Ejemplo n.º 1
        async Task <ReleasePlan> AutoSelectBestReleasePlanOrThrow(ProjectResource project)
            // Build a release plan for each channel to determine which channel is the best match for the provided options
            channels = await Repository.Projects.GetChannels(project).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var candidateChannels = await channels.GetAllPages(Repository).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var releasePlans = new List <ReleasePlan>();

            foreach (var channel in candidateChannels)
                commandOutputProvider.Information("Building a release plan for Channel '{Channel:l}'...", channel.Name);

                var plan = await releasePlanBuilder.Build(Repository, project, channel, VersionPreReleaseTag).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (plan.ChannelHasAnyEnabledSteps() == false)
                    commandOutputProvider.Warning($"Channel {channel.Name} does not contain any packageSteps");

            var viablePlans = releasePlans.Where(p => p.IsViableReleasePlan()).ToArray();

            if (viablePlans.Length <= 0)
                throw new CommandException(
                          "There are no viable release plans in any channels using the provided arguments. The following release plans were considered:" +
                          System.Environment.NewLine +
                          $"{releasePlans.Select(p => p.FormatAsTable()).NewlineSeperate()}");

            if (viablePlans.Length == 1)
                var selectedPlan = viablePlans.Single();
                commandOutputProvider.Information("Selected the release plan for Channel '{Channel:l}' - it is a perfect match", selectedPlan.Channel.Name);

            if (viablePlans.Length > 1 && viablePlans.Any(p => p.Channel.IsDefault))
                var selectedPlan = viablePlans.First(p => p.Channel.IsDefault);
                commandOutputProvider.Information("Selected the release plan for Channel '{Channel:l}' - there were multiple matching Channels ({AllChannels:l}) so we selected the default channel.", selectedPlan.Channel.Name, viablePlans.Select(p => p.Channel.Name).CommaSeperate());

            throw new CommandException(
                      $"There are {viablePlans.Length} viable release plans using the provided arguments so we cannot auto-select one. The viable release plans are:" +
                      System.Environment.NewLine +
                      $"{viablePlans.Select(p => p.FormatAsTable()).NewlineSeperate()}" +
                      System.Environment.NewLine +
                      "The unviable release plans are:" +
                      System.Environment.NewLine +
                      $"{releasePlans.Except(viablePlans).Select(p => p.FormatAsTable()).NewlineSeperate()}");