Ejemplo n.º 1
    public override void OnEnable()


        if (SuperController.singleton.MonitorCenterCamera != null)
            var monitorCenterCameraTransform = SuperController.singleton.MonitorCenterCamera.transform;
            monitorCenterCameraTransform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;

        _headControlSnapshot         = FreeControllerV3Snapshot.Snap(_headControl);
        _headControl.canGrabPosition = false;
        _headControl.canGrabRotation = false;

        _previousInterpolation = _headControlRB.interpolation;
        if (!allowPersonHeadRotationJSON.val)
            _headControlRB.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;

        if (rotationLockJSON.val)
            GlobalSceneOptions.singleton.disableNavigation = true;

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public RigidBodyInfo(Rigidbody source)
     this.isKinematic           = source.isKinematic;
     this.useGravity            = source.useGravity;
     this.freezeRotation        = source.freezeRotation;
     this.detectCollisions      = source.detectCollisions;
     this.useConeFriction       = source.useConeFriction;
     this.velocity              = source.velocity;
     this.position              = source.position;
     this.rotation              = source.rotation;
     this.angularVelocity       = source.angularVelocity;
     this.centerOfMass          = source.centerOfMass;
     this.inertiaTensor         = source.inertiaTensor;
     this.inertiaTensorRotation = source.inertiaTensorRotation;
     this.drag                   = source.drag;
     this.angularDrag            = source.angularDrag;
     this.mass                   = source.mass;
     this.sleepVelocity          = source.sleepVelocity;
     this.sleepAngularVelocity   = source.sleepAngularVelocity;
     this.maxAngularVelocity     = source.maxAngularVelocity;
     this.constraints            = source.constraints;
     this.collisionDetectionMode = source.collisionDetectionMode;
     this.interpolation          = source.interpolation;
     this.solverIterationCount   = source.solverIterationCount;
	public void SetTarget ( Transform newTarget , bool snap ) 
		// If there was a target, reset its interpolation value if it had a rigidbody.
		if  (target) {
			// Reset the old target's interpolation back to the saved value.
			Rigidbody targetRigidbody = target.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
			if  (targetRigidbody)
				targetRigidbody.interpolation = savedInterpolationSetting;
		// Set our current target to be the value passed to SetTarget ()
		target = newTarget;
		// Now, save the new target's interpolation setting and set it to interpolate for now.
		// This will make our camera move more smoothly.  Only do this if we didn't set the
		// target to null (nothing).
		if (target) {
			Rigidbody targetRigidbody = target.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
			if (targetRigidbody) {
				savedInterpolationSetting = targetRigidbody.interpolation;
				targetRigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
		// If we should snap the camera to the target, do so now.
		// Otherwise, the camera's position will change in the LateUpdate () function.
		if  (snap) {
			transform.position = GetGoalPosition ();
Ejemplo n.º 4
    private void LiftPickup(Collider other)
        //get where to move item once its picked up
        Mesh otherMesh = other.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

        holdPos    = transform.position;
        holdPos.y += (GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.extents.y) + (otherMesh.bounds.extents.y) + gap;

        //if there is space above our head, pick up item (layermask index 2: "Ignore Raycast", anything on this layer will be ignored)
        if (!Physics.CheckSphere(holdPos, checkRadius, 2))
            gizmoColor             = Color.green;
            heldObj                = other.gameObject;
            objectDefInterpolation = heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().interpolation;
            heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
            heldObj.transform.position = holdPos;
            heldObj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
            //here we adjust the mass of the object, so it can seem heavy, but not effect player movement whilst were holding it
            heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass *= weightChange;
            //make sure we don't immediately throw object after picking it up
            timeOfPickup = Time.time;
        //if not print to console (look in scene view for sphere gizmo to see whats stopping the pickup)
            gizmoColor = Color.red;
            print("Can't lift object here. If nothing is above the player, make sure triggers are set to layer index 2 (ignore raycast by default)");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void OnGUI()
        // Instead of 'awake' we use Initialization checks

        GUILayout.Label("* Select the Hierarchy Root", EditorStyles.whiteMiniLabel);


        EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls(0f, 0f);
        Mass                   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Mass", Mass);
        Drag                   = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Drag", Drag);
        AngularDrag            = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Angular Drag", AngularDrag);
        UseGravity             = GUILayout.Toggle(UseGravity, "Use Gravity");
        IsKinematic            = GUILayout.Toggle(IsKinematic, "Is Kinematic");
        Interpolate            = (RigidbodyInterpolation)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Interpolate", Interpolate);
        CollisionDetectionMode = (CollisionDetectionMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Collision Detection", CollisionDetectionMode);

        Constraints = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(Constraints, "Constraints");
        if (Constraints)
        protected override void ReadFromImpl(object obj)
            Rigidbody uo = (Rigidbody)obj;

            velocity                 = uo.velocity;
            angularVelocity          = uo.angularVelocity;
            drag                     = uo.drag;
            angularDrag              = uo.angularDrag;
            mass                     = uo.mass;
            useGravity               = uo.useGravity;
            maxDepenetrationVelocity = uo.maxDepenetrationVelocity;
            isKinematic              = uo.isKinematic;
            freezeRotation           = uo.freezeRotation;
            constraints              = uo.constraints;
            collisionDetectionMode   = uo.collisionDetectionMode;
            centerOfMass             = uo.centerOfMass;
            detectCollisions         = uo.detectCollisions;
            position                 = uo.position;
            rotation                 = uo.rotation;
            interpolation            = uo.interpolation;
            solverIterations         = uo.solverIterations;
            sleepThreshold           = uo.sleepThreshold;
            maxAngularVelocity       = uo.maxAngularVelocity;
            solverVelocityIterations = uo.solverVelocityIterations;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void SetTarget(Transform newTarget, bool snap)
     if ((bool)target)
         Rigidbody rigidbody = target.GetComponent("Rigidbody") as Rigidbody;
         if ((bool)rigidbody)
             rigidbody.interpolation = savedInterpolationSetting;
     target = newTarget;
     if ((bool)target)
         Rigidbody rigidbody2 = target.GetComponent("Rigidbody") as Rigidbody;
         if ((bool)rigidbody2)
             savedInterpolationSetting = rigidbody2.interpolation;
             rigidbody2.interpolation  = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
     if (snap)
         base.transform.position = GetGoalPosition();
    private void LiftPickup(Collider other)
        //get where to move item once its picked up
        Mesh otherMesh = other.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh;

        holdPos    = transform.position + transform.forward * holdOffset.z + transform.right * holdOffset.x + transform.up * holdOffset.y;
        holdPos.y += (GetComponent <Collider>().bounds.extents.y) + (otherMesh.bounds.extents.y);

        //if there is space above our head, pick up item (this uses the defaul CheckSphere layers, you can add a layerMask parameter here if you need to though!)
        if (!Physics.CheckSphere(holdPos, checkRadius))
            gizmoColor             = Color.green;
            heldObj                = other.gameObject;
            objectDefInterpolation = heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().interpolation;
            heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous;
            heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().interpolation          = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
            heldObj.transform.position = holdPos;
            heldObj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
            heldObj.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, 90));
            //here we adjust the mass of the object, so it can seem heavy, but not effect player movement whilst were holding it
            heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass *= weightChange;
            //make sure we don't immediately throw object after picking it up
            timeOfPickup = Time.time;
        //if not print to console (look in scene view for sphere gizmo to see whats stopping the pickup)
            gizmoColor = Color.red;
            print("Can't lift object here. If nothing is above the player, perhaps you need to add a layerMask parameter to line 136 of the code in this script," +
                  "the CheckSphere function, in order to make sure it isn't detecting something above the players head that is invisible");
Ejemplo n.º 9
 void ChangeRigidbodyToKinematic(bool isKinematic, RigidbodyInterpolation interpolation, CollisionDetectionMode collisionDetection)
     //Camera may jitter without interpolation or if its changed back to None
     _characterRigidBody.interpolation          = interpolation;
     _characterRigidBody.collisionDetectionMode = collisionDetection;
     _characterRigidBody.isKinematic            = isKinematic;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private void OnAttachedToHand(Hand hand)
     hadInterpolation = this.rigidbody.interpolation;
     bracelet         = hand.GetBracelet();
         Signal sig   =  new Sine(100)   * new Envelope(0.1, 0.1);
        // Token: 0x060026F9 RID: 9977 RVA: 0x000B4708 File Offset: 0x000B2908
        public static void RegisterCharacterMotor(KinematicCharacterMotor motor)
            RigidbodyInterpolation interpolation = (KinematicCharacterSystem._internalInterpolationMethod == CharacterSystemInterpolationMethod.Unity) ? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate : RigidbodyInterpolation.None;

            motor.Rigidbody.interpolation = interpolation;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void CopyRigidbodySettings()
            Rigidbody oldRb = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            if (oldRb == null)

            t_velocity              = oldRb.velocity;
            t_angularVelocity       = oldRb.angularVelocity;
            t_drag                  = oldRb.drag;
            t_angularDrag           = oldRb.angularDrag;
            t_mass                  = oldRb.mass;
            t_useGravity            = oldRb.useGravity;
            t_isKinematic           = oldRb.isKinematic;
            t_freezeRotation        = oldRb.freezeRotation;
            t_constraints           = oldRb.constraints;
            t_collisionDetectionMod = oldRb.collisionDetectionMode;
            t_centerOfMass          = oldRb.centerOfMass;
            t_inertiaTensorRotation = oldRb.inertiaTensorRotation;
            t_inertiaTensor         = oldRb.inertiaTensor;
            t_detectCollisions      = oldRb.detectCollisions;
            t_useConeFriction       = oldRb.useConeFriction;
            t_position              = oldRb.position;
            t_rotation              = oldRb.rotation;
            t_interpolation         = oldRb.interpolation;
            //t_solverIterationCount = oldRb.solverIterations;
            t_sleepVelocity        = oldRb.sleepVelocity;
            t_sleepAngularVelocity = oldRb.sleepAngularVelocity;
            t_maxAngularVelocity   = oldRb.maxAngularVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected virtual void OnAttachedToHand(Hand hand)
            //Debug.Log("Pickup: " + hand.GetGrabStarting().ToString());

            hadInterpolation = this.rigidbody.interpolation;

            attached = true;



            rigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None;


            attachTime     = Time.time;
            attachPosition = transform.position;
            attachRotation = transform.rotation;

            if (attachEaseIn)
                attachEaseInTransform = hand.objectAttachmentPoint;

            snapAttachEaseInCompleted = false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void SetInterpolation(RigidbodyInterpolation ri)
     foreach (var r in _lstRigidbody)
         r.interpolation = ri;
Ejemplo n.º 15
    private void PickUp(Ray ray)
        RaycastHit hit;

        Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * maxGrabRange, Color.blue, 0.01f);

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, maxGrabRange))
            // Don't pick up kinematic rigidbodies (they can't move)
            if (hit.rigidbody != null && hit.rigidbody.gameObject.tag == "moveable")//&& !hit.rigidbody.isKinematic)
                initialInterpolationSetting          = hit.rigidbody.interpolation;
                hit.rigidbody.gameObject.layer       = 11;
                hit.rigidbody.interpolation          = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
                hit.rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic;
                hit.rigidbody.useGravity             = false;
                hit.rigidbody.freezeRotation         = true;
                hit.rigidbody.isKinematic            = true;
                rotationDifferenceEuler = hit.rigidbody.transform.rotation.eulerAngles - transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

                holdDistance = hit.distance;
                //hit.rigidbody.position = Vector3.Lerp(hit.transform.position, holdPosition, Time.deltaTime * 15);

                selected = hit.rigidbody;
Ejemplo n.º 16
         * Pick up a pickup-able object
        private void LiftPickup(Collider other)
            Mesh otherMesh = other.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh;

            holdPos    = transform.position;
            holdPos.y += (GetComponent <Collider> ().bounds.extents.y) + (otherMesh.bounds.extents.y) + gap;

            // Pick up obj if there's space above the head
            if (!Physics.CheckSphere(holdPos, checkRadius, 2))
                heldObj = other.gameObject;
                Rigidbody rb = heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();

                objectDefInterpolation = rb.interpolation;                          // Store the picked up object's interpolation
                rb.interpolation       = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;

                heldObj.transform.position = holdPos;
                heldObj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;


                // Adjust object mass
                rb.mass   *= weightChange;
                pickupTime = Time.time;

                EventManager.Instance.Send(new PickedUpObjectEvent(heldObj));
                print("Can't lift object here. If nothing is above the player, make sure triggers are set to layer index 2 (ignore raycast by default)");
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public RigidbodyState(Rigidbody rb)
        if (rb == null)
            throw new System.Exception("State rigidbody is null");

        this.angularDrag            = rb.angularDrag;
        this.angularVelocity        = rb.angularVelocity;
        this.centerOfMass           = rb.centerOfMass;
        this.collisionDetectionMode = rb.collisionDetectionMode;
        this.constraints            = rb.constraints;
        this.detectCollisions       = rb.detectCollisions;
        this.drag                     = rb.drag;
        this.freezeRotation           = rb.freezeRotation;
        this.inertiaTensor            = rb.inertiaTensor;
        this.inertiaTensorRotation    = rb.inertiaTensorRotation;
        this.interpolation            = rb.interpolation;
        this.isKinematic              = rb.isKinematic;
        this.mass                     = rb.mass;
        this.maxAngularVelocity       = rb.maxAngularVelocity;
        this.maxDepenetrationVelocity = rb.maxDepenetrationVelocity;
        this.position                 = rb.position;
        this.rotation                 = rb.rotation;
        this.sleepThreshold           = rb.sleepThreshold;
        this.solverIterations         = rb.solverIterations;
        this.solverVelocityIterations = rb.solverVelocityIterations;
        this.useGravity               = rb.useGravity;
        this.velocity                 = rb.velocity;
        this.worldCenterOfMass        = rb.worldCenterOfMass;
        // Token: 0x060026FC RID: 9980 RVA: 0x000B4770 File Offset: 0x000B2970
        public static void RegisterPhysicsMover(PhysicsMover mover)
            RigidbodyInterpolation interpolation = (KinematicCharacterSystem._internalInterpolationMethod == CharacterSystemInterpolationMethod.Unity) ? RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate : RigidbodyInterpolation.None;

            mover.Rigidbody.interpolation = interpolation;
 public RigidBodyInfo(Rigidbody source)
     isKinematic           = source.isKinematic;
     useGravity            = source.useGravity;
     freezeRotation        = source.freezeRotation;
     detectCollisions      = source.detectCollisions;
     useConeFriction       = source.useConeFriction;
     velocity              = source.velocity;
     position              = source.position;
     rotation              = source.rotation;
     angularVelocity       = source.angularVelocity;
     centerOfMass          = source.centerOfMass;
     inertiaTensor         = source.inertiaTensor;
     inertiaTensorRotation = source.inertiaTensorRotation;
     drag                   = source.drag;
     angularDrag            = source.angularDrag;
     mass                   = source.mass;
     sleepVelocity          = source.sleepVelocity;
     sleepAngularVelocity   = source.sleepAngularVelocity;
     maxAngularVelocity     = source.maxAngularVelocity;
     constraints            = source.constraints;
     collisionDetectionMode = source.collisionDetectionMode;
     interpolation          = source.interpolation;
     solverIterationCount   = source.solverIterationCount;
Ejemplo n.º 20
            public EquipInfo(Item sceneItem)
                originallyActive = sceneItem.gameObject.activeSelf;
                originalParent   = sceneItem.transform.parent;

                Rigidbody rb = sceneItem.rigidbody;

                if (rb != null)
                    attachedRigidbodyWasKinematic = rb.isKinematic;
                    attachedRigidbodyUsedGravity  = rb.useGravity;
                    rbInterpolation  = rb.interpolation;
                    rb.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None;

                    if (sceneItem.itemBehavior.equipType == EquipType.Normal)
                        collisionDetectionMode = rb.collisionDetectionMode;
                        if (rb.collisionDetectionMode == CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous)
                            rb.collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Discrete;
                        rb.isKinematic = true;

                    if (sceneItem.itemBehavior.equipType == EquipType.Physics)
                        rb.useGravity = false;

                if (!originallyActive)
Ejemplo n.º 21
        protected virtual void OnAttachedToHand(Hand hand)
            //Debug.Log("<b>[SteamVR Interaction]</b> Pickup: " + hand.GetGrabStarting().ToString());

            hadInterpolation = this.rigidbody.interpolation;

            attached = true;

            if (onPickUp != null)


            rigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None;

            if (velocityEstimator != null)

            attachTime     = Time.time;
            attachPosition = transform.position;
            attachRotation = transform.rotation;
Ejemplo n.º 22
    void Update()
        if (!Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            // We are not holding the mouse button. Release the object and return before checking for a new one

            if (rigidbody != null)
                // Reset the rigidbody to how it was before we grabbed it
                rigidbody.interpolation = initialInterpolationSetting;

                rigidbody = null;


        if (rigidbody == null)
            // We are not holding an object, look for one to pick up

            Ray        ray = CenterRay();
            RaycastHit hit;

            Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction * maxGrabDistance, Color.blue, 0.01f);

            if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, maxGrabDistance))
                // Don't pick up kinematic rigidbodies (they can't move)
                if (hit.rigidbody != null && !hit.rigidbody.isKinematic)
                    // Track rigidbody's initial information
                    rigidbody = hit.rigidbody;
                    initialInterpolationSetting = rigidbody.interpolation;
                    rotationDifferenceEuler     = hit.transform.rotation.eulerAngles - transform.rotation.eulerAngles;

                    hitOffsetLocal = hit.transform.InverseTransformVector(hit.point - hit.transform.position);

                    currentGrabDistance = Vector3.Distance(ray.origin, hit.point);

                    // Set rigidbody's interpolation for proper collision detection when being moved by the player
                    rigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
            // We are already holding an object, listen for rotation input

            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R))
                rotationInput += new Vector2(Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse X"), Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse Y"));

        // NOTE: You may want to write some code here to prevent your player's aim from moving while you rotate objects
        // Eg.
        // playerAimScript.enabled = !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    static int IntToEnum(IntPtr L)
        int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.lua_tonumber(L, 1);
        RigidbodyInterpolation o = (RigidbodyInterpolation)arg0;

        LuaScriptMgr.PushEnum(L, o);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinitionStruct(InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinition InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinition)
     Enabled                = InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinition.Enabled;
     HasRigidBody           = InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinition.HasRigidBody;
     RigidbodyInterpolation = InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinition.RigidbodyInterpolation;
     LocalCenter            = InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinition.LocalCenter;
     LocalSize              = InteractiveObjectBoxLogicColliderDefinition.LocalSize;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public RigidbodySettings(Rigidbody rb)
     this.mass                   = rb.mass;
     this.useGravity             = rb.useGravity;
     this.collisionDetectionMode = rb.collisionDetectionMode;
     this.interpolation          = rb.interpolation;
     this.drag                   = rb.drag;
     this.angularDrag            = rb.angularDrag;
Ejemplo n.º 26
 static void ApplyRigidBodyInterpolationModeOnServer(RigidbodyInterpolation interpolation)
     VehicleManager.Instance.rigidbodyInterpolationOnServer = interpolation;
     if (NetUtils.IsServer)
         foreach (var rb in Vehicle.AllVehicleRigidBodies)
             rb.interpolation = interpolation;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public void saveRigidbody(Rigidbody rb)
     mass               = rb.mass;
     drag               = rb.drag;
     angularDrag        = rb.angularDrag;
     useGravity         = rb.useGravity;
     isKinematic        = rb.isKinematic;
     interpolation      = rb.interpolation;
     collisionDetection = rb.collisionDetectionMode;
     constraints        = rb.constraints;
Ejemplo n.º 28
 static void ApplyRigidBodyInterpolationModeOnClient(RigidbodyInterpolation interpolation)
     VehicleManager.Instance.rigidbodyInterpolationOnClient = interpolation;
     if (Net.NetStatus.IsClientOnly)
         foreach (var rb in Vehicle.AllVehicleRigidBodies)
             rb.interpolation = interpolation;
 public SCG_RigidBodySerialized(Rigidbody rigidbody)
     mass        = rigidbody.mass;
     drag        = rigidbody.drag;
     angDrag     = rigidbody.angularDrag;
     useGravity  = rigidbody.useGravity;
     isKinematic = rigidbody.isKinematic;
     interpolate = rigidbody.interpolation;
     collDetect  = rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode;
     constraints = rigidbody.constraints;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public void SaveConfiguration(Rigidbody rigidbody)
     this.mass                   = rigidbody.mass;
     this.drag                   = rigidbody.drag;
     this.angularDrag            = rigidbody.angularDrag;
     this.useGravity             = rigidbody.useGravity;
     this.isKinematic            = rigidbody.isKinematic;
     this.interpolation          = rigidbody.interpolation;
     this.collisionDetectionMode = rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode;
     this.contraints             = rigidbody.constraints;
 private void GrabPushable(Collider other)
     heldObj = other.gameObject;
     objectDefInterpolation = heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().interpolation;
     heldObj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
     //no breakForce limit for pushables anymore because Unity 5's new physics system broke this. Perhaps it'll be fixed in future
     joint.breakForce  = holdingBreakForce;
     joint.breakTorque = holdingBreakTorque;
     //stop player rotating in direction of movement, so they can face the block theyre pulling
     //playerMove.rotateSpeed = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 32
         * Pick up a pickup-able object
        private void LiftPickup(Collider other)
            Mesh otherMesh	= other.GetComponent<MeshFilter> ().mesh;
            holdPos			= transform.position;
            holdPos.y		+= (GetComponent<Collider> ().bounds.extents.y) + (otherMesh.bounds.extents.y) + gap;

            // Pick up obj if there's space above the head
            if (!Physics.CheckSphere (holdPos, checkRadius, 2))
                heldObj						= other.gameObject;
                Rigidbody rb				= heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();

                objectDefInterpolation		= rb.interpolation; // Store the picked up object's interpolation
                rb.interpolation			= RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;

                heldObj.transform.position	= holdPos;
                heldObj.transform.rotation	= transform.rotation;

                AddJoint ();

                // Adjust object mass
                rb.mass *= weightChange;
                pickupTime = Time.time;

                EventManager.Instance.Send (new PickedUpObjectEvent (heldObj));
                print ("Can't lift object here. If nothing is above the player, make sure triggers are set to layer index 2 (ignore raycast by default)");
Ejemplo n.º 33
		private void CopyRigidbodySettings()
			Rigidbody oldRb = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
			if(oldRb == null) return;

			t_velocity				= oldRb.velocity;
			t_angularVelocity		= oldRb.angularVelocity;
			t_drag					= oldRb.drag;
			t_angularDrag			= oldRb.angularDrag;
			t_mass					= oldRb.mass;
			t_useGravity			= oldRb.useGravity;
			t_isKinematic			= oldRb.isKinematic;
			t_freezeRotation		= oldRb.freezeRotation;
			t_constraints			= oldRb.constraints;
			t_collisionDetectionMod	= oldRb.collisionDetectionMode;
			t_centerOfMass			= oldRb.centerOfMass;
			t_inertiaTensorRotation	= oldRb.inertiaTensorRotation;
			t_inertiaTensor			= oldRb.inertiaTensor;
			t_detectCollisions		= oldRb.detectCollisions;
			t_useConeFriction		= oldRb.useConeFriction;
			t_position				= oldRb.position;
			t_rotation				= oldRb.rotation;
			t_interpolation			= oldRb.interpolation;
			t_solverIterationCount	= oldRb.solverIterationCount;
			#if UNITY_5
			t_sleepThreshold		= oldRb.sleepThreshold;
			t_sleepVelocity			= oldRb.sleepVelocity;
			t_sleepAngularVelocity	= oldRb.sleepAngularVelocity;
			t_maxAngularVelocity	= oldRb.maxAngularVelocity;
Ejemplo n.º 34
	private void LiftPickup(Collider other)
		//get where to move item once its picked up
		Mesh otherMesh = other.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
		holdPos = transform.position;
		holdPos.y += (GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.extents.y) + (otherMesh.bounds.extents.y) + gap;
		//if there is space above our head, pick up item (layermask index 2: "Ignore Raycast", anything on this layer will be ignored)
		if(!Physics.CheckSphere(holdPos, checkRadius, 2))
			//gizmoColor = Color.green;
			heldObj = other.gameObject;
			objectDefInterpolation = heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().interpolation;
			heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
			heldObj.transform.position = holdPos;
			heldObj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
			//here we adjust the mass of the object, so it can seem heavy, but not effect player movement whilst were holding it
			//heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass *= weightChange;
			//make sure we don't immediately throw object after picking it up
			timeOfPickup = Time.time;
		//if not print to console (look in scene view for sphere gizmo to see whats stopping the pickup)
			//gizmoColor = Color.red;
			//print ("Can't lift object here. If nothing is above the player, make sure triggers are set to layer index 2 (ignore raycast by default)");
Ejemplo n.º 35
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ZSStylusDragger.RigidbodyProperties"/> struct from a Rigidbody.
 /// </summary>
 public RigidbodyProperties(Rigidbody rb)
     drag = rb.drag;
       angularDrag = rb.angularDrag;
       isKinematic = rb.isKinematic;
       useGravity = rb.useGravity;
       solverIterationCount = rb.solverIterationCount;
       interpolation = rb.interpolation;
    public void ResetRigidbodyVariables()
        //reset rigidbody variables
        Interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None;
        CollisionDetection = CollisionDetectionMode.Discrete;

        //apply changes
Ejemplo n.º 37
        private static void AddRigidBodies(GameObject sGameObject, string gameObjectName,
            float rbMass, float rbDrag, float rbAngularDrag, bool rbUseGravity,
            bool rbIsKinematic, RigidbodyInterpolation rbInterpolation,
            CollisionDetectionMode rbCollisionDetectionMode)
            if (sGameObject.name == gameObjectName)
                var rigidBody = sGameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
                rigidBody.isKinematic = rbIsKinematic;
                rigidBody.useGravity = rbUseGravity;
                rigidBody.mass = rbMass;
                rigidBody.drag = rbDrag;
                rigidBody.angularDrag = rbAngularDrag;
                rigidBody.interpolation = rbInterpolation;
                rigidBody.collisionDetectionMode = rbCollisionDetectionMode;

            foreach (Transform childTransform in sGameObject.transform)
                AddRigidBodies(childTransform.gameObject, gameObjectName, rbMass, rbDrag, rbAngularDrag, rbUseGravity,
                    rbIsKinematic, rbInterpolation, rbCollisionDetectionMode);
Ejemplo n.º 38
 public RigidbodySettings(Rigidbody rigidbody)
     _rigidbody = rigidbody;
     _isKinematic = rigidbody.isKinematic;
     _velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
     _angularVelocity = rigidbody.angularVelocity;
     _mass = rigidbody.mass;
     _drag = rigidbody.drag;
     _angularDrag = rigidbody.angularDrag;
     _useGravity = rigidbody.useGravity;
     _interpolate = rigidbody.interpolation;
     _collisionDetection = rigidbody.collisionDetectionMode;
     _constraints = rigidbody.constraints;
Ejemplo n.º 39
         * Grab a pushable object
        private void GrabPushable(Collider other)
            heldObj					= other.gameObject;
            Rigidbody rb			= heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();

            objectDefInterpolation	= rb.interpolation; // Store the picked up object's interpolation
            rb.interpolation		= RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;

            AddJoint ();
            joint.breakForce		= pushBreakForce;
            joint.breakTorque		= pushBreakTorque;
            // Stop player facing movement dir so that they face the grabbed obj
            playerController.rotateSpeed = 0;

            EventManager.Instance.Send (new PushObjectEvent (heldObj));
Ejemplo n.º 40
 private void GrabPushable(Collider other)
     heldObj = other.gameObject;
     objectDefInterpolation = heldObj.rigidbody.interpolation;
     heldObj.rigidbody.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
     AddJoint ();
     //set limits for when player will let go of object
     joint.breakForce = holdingBreakForce;
     joint.breakTorque = holdingBreakTorque;
     //stop player rotating in direction of movement, so they can face the block theyre pulling
     playerMove.rotateSpeed = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 41
	private void GrabPushable(Collider other)
		heldObj = other.gameObject;
		objectDefInterpolation = heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().interpolation;
		heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
		AddJoint ();
		//no breakForce limit for pushables anymore because Unity 5's new physics system broke this. Perhaps it'll be fixed in future
		joint.breakForce = Mathf.Infinity;
		joint.breakTorque = Mathf.Infinity;
		//stop player rotating in direction of movement, so they can face the block theyre pulling
		playerMove.rotateSpeed = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 42
	private void LiftPickup(Collider other)
		//get where to move item once its picked up
		Mesh otherMesh = other.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
		holdPos = transform.position + transform.forward * holdOffset.z + transform.right * holdOffset.x + transform.up * holdOffset.y;
		holdPos.y += (GetComponent<Collider>().bounds.extents.y) + (otherMesh.bounds.extents.y);
		//if there is space above our head, pick up item (this uses the defaul CheckSphere layers, you can add a layerMask parameter here if you need to though!)
		if(!Physics.CheckSphere(holdPos, checkRadius, mask))
			gizmoColor = Color.green;
			heldObj = other.gameObject;
			objectDefInterpolation = heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().interpolation;
			heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.Interpolate;
			heldObj.transform.position = holdPos;
			heldObj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
            heldObj.GetComponent<MoveOnPath>().held = true;
			//here we adjust the mass of the object, so it can seem heavy, but not effect player movement whilst were holding it
			heldObj.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().mass *= weightChange;
			//make sure we don't immediately throw object after picking it up
			timeOfPickup = Time.time;
		//if not print to console (look in scene view for sphere gizmo to see whats stopping the pickup)
			gizmoColor = Color.red;
			print ("Can't lift object here. If nothing is above the player, perhaps you need to add a layerMask parameter to line 136 of the code in this script," +
				"the CheckSphere function, in order to make sure it isn't detecting something above the players head that is invisible");