Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal void GenerateIisPasswordIfEmpty(RhspManager manager)
     if (IisSite.IdentityPassword == null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TManager CreateManager <TManager>()
            where TManager : RhspManager
            RhspServiceContext context = new RhspServiceContext();

            context.ConfigDirectory = configDirectory;
            return(RhspManager.CreateManager <TManager>(context));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public string GetPasswordMd5Hash(RhspManager manager)
            MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();

            byte[] textBuffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(manager.DecryptPassword(Password));
            byte[] hashBuffer = md5.ComputeHash(textBuffer);
            string hashText   = BitConverter.ToString(hashBuffer);

            return(hashText.Replace("-", String.Empty).ToLower());
        private MethodInfo getModuleMethod(
            RhspManager manager,
            string methodName,
            RhspParameterCollection rhspParams)
            var nameQuery = from m in manager.GetType().GetMethods()
                            where m.Name == methodName
                            select m;

            if (nameQuery.Count() == 0)
                throw new RhspException(
                          "No methods exist with the name '" + methodName + "'.");

            var paramCountQuery = from m in nameQuery
                                  where m.GetParameters().Length == rhspParams.Count
                                  select m;

            if (paramCountQuery.Count() == 0)
                throw new RhspException(
                          "None of the methods named '" + methodName + "' have " +
                          "the same number of prameters as specified in the command.");

            var paramNameQuery = from m in paramCountQuery
                                 where methodHasParamNames(m, rhspParams)
                                 select m;

            if (paramNameQuery.Count() == 0)
                throw new RhspException(
                          "The method with name '" + methodName + "' has the " +
                          "correct number of parameters, but at least one of " +
                          "either the parameter names or types do not match.");

            var moduleMethodQuery = from m in paramNameQuery
                                    where hasModuleMethodAttribute(m)
                                    select m;

            if (moduleMethodQuery.Count() == 0)
                throw new RhspException(
                          "The method with name '" + methodName + "' has the correct number " +
                          "of parameters and the correct parameter types, but does not implement " +
                          "the attribute " + typeof(RhspModuleMethodAttribute).FullName + ".");

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public WindowsUser GetIisIdentity(RhspManager manager)
            if (IisSite.IdentityUserName == null)
                throw new Exception("The IIS identity user name has not been set.");

            WindowsUser windowsUser = new WindowsUser(
                "IIS Identity (" + PrimaryHost.Name + ")",
                "User for the IIS site " + PrimaryHost.Name + " and it's application pool.",
                WindowsUserFlag.PasswordCannotChange | WindowsUserFlag.PasswordNeverExpires,
                new WindowsUserGroup("IIS_IUSRS"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IisSite.IdentitySid))
                windowsUser.Sid = new SecurityIdentifier(IisSite.IdentitySid);

 public RhspServiceContext()
     this.ConfigDirectory = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
     this.ServerConfig    = RhspManager.CreateManager <ServerConfigManager>(this);
     this.HostingConfig   = RhspManager.CreateManager <HostingConfigManager>(this);
        private RhspCommandResponse getCommandResponse(RhspCommandCarrier carrier)
            RhspCommandResponse response = new RhspCommandResponse();

            string[] ctParts = carrier.Command.CommandText.Split('.');
            if (ctParts.Length != 2)
                throw new RhspException(
                          "Unable to process command because it is not in " +
                          "the correct format (ModuleName.MethodName).");

            string moduleName = ctParts[0];
            string methodName = ctParts[1];

            if (!moduleManagerTable.ContainsKey(moduleName))
                throw new RhspException(
                          "Unable to process command because the module " +
                          "name '" + moduleName + "' was not recognised.");

            Type managerType = moduleManagerTable[moduleName];

            RhspManager manager;

            if (managerType == typeof(HostingConfigManager))
                // Ensure that only one hosting config is used.
                manager = service.Context.HostingConfig;
            else if (managerType == typeof(ServerConfigManager))
                // Ensure that only one server config is used.
                manager = service.Context.ServerConfig;
                manager = RhspManager.CreateManager(

            MethodInfo methodInfo = getModuleMethod(

            ParameterInfo[] systemParamArray = methodInfo.GetParameters();
            object[]        methodValueArray = new object[systemParamArray.Length];

            foreach (ParameterInfo systemParam in systemParamArray)
                RhspParameter rhspParam = carrier.Command.Parameters[systemParam.Name];
                if (!systemParam.ParameterType.IsAssignableFrom(rhspParam.Value.GetType()))
                    throw new RhspException(
                              "The data type '" + systemParam.ParameterType.Name + "' " +
                              "of system parameter with name '" + systemParam.Name + "' " +
                              "is not compatible with the equivilent command parameter " +
                              "of type '" + rhspParam.Value.GetType().Name + "'.");

                // Assign the value to the correct position so it matches the signature.
                methodValueArray[systemParam.Position] = rhspParam.Value;

            // Call method using manager so that apropriate events are fired.
            response.SetData(manager.InvokeMethod(methodInfo, methodValueArray));

            // Save both configs regardless of if changes have been made.
            // TODO: Only save if changes actually have been made.

Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void GenerateIisPassword(RhspManager manager)
     IisSite.IdentityPassword = manager.EncryptPassword(RsRandom.GenerateString(14));