public FromClause SetFromClause(HierarchyScope hierarchyScope, RevisionStatusType revisionStatus, IEnumerable<HiveId> excludeParentIds = null, IEnumerable<HiveId> excludeIds = null, params HiveId[] scopeStartIds)
     excludeParentIds = excludeParentIds ?? Enumerable.Empty<HiveId>();
     excludeIds = excludeIds ?? Enumerable.Empty<HiveId>();
     From = new FromClause(scopeStartIds, excludeParentIds, excludeIds, hierarchyScope, revisionStatus);
     return From;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public FromClause(IEnumerable<HiveId> startIds, IEnumerable<HiveId> excludeStartIds, IEnumerable<HiveId> excludeIds, HierarchyScope hierarchyScope, RevisionStatusType revisionStatus, string hierarchyType = null, IEnumerable<HiveId> requiredEntityIds = null)
     ScopeStartIds = startIds;
     ExcludeEntityIds = excludeIds;
     ExcludeParentIds = excludeStartIds;
     HierarchyScope = hierarchyScope;
     RevisionStatusType = revisionStatus;
     RequiredEntityIds = requiredEntityIds ?? Enumerable.Empty<HiveId>();
     HierarchyType = hierarchyType ?? string.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public FromClause(IEnumerable<HiveId> startIds, HierarchyScope hierarchyScope, RevisionStatusType revisionStatus, string hierarchyType = null, IEnumerable<HiveId> requiredEntityIds = null)
     : this(startIds, Enumerable.Empty<HiveId>(), Enumerable.Empty<HiveId>(), hierarchyScope, revisionStatus, hierarchyType, requiredEntityIds)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public EntityRouteResult FindEntityByUrl(Uri fullUrlIncludingDomain, RevisionStatusType revisionStatusType = null)
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void FromModel_StatusType_ToRdbms()
            // Arrange
            var model = new RevisionStatusType("myalias", "myname")
                    Id = new HiveId(Guid.NewGuid()),
                    IsSystem = true

            // Act
            var rdbms = _rdbmsTypeMapper.Map<NodeVersionStatusType>(model);

            // Assert
            Assert_CompareStatusType(rdbms, model);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 private static void Assert_CompareStatusType(NodeVersionStatusType rdbms, RevisionStatusType model)
     Assert.That(model.Alias, Is.EqualTo(rdbms.Alias));
     Assert.That(model.IsSystem, Is.EqualTo(rdbms.IsSystem));
     Assert.That((string)model.Name, Is.EqualTo(rdbms.Name));
     Assert.That((Guid)model.Id.Value, Is.EqualTo(rdbms.Id));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a TypedEntity based on the Uri
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fullUrlIncludingDomain"></param>
        /// <param name="revisionStatusType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public EntityRouteResult FindEntityByUrl(Uri fullUrlIncludingDomain, RevisionStatusType revisionStatusType = null)
            Mandate.ParameterNotNull(fullUrlIncludingDomain.Scheme, "Scheme");

            var statusTypeCacheKey = (revisionStatusType != null) ? revisionStatusType.Alias : string.Empty;

            //cache key is full uri except query string and revision status
            var cacheKey = EntityMappedKey + "-" + fullUrlIncludingDomain.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path) + "-" + statusTypeCacheKey;

            //TODO: We need to change how the NiceUrls are cached because if we store them in one entry as a dictionary in cache, then
            // we can do a reverse lookup to see if we've already generated the URL for the entity which may match the fullUrlIncludingDomain,
            // if so, then all we have to do is return the entity with the cached ID.

            return ApplicationContext.FrameworkContext.ApplicationCache
                .GetOrCreate(cacheKey, () =>
                        using (DisposableTimer.Start(timer =>
                            LogHelper.TraceIfEnabled<DefaultRoutingEngine>("FindEntityByUrl (not from cache) for URL {0} took {1}ms", () => fullUrlIncludingDomain, () => timer)))
                            ReadonlyGroupUnitFactory<IContentStore> persistenceManager;

                            using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration<DefaultRoutingEngine>("FindEntityByUrl: Getting a reader", "FindEntityByUrl: Got a reader"))
                                persistenceManager = ApplicationContext.Hive.GetReader<IContentStore>(fullUrlIncludingDomain);

                            if (persistenceManager != null)
                                IReadonlyGroupUnit<IContentStore> readonlyGroupUnit;
                                using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration<DefaultRoutingEngine>("FindEntityByUrl: Opening a reader", "FindEntityByUrl: Opened a reader"))
                                    readonlyGroupUnit = persistenceManager.CreateReadonly();

                                using (var uow = readonlyGroupUnit)
                                    //first, lets check if it's an ID URL
                                    var trimmedAppPath = _httpContext.Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/');
                                    var appPathLength = trimmedAppPath.Length;

                                    // gate-check for the incoming url because some code (e.g. the alt-template checker) could be unaware of vdirs etc.
                                    var absolutePath = fullUrlIncludingDomain.AbsolutePath;
                                    var path = (absolutePath.Length < appPathLength) ? absolutePath : absolutePath.Substring(appPathLength, absolutePath.Length - appPathLength);

                                    var urlId = HiveId.TryParse(path.TrimStart('/'));
                                    if (urlId.Success && urlId.Result.ProviderGroupRoot != null)
                                        LogHelper.TraceIfEnabled<DefaultRoutingEngine>("In FindEntityByUrl: Resolving entity by Id URL (Id: {0} ", () => urlId.Result.ToFriendlyString());
                                            //var entityById = uow.Repositories.Revisions.GetLatestRevision<TypedEntity>(urlId.Result, revisionStatusType);
                                            var entityById = uow.Repositories.OfRevisionType(revisionStatusType).InIds(urlId.Result.AsEnumerableOfOne()).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (entityById == null)
                                                LogHelper.Warn<DefaultRoutingEngine>("In FindEntityByUrl: Resolving entity by Id URL failed (Id: {0} ", urlId.Result.ToFriendlyString());
                                                return null;
                                            return new HttpRuntimeCacheParameters<EntityRouteResult>(new EntityRouteResult(entityById, EntityRouteStatus.SuccessById));
                                        catch (ArgumentException)
                                            //this occurs if the Id parsed but 'not really'
                                            return null;

                                    TypedEntity lastItemFound;
                                    //is the current requesting hostname/port in our list ?
                                    if (DomainList.ContainsHostname(fullUrlIncludingDomain.Authority))
                                        //domain found so get the first item assigned to this domain
                                        LogHelper.TraceIfEnabled<DefaultRoutingEngine>("In FindEntityByUrl: Resolving entity by Domain URL {0}", () => fullUrlIncludingDomain.Authority);
                                        var hostnameEntry = DomainList[fullUrlIncludingDomain.Authority];
                                        //lastRevisionFound = uow.Repositories.Revisions.GetLatestRevision<TypedEntity>(hostnameEntry.ContentId, revisionStatusType);
                                        lastItemFound = uow.Repositories.OfRevisionType(revisionStatusType).InIds(hostnameEntry.ContentId.AsEnumerableOfOne()).FirstOrDefault();
                                        Mandate.That(lastItemFound != null, x => new InvalidOperationException("Could not find an entity with a revision status of '" + revisionStatusType.Alias + "', having a hostname '" + fullUrlIncludingDomain.Authority + "' and id: " + hostnameEntry.ContentId));
                                        //no domain found for the current request, so we need to find the first routable node that doesn't require a domain
                                        LogHelper.TraceIfEnabled<DefaultRoutingEngine>("In FindEntityByUrl: Resolving entity by Non-Domain URL");
                                        //var root = uow.Repositories.Revisions.GetLatestRevision<TypedEntity>(FixedHiveIds.ContentVirtualRoot, revisionStatusType);
                                        //Mandate.That(root != null, x => new InvalidOperationException("Could not find the content root"));
                                        var domainListIds = DomainList.Select(d => d.ContentId).ToArray();

                                        var firstLevelRelations =
                                            uow.Repositories.GetChildRelations(FixedHiveIds.ContentVirtualRoot, FixedRelationTypes.DefaultRelationType).OrderBy(
                                                x => x.Ordinal).ToArray();

                                        //try to find a first level node that doesn't exist in our domain list
                                        var firstNonHostnameEntity = firstLevelRelations.FirstOrDefault(x => !domainListIds.Contains(x.DestinationId));

                                        // Issue #U5-112
                                        // If we have found no entities that are NOT assigned to a domain, given that we have already tried to find
                                        // content matching the current request's domain, we cannot route any content, therefore return null

                                        // Also return null if there is no content
                                        if (firstNonHostnameEntity == null || !firstLevelRelations.Any())
                                            return null;

                                        var idToUse = firstNonHostnameEntity.DestinationId;
                                        using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration<DefaultRoutingEngine>("FindEntityByUrl: Querying for " + idToUse, "FindEntityByUrl: Query"))
                                            lastItemFound = uow.Repositories.OfRevisionType(revisionStatusType).InIds(idToUse.AsEnumerableOfOne()).FirstOrDefault();

                                        ////if there is no first level node anywhere, then there is no content. Show a friendly message
                                        //if (firstNonHostnameEntity == null && !firstLevelRelations.Any())
                                        //    return null;

                                        ////if we have a first level node not assigned to a domain, use the first, otherwise if all nodes are assigned to domains, then just use the first
                                        //var idToUse = firstNonHostnameEntity == null ? firstLevelRelations.First().DestinationId : firstNonHostnameEntity.DestinationId;
                                        //lastItemFound = uow.Repositories.OfRevisionType(revisionStatusType).InIds(idToUse.AsEnumerableOfOne()).FirstOrDefault();

                                    // Now we will have the path from the current application root like:
                                    //      /this/is/a/path/to/a/document
                                    // Now we need to walk down the tree
                                    if (lastItemFound != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(path) && path != "/")
                                        using (DisposableTimer.TraceDuration<DefaultRoutingEngine>("FindEntityByUrl: Calling GetEntityByPath for " + lastItemFound.Id + " " + path, "FindEntityByUrl: GetEntityByPath"))
                                            lastItemFound = uow

                                    if (lastItemFound == null)
                                        return new HttpRuntimeCacheParameters<EntityRouteResult>(
                                                new EntityRouteResult(null, EntityRouteStatus.FailedNotFoundByName));

                                    return new HttpRuntimeCacheParameters<EntityRouteResult>(
                                        new EntityRouteResult(lastItemFound, EntityRouteStatus.SuccessWithoutHostname));

                            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public virtual IEnumerable <Revision <TEntity> > PerformGetLatestRevisions <TEntity>(bool allOrNothing, RevisionStatusType revisionStatusType = null, params HiveId[] entityIds) where TEntity : class, T
            var revisions = entityIds.Select(x => GetLatestRevision <TEntity>(x, revisionStatusType)).ToArray();

            if (allOrNothing && !revisions.All(x => entityIds.Any(y => y.EqualsIgnoringProviderId(x.Item.Id))))
                return(Enumerable.Empty <Revision <TEntity> >());
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public Revision <TEntity> GetLatestRevision <TEntity>(HiveId entityId, RevisionStatusType revisionStatusType = null) where TEntity : class, T
            var performGet = PerformGetLatestRevision <TEntity>(entityId, revisionStatusType);

            return(ProviderRepositoryHelper.SetProviderAliasOnId(ProviderMetadata, this.SetRelationProxyLazyLoadDelegate(performGet)));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public abstract Revision <TEntity> PerformGetLatestRevision <TEntity>(HiveId entityId, RevisionStatusType revisionStatusType = null) where TEntity : class, T;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public abstract EntitySnapshot <TEntity> PerformGetLatestSnapshot <TEntity>(HiveId hiveId, RevisionStatusType revisionStatusType = null) where TEntity : class, T;