private static void RunBasicTests(RetryStrategy strategy, int expectedTimeMs)
            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var retry = new RetryPoliciy <AllAreTransient>(strategy);

            int tries = 0;

            Assert.Throws <MockException>(
                () => retry.Execute(
                    attempt =>
                throw new MockException("Deliberately fail");

            DateTime finish = DateTime.UtcNow;
            TimeSpan time   = finish.Subtract(start);

            Assert.AreEqual(ATTEMPTS, tries);

            // We expect that it could take longer than expected, but never LESS.
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(expectedTimeMs, time.TotalMilliseconds, "Delay was too short.");
        private static void RunBasicTests(RetryStrategy strategy, int expectedTimeMs)
            DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var retry = new RetryPoliciy<AllAreTransient>(strategy);

            int tries = 0;

                () => retry.Execute(
                    attempt =>
                        throw new MockException("Deliberately fail");

            DateTime finish = DateTime.UtcNow;
            TimeSpan time = finish.Subtract(start);

            Assert.AreEqual(ATTEMPTS, tries);

            // We expect that it could take longer than expected, but never LESS.
            Assert.GreaterOrEqual(expectedTimeMs, time.TotalMilliseconds, "Delay was too short.");