Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Load(HttpContext context)
            Page      page      = new Page();
            RetailBll retailbll = new RetailBll();
            int currentPage = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["page"]);

            if (currentPage == 0)
                currentPage = 1;
            TableBuilder tb = new TableBuilder();

            tb.StrTable      = "T_RetailHead";
            tb.OrderBy       = "retailHeadId";
            tb.StrColumnlist = "retailHeadId,kindsNum,number,allTotalPrice,allRealPrice,payment";
            tb.IntPageSize   = pageSize;
            tb.IntPageNum    = currentPage;
            tb.StrWhere      = "deleteState=0 and (state=0 or state=1) and retailHeadId='LS20181026000001'";
            DataSet ds   = retailbll.selectBypage(tb, out totalCount, out intPageCount);
            int     aaa  = ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            string  data = JsonHelper.ToJson(ds.Tables[0], "retail");

            page.data         = data;
            page.totalCount   = totalCount;
            page.intPageCount = intPageCount;
            string json = JsonHelper.JsonSerializerBySingleData(page);
