private byte[] PostRootReturnUpdates(RestRequestParameters restInput, byte[] responseBytes, string responseProperties, out string newResponseProperties)
            newResponseProperties = responseProperties;
            if (responseBytes == null)

            //reformatting the query response to comform that to the json specs when MapServer?returnUpdate=true
            IDictionary <string, object> output = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            output.Add("timeExtent", null);

            string originalResponse = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes);
            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer()
                MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue
            var jsonResObj   = sr.DeserializeObject(originalResponse) as IDictionary <string, object>;
            var jsonFeatures = jsonResObj["features"] as object[];
            var jsonFeat     = jsonFeatures[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;
            var jsonAttr     = jsonFeat["attributes"] as IDictionary <string, object>;
            var timeExtArray = new Int64[2];

            timeExtArray[0]      = Convert.ToInt64(jsonAttr["MIN_" + _timeFieldName]);
            timeExtArray[1]      = Convert.ToInt64(jsonAttr["MAX_" + _timeFieldName]);
            output["timeExtent"] = timeExtArray;

            string outputJsonStr = sr.Serialize(output);

            sr = null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void RestRequest(IHttpRequest httpListenerRequest, RestRequestParameters parameters)
            //Parameters = parameters;

            foreach (var key in httpListenerRequest.Query.AllKeys)
                if (parameters[key] != null)
                    throw new Exception("Parameters of same name provided in request");
                parameters[key] = httpListenerRequest.Query[key];
        private RestRequestParameters PreRootReturnUpdates(RestRequestParameters restInput)
            //redirecting the call to one of the layer's query operation
            //to compute full time extent very quickly
            restInput.ResourceName  = "layers/" + _liveTimeLayerID; //_queryableLayerID;
            restInput.OperationName = "query";

            //hardcoded json string
            restInput.OperationInput =
                string.Format("{{\"outStatistics\": [{{\"statisticType\": \"min\", \"onStatisticField\": \"{0}\"}}, {{\"statisticType\": \"max\", \"onStatisticField\": \"{0}\" }}]}}", _timeFieldName);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public RestRequestHandler GetRequestHandler(string url, RestMethod method, out RestRequestParameters parameters)
            var digestibleUrl = new RestDigestibleUri(url);

            parameters = new RestRequestParameters();

            foreach (var node in m_handlerNodes)
                if (node.MatchesUriPattern(digestibleUrl))
                    return(node.GetRestRequestHandler(digestibleUrl, method, parameters));

        private RestRequestParameters PreFilterExport(RestRequestParameters restInput)
            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer {
                MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue
            var operationInputJson = sr.DeserializeObject(restInput.OperationInput) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            //Bug: AGOL time-slider does not support time-stamp; it is a time-range always
            //while for map server, time-range is exlusive from both end; as a result the request goes to the
            //underline database looks like timeField >= startTime and timeField <= endTime
            //that makes it to return features for 2 time-steps.
            //also, on my database, i noticed that executing a query like "timeField = t1" is faster than "timeField >= t1 and timeField <= t2"
            //Workaround: removing the endTime from the time value.
            string timeParam = "time";

            if (operationInputJson.ContainsKey(timeParam))
                //string timeValues = operationInputJson[timeParam].ToString();
                //operationInputJson[timeParam] = timeValues.Split(',')[0];
                string   timeValues     = operationInputJson[timeParam].ToString();
                string[] timeValueArray = timeValues.Split(',');
                //check whether the values are null,null
                if (timeValueArray[0].Equals("null", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    timeValueArray[0].Equals("null", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    operationInputJson[timeParam] = GetDefaultTimeWhenMissing();
                    operationInputJson[timeParam] = timeValueArray[0];
            else //when time is not passed in, use the time instant closest to NOW and draw features only for that time instant
                operationInputJson.Add(timeParam, GetDefaultTimeWhenMissing());

            if (operationInputJson.ContainsKey("layers"))
                operationInputJson["layers"] = "";

            restInput.OperationInput = sr.Serialize(operationInputJson);
        private byte[] FilterRESTRequest(
            RestHandlerOpCode opCode,
            RestRequestParameters restInput,
            out string responseProperties)
                responseProperties = null;
                IRESTRequestHandler restRequestHandler = _restServiceSOI.FindRequestHandlerDelegate <IRESTRequestHandler>();
                if (restRequestHandler == null)
                    throw new RestErrorException("Service handler not found");

                RestFilter restFilterOp = _restServiceSOI.GetFilter(opCode);

                if (null != restFilterOp && null != restFilterOp.PreFilter)
                    restInput = restFilterOp.PreFilter(restInput);

                byte[] response =
                    restRequestHandler.HandleRESTRequest(restInput.Capabilities, restInput.ResourceName, restInput.OperationName, restInput.OperationInput,
                                                         restInput.OutputFormat, restInput.RequestProperties, out responseProperties);

                if (null == restFilterOp || null == restFilterOp.PostFilter)

                string newResponseProperties;
                var    newResponse = restFilterOp.PostFilter(restInput, response, responseProperties, out newResponseProperties);
                responseProperties = newResponseProperties;

            catch (RestErrorException restException)
                // pre- or post- filters can throw restException with the error JSON output in the Message property.
                // we catch them here and return JSON response.
                responseProperties = "{\"Content-Type\":\"text/plain;charset=utf-8\"}";
                //catch and return a JSON error from the pre- or postFilter.
        public byte[] HandleRESTRequest(string capabilities, string resourceName, string operationName,
                                        string operationInput, string outputFormat, string requestProperties, out string responseProperties)
                responseProperties = null;
                _serverLog.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, _soiName + ".HandleRESTRequest()",
                                      200, "Request received in Layer Access SOI for handleRESTRequest");

                var restInput = new RestRequestParameters
                    Capabilities      = capabilities,
                    ResourceName      = resourceName,
                    OperationName     = operationName,
                    OperationInput    = operationInput,
                    OutputFormat      = outputFormat,
                    RequestProperties = requestProperties

                //checking for 'returnUpdates at the root resources
                bool isAskingForReturnUpdates = false;
                if (restInput.OperationName == "") //((restInput.ResourceName == "") && (restInput.OperationName == ""))
                    JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer()
                        MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue
                    var inputJson = js.DeserializeObject(restInput.OperationInput) as IDictionary <string, object>;
                    isAskingForReturnUpdates = inputJson.ContainsKey("returnUpdates");
                    js = null;

                var opCode = GetHandlerOpCode(restInput.ResourceName, restInput.OperationName, isAskingForReturnUpdates);

                return(FilterRESTRequest(opCode, restInput, out responseProperties));
            catch (Exception e)
                _serverLog.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.error, _soiName + ".HandleRESTRequest()", 500, "Exception: " + e.Message + " in " + e.StackTrace);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private HttpResponse processRequest(IHttpRequest req)
            RestRequestParameters Parameters = new RestRequestParameters();

            HttpRequestExtensions.RestRequest(req, Parameters);

            object obj = new JsonResponse("");

            if (Parameters["trama"] != null)
                ManagerDeviceProvider manager = new ManagerDeviceProvider();
                LogFile.saveRegistro("SentByHand: " + Parameters["trama"], levels.debug);
            if (Parameters["type"] != null && Parameters["type"] == "date")
                obj = getShiolEvents(Parameters["date"]);
            return(new JsonResponse(obj));            //new TextResponse(req.Query.GetValues(0).GetValue(0).ToString());
        private RestRequestParameters PreFilterLayerQuery(RestRequestParameters restInput)
            //redirecting all query calls to the one specific layer
            //and limiting to return only 1 stream with hightest streamOrder by default
            restInput.ResourceName = "layers/" + _queryableLayerID;

            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer()
                MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue
            var jsonInputObj = sr.DeserializeObject(restInput.OperationInput) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            string timeParam = "time";

            if (jsonInputObj.ContainsKey(timeParam))
                //string timeValues = jsonInputObj[timeParam].ToString();
                //jsonInputObj[timeParam] = timeValues.Split(',')[0];
                string   timeValues     = jsonInputObj[timeParam].ToString();
                string[] timeValueArray = timeValues.Split(',');
                //check whether the values are null,null
                if (timeValueArray[0].Equals("null", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                    timeValueArray[0].Equals("null", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    jsonInputObj[timeParam] = GetDefaultTimeWhenMissing();
                    jsonInputObj[timeParam] = timeValueArray[0];
            else //when time is not passed in, use the time instant closest to NOW and draw features only for that time instant
                jsonInputObj.Add(timeParam, GetDefaultTimeWhenMissing());

            //it is not meant to override user's inputs for OrderBy and ResultRecordCount
            //only adding defaults when user does not specify those parameters
            string orderByParam = "orderByFields";

            if (jsonInputObj.ContainsKey(orderByParam))
                if (jsonInputObj[orderByParam].ToString().Trim() == "")
                    jsonInputObj[orderByParam] = _defaultOrderBy;
                jsonInputObj.Add(orderByParam, _defaultOrderBy);

            string resultRecCountParam = "resultRecordCount";

            if (jsonInputObj.ContainsKey(resultRecCountParam))
                if (jsonInputObj[resultRecCountParam].ToString().Trim() == "")
                    jsonInputObj[resultRecCountParam] = _defaultResultRecordCount;
                jsonInputObj.Add(resultRecCountParam, _defaultResultRecordCount);

            //Note: since as of today (5/25/2016) field list from layer (where features are combined and generalized) does not match with
            // the bottm layer with detail streams, i'm always setting outFields to '*'
            // it's a temporay workaround
            if (jsonInputObj.ContainsKey("outFields"))
                jsonInputObj["outFields"] = "*";

            restInput.OperationInput = sr.Serialize(jsonInputObj);
            sr = null;
 protected override void HandleParameters(RestDigestibleUri uri, RestRequestParameters parameters)
     parameters[m_parameterName] = uri.GetCurrentNode();
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected override void HandleParameters(RestDigestibleUri uri, RestRequestParameters parameters)
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restInput"></param>
        /// <param name="authorizedLayers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RestRequestParameters PreFilterLayerQuery ( RestRequestParameters restInput)
            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue };
            var operationInputJson = sr.DeserializeObject(restInput.OperationInput) as IDictionary<string, object>;
            var resName = restInput.ResourceName.TrimStart('/');
            var rnameParts = resName.Split('/');
            var requestedLayerId = rnameParts[1];

            if (!_authorizedLayerSet.Contains(requestedLayerId))
                var errorReturn = new Dictionary<string, object>
                                        {"error", new Dictionary<string, object>
                                                    {"code", 404},
                                                    {"message", "Access Denied"}

                throw new RestErrorException(sr.Serialize(errorReturn));

            restInput.OperationInput = sr.Serialize(operationInputJson);
            return restInput;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restInput"></param>
        /// <param name="authorizedLayers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RestRequestParameters PreFilterIdentify ( RestRequestParameters restInput )
            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue };
            var operationInputJson = sr.DeserializeObject(restInput.OperationInput) as IDictionary<string, object>;

            String requestedLayers = operationInputJson.ContainsKey("layers") ? operationInputJson["layers"].ToString() : "";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestedLayers) || requestedLayers.StartsWith("top") || requestedLayers.StartsWith("all"))
                operationInputJson["layers"] = "visible:" + _authorizedLayerSet;
            else if (requestedLayers.StartsWith("visible"))
                var reqLayerParts = requestedLayers.Split(':');
                var removeSpacesRegEx = new Regex("\\s+");
                operationInputJson["layers"] = "visible:" +
                        removeSpacesRegEx.Replace(reqLayerParts[1], ""), _authorizedLayerSet);
                operationInputJson["layers"] = "visible:" + _authorizedLayerSet;

            restInput.OperationInput = sr.Serialize(operationInputJson);
            return restInput;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restInput"></param>
        /// <param name="authorizedLayers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RestRequestParameters PreFilterFindAndKml ( RestRequestParameters restInput)
            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue };
            var operationInputJson = sr.DeserializeObject(restInput.OperationInput) as IDictionary<string, object>;

            var removeSpacesRegEx = new Regex("\\s+");
            String requestedLayers = operationInputJson.ContainsKey("layers") ? operationInputJson["layers"].ToString() : "";
            requestedLayers = removeSpacesRegEx.Replace(requestedLayers, "");
            operationInputJson["layers"] = RemoveUnauthorizedLayersFromRequestedLayers(requestedLayers, _authorizedLayerSet);

            restInput.OperationInput = sr.Serialize(operationInputJson);
            return restInput;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restInput"></param>
        /// <param name="authorizedLayers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RestRequestParameters PreFilterExport ( RestRequestParameters restInput )
            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue };
            var operationInputJson = sr.DeserializeObject(restInput.OperationInput) as IDictionary<string, object>;

            operationInputJson["layers"] = "show:" + String.Join(",", _authorizedLayerSet);

            restInput.OperationInput = sr.Serialize(operationInputJson);
            return restInput;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capabilities"></param>
        /// <param name="resourceName"></param>
        /// <param name="operationName"></param>
        /// <param name="operationInput"></param>
        /// <param name="outputFormat"></param>
        /// <param name="requestProperties"></param>
        /// <param name="responseProperties"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public byte[] HandleRESTRequest ( string capabilities, string resourceName, string operationName,
            string operationInput, string outputFormat, string requestProperties, out string responseProperties )
                responseProperties = null;
                _serverLog.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.infoStandard, _soiName + ".HandleRESTRequest()",
                    200, "Request received in Layer Access SOI for handleRESTRequest");

                _authorizedLayerSet = GetAuthorizedLayers(_restServiceSOI);

                var restInput = new RestRequestParameters
                            Capabilities = capabilities,
                            ResourceName = resourceName,
                            OperationName = operationName,
                            OperationInput = operationInput,
                            OutputFormat = outputFormat,
                            RequestProperties = requestProperties

                var opCode = GetHandlerOpCode(restInput.ResourceName, restInput.OperationName);
                return FilterRESTRequest(opCode, restInput, out responseProperties);
            catch (Exception e)
                _serverLog.LogMessage(ServerLogger.msgType.error, _soiName + ".HandleRESTRequest()", 500, "Exception: " + e.Message + " in " + e.StackTrace);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restFilterOp"></param>
        /// <param name="restInput"></param>
        /// <param name="authorizedLayers"></param>
        /// <param name="responseProperties"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private byte[] FilterRESTRequest (
                                          RestHandlerOpCode opCode,
                                          RestRequestParameters restInput,
                                          out string responseProperties )
                responseProperties = null;
                IRESTRequestHandler restRequestHandler = _restServiceSOI.FindRequestHandlerDelegate<IRESTRequestHandler>();
                if (restRequestHandler == null)
                    throw new RestErrorException("Service handler not found");

                RestFilter restFilterOp = _restServiceSOI.GetFilter(opCode);

                if (null != restFilterOp && null != restFilterOp.PreFilter)
                    restInput = restFilterOp.PreFilter(restInput);

                byte[] response =
                    restRequestHandler.HandleRESTRequest(restInput.Capabilities, restInput.ResourceName, restInput.OperationName, restInput.OperationInput,
                        restInput.OutputFormat, restInput.RequestProperties, out responseProperties);

                if (null == restFilterOp || null == restFilterOp.PostFilter)
                    return response;
                string newResponseProperties;
                var newResponse = restFilterOp.PostFilter(restInput, response, responseProperties, out newResponseProperties);
                responseProperties = newResponseProperties;

                return newResponse;
            catch (RestErrorException restException)
                // pre- or post- filters can throw restException with the error JSON output in the Message property.
                // we catch them here and return JSON response.
                responseProperties = "{\"Content-Type\":\"text/plain;charset=utf-8\"}";
                //catch and return a JSON error from the pre- or postFilter.
                return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(restException.Message);
        private byte[] PostFilterRESTRoot(RestRequestParameters restInput, byte[] responseBytes, string responseProperties, out string newResponseProperties)
            newResponseProperties = responseProperties;

            string originalResponse = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes);
            JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer()
                MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue
            var jsonResObj = sr.DeserializeObject(originalResponse) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            var contentsJO = jsonResObj["contents"] as IDictionary <string, object>;

            //modifying light version of 'Layers' resources
            var layersJA = contentsJO["layers"] as object[];
            //var jsLightLayer = layersJA[0] as IDictionary<string, object>;
            var jsLightLayer = layersJA.FirstOrDefault(j =>
                var d = j as Dictionary <string, object>;
            }) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            jsLightLayer["minScale"] = 0;
            jsLightLayer["maxScale"] = 0;
            contentsJO["layers"]     = new object[] { jsLightLayer }; //only returning the very first layer

            //modifying All Layer Resources
            var allResourcesJA = jsonResObj["resources"] as object[];
            var layersRJO      = allResourcesJA.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                var jo = e as IDictionary <string, object>;
                if (!jo.ContainsKey("name"))
                var name = jo["name"].ToString();
                return("layers" == name);
            }) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            var layerResourceJA = layersRJO["resources"] as object[];
            //we need to return only the first layer and remove visibility scale range from there.
            //var jsDetailLayer = layerResourceJA[0] as IDictionary<string, object>;

            //returning only the layer with detail streams i.e. the layerId = _querableLayerID
            var jsDetailLayer = layerResourceJA.FirstOrDefault(j =>
                var d         = j as Dictionary <string, object>;
                var jsContent = d["contents"] as IDictionary <string, object>;
                return(_queryableLayerID.Equals(jsContent["id"].ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
            }) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            var jsDetailLyrContent = jsDetailLayer["contents"] as IDictionary <string, object>;

            jsDetailLyrContent["minScale"] = 0;
            jsDetailLyrContent["maxScale"] = 0;
            layersRJO["resources"]         = new object[] { jsDetailLayer };

            //updating the queryableLayer's and root's timeExtent with the timeExtent from the very first layer
            //this is due to a bug in map server that makes the service to take really long time to compute a layer (when 1:M joined to a pretty large table) time's extent
            var jsDetailLayer0      = layerResourceJA[0] as IDictionary <string, object>;              //the first layer
            var jsDetailLyrContent0 = jsDetailLayer0["contents"] as IDictionary <string, object>;
            var jsTimeInfoLyr0      = jsDetailLyrContent0["timeInfo"] as IDictionary <string, object>; //the timeInfor from the very first layer
            //var jsTimeExtentLyr0 = jsTimeInfoLyr0["timeExtent"] as object[];
            var jsDetailLyrTimeInfo = jsDetailLyrContent["timeInfo"] as IDictionary <string, object>;

            jsDetailLyrTimeInfo["timeExtent"] = jsTimeInfoLyr0["timeExtent"];
            //var jsDetailLyrTimeExtent = jsDetailLyrTimeInfo["timeExtent"] as object[];
            //jsDetailLyrTimeExtent[0] = jsTimeExtentLyr0[0];
            //jsDetailLyrTimeExtent[1] = jsTimeExtentLyr0[1];
            //update time extent for the root resources
            var jsTimeInfoRoot = contentsJO["timeInfo"] as IDictionary <string, object>;

            jsTimeInfoRoot["timeExtent"] = jsTimeInfoLyr0["timeExtent"];
            _defaultTimeInterval         = (int)jsTimeInfoRoot["defaultTimeInterval"];
            _defaultTimeIntervalUnits    = (esriTimeUnits)Enum.Parse(typeof(esriTimeUnits), (string)jsTimeInfoRoot["defaultTimeIntervalUnits"]);

            //var jsTimeExtentRoot = jsTimeInfoRoot["timeExtent"] as object[];
            //jsTimeExtentRoot[0] = jsTimeExtentLyr0[0];
            //jsTimeExtentRoot[1] = jsTimeExtentLyr0[1];

            //modifying legends
            var legendRJO = allResourcesJA.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                var jo = e as IDictionary <string, object>;
                if (!jo.ContainsKey("name"))
                var name = jo["name"].ToString();
                return("legend" == name);
            }) as IDictionary <string, object>;
            var jsLegendLyrContent = legendRJO["contents"] as IDictionary <string, object>;
            var jsLgdLayers        = jsLegendLyrContent["layers"] as object[];
            //var jsLgdLyr = jsLgdLayers[0] as IDictionary<string, object>;
            var jsLgdLyr = jsLgdLayers.FirstOrDefault(j =>
                var d = j as Dictionary <string, object>;
                return(_queryableLayerID.Equals(d["layerId"].ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase));
            }) as IDictionary <string, object>;

            jsLgdLyr["minScale"] = 0;
            jsLgdLyr["maxScale"] = 0;
            if (_customLegend != null)
                jsLgdLyr["legend"] = _customLegend; //GetCustomLegend();
            jsLegendLyrContent["layers"] = new object[] { jsLgdLyr };

        /// <summary>
        /// Filter REST root service info response.
        /// IMPORTANT: the JSON structure returned by the REST handler root resource 
        /// differs from what you usually see as the response from the service REST endpoint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restInput"></param>
        /// <param name="originalResponse"></param>
        /// <param name="authorizedLayerSet"></param>
        /// <returns>Filtered json</returns>
        private byte[] PostFilterRESTRoot (RestRequestParameters restInput, byte[] responseBytes, string responseProperties, out string newResponseProperties)
            //modify these later as needed
            newResponseProperties = responseProperties;

            if (null == _authorizedLayerSet)
                return null; //Just returning null for brevity. In real production code, return error JSON and set proper responseProperties.

            //restInput is not used here, but may be used later as needed

                // Perform JSON filtering
                // Note: The JSON syntax can change and you might have to adjust this piece of code accordingly

                String originalResponse = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes);

                 * Remove unauthorized layer information from 1. Under 'contents' tag 2. Under 'resources' tag
                 * 2.1 'layers' 2.2 'tables' 2.3 'legend'

                JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue };
                var jsonResObj = sr.DeserializeObject(originalResponse) as IDictionary<string, object>;

                // Filter for 'contents' tag
                var contentsJO = jsonResObj["contents"] as IDictionary<string, object>;
                var layersJA = contentsJO["layers"] as object[];
                var updatedLayers = new List<object>();
                foreach (var layerO in layersJA)
                    var layerJO = layerO as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    var id = layerJO["id"].ToString();
                    if (_authorizedLayerSet.Contains(id))
                contentsJO["layers"] = updatedLayers.ToArray();

                // Filter for 'resources' tag, very simplified filtering, may fail if ordering changes
                var allResourcesJA = jsonResObj["resources"] as object[];
                var layersRJO = allResourcesJA.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                    var jo = e as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    if (!jo.ContainsKey("name"))
                        return false;
                    var name = jo["name"].ToString();
                    return ("layers" == name);
                }) as IDictionary<string, object>;

                var tablesRJO = allResourcesJA.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                    var jo = e as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    if (!jo.ContainsKey("name"))
                        return false;
                    var name = jo["name"].ToString();
                    return ("tables" == name);
                }) as IDictionary<string, object>;

                var legendRJO = allResourcesJA.FirstOrDefault(e =>
                    var jo = e as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    if (!jo.ContainsKey("name"))
                        return false;
                    var name = jo["name"].ToString();
                    return ("legend" == name);
                }) as IDictionary<string, object>;

                //filter and replace layers
                var filteredLayerResourceJA = new List<object>();
                if (null != layersRJO)
                    // Filter for 'resources -> layers -> resources' tag
                    var layerResourceJA = layersRJO["resources"] as object[];
                    foreach (var lrJO in layerResourceJA)
                        var lrJODict = lrJO as IDictionary<string, object>;
                        if (_authorizedLayerSet.Contains(lrJODict["name"].ToString()))
                layersRJO["resources"] = filteredLayerResourceJA.ToArray();

                //filter and replace tables
                var filteredTableResourceJA = new List<object>();
                if (null != tablesRJO)
                    // Filter for 'resources -> tables -> resources' tag
                    var tableResourceJA = tablesRJO["resources"] as object[];
                    foreach (var tbJO in tableResourceJA)
                        var tbJODict = tbJO as IDictionary<string, object>;
                        if (_authorizedLayerSet.Contains(tbJODict["name"].ToString()))
                tablesRJO["resources"] = filteredTableResourceJA.ToArray();

                //filter and replace legend layers
                var filteredLegendLayersRJA = new List<object>();
                if (null != legendRJO)
                    // Filter for 'resources -> legend -> contents->layers' tag
                    var legendContentsJO = legendRJO["contents"] as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    var legendLayersJA = legendContentsJO["layers"] as object[];
                    foreach (var lgJO in legendLayersJA)
                        var lgJODict = lgJO as IDictionary<string, object>;
                        if (_authorizedLayerSet.Contains(lgJODict["layerId"].ToString()))
                    legendContentsJO["layers"] = filteredLegendLayersRJA.ToArray();

                // Return the filter response
                return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sr.Serialize(jsonResObj));
            catch (Exception ignore)
                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public RestRequestHandler GetRestRequestHandler(RestDigestibleUri uri, RestMethod method, RestRequestParameters parameters)
            HandleParameters(uri, parameters);

            if (uri.IsLastNode || this is WildCardUriRequestHandlerNode)
                switch (method)
                case RestMethod.GET:

                case RestMethod.POST:

                    throw new ApplicationException("Unknown REST method.");


            foreach (var childNode in ChildNodes)
                if (childNode.MatchesUriPattern(uri))
                    return(childNode.GetRestRequestHandler(uri, method, parameters));

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="restInput"></param>
        /// <param name="originalResponse"></param>
        /// <param name="authorizedLayerSet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private byte[] PostFilterRootLegend(RestRequestParameters restInput, byte[] responseBytes, string responseProperties, out string newResponseProperties)

            //modify these later as needed
            newResponseProperties = responseProperties;

            if (null == _authorizedLayerSet)
                return null; //Just returning null for brevity. In real production code, return error JSON and set proper responseProperties.

            //restInput is not used here, but may be used later as needed

                // Perform JSON filtering
                // Note: The JSON syntax can change and you might have to adjust this piece of code accordingly
                 * Remove unauthorized layer information from 1. Under 'contents' tag 2. Under 'resources' tag
                 * 2.1 'layers' 2.2 'tables' 2.3 'legend'
                string originalResponse = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(responseBytes);

                JavaScriptSerializer sr = new JavaScriptSerializer { MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue };
                var jsonResObj = sr.DeserializeObject(originalResponse) as IDictionary<string, object>;

                // Filter for 'contents' tag
                var layersJA = jsonResObj["layers"] as object[];
                var updatedLayers = new List<object>();
                foreach (var layerO in layersJA)
                    var layerJO = layerO as IDictionary<string, object>;
                    var id = layerJO["layerId"].ToString();
                    if (_authorizedLayerSet.Contains(id))
                jsonResObj["layers"] = updatedLayers.ToArray();
                // Return the filter response
                return System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sr.Serialize(jsonResObj));
            catch (Exception ignore)
                return null;
Ejemplo n.º 22
 protected abstract void HandleParameters(RestDigestibleUri uri, RestRequestParameters parameters);