Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task GetGuildUsersAsync()
            string response = "";

            // Implementation via Guild.Users
            // foreach (var x in Context.Guild.Users) { response += (x.Username + " "); };

            //Implementation via REST Client directly
            //RestGuild guildRest = await _clientRest.GetGuildAsync(Context.Guild.Id);
            //await guildRest.GetUsersAsync().ForEachAsync(x =>
            //    foreach (IGuildUser y in x) { Console.Write("{name} ", y.Username); };

            // Implementation via Websocket method that uses REST API
            await Context.Guild.GetUsersAsync().ForEachAsync(x =>
                foreach (IGuildUser y in x)
                    response += y.Username + " ";

            // Sending response via REST for test purposes
            RestGuild guildRest = await _clientRest.GetGuildAsync(Context.Guild.Id);

            RestTextChannel channelRest = await guildRest.GetTextChannelAsync(Context.Channel.Id);

            await channelRest.SendMessageAsync(response);

            // Sending response via WebSocket
            // await ReplyAsync(response);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public DiscordAnnouncer(DiscordRestClient discordClient, ulong guildId, ulong purgeLogChannelId, string warningText)
     _warningText  = warningText;
     _guild        = discordClient.GetGuildAsync(guildId).Result;
     _purgeChannel = _guild.GetTextChannelAsync(purgeLogChannelId).Result;
     _userDict     = _guild.GetUsersAsync().FlattenAsync().Result.ToDictionary(u => u.Id, u => u);
        public async Task SendMessage(string message)
            RestGuild guild = (RestGuild)await _client.GetGuildAsync(225374061386006528);

            RestTextChannel channel = await guild.GetTextChannelAsync(718854497245462588);

            await channel.SendMessageAsync(message);
        public async Task StreamOnline(List <TwitchUser> userList, StreamStatus streamStatus)
            foreach (TwitchUser t in userList)
                //Really iterating over servers here.
                Task <Server> getServerTask = _context.ServerList.AsQueryable().FirstAsync(s => s.ServerId == t.ServerId);
                RestGuild     guild         = (RestGuild)await _client.GetGuildAsync(ulong.Parse(t.ServerId));

                Task <RestGuildUser> getUserTask = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.DiscordUserId))
                    //We don't need this yet so we'll do this later.
                    getUserTask = guild.GetUserAsync(ulong.Parse(t.DiscordUserId));
                Server        server          = await getServerTask;
                string        twitchChannelId = server.TwitchChannel;
                RestGuildUser user            = null;
                if (getUserTask != null)
                    user = await getUserTask;

                if (user != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(server?.TwitchLiveRoleId))
                    //We need to update the role
                    IRole twitchLiveRole = guild.GetRole(ulong.Parse(server.TwitchLiveRoleId));
                    await user.AddRoleAsync(twitchLiveRole);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(twitchChannelId))
                    //We post updates to the channel, so now we need to see if we've already posted.
                    string          streamUrl        = "https://twitch.tv/" + t.ChannelName;
                    DateTimeOffset  streamStartedUTC = streamStatus.started_at;
                    RestTextChannel channel          = await guild.GetTextChannelAsync(ulong.Parse(twitchChannelId));

                    //Find whether or not we've selected a message
                    ulong lastMessageId = 0;
                    bool  sendMessage   = true;
                    while (true)
                        IAsyncEnumerable <IReadOnlyCollection <RestMessage> > messagesUnflattened =
                            lastMessageId == 0 ? channel.GetMessagesAsync(100) : channel.GetMessagesAsync(lastMessageId, Direction.Before, 100);
                        List <RestMessage> messages = (await messagesUnflattened.FlattenAsync()).ToList();

                        var myMessages = messages.Where(m => m.Author.Id == _client.CurrentUser.Id &&
                                                        m.Timestamp > streamStartedUTC && m.Content.Contains(streamUrl)).ToList();
                        if (myMessages.Any())
                            //Already sent message. We don't need to send it again
                            sendMessage = false;
                            if (messages.Last().Timestamp < streamStartedUTC)
                                //We're past when the stream started
                        lastMessageId = messages.Last().Id;

                    if (sendMessage)
                        //We still need to send the message
                        string stringToSend = "";
                        if (user != null && String.IsNullOrEmpty(user?.Nickname))
                            stringToSend += !String.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Nickname) ? user.Nickname : user.Username;
                            stringToSend += t.ChannelName;
                        stringToSend += " is now live at " + streamUrl;
                        await channel.SendMessageAsync(stringToSend);