Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void DataGridServices_Sorting(object sender, DataGridSortingEventArgs e)
            IComparer comparer;

            if (e == null)
                comparer = new ResultSort(ListSortDirection.Ascending, "LikeTerminal");
                (ServicesView as ListCollectionView).CustomSort = comparer;

            DataGridColumn column = e.Column;

            //i do some custom checking based on column to get the right comparer
            //i have different comparers for different columns. I also handle the sort direction
            //in my comparer

            // prevent the built-in sort from sorting
            e.Handled = true;

            ListSortDirection direction = (column.SortDirection != ListSortDirection.Ascending) ? ListSortDirection.Ascending : ListSortDirection.Descending;

            //set the sort order on the column
            column.SortDirection = direction;

            //use a ListCollectionView to do the sort.
            //ListCollectionView lcv = (ListCollectionView)CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(this.ItemsSource);

            //this is my custom sorter it just derives from IComparer and has a few properties
            //you could just apply the comparer but i needed to do a few extra bits and pieces
            comparer = new ResultSort(direction, column.Header as string);

            //apply the sort
            (ServicesView as ListCollectionView).CustomSort = comparer;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal void ApplyDefaultSort(IEnumerable <Document> documents, ResultSort oSort)
            Field oField;

            if (oSort.Order)
                documents = oResultDocuments.OrderBy(oDocument => (oField = oDocument.GetField(oSort.Field)) != null ? oField.StringValue : string.Empty);
                documents = oResultDocuments.OrderByDescending(oDocument => (oField = oDocument.GetField(oSort.Field)) != null ? oField.StringValue : string.Empty);
            oResultDocuments = documents.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void ApplySort(ResultSort oSort)
            IEnumerable <Document> oDocuments;
            Field oField;

            if (oSort.Order)
                oDocuments = ResultDocuments.OrderBy(oDocument => (oField = oDocument.GetField(oSort.Field)) != null ? oField.StringValue : string.Empty);
                oDocuments = ResultDocuments.OrderByDescending(oDocument => (oField = oDocument.GetField(oSort.Field)) != null ? oField.StringValue : string.Empty);
            oResultDocuments = oDocuments.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Optional: sort (default is back_no)
        public List<ResultItem> GetResultItemList(ResultSort sort = ResultSort.Default)
            // Case statment for sort column
            string sortString = null;
            switch (sort)
                case ResultSort.BackNo: sortString = "b.back_no, s.date, c.class_no"; break;
                case ResultSort.Class: sortString = "c.class_no"; break;
                case ResultSort.Horse: sortString = "h.horse_no"; break;
                case ResultSort.Place: sortString = "t.place"; break;
                case ResultSort.Rider: sortString = "r.rider_last, r.rider_first, s.date, c.class_no, t.place"; break;
                case ResultSort.Show: sortString = "s.date, c.class_no"; break;
                default: sortString = "back_no"; break;

            string query = "SELECT b.back_no, r.rider_no, r.rider_first, r.rider_last, h.horse_no, h.horse_name, " +
                "s.show_no, s.date, c.class_no, c.class_name, t.place, t.time, t.points, t.paid_in, t.paid_out " +
                "FROM [" + Year + "_result] AS t JOIN [" + Year + "_backNo] AS b ON t.back_no = b.back_no " +
                "JOIN [" + Year + "_rider] AS r ON b.rider_no = r.rider_no " +
                "JOIN [" + Year + "_horse] AS h ON b.horse_no = h.horse_no " +
                "JOIN [" + Year + "_class] AS c ON t.class_no = c.class_no " +
                "JOIN [" + Year + "_show] AS s ON t.show_no = s.show_no " + "ORDER BY " + sort + ";";
            SQLiteDataReader reader = DoTheReader(ClubConn, query);
            List<ResultItem> resultItemList = new List<ResultItem>();
            ResultItem item;

            reader = DoTheReader(ClubConn, query);
            while (reader.Read())
                item = new ResultItem();
                item.BackNo = reader.GetInt32(0);
                item.RiderNo = reader.GetInt32(1);
                item.Rider = reader.GetString(2) + " " + reader.GetString(3);
                item.HorseNo = reader.GetInt32(4);
                item.Horse = reader.GetString(5);
                item.ShowNo = reader.GetInt32(6);
                item.ShowDate = reader.GetString(7);
                item.ClassNo = reader.GetInt32(8);
                item.ClassName = reader.GetString(9);
                item.Place = reader.GetInt32(10);
                item.Time = reader.GetDecimal(11);
                item.Points = reader.GetInt32(12);
                item.PayIn = reader.GetDecimal(13);
                item.PayOut = reader.GetDecimal(14);

            return resultItemList;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var        musicDir   = new DirectoryInfo(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyMusic));
            ResultSort resultSort = ResultSort.ByAlbumCount;

            foreach (var arg in args)
                if (arg.Trim().StartsWith("alpha", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    resultSort = ResultSort.ByArtistName;
                        if (Path.GetFullPath(arg) != "")
                            musicDir = new DirectoryInfo(arg);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid path specified: {0}", arg);

            if (musicDir.Exists)
                var artistAlbums = new Dictionary <String, int>();

                var artistDirs        = musicDir.GetDirectories();
                var longestArtistName = 0;
                foreach (var artistDir in artistDirs)
                    artistAlbums.Add(artistDir.Name, artistDir.EnumerateDirectories().Count());
                    if (artistDir.Name.Length > longestArtistName)
                        longestArtistName = artistDir.Name.Length;

                if (artistAlbums.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No artist directories found in {0}", musicDir.FullName);
                    foreach (var aa in resultSort == ResultSort.ByAlbumCount ? artistAlbums.OrderByDescending(aa => aa.Value).ThenBy(aa => aa.Key) : artistAlbums.OrderBy(aa => aa.Key))
                        Console.WriteLine("{0,-" + (longestArtistName) + "}{1,10}", aa.Key, aa.Value);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-" + (longestArtistName) + "}{1,10}", "TOTAL ALBUMS:", artistAlbums.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Folder '{0}' not found / acccessible", musicDir.FullName);