        public Ellipse EllipseToSpeckle(RH.Ellipse e)
            var el = new Ellipse(PlaneToSpeckle(e.Plane), e.Radius1, e.Radius2, ModelUnits);

            el.domain = new Interval(0, 1);
        // TODO: handle conversions that define Radius1/Radius2 as major/minor instead of xaxis/yaxis
        public Ellipse EllipseToSpeckle(RH.Ellipse e, string units = null)
            var u  = units ?? ModelUnits;
            var el = new Ellipse(PlaneToSpeckle(e.Plane, u), e.Radius1, e.Radius2, u);

            el.domain = new Interval(0, 1);
            el.length = e.ToNurbsCurve().GetLength();
            el.bbox   = BoxToSpeckle(new RH.Box(e.ToNurbsCurve().GetBoundingBox(true)), u);
            el.area   = Math.PI * e.Radius1 * e.Radius2; // Manual area computing, could not find the Rhino way...
        public RH.Curve EllipseToNative(Ellipse e)
            RH.Ellipse elp    = new RH.Ellipse(PlaneToNative(e.plane), ScaleToNative((double)e.firstRadius, e.units), ScaleToNative((double)e.secondRadius, e.units));
            var        myEllp = elp.ToNurbsCurve();

            if (e.domain != null)
                myEllp.Domain = IntervalToNative(e.domain);

            if (e.trimDomain != null)
                myEllp = myEllp.Trim(IntervalToNative(e.trimDomain)).ToNurbsCurve();
