decimal)x.PartidasGanhas)), 2), Nome = campeoes .Champions .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Id == Convert.ToInt32(x._id)).Value.Name }) .ToList(); #endregion #region calculo de quantas partidas ganhas e quantas perdidas var groupVitoriaDerrota = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$group: { _id : '$ParticipantIdentities.Player.CurrentAccountId', 'PartidasGanhas' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Participants.Stats.Winner', true]},1, 0 ]} }, 'PartidasPerdidas' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Participants.Stats.Winner', false]},1, 0 ]} }, }}"); var pipelineVitoriaDerrota = new[] { match, unwind1, unwind2, match2, redact, groupVitoriaDerrota }; var vitoriaDerrota = await _context .Partidas .Aggregate <VitoriaDerrota>(pipelineVitoriaDerrota) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); estatisticasJogador.PartidasGanhas = vitoriaDerrota?.PartidasGanhas ?? 0; estatisticasJogador.PartidasPerdidas = vitoriaDerrota?.PartidasPerdidas ?? 0; #endregion #region lanes mais jogadas var projectLanesMaisJogadas = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$project: { Lane:{ '$switch' : { 'branches':[ {case: { $eq : ['$Participants.Timeline.Lane', 'TOP']}, then: 'Top'}, {case: { $in: ['$Participants.Timeline.Lane', ['MIDDLE','MID']]}, then: 'Mid'}, {case: { $and: [ { $in: ['$Participants.Timeline.Lane', ['BOTTOM','BOT']] }, {$eq: ['$Participants.Timeline.Role', 'DUO_SUPPORT']}]}, then: 'Support'}, {case: { $and: [ { $in: ['$Participants.Timeline.Lane', ['BOTTOM','BOT']] }, {$ne: ['$Participants.Timeline.Role', 'DUO_SUPPORT']}]}, then: 'Adc'}, {case: { $eq : ['$Participants.Timeline.Lane', 'JUNGLE']}, then: 'JUNGLE'}, ], default: 'Não definida' } }, Vitoria: '$Participants.Stats.Winner' } }"); var groupLanesMaisJogadas = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$group: { _id : '$Lane', 'PartidasGanhas' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Vitoria', true]},1, 0 ]} }, 'PartidasPerdidas' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Vitoria', false]},1, 0 ]} }, }}"); var pipelineLanesMaisJogadas = new[] { match, unwind1, unwind2, match2, redact, projectLanesMaisJogadas, groupLanesMaisJogadas }; var lanesMaisJogadas = await _context .Partidas .Aggregate <VitoriaDerrota>(pipelineLanesMaisJogadas) .ToListAsync(); var totalPartidasJogadas = lanesMaisJogadas?.Sum(l => (l.PartidasGanhas ?? 0) + (l.PartidasPerdidas ?? 0)) ?? 0; if (totalPartidasJogadas > 0) { estatisticasJogador.Lanes = lanesMaisJogadas?.Select(x => new LaneModel(x._id, x.PartidasGanhas ?? 0, x.PartidasPerdidas ?? 0, totalPartidasJogadas)).ToList(); } #endregion #region taxaPrimeiroBarao var unwindTeams = new BsonDocument { { "$unwind", "$Teams" } }; var redactTeams = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{'$redact': { '$cond': { if: { $and: [ { $eq: ['$Participants.ParticipantId', '$ParticipantIdentities.ParticipantId'] }, { $eq: ['$Participants.TeamId', '$Teams.TeamId'] } ]}, then : '$$KEEP', else: '$$PRUNE' }}}"); var groupBaron = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$group: { _id : '$ParticipantIdentities.Player.CurrentAccountId', 'PrimeiroBaronSim' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Teams.FirstBaron', true]},1, 0 ]} }, 'PrimeiroBaronNao' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Teams.FirstBaron', false]},1, 0 ]} }, }}"); var pipelineBaron = new[] { match, unwind1, unwind2, unwindTeams, match2, redactTeams, groupBaron }; var baronEstatisticas = await _context .Partidas .Aggregate <BaronEstatisticas>(pipelineBaron) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (totalPartidasJogadas > 0) { estatisticasJogador.TaxaPrimeiroBarao = Math.Round((decimal)((decimal)(baronEstatisticas?.PrimeiroBaronSim ?? 0) / (decimal)totalPartidasJogadas), 2); } #endregion #region taxaFirstBlood var groupFirstBlood = BsonDocument.Parse(@"{$group: { _id : '$ParticipantIdentities.Player.CurrentAccountId', 'FirstBloodSim' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Teams.FirstBlood', true]},1, 0 ]} }, 'FirstBloodNao' : { '$sum' : {$cond: [{$eq : ['$Teams.FirstBlood', false]},1, 0 ]} }, }}"); var pipelineFirstBlood = new[] { match, unwind1, unwind2, unwindTeams, match2, redactTeams, groupFirstBlood }; var firstBloodEstatisticas = await _context .Partidas .Aggregate <FirstBloodEstatisticas>(pipelineFirstBlood) .FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (totalPartidasJogadas > 0) { estatisticasJogador.TaxaFirstBlood = Math.Round((decimal)((decimal)firstBloodEstatisticas?.FirstBloodSim / (decimal)totalPartidasJogadas), 2); } #endregion //Faz o update do documento await _context.EstatisticasJogador.ReplaceOneAsync(Builders <EstatisticasJogador> .Filter.Eq(x => x.PUDID, estatisticasJogador.PUDID), estatisticasJogador); return(estatisticasJogador); }
private static List <Match> GetMatchesFromApiAsync(RiotApi api, SummonerBase summonerBase, GameBase gameBase, int limit) { List <Task <Match> > tasks = new List <Task <Match> >(); List <Match> matchList = new List <Match>(); foreach (var game in gameBase.gameList) { if (limit < 1) { break; } if (game.scrapeIndex == 0) { tasks.Add(api.Match.GetMatchAsync(Region.euw, game.gameId)); //tasks.Add(DownloadMatch(api, Region.euw, game.gameId)); game.scrapeIndex = 1; //TODO check if actually scraped limit--; } } try { Task.WhenAll(tasks); } catch (RiotSharpException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.HttpStatusCode); //tasks.Clear(); foreach (var task in tasks) { task.Dispose(); //Console.WriteLine("Task - IsFaulted: " + task.IsFaulted + " IsCanceled: " + task.IsCanceled + " IsCompleted: " + task.IsCompleted); } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); } foreach (var match in tasks) { if (match.Result != null) { matchList.Add(match.Result); } } return(matchList); /* * var matchResult = await api.Match.GetMatchAsync(Region.euw, game.gameId); * * foreach (ParticipantIdentity pId in matchResult.ParticipantIdentities) * { * var summoner = pId.Player; * //Console.WriteLine(match.PlatformID.GetHashCode() + " " + match.Region.GetHashCode()); * summonerBase.AddUniqueSummoner(new Summoner(0, summoner.SummonerName, null, summoner.SummonerId, summoner.CurrentAccountId, summoner.CurrentPlatformId.GetHashCode(), summoner.ProfileIcon, 0, 0, 0, DateTime.FromBinary(0))); * } * * gameBase.gameList.Remove(game); * game.scrapeIndex = 1; * gameBase.gamesToUpdate.Add(game); * * //Console.WriteLine("added summoners from game: " + game.gameId); */ }
public ChampionsService(ApplicationDbContext db) { this.db = db; this.api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(PublicData.apiKey); this.ddVersion = PublicData.ddVerision; }
public static void Obtener_Enemigos() { RiotSharp.RiotApi Api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(_Key); RiotSharp.StaticRiotApi StaticApi = StaticRiotApi.GetInstance(_Key); try { RiotSharp.SummonerEndpoint.Summoner Summoner = Api.GetSummonerByName(_Region, _NombreInvocador); List <RiotSharp.SpectatorEndpoint.Participant> Participants = Api.GetCurrentGame(_Region, Summoner.Id).Participants; // --- ## Diccionarios para cargar los campeones & hechizos ## --- // Dictionary <string, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic> .ValueCollection championlist = StaticApi.GetChampions(_Region, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.ChampionData.All).Champions.Values; Dictionary <string, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic> .ValueCollection SummonerSpell = StaticApi.GetSummonerSpells(_Region, RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpellData.All).SummonerSpells.Values; // --- ## Diccionarios para cargar los campeones & hechizos ## --- // int total = Participants.Count; int index = Participants.FindIndex(a => a.SummonerName == _NombreInvocador); if (index > (total / 2) - 1) { for (int i = 0; i <= (total / 2) - 1; i++) { IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic> CampeonWhere = championlist.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[i].ChampionId); IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic> Spell1Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[i].SummonerSpell1); IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic> Spell2Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[i].SummonerSpell2); Enemigos.Add(CampeonWhere.First()); Hechizos.Add(Spell1Where.First()); Hechizos.Add(Spell2Where.First()); } } else { for (int i = 0; i <= (total / 2) - 1; i++) { IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.Champion.ChampionStatic> CampeonWhere = championlist.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[total / 2 + i].ChampionId); IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic> Spell1Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[total / 2 + i].SummonerSpell1); IEnumerable <RiotSharp.StaticDataEndpoint.SummonerSpell.SummonerSpellStatic> Spell2Where = SummonerSpell.Where(yourself => yourself.Id == Participants[total / 2 + i].SummonerSpell2); Enemigos.Add(CampeonWhere.First()); Hechizos.Add(Spell1Where.First()); Hechizos.Add(Spell2Where.First()); } } } catch (RiotSharpException e) { _controlar_excepcion = e.Message; } }
public RiotService(RiotApi api) { _api = api; }
void getdivisionboostprogress(int i) { //sindesi me tin riot kai me json anaktisi tou division tou paikti try { if (int.Parse(datat1.Rows[i][14].ToString()) != 2) { var api = RiotApi.GetInstance("RGAPI-cf5bf121-65f7-41cd-85f8-9b3b0b4b1f03"); var summoner = (dynamic)null; switch (setserver(custumerserver)) { case "EUW": summoner = api.GetSummoner(RiotSharp.Region.euw, game_summonername); break; case "EUNE": summoner = api.GetSummoner(RiotSharp.Region.eune, game_summonername); break; case "NA": summoner = api.GetSummoner(, game_summonername); break; case "OCE": summoner = api.GetSummoner(RiotSharp.Region.oce, game_summonername); break; } List <RiotSharp.LeagueEndpoint.League> test = summoner.GetLeagues(); var league = test[0].Tier.ToString(); var division = test[0].Entries[0].Division.ToString(); var lp = test[0].Entries[0].LeaguePoints.ToString(); var a = test[0].Entries[0].Wins.ToString(); label_progressdivcurrent1.Text = "" + league + " "; label_progressdivcurrent2.Text = "" + division; label_progressdivcurrent3.Text = "" + lp + "LP"; strprogressdivcurrent1 = league; strprogressdivcurrent2 = division; strprogressdivcurrent3 = Int32.Parse(lp); test.Clear(); img_progressdivcurrent.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic(league); //if ((datat1.Rows[i][11].ToString() == league) && (datat1.Rows[i][12].ToString() == division)) //{ // finishorder(i); //} } else { img_progressdivcurrent.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic(datat1.Rows[i][11].ToString()); label_progressdivcurrent1.Text = "" + datat1.Rows[i][11].ToString() + " "; label_progressdivcurrent2.Text = "" + datat1.Rows[i][12].ToString(); label_progressdivcurrent3.Text = ""; } img_progressdivstart.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic(datat1.Rows[i][6].ToString()); label_progressdivstart.Text = "" + datat1.Rows[i][6].ToString() + "\n" + datat1.Rows[i][7].ToString(); img_progressdivdesired.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic(datat1.Rows[i][11].ToString()); label_progressdivdesired.Text = "" + datat1.Rows[i][11].ToString() + " " + datat1.Rows[i][12].ToString(); } catch { img_progressdivstart.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic("Bronze-black-white"); label_progressdivstart.Text = ""; img_progressdivdesired.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic("Bronze-black-white"); label_progressdivdesired.Text = ""; img_progressdivcurrent.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic("Bronze-black-white"); label_progressdivcurrent1.Text = ""; label_progressdivcurrent2.Text = ""; label_progressdivcurrent3.Text = ""; //if (datat1.Rows[i][3].ToString() != "") //{ // free_game_summonername(); //} } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); var api = RiotApi.GetInstance("AN-ACTUAL-API-KEY"); }
public LeagueApiService(IConfiguration configuration) { _config = (IConfigurationRoot)configuration; //TODO API Key should be moved to appsettings.json _riotApi = RiotApi.NewInstance("RGAPI-27f314d6-8e0c-4765-b36a-4a56b782f363"); }
void getwinsprogress(int i) { //sindesi me tin riot kai me json anaktisi tou division tou paikti try { if (int.Parse(datat1.Rows[i][14].ToString()) != 2) { var api = RiotApi.GetInstance("RGAPI-cf5bf121-65f7-41cd-85f8-9b3b0b4b1f03"); var summoner = (dynamic)null; switch (setserver(custumerserver)) { case "EUW": summoner = api.GetSummoner(RiotSharp.Region.euw, game_summonername); break; case "EUNE": summoner = api.GetSummoner(RiotSharp.Region.eune, game_summonername); break; case "NA": summoner = api.GetSummoner(, game_summonername); break; case "OCE": summoner = api.GetSummoner(RiotSharp.Region.oce, game_summonername); break; } List <RiotSharp.LeagueEndpoint.League> test = summoner.GetLeagues(); var wins = test[0].Entries[0].Wins.ToString(); int winsint = Int32.Parse(wins); if (datat1.Rows[i][8].ToString() == "") { MySqlConnection con = openconnection(); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE `db_divisionboost`.`orderprogress` SET `OrderStartLp` = @startwins WHERE `idOrderProgress` = '" + datat1.Rows[i][5].ToString() + "';", con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@startwins", winsint); obj = cmd.ExecuteScalar(); con.Close(); currentplacementlb.Text = "0"; } else { currentgames = winsint - Int32.Parse(datat1.Rows[i][8].ToString()); currentplacementlb.Text = currentgames.ToString();; //if ((winsint - Int32.Parse(datat1.Rows[i][8].ToString())) >= Int32.Parse(datat1.Rows[i][13].ToString())) //{ // finishorder(i); //} } } else {/////////////////////edo stamatisa currentplacementlb.Text = datat1.Rows[i][13].ToString(); desiredplacementlb.Text = datat1.Rows[i][13].ToString(); } label_progressdivstart.Text = datat1.Rows[i][6].ToString(); Label1.Text = "Current Rank"; Label1.Font.Size = 21; img_progressdivstart.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic(datat1.Rows[i][6].ToString()); currentplacementlb.Visible = true; desiredplacementlb.Visible = true; img_progressdivcurrent.Visible = false; img_progressdivdesired.Visible = false; desiredplacementlb.Text = datat1.Rows[row_with_order][13].ToString(); label_progressdivcurrent1.Text = "Current"; label_progressdivcurrent2.Text = " Win"; label_progressdivcurrent3.Text = "Games"; } catch { img_progressdivstart.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic("Bronze-black-white"); label_progressdivstart.Text = ""; img_progressdivdesired.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic("Bronze-black-white"); label_progressdivdesired.Text = ""; img_progressdivcurrent.ImageUrl = setdivisionpic("Bronze-black-white"); label_progressdivcurrent1.Text = ""; label_progressdivcurrent2.Text = ""; label_progressdivcurrent3.Text = ""; if (datat1.Rows[i][3].ToString() != "") { free_game_summonername(); } } }
public MatchService() { _riotApi = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(ApiKeys.RiotApiKey); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Stopwatch stopWatch1 = new Stopwatch(); Stopwatch stopWatch2 = new Stopwatch(); long countje = 0; int ClientNumber = -1; try { ClientNumber = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]); Console.Title = "GameFinderV4 Client #" + ClientNumber.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("Client Number: " + ClientNumber.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Enter client number argument"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } MySqlConnection link; link = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySqlConnectionString"]); int timeoutTimetime = 1; while (!link.Ping()) { try { link.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } Console.WriteLine("Conncection to Database: " + link.Ping()); //var api = RiotApi.(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"], 500, 30000); var api = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"], 495, 29500); try { var test = api.Champion.GetChampionRotationAsync(Region.euw); var result = test.Result.FreeChampionIds; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Connection to Api: " + ex.InnerException.Message); goto End; } Console.WriteLine("Connection to Api: True"); var gameBase = new GameBase(); var summonerBase = new SummonerBase(); //var sips = new Summoner("SipsClar", null, null, "0fhpK-H2m0-tS_xeHpBRyXL9Lzu_uGTNts9cwCF36BJ-FnU", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, new DateTime(0)); //summonerBase.AddSummoner(sips); //summonerBase.LoadFromDatabase(link, 100); stopWatch2.Start(); while (true) { if (!summonerBase.SummonersAvailable()) { tryagain: gameBase.NewGamesToDatabase(link); //load new or break if (summonerBase.LoadFromDatabase(link, ClientNumber * 5000, 500)) { Console.WriteLine("Loaded new players from database"); timeoutTimetime = 1; } else { if (timeoutTimetime > 5) { Console.WriteLine("Could not load new players from database: Breaking"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Could not load new players from database: Timeout " + timeoutTimetime + " minute"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timeoutTimetime * 60000); timeoutTimetime++; goto tryagain; } } if (gameBase.gameList.Count > 10000) { //stopWatch2.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("batchtime: " + stopWatch2.ElapsedMilliseconds / countje); //stopWatch2.Reset(); //stopWatch2.Start(); gameBase.NewGamesToDatabase(link); summonerBase.UpdateSummonersToDatabase(link); } int beginIndex = 0; MatchList gameListResult = new MatchList(); DateTime checkedUntil = DateTime.FromBinary(0); stopWatch1.Start(); do { try { gameListResult = api.Match.GetMatchListAsync(Region.euw, summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().accountId, null, new List <int>(new int[] { 450 }), null, summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().checkedUntil, null, beginIndex, null).Result; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error with Summoner: " + summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().name); //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); string em = e.InnerException.Message; if (e.InnerException.Message.Contains("A task")) { Console.WriteLine(em); api = RiotApi.GetInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"], 495, 29500); } else if (em.StartsWith("500") || em.StartsWith("503") || em.StartsWith("504") || em.StartsWith("429")) { Console.WriteLine(em); } else { Console.WriteLine("\nOther Error\n"); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000); } if (gameListResult.Matches != null) { foreach (MatchReference match in gameListResult.Matches) { gameBase.AddNewGame(match.GameId, match.PlatformID.GetHashCode(), match.Season.GetHashCode(), match.Timestamp); } if (beginIndex == 0) //only run first loop { checkedUntil = gameListResult.Matches.Max(t => t.Timestamp).AddSeconds(1); } beginIndex += 100; countje++; } else { continue; } } while (gameListResult.TotalGames > beginIndex); if (gameListResult.Matches != null) { stopWatch1.Stop(); summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().AddGamesFound(gameListResult.TotalGames, checkedUntil); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + " dt: " + stopWatch1.ElapsedMilliseconds / ((gameListResult.TotalGames + 99) / 100) + "\t" + gameListResult.TotalGames.ToString() + " games added from summoner: " + summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().name); stopWatch1.Reset(); summonerBase.NextSummoner(); } } End: Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public SummonerInfo GetInfo(string SummonerName, Region region) { SummonerInfo summonerInfo = new SummonerInfo("Unknown"); string summonername; var api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(apiKey); summonername = SummonerName; try { //General info about account var summoner = api.Summoner.GetSummonerByNameAsync(region, summonername).Result; = summoner.Name; summonerInfo.region = summoner.Region.ToString(); summonerInfo.level = summoner.Level.ToString(); var accountid = summoner.AccountId; Console.WriteLine("Name:" +; Console.WriteLine("Region:" + summonerInfo.region); Console.WriteLine("Level:" + summonerInfo.level); try { List <LeagueEntry> rank = api.League.GetLeagueEntriesBySummonerAsync(summoner.Region, summoner.Id).Result; if (rank[0].QueueType == "RANKED_SOLO_5x5") { try { //Getting players ranks Console.WriteLine("Rank solo:" + rank[0].Tier + " " + rank[0].Rank); summonerInfo.soloRank = rank[0].Tier + " " + rank[0].Rank; Console.WriteLine("Rank flex:" + rank[1].Tier + " " + rank[1].Rank); summonerInfo.flexRank = rank[1].Tier + " " + rank[1].Rank; } catch { Console.WriteLine("\nProblems with solorank\n"); } try { //Getting players winrates float sWinrate = (float)rank[0].Wins / ((float)rank[0].Wins + (float)rank[0].Losses); sWinrate *= 100; Console.WriteLine("Solo ranked winrate:" + Math.Round(sWinrate, 1) + "%"); summonerInfo.soloWinrate = Math.Round(sWinrate, 1).ToString(); float fWinrate = (float)rank[1].Wins / ((float)rank[1].Wins + (float)rank[1].Losses); fWinrate *= 100; Console.WriteLine("Flex ranked winrate:" + Math.Round(fWinrate, 1) + "%"); summonerInfo.flexWinrate = Math.Round(fWinrate, 1).ToString(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("\nProblems with winrates\n"); } } else { try { //Getting players ranks Console.WriteLine("Rank flex:" + rank[0].Tier + " " + rank[0].Rank); summonerInfo.flexRank = rank[0].Tier + " " + rank[0].Rank; Console.WriteLine("Rank solo:" + rank[1].Tier + " " + rank[1].Rank); summonerInfo.soloRank = rank[1].Tier + " " + rank[1].Rank; } catch { Console.WriteLine("\nProblems with solorank\n"); } try { //Getting players winrates float fWinrate = (float)rank[0].Wins / ((float)rank[0].Wins + (float)rank[0].Losses); fWinrate *= 100; Console.WriteLine("Flex ranked winrate:" + Math.Round(fWinrate, 1) + "%"); summonerInfo.flexWinrate = Math.Round(fWinrate, 1).ToString(); float sWinrate = (float)rank[1].Wins / ((float)rank[1].Wins + (float)rank[1].Losses); sWinrate *= 100; Console.WriteLine("Solo ranked winrate:" + Math.Round(sWinrate, 1) + "%"); summonerInfo.soloWinrate = Math.Round(sWinrate, 1).ToString(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("\nProblems with winrates\n"); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("\nProblems with rank\n"); return(summonerInfo); } return(summonerInfo); } catch { Console.WriteLine("\nPlayer not found (or smth else)\n"); return(summonerInfo); } }
public RiotSharpService(ISanitizerService sanitizerService) { this.api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance("RGAPI-58084645-3667-433c-8bd8-e13077f0819f"); this.latestVersion = this.api.StaticData.Versions.GetAllAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult()[0]; this.sanitizerService = sanitizerService; }
public LeagueModule(BotDbContext botDbContext) { _api = RiotApi.NewInstance(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RIOT_API_TOKEN")); _context = botDbContext; }
static void Main(string[] args) { MySqlConnection link; link = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MySqlConnectionString"]); int timeoutTimetime = 1; while (!link.Ping()) { try { link.Open(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } Console.WriteLine("Conncection to Database: " + link.Ping()); var api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RiotApiKey"]); try { var test = api.Champion.GetChampionRotationAsync(Region.euw); var result = test.Result.FreeChampionIds; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Connection to Api: " + ex.InnerException.Message); goto End; } Console.WriteLine("Connection to Api: True"); var gameBase = new GameBase(); var summonerBase = new SummonerBase(); //var sips = new Summoner("SipsClar", null, null, "0fhpK-H2m0-tS_xeHpBRyXL9Lzu_uGTNts9cwCF36BJ-FnU", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, new DateTime(0)); //summonerBase.AddSummoner(sips); //summonerBase.LoadFromDatabase(link, 100); while (true) { if (!summonerBase.SummonersAvailable()) { tryagain: gameBase.UpdateGamesToDatabase(link); //load new or break if (summonerBase.LoadFromDatabase(link, 100)) { Console.WriteLine("Loaded new players from database"); timeoutTimetime = 1; } else { if (timeoutTimetime > 5) { Console.WriteLine("Could not load new players from database: Breaking"); break; } Console.WriteLine("Could not load new players from database: Timeout " + timeoutTimetime + " minute"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(timeoutTimetime * 60000); timeoutTimetime++; goto tryagain; } } try { var gameListResult = api.Match.GetMatchListAsync(Region.euw, summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().accountId, null, new List <int>(new int[] { 450 }), null, summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().checkedUntil, null, null, null); foreach (MatchReference match in gameListResult.Result.Matches) { //Console.WriteLine(match.PlatformID.GetHashCode() + " " + match.Region.GetHashCode()); gameBase.AddNewGame(match.GameId, Region.euw.GetHashCode(), match.Season.GetHashCode(), match.Timestamp); } summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().AddGamesFound(gameListResult.Result); Console.WriteLine(gameListResult.Result.Matches.Count.ToString() + " games added from summoner: " + summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().name); } catch (Exception ex) { // Handle the exception however you want. if (ex.InnerException.Message == "404, Resource not found") { Console.WriteLine("No new games for summoner: " + summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().name); // TODO summonerBase.CurrentSummoner().NoGamesFound(); } else { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } summonerBase.NextSummoner(); } End: Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
static Riot() { // Get API key from resources. _api = RiotApi.GetDevelopmentInstance(Properties.Resources.Key); }