Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
            NativeArray <Entity> entityArray = chunk.GetNativeArray(entityType);
            BufferAccessor <ReynoldsNearbyFlockPos> nearbyPosBuffers = chunk.GetBufferAccessor <ReynoldsNearbyFlockPos>(nearbyPosBufferType);
            BufferAccessor <ReynoldsNearbyFlockVel> nearbyVelBuffers = chunk.GetBufferAccessor <ReynoldsNearbyFlockVel>(nearbyVelBufferType);
            NativeArray <Translation>            transArray          = chunk.GetNativeArray(translationType);
            NativeArray <ReynoldsFlockBehaviour> flockArray          = chunk.GetNativeArray(flockType);
            NativeArray <PreviousMovement>       preVelArray         = chunk.GetNativeArray(preVelType);
            NativeArray <ReynoldsMovementValues> movementArray       = chunk.GetNativeArray(reynoldsMovementValuesType);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunk.Count; i++)
                Entity entity = entityArray[i];
                DynamicBuffer <ReynoldsNearbyFlockPos> posBuffer = nearbyPosBuffers[i];
                DynamicBuffer <ReynoldsNearbyFlockVel> velBuffer = nearbyVelBuffers[i];
                Translation            trans          = transArray[i];
                ReynoldsFlockBehaviour flockBehaviour = flockArray[i];
                PreviousMovement       preVel         = preVelArray[i];
                ReynoldsMovementValues movement       = movementArray[i];

                float3 agentPosition = trans.Value;                                         // the position of the seeker

                DynamicBuffer <float3> nearCrowdPosList = posBuffer.Reinterpret <float3>(); // reinterpret the buffer so that it is used like a buffer of float3s

                DynamicBuffer <float3> nearCrowdVelList = velBuffer.Reinterpret <float3>(); // reinterpret the buffer so that it is used like a buffer of float3s

                float searchRadius = math.max(flockBehaviour.CohesionRadius, flockBehaviour.AvoidanceRadius);                                                                    // Choose the farther radius

                int hashMapKey = MovingQuadrantSystem.GetPositionHashMapKey(trans.Value);                                                                                        // Calculate the hash key of the seeker in question

                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius);                                                // Seach the quadrant that the seeker is in
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey + 1, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius);                                            // search the quadrant to the right
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey - 1, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius);                                            // search the quadrant to the left
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey + MovingQuadrantSystem.quadrantYMultiplier, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius);     // quadrant above
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey - MovingQuadrantSystem.quadrantYMultiplier, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius);     // quadrant below
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey + 1 + MovingQuadrantSystem.quadrantYMultiplier, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius); // up right
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey - 1 + MovingQuadrantSystem.quadrantYMultiplier, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius); // up left
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey + 1 - MovingQuadrantSystem.quadrantYMultiplier, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius); // down right
                FindCrowdAgents(hashMapKey - 1 - MovingQuadrantSystem.quadrantYMultiplier, agentPosition, entity, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref searchRadius); // down left

                movementArray[i] = GetFlockingBehaviour(ref trans, ref preVel.value, ref nearCrowdPosList, ref nearCrowdVelList, ref flockBehaviour, movement);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Calculate the avoidance using a buffer
        private float3 CalculateAvoidance(ref float3 agentPosition, ref DynamicBuffer <float3> context, /*[ReadOnly]*/ ref ReynoldsFlockBehaviour flockBehaviour)
            //if no neighbours, return no adjustment
            if (context.Length == 0)
            //add all points together and average
            float3 avoidanceMove = float3.zero;
            int    nAvoid        = 0; //number of neighbours to avoid

            foreach (float3 item in context)
                //if the item is within the avoidance radius
                if (math.distancesq(item, agentPosition) < flockBehaviour.AvoidanceRadius * flockBehaviour.AvoidanceRadius)
                    avoidanceMove += (agentPosition - item);
                    //add the vector from the projected position to item's position into the average
                    //this makes it relative to the agent as well
                    nAvoid++; //increment the number of neighbours to avoid
            if (nAvoid > 0)
                avoidanceMove /= nAvoid;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Calculate the cohesion using a buffer
        private float3 CalculateCohesion(ref float3 agentPosition, ref float3 preVelocity, ref DynamicBuffer <float3> context, ref DynamicBuffer <float3> contextVelocity, ref ReynoldsFlockBehaviour flockBehaviour)
            //if no neighbours, return no adjustment
            if (context.Length == 0)
            int count = 0;
            //add all points together and average
            float3 cohesionMove = float3.zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < context.Length; i++)
                float3 item     = context[i];
                float3 velocity = contextVelocity[i];

                float angle = math.degrees(math.acos(math.dot(velocity, math.normalize(preVelocity))));

                //Debug.Log("Angle: " + angle);
                //Debug.Log("Is a number? " + (angle == angle));

                if (angle == angle)
                    if (math.distancesq(item, agentPosition) < flockBehaviour.CohesionRadius * flockBehaviour.CohesionRadius && angle < 45)
                        cohesionMove += item;

            if (count > 0)
                cohesionMove /= count;

            //create offset from agent position
            cohesionMove -= agentPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Apply the flocking behaviour using a buffer
        private ReynoldsMovementValues GetFlockingBehaviour(ref Translation agentTranslation, ref float3 preVelocity, ref DynamicBuffer <float3> nearbyCrowdPosList, ref DynamicBuffer <float3> nearbyCrowdVelList, ref ReynoldsFlockBehaviour flockBehaviour, ReynoldsMovementValues movement)
            float3 move = float3.zero; // where the agent will move
            // Calculate Avoidance first
            float3 avoidance = CalculateAvoidance(ref agentTranslation.Value, ref nearbyCrowdPosList, ref flockBehaviour);

            //if the avoidance is not zero
            if (!avoidance.Equals(float3.zero))
                avoidance  = math.normalize(avoidance);
                avoidance *= flockBehaviour.AvoidanceWeight;

                move += avoidance;
                //Debug.Log("Move after avoid: " +move);

            // Calculate cohesion
            float3 cohesion = CalculateCohesion(ref agentTranslation.Value, ref preVelocity, ref nearbyCrowdPosList, ref nearbyCrowdVelList, ref flockBehaviour);

            if (!cohesion.Equals(float3.zero))
                //Debug.Log("Cohes Dst Sq: " +math.distancesq(float3.zero,cohesion));
                //if the avoidance is not normalized  (The square of the length of the position is greater than the square of the weights)
                if (math.distancesq(float3.zero, cohesion) > flockBehaviour.CohesionWeight * flockBehaviour.CohesionWeight)
                    //normalize the movement vector
                    cohesion  = math.normalize(cohesion);
                    cohesion *= flockBehaviour.CohesionWeight;

                move += cohesion;
                //Debug.Log("Move after cohes: " +move);
            // May want to calculate alignment after, but not at time of writing this

            ReynoldsMovementValues movementValues = new ReynoldsMovementValues {
                flockMovement = move,
                seekMovement  = movement.seekMovement,
                fleeMovement  = movement.fleeMovement

            //Debug.Log("Flock stored: " +movementValues.flockMovement);
            //movement.flockMovement = move;

            //float moveSpeed = 5f; //movement speed
            //agentTranslation.Value += move * moveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; //add movement to the translation
            //return move;