Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// If the last transaction hasn't yet a given response given, a response is
        /// generated, otherwise a REPORT request with the namespace 000 (equivalent
        /// to a response) is generated
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reason">one of <tt>MessageAbortEvent</tt> response codes except CONTINUATIONFLAG</param>
        /// <param name="reasonExtraInfo">corresponds to the comment as defined on RFC 4975 formal syntax. If null, it isn't sent any comment.</param>
        override public void Abort(ResponseCodes reason, string reasonExtraInfo)
            // Sanity checks
            if (LastSendTransaction == null)
                throw new InternalError("abort was called on an incoming message without an assigned Transaction!");
            if (!ResponseCode.IsAbortCode(reason))
                throw new IllegalUseException("The reason must be one of the response codes on MessageAbortedEvent excluding the continuation flag reason");

            // Check to see if we already responded to the transaction being
            // received/last transaction known
            if (!LastSendTransaction.HasResponse)
                LastSendTransaction.TransactionManager.GenerateResponse(LastSendTransaction, reason, reasonExtraInfo);
            else // let's generate the REPORT
                FailureReport failureReport = new FailureReport(this, Session, LastSendTransaction, "000", reason, reasonExtraInfo);

                // send it

            // mark this message as aborted
            _aborted = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async void TestMethod_RegisterUser1()
            string UserName = "";
            string EMail    = "";
            string Password = "";

            var sc = new ScorocodeApi();
            ScorocodeSdkStateHolder stateHolder = new ScorocodeSdkStateHolder(
                /* applicationId */ "",
                /* clientKey */ "",
                /* masterKey */ "",
                /* fileKey */ "",
                /* messageKey */ "",
                /* scriptKey */ "",
                /* webSocket */ ""
            RequestRegisterUser requestRegisterUsers;

            Dictionary <string, object> doc = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "key1", "value1" },
                { "key2", "value2" }
            DocumentInfo docInfo = new DocumentInfo(doc);

            requestRegisterUsers = new RequestRegisterUser(stateHolder,
                                                           UserName, EMail, Password, docInfo);
            ResponseCodes responsCodes = await sc.RegisterAsync(requestRegisterUsers);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual string GetTextResponseForStatus(ResponseCodes code, params string[] args)
            var template = CommandsTemplates[code];

            template = string.Format(template, args);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    public static async Task Write(Stream stream, HttpResponse response)
        await stream.WriteLineAsync($"HTTP/1.1 {response.ResponseCode} {ResponseCodes.Get(response.ResponseCode)}");

        response.Header ??= new();
        response.Header["Connection"] = "close";

        if (response.ResponseStream != null)
            if (!response.Header.ContainsKey("Content-Length"))
                response.Header["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked";
                await SendHeader(stream, response.Header);
                await SendContent(stream, response.ResponseStream);
                await SendHeader(stream, response.Header);
                await SendContent(stream, response.ResponseStream, Convert.ToInt64(response.Header["Content-Length"]));
        else if (response.ResponseAsyncEnumerable != null)
            response.Header["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked";
            response.Header["Trailer"]           = "X-Status";
            await SendHeader(stream, response.Header);

            var good = await SendContent(stream, response.ResponseAsyncEnumerable);
            await SendHeader(stream, new() { { "X-Status", good ? "200" : "500" } });
            await SendHeader(stream, response.Header);
 public CustomException(ResponseCodes pResponseCode, string pMessage, string pDescription)
     : base(pMessage)
     ResponseCode    = pResponseCode;
     ResponseMessage = pMessage;
     Description     = pDescription;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates and queues the TransactionResponse with the given response code
        /// Throws InternalErrorException if queuing the response got us an error
        /// Throws IllegalUseException if the arguments are invalid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalTransaction"></param>
        /// <param name="responseCode">one of the response codes listed in RFC 4975</param>
        /// <param name="optionalComment">the comment as defined in RFC 4975 formal syntax,
        ///                               as the comment is optional, it can also be null if no comment
        ///                               is desired</param>
        private void GenerateAndQueueResponse(Transaction originalTransaction, ResponseCodes responseCode, string optionalComment)
            TransactionResponse trResponse = new TransactionResponse(originalTransaction, responseCode, optionalComment, Direction.OUT);

            originalTransaction.Response = trResponse;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 private void Client_FailedAction(ResponseCodes code)
     RunOnUIThread(() =>
         if (ResponseCodes.Bad_Login == code)
             MessageBox.Show(this, "Failed to log in",
         else if (ResponseCodes.Unsecure_Password == code)
             MessageBox.Show(this, "Unsecure password! Must have a length of at least 6 characters, contains at least 1 letter and 1 number",
         else if (ResponseCodes.Username_Taken == code)
             MessageBox.Show(this, "The username is already taken",
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the transaction response
        /// Throws IllegalUseException if at least one of the arguments is
        /// incompatible
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transaction">the original transaction that gave birth to this
        ///                           response</param>
        /// <param name="responseCode">the code, must be supported by the RFCs 4975 or 4976</param>
        /// <param name="comment">the comment as defined in RFC 4975 formal syntax,
        ///                               as the comment is optional, it can also be null if no comment
        ///                               is desired</param>
        /// <param name="direction">the direction of the transaction</param>
        public TransactionResponse(Transaction transaction, ResponseCodes responseCode, string comment, Direction direction)
            // original transaction must be a SEND transaction
            if (transaction.TransactionType != TransactionType.SEND && transaction.TransactionType != TransactionType.NICKNAME)
                throw new IllegalUseException(string.Format("Creating a Response with an original transaction that isn't a SEND or NICKNAME: {0}", transaction.ToString()));

            TransactionType = TransactionType.RESPONSE;
            Direction       = direction;
            TRResponseCode  = responseCode;
            Comment         = comment;

            // copy the values from the original transaction to this one
            Message              = transaction.Message;
            TransactionId        = transaction.TransactionId;
            TransactionManager   = transaction.TransactionManager;
            transaction.Response = this;

            if (direction == Direction.IN)
                CreateIncomingResponse(transaction, responseCode, comment);
                CreateOutgoingResponse(transaction, responseCode, comment);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Response(uint?_sourceID, uint?_destinationID, ResponseCodes _responsecode, string _messageIdentifier)
     this.SourceID         = _sourceID;
     this.DestinationID    = _destinationID;
     this.ResponseCode     = _responsecode;
     this.MessageIdentifer = _messageIdentifier;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        //====== Sign-up, sign-in methods - Методы работы с пользователями ======

        // @Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json"})
        // @POST("api/v1/register")
        // Call<ResponseCodes> register(@Body RequestRegisterUser requestRegisterUser);
        public async Task <ResponseCodes> RegisterAsync(RequestRegisterUser requestRegisterUser)
            var uri = new Uri(baseUri + @"api/v1/register");
            // Сформировать JSON данные
            string jsonContent = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestRegisterUser);
            HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = await cmd.PostAsync(uri, jsonContent);

            //var task = cmd.PostAsync(uri, jsonContent);
            //HttpResponseMessage httpResponse = task.Result;

            ResponseCodes responseCodes = new ResponseCodes();

            if (httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                responseCodes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResponseCodes>(httpResponse.Content.ToString());
                responseCodes.Error   = true;
                responseCodes.ErrCode = "";
                responseCodes.ErrMsg  = "Ошибка HttpClient.";
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static string GetResponse(ResponseCodes response, params string[] arguments)
            switch (response)
            case ResponseCodes.NextHop_OK:
                if (arguments.Length != 2)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                return(string.Format(RESPONSE_NEXTHOP_OK, arguments[0], arguments[1]));

            case ResponseCodes.UserTable_OK:
                if (arguments.Length != 1)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                return(string.Format(RESPONSE_USERTABLE_OK, arguments[0]));

            case ResponseCodes.OK:

            case ResponseCodes.None:

            case ResponseCodes.UserEntry:
                if (arguments.Length != 3)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
                return(string.Format(RESPONSE_NEXTHOP_OK, arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]));

Ejemplo n.º 12
        static void UpdateRecord()
            int id = ParseUntilOk <int>(
                "Введите ID для записи (целое число)",
                "Неверный ввод, попробуйте ещё раз"
            DateTime dt = ParseUntilOk <DateTime>(
                "Введите дату и время (дд.ММ.гггг чч:мм:сс)",
                "Неверный ввод, попробуйте ещё раз"
            double val = ParseUntilOk <double>(
                "Введите значение (дробное число, десятич. разделитель - точка)",
                "Неверный ввод, попробуйте ещё раз"
            ResponseCodes respCode = Controller.UpdateRecord(id, dt, val);

            if (respCode == ResponseCodes.OK)
            else if (respCode == ResponseCodes.NO_ID)
                Console.WriteLine("Id уже существует");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static int GetFullResponseLength(ResponseCodes response, byte[] buffer, int offset)
            switch (response)
            case ResponseCodes.Setting:
                SettingValue setting = (SettingValue)(buffer[offset] & 0xF);

            case ResponseCodes.Pixels:
                PixelFormat format;
                byte        width;
                byte        height;
                byte        bufferLength;
                int         headerLen = BadgeResponses.DecodePixels(buffer, offset, out format, out width, out height, out bufferLength);
                return(headerLen + bufferLength);

            case ResponseCodes.Memory:
                byte  numDWords;
                short address;
                byte  bufferLength;
                int   headerLen = BadgeResponses.DecodeMemory(buffer, offset, out numDWords, out address, out bufferLength);
                return(headerLen + bufferLength);

            default: return(GetMinResponseLength(response));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public PositionResponse(uint?_sourceID, uint?_destinationID, ResponseCodes _responsecode, string _messageIdentifier, Vector3 _position)
     this.SourceID         = _sourceID;
     this.DestinationID    = _destinationID;
     this.ResponseCode     = _responsecode;
     this.MessageIdentifer = _messageIdentifier;
     Position = _position;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private void writeRedirectHeader(int status, string path)
            string message = ResponseCodes.getMessage(status);

            write("HTTP/1.1 " + status + " " + message + "\r\n");
            write("Location: " + path + "\r\n");
            write("\r\n"); // altijd met een lege regel eindigen
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public PMSResponse <T> BuildErrorResponse(ResponseCodes code)
     return(new PMSResponse <T>
         Code = (int)code,
         Message = EnumManager.Instance.GetDescription(code)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor used to create the abort event
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="message">message the message that got aborted</param>
 /// <param name="session">reason the reason, one of: CONTINUATIONFLAG; RESPONSE4XX
 /// <see cref="CONTINUATIONFLAG"/>
 /// <see cref="RESPONSE400"/>
 /// <see cref="RESPONSE403"/>
 /// <see cref="RESPONSE413"/>
 /// <see cref="RESPONSE415"/>
 /// <see cref="RESPONSE481"/>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="reason"></param>
 /// <param name="extraReasonInfo">extraReasonInfo this can be the string that can be on the body of a REPORT or null if it doesn't exist</param>
 /// <param name="transaction"></param>
 public MessageAbortedEvent(Message message, Session session, ResponseCodes reason, string extraReasonInfo, Transaction transaction)
     : base()
     Message         = message;
     Session         = session;
     Reason          = reason;
     ExtraReasonInfo = extraReasonInfo;
     Transaction     = transaction;
Ejemplo n.º 18
            public BatchedErrorResponse(ResponseCodes responseCode, string errorMessage, IEnumerable <T> data) : base(errorMessage, responseCode)
                if (Data == null)
                    Data = new List <T>();

Ejemplo n.º 19
 public NodeAdditionResponse(uint?_sourceID, uint?_destinationID, ResponseCodes _responsecode, string _messageIdentifier, Vector3 _position, List <uint?> _neighbours)
     this.SourceID         = _sourceID;
     this.DestinationID    = _destinationID;
     this.ResponseCode     = _responsecode;
     this.MessageIdentifer = _messageIdentifier;
     Position        = _position;
     this.Neighbours = _neighbours;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds the service response
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code">ResponseCodes</param>
 /// <param name="data">Object of type T</param>
 /// <returns>SimplifyResponse object</returns>
 public PMSResponse <T> BuildResponse(ResponseCodes code, T data)
     return(new PMSResponse <T>
         Code = (int)code,
         Message = EnumManager.Instance.GetDescription(code),
         Data = data
        public MediaSiteResponse <T> BuildErrorResponse <T>(ResponseCodes code)
            var curbsideResponse = new MediaSiteResponse <T>
                Code    = (int)code,
                Message = EnumManager.Instance.GetDescription(code)

Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void writeHeader(int status, String contentType, long contentLength)
            string message = ResponseCodes.getMessage(status);

            write("HTTP/1.1 " + status + " " + message + "\r\n");
            write("Content-Type: " + contentType + "\r\n");
            write("Content-Length: " + contentLength + "\r\n");
            write("Connection: close\r\n");
            write("\r\n");             // altijd met een lege regel eindigen
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public ResponseCodes ResponseCodeGetEnum(int ResponseCodeValue)
            /// converts response code enum to int value
            ResponseCodes _Results = ResponseCodes.OK;

            try {
                _Results = (ResponseCodes)(ResponseCodeValue);
            } catch { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the service response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">ResponseCodes</param>
        /// <returns>MediaSiteResponse object</returns>
        public MediaSiteResponse BuildResponse(ResponseCodes code)
            var mediasiteResponse = new MediaSiteResponse
                Code    = (int)code,
                Message = EnumManager.Instance.GetDescription(code)

Ejemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the service response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">ResponseCodes</param>
        /// <param name="data">Object of type T</param>
        /// <returns>MediaResponse object</returns>
        public MediaResponse <T> BuildResponse <T>(ResponseCodes code, T data)
            var curbsideResponse = new MediaResponse <T>
                Code    = (int)code,
                Message = EnumManager.Instance.GetDescription(code),
                Data    = data

Ejemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the service response
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">ResponseCodes</param>
        /// <param name="data">Object of type T</param>
        /// <returns>SimplifyResponse object</returns>
        public APIResponse <T> BuildResponse(ResponseCodes code, T data)
            var peResonse = new APIResponse <T>
                Code    = (int)code,
                Message = EnumManager.Instance.GetDescription(code),
                Data    = data

Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Is response code an indication to abort sending?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="code">the response code</param>
        /// <returns>true if the code indicates sender should abort sending.</returns>
        public static bool IsAbortCode(ResponseCodes code)
            foreach (ResponseCodes ac in _abortCode)
                if (ac == code)

Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static string ToString(ResponseCodes code)
            foreach (Code rc in rcSet)
                if (code == rc.RCCode)

            return("Unknown (non-MSRP) response code");
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public static string GetResponse(ResponseCodes responseCode)
            // Get response message
            string responseMessage = string.Empty;

            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.Success)
                responseMessage = "Success";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.DatabaseInsertionError)
                responseMessage = "Database Insertion Failed";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.CannotDelete)
                responseMessage = "Data Dependency on Table";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.InvalidAcessToken)
                responseMessage = "Access Token Not Valid";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.NoResultFound)
                responseMessage = "No results found for the provided parameters.";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.InvalidParams)
                responseMessage = "Invalid Parameters";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.UserDoesntExistForCompany)
                responseMessage = "User Doesn't Exist For Company";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.CompanyidNotProvided)
                responseMessage = "Companyid Not Provided";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.JobUpdationNotAllowed)
                responseMessage = "Job not found or updation is not allowed for this job";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.UserNotAuthorized)
                responseMessage = "User not authorized to perform this action.";
            if (responseCode == ResponseCodes.AlreadyExists)
                responseMessage = "The given data already exists.";

Ejemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a report from libNS module that provides Rovio’s current status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RovioStatusReport GetReport()
            RovioResponse reports   = MovementControl(Commands.GetReport);
            ResponseCodes responses = (ResponseCodes)int.Parse(reports["responses"]);

            if (responses != ResponseCodes.SUCCESS)
                throw new Exception("获取报告失败:" + responses);

Ejemplo n.º 31
        public static string GetStringReponseForResponseCode(ResponseCodes code)
            var message = string.Empty;

             switch (code)
                 case (ResponseCodes.Failure):
                     return "Major failure occured. BOOOOOOM";
                 case (ResponseCodes.FieldsAreBlank):
                     return "One or more of the fields was left blank.";
                 case (ResponseCodes.BadUserNameFormat):
                     return "Bad Login Name format: ex: [email protected]";
                 case (ResponseCodes.UserAlreadyExists):
                     return "User already exists with that name.";
                 case (ResponseCodes.BadPasswordLength):
                     return String.Format("The password was the incorrect size. Min Length: {0} Max Length {1} ",
                                          Constants.MinPasswordLength, Constants.MaxPasswordLength);
                 case (ResponseCodes.PasswordsDontMatch):
                     return "The passwords do not match. Try again";


             return message;
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public static int GetFullResponseLength(ResponseCodes response, byte[] buffer, int offset)
         case ResponseCodes.PixRect:
             int width;
             int height;
             int rectBufferLength;
             int headerLen = BadgeResponses.DecodePixRect(buffer, offset, out width, out height, out rectBufferLength);
             return headerLen + rectBufferLength;
         default: return GetMinResponseLength(response);
Ejemplo n.º 33
 public static int GetMinResponseLength(ResponseCodes response)
         case ResponseCodes.PixRect: return 2;
         case ResponseCodes.BufferState: return 2;
         default: return 1;