Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static async Task AddCategoryWithChannels(SocketGuild guild, IRole memberRole, string categoryName, int position)
            RestCategoryChannel category = await guild.CreateCategoryChannelAsync(categoryName, properties => properties.Position = position);

            await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(guild.EveryoneRole, OverwritePermissions.InheritAll);

            await category.AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(memberRole, OverwritePermissions.InheritAll);

            //Text chat
            RestTextChannel chat = await guild.CreateTextChannelAsync(categoryName.ToLower(), properties => properties.CategoryId = category.Id);

            await chat.SyncPermissionsAsync();

            //Auto VC chat
            RestVoiceChannel autoVcChat = await AutoVCChannelCreator.CreateAutoVCChannel(guild, categoryName);

            await autoVcChat.ModifyAsync(properties => properties.CategoryId = category.Id);

            await autoVcChat.SyncPermissionsAsync();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task CreateStatChannels(SocketGuild guild)
            if (GetVChannel(guild.VoiceChannels, "Bot Count") == null)
                int botcount = 0;
                IReadOnlyCollection <SocketGuildUser> users = guild.Users;
                foreach (SocketGuildUser user in users)
                    if (user.IsBot)
                RestVoiceChannel x = await guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync("Bot Count: " + botcount);

                await x.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Position = 1; m.UserLimit = 0; });
            if (GetVChannel(guild.VoiceChannels, "User Count") == null)
                int botcount = 0;
                IReadOnlyCollection <SocketGuildUser> users = guild.Users;
                foreach (SocketGuildUser user in users)
                    if (user.IsBot)
                RestVoiceChannel z = await guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync("User Count: " + (users.Count - botcount));

                await z.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Position = 2; m.UserLimit = 0; });
            if (GetVChannel(guild.VoiceChannels, "Member Count") == null)
                IReadOnlyCollection <SocketGuildUser> users = guild.Users;
                RestVoiceChannel z = await guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync("Member Count: " + users.Count);

                await z.ModifyAsync(m => { m.Position = 0; m.UserLimit = 0; });
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal async Task UpdateTime(int seconds)
            TimeSpan ts          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds);
            string   timefromsec = "";

            if (ts.Days != 0)
                timefromsec += $"{ts.Days} Days, ";
            if (ts.Hours != 0)
                timefromsec += $"{ts.Hours} Hours, ";
            if (ts.Minutes != 0)
                timefromsec += $"{ts.Minutes} Minutes";
            if (ts.Seconds != 0)
                if (ts.Minutes != 0)
                    timefromsec += $", and {ts.Seconds} Seconds";
                    timefromsec += $"{ts.Seconds} Seconds";

            await chantimer.ModifyAsync(x => x.Name = $"Time: {timefromsec}");

            EmbedBuilder eb = new EmbedBuilder();

            eb.Title       = "GIVEAWAY";
            eb.Color       = Color.Blue;
            eb.Description = $"{_client.GetGuild(SwissGuildId).GetUser(currgiveaway.GiveAwayUser).Mention} Has started a giveaway for **{currgiveaway.GiveAwayItem}** with {currgiveaway.numWinners} winners, to enter the giveaway join {currgiveaway.discordInvite}\n\n **How does it work?** \n after the timer reaches 0 everyone will get access to the \"ban command, its like a FFA. the last person(s) remaining will get the giveaway item \n \n ***GIVEAWAY STARTS IN {timefromsec} ({seconds} seconds)***";
            await currgiveaway.giveawaymsg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = eb.Build());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public async Task IsolerAsync(IGuildUser iuser)
            if (Context.Guild.GetCategoriesAsync().Result.Where(x => x.Id == Config._INSTANCE.GuildConfigs[Context.Guild.Id].IsolementCategoryVoiceChannelId).Count() == 0)
                var _settings = new Settings();

                await ReplyAsync("La catégorie du salon d'isolement n'est pas définie. Remédiez-y avec la commande **x!settings IsolementCategoryVoiceChannelId**.");
                await ReplyAsync("N'oubliez pas d'ajouter des salons interdits aux utilisateurs en période d'isolement ! (**x!settings AddForbiddenIsolementChannelId**)");


            SocketGuildUser user = (SocketGuildUser)iuser;

            if (user.IsBot || user.IsWebhook)
                await ReplyAsync("Vous ne pouvez isoler que des joueurs. Tu ne comptais tout de même pas m'isoler j'éspère ?!");


            if (user == null)
                await ReplyAsync("Le joueur ciblé n'existe pas.");


            if (user.VoiceChannel == null)
                await ReplyAsync(user.Mention + " n'est pas connecté à un serveur vocal.");


            SocketGuild   guild            = user.Guild;
            SocketChannel isolementChannel = Program._client.GetChannel(Config._INSTANCE.GuildConfigs[Context.Guild.Id].IsolementVoiceChannelId);

            if (isolementChannel == null)
                await ReplyAsync("Création d'une nouvelle cellule d'isolement.");

                ICategoryChannel category = Program._client.GetGuild(guild.Id).CategoryChannels
                                            .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Config._INSTANCE.GuildConfigs[Context.Guild.Id].IsolementCategoryVoiceChannelId);

                RestVoiceChannel rest = await guild.CreateVoiceChannelAsync("isolement");

                await rest.ModifyAsync(x => x.CategoryId = category.Id);

                Config._INSTANCE.GuildConfigs[Context.Guild.Id].IsolementVoiceChannelId = rest.Id;

                foreach (ulong forbiddenId in Config._INSTANCE.GuildConfigs[Context.Guild.Id].ForbiddenIsolementChannelsId)
                    await guild.GetChannel(forbiddenId).AddPermissionOverwriteAsync(user, new OverwritePermissions(0, 13631488));
            catch { }

            await user.ModifyAsync(x => x.ChannelId = Config._INSTANCE.GuildConfigs[Context.Guild.Id].IsolementVoiceChannelId);

            await ReplyAsync(user.Mention + " est désormais seul, au bord du suicide.");

            joueursIsolés.Add(user.Id, user.VoiceChannel.Id);

            System.Threading.Timer timer = null;
            timer = new System.Threading.Timer(async(obj) =>
                await Task.Run(() => LibreAsync(user, true, true));
                                               null, (int)(Config._INSTANCE.GuildConfigs[Context.Guild.Id].IsolementTime * 1000), System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task StartGameAsync()
            AudioModule am = new AudioModule((AudioService)Program._services.GetService(typeof(AudioService)), Context);

                if (mainVoiceChannel != null)
                    await mainVoiceChannel.ModifyAsync(x => x.Name = "Joueurs du JDR");
                if (allPlayers.Count > 0)
                    // Calcul d'aléatoire de début de partie pour le pistolet
                    if (map != null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Aucune map crée");

                    // Placement du talisman dans la première salle
                    var random = r.NextDouble();
                    if (random <= 1)
                        map.allStructures.OfType <Room>().First().SetTalisman(true);
                        Console.WriteLine("La structure " + map.allStructures.OfType <Room>().First().id + " possède le talisman");

                    // On renomme la dernière salle en salle finale
                    var lastRoom = map.allStructures.OfType <Room>().Last();
                    lastRoom.illustration.Title = lastRoom.illustration.Title + " (Salle finale)";

                    hasStarted = true;

                    // Entrée du batiment
                    Console.WriteLine("Nombre de structures " + map.allStructures.Count);
                    if (currentStructureID == 0)
                        string       introTxt = "Intro";
                        EmbedBuilder eb       = new EmbedBuilder
                            Title       = "Temple Maya - " + allPlayers.Count + " joueurs",
                            Description = introTxt,
                            ImageUrl    = "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f0/73/06/f07306ec3a8f66709791aaadf8cc77c1.jpg"
                        await ReplyAsync("", false, eb);

                    // Parcours des salles
                    for (int id = 0; id < map.allStructures.Count; id++)
                        // Thread.Sleep(10000);
                        await _context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("On passe à la structure suivante / NOUVELLE ITERATION");

                        Console.WriteLine("Structure actuelle" + id);
                        if (map.allStructures[id].GetType() == typeof(Room) && id != map.allStructures.Count - 1)
                            await ProposeAbilityUse();

                            Console.WriteLine("Sortie de ProposeAbilityUse()");
                            // Thread.Sleep(10000);
                            Console.WriteLine("Pièce de type salle");

                            // On montre la salle
                            await ReplyAsync("Calculs de probabilités pour la Salle");

                            var room = (map.allStructures[id] as Room);
                            await room.ShowIllustration(Context);

                            // On regarde et on assigne un pistolet
                            await CheckPistol(room);

                            // L'esprit Maya demande si on sacrifie un joueur
                            await ProposeSacrifice();


                            // On choisit le passage

                            await room.ChoosePassage(Context, currentStructureID, map, am);

                        else // Sinon on prend le passage
                            await ReplyAsync("Calculs de probabilités pour le passage");

                            var pass = map.allStructures[currentStructureID];
                            await pass.ShowIllustration(Context);

                            // On affiche l'ordre de passage en mélangeant la liste des joueurs
                            await ReplyAsync("__ Ordre de passage __ ");

                            var randomizedPlayers = allPlayers.OrderBy(x => r.Next()).ToList();

                            string playerList = string.Empty;
                            foreach (var p in randomizedPlayers)
                                playerList += p.user.Username;
                                if (p != randomizedPlayers.Last())
                                    playerList += " :arrow_right: ";
                            await ReplyAsync(playerList);

                            if (pass.allTraps.Count > 0)
                                await ReplyAsync(":skull: Vous avez repéré " + pass.allTraps.Count + " piège pour ce passage");

                                foreach (var trap in pass.allTraps)
                                    await trap.ShowIllustration(Context);

                                    for (int i = 0; i < randomizedPlayers.Count; i++)
                                        await ReplyAsync((i + 1) + " ) " + randomizedPlayers[i].user.Username + " passe à travers le piège...");

                                        await trap.PlayerWalkOnMe(randomizedPlayers[i], Context);

                                        if (deadPlayers.Contains(randomizedPlayers[i]))
                                            await ReplyAsync(randomizedPlayers[i].user.Mention + " vient de mourrir !!\n :information_source:  Le piège est maintenant désactivé");
                                        if (randomizedPlayers.Count == 0)
                                            await ReplyAsync("JDR terminé, tout le monde est mort");

                    // Sortie du batiment
                    if (currentStructureID == map.allStructures.Count)
                        string       outroTxt = "Outro";
                        EmbedBuilder eb       = new EmbedBuilder
                            Title       = "Temple Maya - " + allPlayers.Count + " joueurs",
                            Description = outroTxt,
                            ImageUrl    = "http://moonshineink.com/sites/default/files/so_a_offroad_multiplejeeps.tiff_web.jpg"
                        await ReplyAsync("Tableau récapitulatif", false, eb);

                        var           jdrPlayers          = new List <Player>();
                        List <Player> deadAndAlivePlayers = new List <Player>();
                        deadAndAlivePlayers = Enumerable.Union(allPlayers, deadPlayers).ToList();
                    await ReplyAsync(":warning: Un moins un joueur doit être inscrit pour commencer la partie");

            catch (Exception ex)
                hasStarted = false;
                await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Erreur JDR:" + ex);