Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void Draw(Renderer renderer)
            for (short i = 0; i < 255; i++)
                if (Context.Input.IsKeyDown(i))
                    _eventList.Add("isKeyDown(\"" + Context.Input.GetKeyNameFromCode(i) + "\")");
                if (Context.Input.IsKeyUp(i))
                    _eventList.Add("IsKeyUp(\"" + Context.Input.GetKeyNameFromCode(i) + "\")");

            _textArea.Text = string.Join("\n", _eventList);

            // This is not the most optimized/smart way to do the following operation. It is however the most readable, and this is an example.
            Vector2 center = renderer.ScreenCenter;

            Vector2   charSize  = _displayFont.MeasureString("S", 40);
            Vector2   sLocation = new Vector2(center.X - charSize.X, center.Y - charSize.Y);
            Rectangle sBounds   = new Rectangle(sLocation, charSize);

            sBounds = RenderKey("S", sBounds, renderer);

            charSize = _displayFont.MeasureString("A", 40);
            Vector2   aLocation = new Vector2(sBounds.X - charSize.X - 15, sBounds.Y + 10);
            Rectangle aBounds   = new Rectangle(aLocation, charSize);

            RenderKey("A", aBounds, renderer);

            charSize = _displayFont.MeasureString("D", 40);
            Vector2   dLocation = new Vector2(sBounds.X + sBounds.Width + 15, sBounds.Y + 10);
            Rectangle dBounds   = new Rectangle(dLocation, charSize);

            RenderKey("D", dBounds, renderer);

            charSize = _displayFont.MeasureString("W", 40);
            Vector2   wLocation = new Vector2(sBounds.X + 5, sBounds.Y - charSize.Y - 15);
            Rectangle wBounds   = new Rectangle(wLocation, charSize);

            RenderKey("W", wBounds, renderer);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // draws city name plates
        private void DrawCityNamePlates(SpriteBatch sb)
            // draw a nameplate for every city the client can see
            foreach (City city in client.Cities.ToArray())
                // if the city is not on a chached tile, dont draw its name plate
                if (client.GetCachedTile(city.Location) == null)

                // get the city name
                RichText lblCityName;
                if (city.IsCapital)
                    lblCityName = $"$(capital) {city.Name}".ToRichText();
                    lblCityName = $"{city.Name}".ToRichText();
                Vector2 lblCityNameMeasure = lblCityName.Measure();

                // position the name plate
                Vector2   tileCentre = camera.ConvertWorldToScreen(boardRenderer.GetTileCentre(city.Location));
                int       labelWidth = (int)(cityLabelWidth + lblCityNameMeasure.X / 2);
                Rectangle dest       = new Rectangle((int)(tileCentre.X - labelWidth / 2), (int)(tileCentre.Y - boardRenderer.TileHeight * camera.Zoom.Y), labelWidth, cityLabelHeight);
                Rectangle defDest    = new Rectangle(dest.X + dest.Width / 2 - cityDefensePlateWidth / 2, dest.Y - cityDefensePlateHeight, cityDefensePlateWidth, cityDefensePlateHeight);

                // draw the name plate
                cityLabelSprite.DrawNineCut(sb, dest);
                // draw the defense plate
                cityLabelSprite.DrawNineCut(sb, defDest);

                // draw population value
                RichText lblPop        = $"{city.Population}".ToRichText();
                Vector2  lblPopMeasure = lblPop.Measure();
                lblPop.Draw(sb, new Vector2(dest.X + cityPadding + 5, dest.Y + cityPadding + lblPopMeasure.Y / 4));

                // draw population bar
                float popProgress = city.PopulationGorwthProgress;
                // clamp progress between 0% and 100%
                if (popProgress > 1f)
                    popProgress = 1f;
                if (popProgress < 0f)
                    popProgress = 0f;
                int       popProgBarHeight = (int)Math.Round(dest.Height * popProgress) - cityPadding * 2;
                Rectangle popProgBar       = new Rectangle(dest.X + cityPopBarPosX, dest.Y + dest.Height - cityPadding - popProgBarHeight, cityPopBarWidth, popProgBarHeight);
                // draw bar back and bar
                GraphicsHelper.DrawRectFill(sb, new Rectangle(popProgBar.X, dest.Y + cityPadding, popProgBar.Width, dest.Height - cityPadding * 2), Color.DarkGray);
                GraphicsHelper.DrawRectFill(sb, popProgBar, Color.Green);

                // draw turns until pop growth value
                string lblTurnsUntilPopGrowthString = $"{city.TurnsUntilPopulationGrowth}";
                if (city.TurnsUntilPopulationGrowth == -2) // -2 means indefinite
                    lblTurnsUntilPopGrowthString = "-";
                RichText lblTurnsUntilPopGrowth = lblTurnsUntilPopGrowthString.ToRichText();
                lblTurnsUntilPopGrowth.Sections.First().Scale = citySubTextScale;
                lblTurnsUntilPopGrowth.Draw(sb, new Vector2(popProgBar.X + popProgBar.Width, popProgBar.Y + popProgBar.Height - lblTurnsUntilPopGrowth.Measure().Y *citySubTextScale - cityPadding));

                // draw the city name
                lblCityName.Draw(sb, new Vector2(dest.X + dest.Width / 2 - lblCityNameMeasure.X / 2, dest.Y + lblCityNameMeasure.Y / 4));

                // draw the city defense value
                RichText lblDefense        = $"$(strength) {city.Defense}".ToRichText();
                Vector2  lblDefenseMeasure = lblDefense.Measure();
                lblDefense.Draw(sb, new Vector2(defDest.X + defDest.Width / 2 - lblDefenseMeasure.X / 2, defDest.Y + lblDefenseMeasure.Y / 4));

                if (city.ProductionQueue.Count > 0)
                    Production curProd = city.ProductionQueue.First.Value;

                    // draw current production icon
                    Sprite    sprite       = GetProductionIcon(curProd);
                    Rectangle prodIconDest = new Rectangle(dest.X + dest.Width - dest.Height, dest.Y, dest.Height, dest.Height);
                    sprite.Draw(sb, prodIconDest);

                    // draw current production progress bar
                    float prodProgress = curProd.Progress / (float)curProd.Cost;
                    // clamp progress between 0% and 100%
                    if (prodProgress > 1f)
                        prodProgress = 1f;
                    if (prodProgress < 0f)
                        prodProgress = 0f;
                    int prodProgBarHeight = (int)Math.Round(dest.Height * prodProgress) - cityPadding * 2;

                    Rectangle prodProgBar = new Rectangle(prodIconDest.X - cityProdBarWidth, dest.Y + dest.Height - cityPadding - prodProgBarHeight, 3, prodProgBarHeight);
                    // draw bar back and bar
                    GraphicsHelper.DrawRectFill(sb, new Rectangle(prodProgBar.X, dest.Y + cityPadding, prodProgBar.Width, dest.Height - cityPadding * 2), Color.DarkGray);
                    GraphicsHelper.DrawRectFill(sb, prodProgBar, Color.Orange);

                    // draw turns until prod done value
                    string lblTurnsUntilProdDoneString = $"{GetTurnsToProduce(city, curProd)}";
                    if (city.TurnsUntilPopulationGrowth == -2) // -2 means indefinite
                        lblTurnsUntilPopGrowthString = "-";
                    RichText lblTurnsUntilProdDone = lblTurnsUntilProdDoneString.ToRichText();
                    lblTurnsUntilProdDone.Sections.First().Scale = citySubTextScale;
                    Vector2 lblTurnsUntilProdDoneMeasure         = lblTurnsUntilProdDone.Measure();
                    lblTurnsUntilProdDone.Draw(sb, new Vector2(prodProgBar.X - prodProgBar.Width - lblTurnsUntilProdDoneMeasure.X + cityPadding, prodProgBar.Y + prodProgBar.Height - lblTurnsUntilProdDoneMeasure.Y * citySubTextScale - cityPadding));

                // draw the hp bar above the name plate
                double hpPercent = city.HP / (double)city.MaxHP;
                if (true || hpPercent < 1)
                    int barThickness = 4;
                    // colour the bar based on current hp
                    Color hpBarColor = Color.Green;
                    if (hpPercent <= 0.5)
                        hpBarColor = Color.Yellow;
                    else if (hpPercent <= 0.25)
                        hpBarColor = Color.Red;
                    // calculate the bar dest based on current hp
                    Rectangle hpBarBackDest = new Rectangle(dest.X, dest.Y - barThickness / 2, dest.Width, barThickness);
                    Rectangle hpBarDest     = new Rectangle(dest.X, dest.Y - barThickness / 2, (int)(dest.Width * hpPercent), barThickness);
                    // draw the hp bar
                    GraphicsHelper.DrawRectFill(sb, hpBarBackDest, Color.DarkGray);
                    GraphicsHelper.DrawRectFill(sb, hpBarDest, hpBarColor);