Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            using var builder = new HostBuilder()
                                .ConfigureAppConfiguration((hostContext, config) =>
                string basePath = GetApplicationRoot();

                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(basePath))
                    basePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                config.AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", true);
                if (args != null)
                                .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                // 1) Register HttpClientFactory

                // 2) Register the IRetsRequester
                services.AddTransient <IRetsRequester, RetsWebRequester>();

                // 3) Register the IRetsSession
                services.AddTransient <IRetsSession, RetsSession>();

                // 4) Register the IRetsClient
                services.AddTransient <IRetsClient, RetsClient>();

                // 5) Register the ILogger

                // 6) Register the connection options
                services.AddOptions <ConnectionOptions>()
                .Configure((opts) =>
                    opts.UserAgent         = hostContext.Configuration["Rets:UserAgent"];
                    opts.RetsServerVersion = RetsVersion.Make(hostContext.Configuration["Rets:ServerVersion"]);
                    opts.LoginUrl          = hostContext.Configuration["Rets:LoginUrl"];
                    opts.Username          = hostContext.Configuration["Rets:Username"];
                    opts.Password          = hostContext.Configuration["Rets:Password"];
                    opts.UserAgentPassward = hostContext.Configuration["Rets:UserAgentPassward"];
                    opts.Type    = Enum.Parse <AuthenticationType>(hostContext.Configuration["Rets:Type"], true);
                    opts.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(1);

                                .ConfigureLogging((hostContext, logging) =>

            // by default we'll invoke the main Example
            string exampleNameToInvoke = args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : nameof(Example);

            await InvokeExample(exampleNameToInvoke, builder.Services);

            await builder.StopAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)

            // First we need to set out configuration
            Service.AddTransient(opts => new ConnectionOptions()
                UserAgent         = Configuration["Rets:UserAgent"],
                RetsServerVersion = RetsVersion.Make(Configuration["Rets:ServerVersion"]),
                LoginUrl          = Configuration["Rets:LoginUrl"],
                Username          = Configuration["Rets:Username"],
                Password          = Configuration["Rets:Password"],
                UserAgentPassward = Configuration["Rets:UserAgentPassward"],
                Type    = Enum.Parse <AuthenticationType>(Configuration["Rets:Type"], true),
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(1),

            // Register the IRetsRequester, IRetsSession, IRetsClient
            Service.AddTransient <IRetsRequester, RetsWebRequester>();
            Service.AddTransient <IRetsSession, RetsSession>();
            Service.AddTransient <IRetsClient, RetsClient>();

            // Create out IoC container
            Container = Service.BuildServiceProvider();

            // Get instance of the IRetsClient from the IoC
            IRetsClient client = Container.GetService <IRetsClient>();

            // The first request we make to the RETS server is to login
            await client.Connect();

            // To get to know the RETS server, we can scan the entire system to get a list of our resources, classes, object.....
            RetsSystem system = await client.GetSystemMetadata();

            // We can also get a list of all available resources
            RetsResourceCollection resources = await client.GetResourcesMetadata();

            // We can also get all available classes for a given resorce. Assuming your RETS server has a resource called "Property"
            RetsClassCollection classes = await client.GetClassesMetadata("Property");

            // We can also get a list of all available objects on a given property.
            RetsObjectCollection objects = await client.GetObjectMetadata("Property");

            // We can also get a list of all available field for the given resource and class. Assuming your RETS server has a resource called "Property" with a class called "Listing"
            RetsFieldCollection fields = await client.GetTableMetadata("Property", "Listing");

            // We can also get all available lookup values on the given resource
            IEnumerable <RetsLookupTypeCollection> lookupTypes = await client.GetLookupValues("Property");

            // We can also get a list of all available lookup types for a give resource and lookuptype aka fieldName
            RetsLookupTypeCollection lookupType = await client.GetLookupValues("Property", "FieldName");

            // We can perform a search against the RETS server
            SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest("Property", "Listing");

            // Add ad many parameers to search for. Assuming the class "Listing" on the "Property" resource has a field called "matrix_unique_id" which is numeric type
            // we say give me all properties where matrix_unique_id >= 0
            searchRequest.ParameterGroup.AddParameter(new QueryParameter("matrix_unique_id", "0+"));

            // If you like to return specific columns, you can do so like this

            // This performs the search against the server
            SearchResult result = await client.Search(searchRequest);

            // we can iterate over the results like so
            foreach (SearchResultRow row in result.GetRows())
                // Each row has multiple columns, lets loop over them
                foreach (var columnName in result.GetColumns())
                    // Lets get the cell value for a given column from the current row
                    SearchResultCellValue value = row.Get(columnName);

                    // you can get the value trimmed like so
                    string a = value.GetTrimmed();
                    string b = value.NullOrValue();

                    // Assuming you know the type of the returned data, you can cast the values like so
                    // Of cource you must know that the column is int type befor eyou call this
                    //int castedToIntValue = value.Get<int>();
                    //you can also do something like
                    //int? castedToIntValue = value.GetNullable<int>();
                    //DateTime? castedToIntValue = value.GetNullable<DateTime>();

                    // you can also check if the value is restricted like this
                    bool restrictedValue = value.IsRestricted;

                    // you can check if this value is a primary key
                    bool primaryKey = value.IsPrimaryKeyValue;

                    bool c = value.IsNullOrEmpty();
                    bool d = value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace();
                    bool e = value.IsNull();

            // Also you can extract only all value for a given column like this
            IEnumerable <SearchResultCellValue> createdAtCells = result.Pluck("CreatedAt");

            // you can also result cast the values of a given field like this
            // this will result an IEnumerable<> of all values found in the CreatedAt column
            IEnumerable <DateTime> createdAtvalues = result.Pluck <DateTime>("CreatedAt");

            // We can also download photos
            // This will return all photos for property with the primarykey 1234
            IEnumerable <FileObject> files = await client.GetObject("Property", "Photo", new PhotoId(1234), false);

            // Here is how we can iterate over the fields
            foreach (FileObject file in files)
                var filePath = $"{file.ContentId}/{file.ObjectId}{file.Extension}";

                using (FileStream output = File.Create("../../../Downloads/" + filePath))
                    // file.Content has the stream object where you can write it your storage

                    // IMPORTANT: Make sure you dispose the stram after finising using it

            // you can get a specific image for a given primary key like so
            IEnumerable <FileObject> files2 = await client.GetObject("Property", "Photo", new PhotoId(1234, 1), false);

            // you can get also get images for multiple primary keys at the same time like this
            List <PhotoId> photoIds = new List <PhotoId>()
                new PhotoId(1234), new PhotoId(5678), new PhotoId(2255)

            IEnumerable <FileObject> files3 = await client.GetObject("Property", "Photo", photoIds, false);

            // When you are trying to download lots of images you must be very carfult. If you send the server too many ids at the same time
            // the server may return 404, 414, 500 or something along these lines because the request is too long.
            // Also, the server may take long time to response which will case the HTTP request to timeout.
            // So solve for the timeout issue we can increate the HTTP timeout from ConnectionOptions() object.

            // However, there is a better more reliable solution to this prblem which is the ability to batch the request into multiple request
            // Assume we want to download images for 1000 properties. Assume that each property on average has 15 photos, this will result in downloading 1000 x 15 = 15,000 images
            // We can split the 1000 properties into a smaller number like 100. This will make 10 (i.e 1000/100) request to the RETS server then return you an object of 15,000 images
            // You may want to still be careful because there will be 15,000 stored in the memory, so make sure you're not going to run our of memory
            // Anyhow, batching can easily be done like this

            IEnumerable <FileObject> batchedFiles = await client.GetObject("Property", "Photo", photoIds, batchSize : 100);

            // Finally we can disconect
            await client.Disconnect();

            // The above code require us to First connect, then Disconnect when we are done. Not too bad, but we can simplfy the call by using
            // a method called RoundTrip() which will first connect, execure out code, then disconnect

            // to save some code you can do call RoundTrip() which will connect, call out method, then discconnect();
            IEnumerable <FileObject> files4 = await client.RoundTrip(async() =>
                // Each batch will cause a round trip. In other words, each batch will connect, download a batch, then disconnect.
                return(await client.GetObject("Property", "Photo", photoIds, batchSize: 20));