Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task CreateReviewsWorksCorrectly()
            var ratingList = this.GetRatings();
            var reviewList = this.GetReviews();
            var ratingMock = this.GetRatingMock(ratingList);
            var reviewMock = this.GetReviewMock(reviewList);

            var expectedReviewCount = reviewList.Count + 1;

            var reviewService = new ReviewsService(reviewMock.Object, ratingMock.Object, this.mediaRepo);

            var inputModel = new ReviewInputModel()
                CurrentUserRating = 0,
                MediaId           = "1",
                ReviewText        = "Da",
                Title             = "Da",

            // Act
            await reviewService.CreateReview("2", inputModel);

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedReviewCount, reviewMock.Object.All().Count());
            Assert.Contains(reviewMock.Object.All(), x => x.Title == inputModel.Title && x.ReviewText == inputModel.ReviewText);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task CreatingSecondReviewThrowsError()
            // Arrange
            var ratingList = this.GetRatings();
            var reviewList = this.GetReviews();
            var ratingMock = this.GetRatingMock(ratingList);
            var reviewMock = this.GetReviewMock(reviewList);

            var reviewService = new ReviewsService(reviewMock.Object, ratingMock.Object, this.mediaRepo);

            var inputModel = new ReviewInputModel()
                CurrentUserRating = 0,
                MediaId           = "2",
                ReviewText        = "Da",
                Title             = "Da",

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = () => reviewService.CreateReview("2", inputModel);

            // Assert
            Exception ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(act);

            Assert.Contains("You have already created a review. Delete it to create new one.", ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ReviewDto UpdateReview(int?friendId, int?tapeId, ReviewInputModel review)
            CheckIfUserOrTapeExist(tapeId, friendId);

            var reviewEntity = (from r in _dataBaseContext.Reviews
                                where tapeId == r.TapeId && friendId == r.FriendId
                                select r).FirstOrDefault();

            if (reviewEntity == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException();

            // make the changes
            reviewEntity.Rating      = review.Rating;
            reviewEntity.ReviewInput = review.ReviewInput;
            // database specific
            reviewEntity.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
            // return the updated friend
            var reviewDto = Mapper.Map <ReviewDto>(reviewEntity);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task CreatingReviewWithoutRatingThrowsError()
            // Arrange
            var ratingList = this.GetRatings();
            var reviewList = this.GetReviews();
            var ratingMock = this.GetRatingMock(ratingList);
            var reviewMock = this.GetReviewMock(reviewList);

            var reviewService = new ReviewsService(reviewMock.Object, ratingMock.Object, this.mediaRepo);

            var inputModel = new ReviewInputModel()
                CurrentUserRating = 0,
                MediaId           = "1",
                ReviewText        = "Da",
                Title             = "Da",

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = () => reviewService.CreateReview("1", inputModel);

            // Assert
            Exception ex = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(act);

            Assert.Contains("You need to rate the media to submit a review.", ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void ProcessReview(ReviewInputModel review)
     if (review.Rating < 1 || 5 < review.Rating)
         throw new Exception("Rating is invalid!");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task CreateReview(string userId, ReviewInputModel inputModel)
            var ratingDb = await this.ratingRepository.All()
                           .Include(x => x.Review)
                           .Where(x => x.CreatorId == userId && x.MediaId == inputModel.MediaId)

            if (ratingDb == null)
                throw new Exception("You need to rate the media to submit a review.");

            if (ratingDb.Review != null)
                throw new Exception("You have already created a review. Delete it to create new one.");

            var newReview = new Review()
                Rating     = ratingDb,
                Title      = inputModel.Title,
                ReviewText = inputModel.ReviewText,
                MediaId    = inputModel.MediaId,
                CreatorId  = userId,

            await this.reviewRepository.AddAsync(newReview);

            await this.reviewRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <ActionResult> SubmitReview(ReviewInputModel inputModel)
            var userId = userManager.GetUserId(User);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId) || userId == Guid.Empty.ToString())
                return(BadRequest("User could not be found."));

            inputModel.AuthorId = userId;
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var reviewId = reviewsService.GetIdByUserAndGame(userId, inputModel.GameId);

            if (reviewId.HasValue)
                inputModel.Id = reviewId.Value;
                await reviewsService.Update(inputModel);
                await reviewsService.Create(inputModel);

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void SetBookReview(ReviewInputModel inputFromUser, string user)
            var    reviewForBook  = _reviewRepo.GetReviewByBookId(inputFromUser.bookId);
            double sumOfAllReview = inputFromUser.Ratings;

            for (int i = 0; i < reviewForBook.Count; i++)
                sumOfAllReview += reviewForBook[i].Ratings;
            double newRating = sumOfAllReview / (reviewForBook.Count + 1);

            ReviewTwo newReview = new ReviewTwo {
                reviewBookId       = inputFromUser.bookId,
                Ratings            = inputFromUser.Ratings,
                Description        = inputFromUser.Description,
                reviewFromUserName = _bookRepo.getUserName(user)


            var updatedBook = _bookRepo.getBookEntityModel(inputFromUser.bookId);

            updatedBook.rating = newRating;
            _bookRepo.UpdateABook(updatedBook, inputFromUser.bookId);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public async Task SetRevewAsync(ReviewInputModel reviewsViewModel)
            var review = this.reviewRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(x => x.CigarId == reviewsViewModel.CigarId && x.Name == reviewsViewModel.Name);

            if (review == null)
                review = new Review
                    CigarId    = reviewsViewModel.CigarId,
                    Name       = reviewsViewModel.Name,
                    ReviewText = reviewsViewModel.Review,
                    Email      = reviewsViewModel.Email,
                    Score      = reviewsViewModel.Score,
                    CreatedOn  = DateTime.UtcNow,

                await this.reviewRepository.AddAsync(review);

                await this.reviewRepository.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
 public IActionResult UpdateUserReviewForTape([FromBody] ReviewInputModel review, int userId, int tapeId)
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         throw new ModelFormatException("Review was not properly formatted");
     _reviewService.UpdateUserReviewForTape(review, userId, tapeId);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public BookListViewModel GetBookByReview(ReviewInputModel review)
            var books = GetAllBooks();
            var book  = (from b in books
                         where b.Id == review.BookId
                         select b).FirstOrDefault();

Ejemplo n.º 12
        public IActionResult AddNewReview([FromBody] ReviewInputModel review, int friendId, int tapeId)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new ModelFormatException();

            return(StatusCode(201, _friendReviewService.AddNewReview((int)friendId, (int)tapeId, review)));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 private Review ToDomainModel(ReviewInputModel inputModel)
     return(new Review
         Id = inputModel.Id,
         Reviewer = inputModel.Reviewer,
         Comments = inputModel.Comments,
         MovieId = inputModel.MovieId
        public IActionResult UpdateReview(int userId, int publicationId, [FromBody] ReviewInputModel body)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new ModelFormatException("Model not properly formatted");
            var entity = _reviewService.UpdateReview(userId, publicationId, body);

        public IActionResult CreateUserReview([FromBody] ReviewInputModel review, int userId, int tapeId)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                throw new ModelFormatException("Review was not properly formatted");
            var newId = _reviewService.CreateUserReview(review, userId, tapeId);

            return(CreatedAtRoute("GetUserReviewForTape", new { userId, tapeId }, null));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void AddReview(string review, int rating, int productId, int userId)
            ReviewInputModel newReview = new ReviewInputModel();

            newReview.Review     = review;
            newReview.Rating     = rating;
            newReview.ProductId  = productId;
            newReview.CustomerId = userId;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds review to system by given user for a given tape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserId">Id associated with user within the system</param>
        /// <param name="TapeId">Id associated with tape within the system</param>
        /// <param name="Review">The review input model including tape rating</param>
        public void CreateUserReview(int UserId, int TapeId, ReviewInputModel Review)
            ValidateUser(UserId); ValidateTape(TapeId);
            var reviewExists = _reviewRepository.GetAllReviews().FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserId == UserId && r.TapeId == TapeId);

            if (reviewExists != null)
                throw new InputFormatException($"Review already exists for user with id {UserId} for tape with id {TapeId}. Use PUT to edit reviews");
            _reviewRepository.CreateReview(UserId, TapeId, Review);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates review by user for a given tape
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="UserId">Id associated with user within the system</param>
        /// <param name="TapeId">Id associated with tape within the system</param>
        /// <param name="Review">The review input model including tape rating</param>
        public void EditUserReview(int UserId, int TapeId, ReviewInputModel Review)
            ValidateUser(UserId); ValidateTape(TapeId);
            var toUpdate = _reviewRepository.GetAllReviews().FirstOrDefault(r => r.UserId == UserId && r.TapeId == TapeId);

            if (toUpdate == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException($"Cannot edit non-existing review: no review was found by user with id {UserId} for tape with id {TapeId}.");
            _reviewRepository.EditReview(UserId, TapeId, Review);
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddReview(ReviewInputModel input)
            if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)

            await this.informationService.AddRewievAsync(input);

Ejemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(ReviewInputModel inputModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Create), new { orderId = inputModel.OrderId }));

            await this.reviewsService.CreateReview(inputModel.OrderId, inputModel.Rating, inputModel.Comment);

            return(RedirectToAction("MyOrders", "Orders"));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public IActionResult UpdateUserReviewForTape(int tapeId, int userId, [FromBody] ReviewInputModel Review)
     // Check if input model is valid, output all errors if not
     if (!ModelState.IsValid)
         IEnumerable <string> errorList = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors).Select(x => x.ErrorMessage);
         throw new InputFormatException("Review input model improperly formatted.", errorList);
     _reviewService.EditUserReview(userId, tapeId, Review);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public async Task <ActionResult> AddReview(ReviewInputModel reviewInputModel)
            if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)

            await this.reviewService.SetRevewAsync(reviewInputModel);

Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void AddReview(ReviewInputModel model)
            var review = new Review
                Comment = model.Comment,
                Rating  = model.Rating,
                UserId  = model.UserId,
                BookId  = model.BookId

            _reviewRepo.AddReview(review, model.BookAverageRating, model.AmountOfRatings);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public ActionResult ContinueReview(int rcid)
            var userid = (int)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;

            var reviewComplesion = _db.ReviewCompletions.Find(rcid);

            if (reviewComplesion == null || reviewComplesion.Status != "Current" || reviewComplesion.PaperQualities.Count(pq => pq.Status == "Current") == 0 || reviewComplesion.UserID != userid)

            var reviewIM = new ReviewInputModel
                RecordID = reviewComplesion.RecordRecordID,

                Species = _db.Species.ToList(),

                SpeciesIDs = reviewComplesion.Record.LinkRecordUserSpecies.Where(l => l.Status == "Current" && l.ReviewCompletionID == reviewComplesion.ReviewCompletionID).Select(l => l.SpecieID).ToArray(),

                ReviewCompleteID = reviewComplesion.ReviewCompletionID,

                Files = reviewComplesion.Record.PaperDocuments.Where(pd => pd.DeletePaperDocument == false).Select(pd => new ReadViewModel
                    TrainingDocumentID = pd.PaperDocumentsID,
                    FileName           = pd.FileName,
                    FileType           = pd.FileType,
                    FileUrl            = pd.FileUrl,

                COI = reviewComplesion.Record.ConflicOfIntest,

                Funding = reviewComplesion.Record.Funding,

                ReviewItems = reviewComplesion.PaperQualities.Select(pq => new ReviewItemInputModel()
                    ReviewItemID    = pq.PaperQualityID,
                    PublicationID   = pq.RecordRecordID,
                    CheckListID     = pq.CheckListCheckListID,
                    OptionID        = pq.OptionOptionID,
                    Comments        = pq.Comments,
                    Section         = pq.CheckList.Section,
                    Item            = pq.CheckList.Item,
                    ItemNumber      = pq.CheckList.ItemNumber,
                    CheckListName   = pq.CheckList.CheckListName,
                    CheckListNumber = pq.CheckList.CheckListNumber,
                    Criteria        = pq.CheckList.Criteria,
                    Critical        = pq.CheckList.Critical,
                    Options         = pq.CheckList.ChecklistOptionLinks.Where(o => o.Status == "Current").Select(o => o.Option).ToList(),
                }).ToList().OrderBy(c => float.Parse(c.ItemNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)).ThenBy(c => c.CheckListNumber).ToList(),

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public async Task <IActionResult> AddReview(ReviewInputModel review)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);

                var reviewer = user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName;
                _bookService.AddReview(review, user.Id, reviewer);
        //Updates a user review for a tape
        //Throws exception if either user id or tape id are invalid
        public void UpdateUserReviewForTape(ReviewInputModel review, int userId, int tapeId)
            var user      = _userService.IsValidId(userId);
            var tape      = _tapeService.IsValidId(tapeId);
            var oldReview = _repository.GetUserReviewForTape(userId, tapeId);

            if (oldReview == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException($"Review for user {userId} and tape {tapeId} does not exist!");
            _repository.UpdateUserReviewForTape(Mapper.Map <Review>(review), userId, tapeId);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(ReviewInputModel input)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var userId = this.userManager.GetUserId(this.User);
            int id     = await reviewsService.Create(input.BookId, input.BookRating, input.Content, userId);

            return(RedirectToAction("Details", "Books", new { bookId = id }));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void AddUserReviewForPublication_WhenCalledWithExistingIds_ReturnsCreatedResult()
            var review = new ReviewInputModel()
                Rating = 5
            var createdResult = _controller.AddUserReviewForPublication(1, 1, review);

            var result = Assert.IsType <CreatedAtRouteResult>(createdResult);

            Assert.Equal(201, result.StatusCode);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void UpdateReview_WhenUpdatesWithExistingId_ReturnsOkResult()
            var review = new ReviewInputModel()
                Rating = 5,

            var okResult = _controller.UpdateReview(1, 1, review);

            var result = Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(okResult);

            Assert.Equal(200, result.StatusCode);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateReviewForTape(
            [FromRoute] int friendId,
            [FromRoute] int tapeId,
            [FromBody] ReviewInputModel inputModel
            var review = await ReviewsService.GetSingle(friendId, tapeId);

            review.Rating = inputModel.Rating;

Ejemplo n.º 31
 public void SaveReview(ReviewInputModel input)