/// <summary>
        /// Builds the Third Person Controller character.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BuildCharacter(GameObject character, bool aiAgent, bool isNetworked, RigidbodyCharacterController.MovementType movementType,
                                          RuntimeAnimatorController animatorController, PhysicMaterial maxFrictionMaterial, PhysicMaterial frictionlessMaterial,
                                          Transform[] itemTransforms, Transform[] feet)
            // Set the internal variables.
            m_Character = character;
            m_AIAgent   = aiAgent;
#if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_5_0)
            m_IsNetworked = isNetworked;
            m_MovementType         = movementType;
            m_AnimatorController   = animatorController;
            m_MaxFrictionMaterial  = maxFrictionMaterial;
            m_FrictionlessMaterial = frictionlessMaterial;

            // Build the character.
            for (int i = 0; i < itemTransforms.Length; ++i)
#if !(UNITY_4_6 || UNITY_4_7 || UNITY_5_0)
            if (m_IsNetworked)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the Character Builder options.
        /// </summary>
        private bool ShowGUI()
            var modelType = (ModelType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Model Type", m_ModelType);

            if (modelType != m_ModelType)
                m_ModelType = modelType;
            var canContinue = true;

            m_Character = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Character", m_Character, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject;
            if (m_Character == null)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Select the GameObject which will be used as the character. This object will have the majority of the components added to it.",
                canContinue = false;
            else if (PrefabUtility.GetPrefabType(m_Character) == PrefabType.Prefab)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Please drag your character into the scene. The Character Builder cannot add components to prefabs.",
                canContinue = false;

            if (m_ModelType == ModelType.Humanoid)
                // Ensure the character is a humanoid.
                if (GUI.changed || m_CharacterUpdate)
                    if (m_Character != null)
                        var character        = m_Character;
                        var spawnedCharacter = false;
                        // The character has to be spawned in order to be able to detect if it is a Humanoid.
                        if (AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_Character).Length > 0)
                            character        = GameObject.Instantiate(character) as GameObject;
                            spawnedCharacter = true;
                        var animator    = character.GetComponent <Animator>();
                        var hasAnimator = animator != null;
                        if (!hasAnimator)
                            animator = character.AddComponent <Animator>();
                        // A human will have a head.
                        m_IsHumanoid = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Head) != null;
                        // Clean up.
                        if (!hasAnimator)
                            DestroyImmediate(animator, true);
                        if (spawnedCharacter)
                            DestroyImmediate(character, true);
                    m_CharacterUpdate = false;

                if (m_Character != null && !m_IsHumanoid)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(m_Character.name + " is not a humanoid. Please select the Humanoid Animation Type within the Rig Import Settings. " +
                                            "In addition, ensure all of the bones are configured correctly.", MessageType.Error);
                    canContinue = false;

            var movementType = (RigidbodyCharacterController.MovementType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Movement Type", m_MovementType);

            if (m_MovementType != movementType)
                m_MovementType = movementType;
            m_AIAgent = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is AI Agent", m_AIAgent);
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Is this character going to be used for AI? Some components (such as PlayerInput) do not need to be added if the character is an AI agent.",
            if (m_AIAgent)
                m_DeathmatchAgent = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Deathmatch Agent", m_DeathmatchAgent);
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Is this character going to be used by the Deathmatch AI Kit?", MessageType.Info);
            m_IsNetworked = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Networked", m_IsNetworked);
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Is this character going to be used on the network with Unity 5's multiplayer implementation?", MessageType.Info);
            if (m_ModelType == ModelType.Humanoid)
                m_AddStandardAbilities = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Add Standard Abilities", m_AddStandardAbilities);
                m_AddRagdoll           = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Add Ragdoll", m_AddRagdoll);
                if (m_AddRagdoll)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Unity's Ragdoll Builder will open when this wizard is complete.", MessageType.Info);
            if (m_ModelType == ModelType.Generic || m_AnimatorController == null)
                if (m_ModelType == ModelType.Humanoid)
                    EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Unable to find the built-in Animator Controller. Please select the controlled that your character should use.", MessageType.Warning);
                m_AnimatorController = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Animator Controller", m_AnimatorController, typeof(RuntimeAnimatorController), true) as RuntimeAnimatorController;
                canContinue          = canContinue && m_ModelType == ModelType.Generic;
            if (m_ModelType == ModelType.Generic)
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SerializedObject.FindProperty("m_ItemTransforms"), true);
                EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(m_SerializedObject.FindProperty("m_FootTransforms"), true);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void BuildHumanoidCharacter(GameObject character, bool aiAgent, bool isNetworked, RigidbodyCharacterController.MovementType movementType,
                                                  RuntimeAnimatorController animatorController, PhysicMaterial maxFrictionMaterial, PhysicMaterial frictionlessMaterial)
            var animator = character.GetComponent <Animator>();
            var hands    = new Transform[] { animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftHand), animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightHand) };
            var feet     = new Transform[] { animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.LeftFoot), animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.RightFoot) };

            BuildCharacter(character, aiAgent, isNetworked, movementType, animatorController, maxFrictionMaterial, frictionlessMaterial, hands, feet);