Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal TransformPatchInfo(Guid id, RigidBodyTransform transform, MotionType mType)
     Id                 = id;
     motionType         = mType;
     Transform          = new TransformPatch();
     Transform.Position = new Vector3Patch(transform.Position);
     Transform.Rotation = new QuaternionPatch(transform.Rotation);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private List <Snapshot.TransformInfo> ConvertTransformBLOB(byte[] blob)
            List <Snapshot.TransformInfo> transformInfoList = new List <Snapshot.TransformInfo>();

            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(blob))
                using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream))
                    for (int i = 0; i < memoryStream.Length / 48; i++)
                        var  guidBytes = binaryReader.ReadBytes(16);
                        Guid guid      = new Guid(guidBytes);

                        MotionType motionType = (MotionType)binaryReader.ReadByte();

                        //skip 3 bytes

                        Vector3 position = new Vector3();
                        position.x = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
                        position.y = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
                        position.z = -binaryReader.ReadSingle();

                        Quat rotation = new Quat();
                        rotation.x = -binaryReader.ReadSingle();
                        rotation.y = -binaryReader.ReadSingle();
                        rotation.z = binaryReader.ReadSingle();
                        rotation.w = binaryReader.ReadSingle();

                        var rigidBodyTransform = new RigidBodyTransform()
                            Position = position,
                            Rotation = rotation,
                        var transformInfo = new Snapshot.TransformInfo(guid, rigidBodyTransform, motionType);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void FixedUpdate(UnityEngine.Transform rootTransform)
            // - physics rigid body management
            // -set transforms/velocities for key framed bodies

            // get all the prediction time infos in this struct
            PredictionTimeParameters timeInfo = new PredictionTimeParameters(UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            // start the predictor

            int index = 0;
            MultiSourceCombinedSnapshot snapshot;

            _snapshotManager.Step(timeInfo.DT, out snapshot);
            _snapshotManager.UpdateDebugDisplay(rootTransform);             // guarded by ifdef internally

            foreach (var rb in _rigidBodies.Values)
                // if the body is owned then we only set the kinematic flag for the physics
                if (rb.Ownership)
                    if (rb.IsKeyframed)
                        rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = true;
                        rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = false;

                // Find corresponding rigid body info.
                // since both are sorted list this should hit without index=0 at the beginning
                while (index < snapshot.RigidBodies.Count && rb.Id.CompareTo(snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].Id) > 0)

                if (index < snapshot.RigidBodies.Count && rb.Id == snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].Id)
                    // todo: kick-in prediction if we are missing an update for this rigid body
                    //if (!snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].HasUpdate)
                    //	rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = false;
                    //	continue;

                    RigidBodyTransform transform = snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].Transform;
                    float timeOfSnapshot         = snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].LocalTime;

                    // get the key framed stream, and compute implicit velocities
                    UnityEngine.Vector3    keyFramedPos         = rootTransform.TransformPoint(transform.Position);
                    UnityEngine.Quaternion keyFramedOrientation = rootTransform.rotation * transform.Rotation;
                    UnityEngine.Vector3    JBLinearVelocity     =
                        rootTransform.rotation * snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].LinearVelocity;
                    UnityEngine.Vector3 JBAngularVelocity =
                        rootTransform.rotation * snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].AngularVelocity;
                    // if there is a really new update then also store the implicit velocity
                    if (rb.lastTimeKeyFramedUpdate < timeOfSnapshot)
                        // we moved the velocity estimation into the jitter buffer
                        rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos   = JBLinearVelocity;
                        rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng = JBAngularVelocity;

                        // test the source of large velocities
                        if (rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos.sqrMagnitude > _maxEstimatedLinearVelocity * _maxEstimatedLinearVelocity)
                            // limited debug version
                            Debug.Log(" ACTIVE SPEED LIMIT TRAP RB: "                             //+ rb.Id.ToString() + " got update lin vel:"
                                      + rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos + " ang vel:" + rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng
                                      + " time:" + timeOfSnapshot
                                      + " newR:" + rb.lastTimeKeyFramedUpdate
                                      + " hasupdate:" + snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].HasUpdate
                                      + " DangE:" + eulerAngles + " DangR:" + radianAngles);

                        // cap the velocities
                        rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos = UnityEngine.Vector3.ClampMagnitude(
                            rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos, _maxEstimatedLinearVelocity);
                        rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng = UnityEngine.Vector3.ClampMagnitude(
                            rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng, _maxEstimatedAngularVelocity);
                        // if body is sleeping then all velocities are zero
                        if (snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].motionType == Patching.Types.MotionType.Sleeping)
                            rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos.Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
                            rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng.Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
                        if (true)
                            // limited debug version
                            Debug.Log(" Remote body: " + rb.Id.ToString() + " got update lin vel:"
                                      + rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos + " ang vel:" + rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng
                                      + " time:" + timeOfSnapshot + " newR:" + rb.lastTimeKeyFramedUpdate);
                            Debug.Log(" Remote body: " + rb.Id.ToString() + " got update lin vel:"
                                      + rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos + " ang vel:" + rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng
                                      //+ " DangE:" + eulerAngles + " DangR:" + radianAngles
                                      + " time:" + timeOfSnapshot + " newp:" + keyFramedPos
                                      + " newR:" + keyFramedOrientation
                                      + " oldP:" + rb.RigidBody.transform.position
                                      + " oldR:" + rb.RigidBody.transform.rotation
                                      + " OriginalRot:" + transform.Rotation
                                      + " keyF:" + rb.RigidBody.isKinematic
                                      + " KF:" + rb.IsKeyframed);
                        // cap the velocities
                        rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos = UnityEngine.Vector3.ClampMagnitude(
                            rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos, _maxEstimatedLinearVelocity);
                        rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng = UnityEngine.Vector3.ClampMagnitude(
                            rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng, _maxEstimatedAngularVelocity);
                        // if body is sleeping then all velocities are zero
                        if (snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].motionType == Patching.Types.MotionType.Sleeping)
                            rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos.Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
                            rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng.Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
                        Debug.Log(" Remote body: " + rb.Id.ToString() + " got update lin vel:"
                                  + rb.lastValidLinerVelocityOrPos + " ang vel:" + rb.lastValidAngularVelocityorAng
                                  //+ " DangE:" + eulerAngles + " DangR:" + radianAngles
                                  + " time:" + timeOfSnapshot + " newp:" + keyFramedPos
                                  + " newR:" + keyFramedOrientation
                                  + " incUpdateDt:" + invUpdateDT
                                  + " oldP:" + rb.RigidBody.transform.position
                                  + " oldR:" + rb.RigidBody.transform.rotation
                                  + " OriginalRot:" + transform.Rotation
                                  + " keyF:" + rb.RigidBody.isKinematic
                                  + " KF:" + rb.IsKeyframed);

                    rb.lastTimeKeyFramedUpdate = timeOfSnapshot;
                    rb.IsKeyframed             = (snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].motionType == Patching.Types.MotionType.Keyframed);

                    // code to disable prediction and to use just key framing (and comment out the prediction)
                    //rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = true;
                    //rb.RigidBody.transform.position = keyFramedPos;
                    //rb.RigidBody.transform.rotation = keyFramedOrientation;
                    //rb.RigidBody.velocity.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    //rb.RigidBody.angularVelocity.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                    // call the predictor with this remotely owned body
                    _predictor.AddAndProcessRemoteBodyForPrediction(rb, transform,
                                                                    keyFramedPos, keyFramedOrientation, timeOfSnapshot, timeInfo);

            // call the predictor
            _predictor.PredictAllRemoteBodiesWithOwnedBodies(ref _rigidBodies, timeInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void FixedUpdate(UnityEngine.Transform rootTransform)
            // - physics rigid body management
            // -set transforms/velocities for key framed bodies

            // get all the prediction time infos in this struct
            PredictionTimeParameters timeInfo = new PredictionTimeParameters(UnityEngine.Time.fixedDeltaTime);

            // start the predictor

            int index = 0;
            MultiSourceCombinedSnapshot snapshot = _snapshotManager.GetNextSnapshot(timeInfo.DT);

            foreach (var rb in _rigidBodies.Values)
                // if the body is owned then we only set the kinematic flag for the physics
                if (rb.Ownership)
                    if (rb.IsKeyframed)
                        rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = true;
                        rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = false;

                // Find corresponding rigid body info.
                // since both are sorted list this should hit without index=0 at the beginning
                while (index < snapshot.RigidBodies.Count && rb.Id.CompareTo(snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].Id) > 0)

                if (index < snapshot.RigidBodies.Count && rb.Id == snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].Id)
                    // todo: kick-in prediction if we are missing an update for this rigid body
                    //if (!snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].HasUpdate)
                    //	rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = false;
                    //	continue;

                    RigidBodyTransform transform = snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].Transform;
                    float timeOfSnapshot         = snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].LocalTime;

                    // get the key framed stream, and compute implicit velocities
                    UnityEngine.Vector3    keyFramedPos         = rootTransform.TransformPoint(transform.Position);
                    UnityEngine.Quaternion keyFramedOrientation = rootTransform.rotation * transform.Rotation;
                    // if there is a really new update then also store the implicit velocity
                    if (rb.lastTimeKeyFramedUpdate < timeOfSnapshot)
                        // <todo> for long running times this could be a problem
                        float invUpdateDT = 1.0f / (timeOfSnapshot - rb.lastTimeKeyFramedUpdate);
                        rb.lastValidLinerVelocity = (keyFramedPos - rb.RigidBody.transform.position) * invUpdateDT;
                        // transform to radians and take the angular velocity
                        UnityEngine.Vector3 eulerAngles = (
                            * keyFramedOrientation).eulerAngles;
                        UnityEngine.Vector3 radianAngles = UtilMethods.TransformEulerAnglesToRadians(eulerAngles);
                        rb.lastValidAngularVelocity = radianAngles * invUpdateDT;
                        Debug.Log(" Remote body: " + rb.Id.ToString() + " got update lin vel:"
                                  + rb.lastValidLinerVelocity + " ang vel:" + rb.lastValidAngularVelocity
                                  //+ " DangE:" + eulerAngles + " DangR:" + radianAngles
                                  + " time:" + timeOfSnapshot + " newp:" + keyFramedPos
                                  + " newR:" + keyFramedOrientation
                                  + " incUpdateDt:" + invUpdateDT
                                  + " oldP:" + rb.RigidBody.transform.position
                                  + " oldR:" + rb.RigidBody.transform.rotation
                                  + " OriginalRot:" + transform.Rotation
                                  + " keyF:" + rb.RigidBody.isKinematic
                                  + " KF:" + rb.IsKeyframed);
                    rb.lastTimeKeyFramedUpdate = timeOfSnapshot;
                    rb.IsKeyframed             = (snapshot.RigidBodies.Values[index].motionType == Patching.Types.MotionType.Keyframed);

                    // code to disable prediction and to use just key framing
                    //rb.RigidBody.isKinematic = true;
                    //rb.RigidBody.transform.position = keyFramedPos;
                    //rb.RigidBody.transform.rotation = keyFramedOrientation;
                    //rb.RigidBody.velocity.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                    //rb.RigidBody.angularVelocity.Set(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                    // call the predictor with this remotely owned body
                    _predictor.AddAndProcessRemoteBodyForPrediction(rb, transform,
                                                                    keyFramedPos, keyFramedOrientation, timeOfSnapshot, timeInfo);

            // call the predictor
            _predictor.PredictAllRemoteBodiesWithOwnedBodies(ref _rigidBodies, timeInfo);