Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void TrafficViewSaveRequested(RequestTrafficViewSaveArgs e)
            if (_currentId > -1)
                //update the request info
                //parse the data
                HttpRequestInfo reqInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(e.Request);
                _responseBytes = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(e.Response);
                HttpResponseInfo respInfo = new HttpResponseInfo();

                TVRequestInfo currentTVInfo = _dataSource.GetRequestInfo(_currentId);

                //do not set the dom uniqueness id, needs to be explicitly calculated
                currentTVInfo.DomUniquenessId = String.Empty;
                currentTVInfo.RequestLine     = reqInfo.RequestLine;
                currentTVInfo.RequestTime     = DateTime.Now;
                currentTVInfo.ResponseStatus  = respInfo.Status.ToString();
                currentTVInfo.ResponseTime    = DateTime.Now;
                currentTVInfo.Description     = "Traffic Viewer Request";
                currentTVInfo.ThreadId        = "[0000]";

                //convert the strings to bytes
                RequestResponseBytes reqData = new RequestResponseBytes();

                //save the requests to the current data source
                _dataSource.SaveRequest(_currentId, reqData);
                _dataSource.SaveResponse(_currentId, reqData);

                _requestText  = e.Request;
                _responseText = e.Response;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void HandleFirstRequestLine(string line, byte[] lineBytes)
     _currentThreadInfo.Location = LocationInThread.InsideRequest;
     //if a current request already exists in the thread this is end of that request
     //except in the case of AppScan standard where manual explore requests are doubled
     if (!Utils.IsMatch(_currentThreadInfo.Description, _proxyConnectionToSiteRegex) &&
         _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Count > 0)
         KeyValuePair <int, RequestResponseBytes> top = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Pop();
         TVRequestInfo header = _trafficViewerFile.GetRequestInfo(top.Key);
         if (header != null)
             if (top.Value.RawResponse == null)                    //there is no response, time out
                 if (top.Value.RequestSize > header.RequestLength)
                     _trafficViewerFile.SaveRequest(top.Key, top.Value);
                 //the request was already saved save the response if necessary
                 if (top.Value.ResponseSize > header.ResponseLength)
                     _trafficViewerFile.SaveResponse(top.Key, top.Value);
             //this concludes the current request update the requests counter
     //discard exclusions
     if (IsExcluded(line))
         _currentThreadInfo.Location = LocationInThread.Exclusion;
     //create new request header
     _currentHeader             = new TVRequestInfo();
     _currentHeader.Description = _currentThreadInfo.Description;
     _currentHeader.ThreadId    = _currentThreadInfo.ThreadId;
     _currentHeader.RequestLine = line;
         _currentHeader.RequestTime = DateTime.ParseExact(_currentTime, _timeFormat, _dateTimeFormatInfo);
     catch { }
     //save newly created request header to the list of headers
     _currentIndex = _trafficViewerFile.AddRequestInfo(_currentHeader);
     if (lineBytes != null)             //if lineBytes is null we are using the _currentRequestData
         //create new requestdata
         _currentRequestData = new RequestResponseBytes();
     _isNewThreadChunk = false;
     //push request header and request data to the stack of active requests for the current thread
     _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Push(new KeyValuePair <int, RequestResponseBytes>(_currentIndex, _currentRequestData));
     //since a request line was encountered we are inside a request from now on
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void HandleSendingRequestLine(string line)
            byte[] bytes;

            bytes = ReadNextBytes(line, _sendingRequestRegex);
            if (bytes != null)
                if (_currentRequestData == null || _currentRequestData.RawResponse != null)
                    _currentRequestData = new RequestResponseBytes();
                    _currentHeader      = null;

                //check if this the start of a new request
                if (_currentHeader == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_currentHeader.RequestLine))
                    string reqLine = HttpRequestInfo.GetRequestLine(_currentRequestData.RawRequest);
                    //check if it's recognized as a valid request line
                    if (_lineTypeSelector.GetLineType(reqLine) == LineType.FirstRequestLine)
                        HandleFirstRequestLine(reqLine, null);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the request to the proxy data store
        /// </summary>
        protected void AddRequestToDataStore()
            TVRequestInfo currDataStoreRequestInfo = new TVRequestInfo();

            currDataStoreRequestInfo.RequestLine = _requestInfo.RequestLine;

            currDataStoreRequestInfo.Description = _requestDescription;
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.RequestTime = _currentRequestTime;
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.ThreadId    = Utils.GetCurrentWin32ThreadId().ToString();
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.IsHttps     = _requestInfo.IsSecure;
            currDataStoreRequestInfo.Host        = _requestInfo.Host;

            int reqId = TrafficDataStore.AddRequestInfo(currDataStoreRequestInfo);

            if (reqId != -1)
                _currentRequestResponseBytes = new RequestResponseBytes();
                //saving the request in a direct to site format, since it will come
                //in proxy format GET http://site.com/ rather than  GET /,
                //if we need a server to connect to the target the client will handle that
                TrafficDataStore.SaveRequest(reqId, _currentRequestResponseBytes);
                _currDataStoreRequestInfo = TrafficDataStore.GetRequestInfo(reqId);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void HandleFirstResponseLine(string line, byte[] lineBytes)
            //if you are inside an exclusion discard
            if (_currentThreadInfo.Location == LocationInThread.Exclusion)
            //if you never had a request before discard
            if (_currentIndex < 0)

            //save current request
            if (_currentRequestData.RawRequest != null)
                if (_currentHeader != null && _currentHeader.RequestLength < _currentRequestData.RequestSize)
                    _trafficViewerFile.SaveRequest(_currentIndex, _currentRequestData);

            //handle the case when there are two or more subsequent responses on the same thread(AppScan Manual Explore)
            //the fact that we still have more than one requests in this threads stack means we
            //didn't finish to process the first
            while (_currentRequestData.RawResponse != null && _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Count > 1)
                //the fact that we are now receiving the second response means that the first request is complete
                //extract the first request from the stack of current requests of the thread, save it and drop it
                KeyValuePair <int, RequestResponseBytes> top = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Pop();
                TVRequestInfo header = _trafficViewerFile.GetRequestInfo(top.Key);
                //save the response only if it has changed since last
                if (top.Value.ResponseSize > header.ResponseLength)
                    _trafficViewerFile.SaveResponse(top.Key, top.Value);
                //update the request counter
                //set the _currentRequestData to the next request data in the stack
                _currentRequestData = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Peek().Value;
                _currentIndex       = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Peek().Key;
                _currentHeader      = _trafficViewerFile.GetRequestInfo(_currentIndex);

            if (lineBytes != null)
            _isNewThreadChunk             = false;
            _currentHeader.ResponseStatus =
                Utils.RegexFirstGroupValue(line, _responseStatusRegex);
                _currentHeader.ResponseTime =
                    DateTime.ParseExact(_currentTime, _timeFormat, _dateTimeFormatInfo);
            catch { }
            _currentThreadInfo.Location = LocationInThread.InsideResponse;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void EditTVF()
            TrafficViewerFile tvf = UnitTestUtils.GenerateTestTvf();
            //check delete
            int initialCount = tvf.RequestCount;
            //get the first request id
            int           i      = -1;
            TVRequestInfo first  = tvf.GetNext(ref i);
            TVRequestInfo second = tvf.GetNext(ref i);

            HttpRequestInfo secondRequest = new HttpRequestInfo(tvf.LoadRequestData(second.Id));

            HttpResponseInfo secondResponse = new HttpResponseInfo();

            byte [] respBytes = tvf.LoadResponseData(second.Id);
            int referenceResponseStatus = secondResponse.Status;

            int referenceHash = secondRequest.GetHashCode();

            Assert.AreEqual(initialCount - 1, tvf.RequestCount);
            Assert.IsNull(tvf.GetPrevious(ref i));

            //check that

            //check add

            TVRequestInfo reqInfo = new TVRequestInfo();

            reqInfo.RequestLine = "GET /newrequest HTTP/1.1";
            string request  = "GET /newrequest HTTP/1.1\r\nHeader1:1\r\n\r\n";
            string response = "HTTP 200 OK\r\nHeader1:1\r\n\r\n<html><body>Added request</body></html>";

            RequestResponseBytes reqData = new RequestResponseBytes();


            tvf.SaveRequest(reqInfo.Id, reqData);
            tvf.SaveResponse(reqInfo.Id, reqData);

            //Check that the request was added
            response = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetString(tvf.LoadResponseData(reqInfo.Id));

            Assert.AreEqual(38, response.IndexOf("Added request"));
            Assert.AreEqual(65, response.Length);
            //modify the recently added request slightly
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void AddASERequest(XmlNode url)
            XmlNode requestNode        = url.SelectSingleNode("option[@enum='esCOTExploreRequest']");
            XmlNode responseNode       = url.SelectSingleNode("option[@enum='esCOTExploreResponse']");
            XmlNode requestTypeNode    = url.SelectSingleNode("option[@enum='elCOTExploreType']");
            XmlNode responseHeaderNode = url.SelectSingleNode("option[@enum='esCOTExploreResponseHeader']");

            ExploreType requestType = (ExploreType)int.Parse(requestTypeNode.Attributes["value"].Value);
            string      description = String.Empty;

            switch (requestType)
            case ExploreType.eETLogin: description = Resources.RecordedLoginPage; break;

            case ExploreType.eETRegularInSession: description = Resources.InSessionPage; break;

            case ExploreType.eETRegular: description = Resources.ManualExplore; break;

            string request = requestNode.Attributes["value"].Value;

            request = Utils.Base64Decode(request);
            HttpRequestInfo reqInfo = new HttpRequestInfo(request);
            TVRequestInfo   tvInfo  = new TVRequestInfo();

            tvInfo.RequestLine = reqInfo.RequestLine;
            tvInfo.ThreadId    = Resources.Settings;
            tvInfo.Description = description;

            RequestResponseBytes data = new RequestResponseBytes();


            if (responseHeaderNode != null && responseHeaderNode.Attributes["value"] != null)
                data.AddToResponse(responseHeaderNode.Attributes["value"].Value + Environment.NewLine);

            byte[] response = Convert.FromBase64String(responseNode.Attributes["value"].Value);

            response = Utils.DecompressData(response);

            response = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Constants.DefaultEncoding, response);


            //attempt to parse the response
                HttpResponseInfo respInfo = new HttpResponseInfo();
                tvInfo.ResponseStatus = respInfo.Status.ToString();
                tvInfo.ResponseStatus = "???";

            _tvFile.SaveRequest(tvInfo.Id, data);
            _tvFile.SaveResponse(tvInfo.Id, data);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void HandleBeginThread(string line)
            //save current request
            if (_currentRequestData.RawRequest != null)
                if (_currentHeader != null && _currentHeader.RequestLength < _currentRequestData.RequestSize)
                    _trafficViewerFile.SaveRequest(_currentIndex, _currentRequestData);

            _isNewThreadChunk = true;             //the traffic might have been broken by the new line

            //extract a new thread id
            string currentThreadId = Utils.RegexFirstGroupValue(line, _threadIdRegex);
            string temp            = Utils.RegexFirstGroupValue(line, _timeRegex);

            if (temp != String.Empty)
                _currentTime = temp;
            if (currentThreadId != String.Empty && currentThreadId != _currentThreadInfo.ThreadId)
                //check if the thread exists if not create a new one
                if (_threads.ContainsKey(currentThreadId))
                    _currentThreadInfo = _threads[currentThreadId];
                    if (_currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Count > 0)
                        KeyValuePair <int, RequestResponseBytes> top = _currentThreadInfo.CurrentRequests.Peek();
                        _currentIndex       = top.Key;
                        _currentHeader      = _trafficViewerFile.GetRequestInfo(_currentIndex);
                        _currentRequestData = top.Value;
                        _currentIndex       = -1;
                        _currentHeader      = null;
                        _currentRequestData = new RequestResponseBytes();
                    ThreadInfo newInfo = new ThreadInfo();
                    newInfo.ThreadId = currentThreadId;
                    _threads.Add(currentThreadId, newInfo);
                    _currentThreadInfo  = newInfo;
                    _currentRequestData = new RequestResponseBytes();

            //if a begin line occured resume the _current thread
            _currentThreadInfo.Suspended = false;

            string description = Utils.RegexFirstGroupValue(line, _descriptionRegex);

            if (description != String.Empty)
                _currentThreadInfo.Description = description;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes a response to the client stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseInfo"></param>
        protected virtual void ReturnResponse(HttpResponseInfo responseInfo)
                                                 "Sending response: {0} for request: {1}", responseInfo.StatusLine, _requestInfo.RequestLine);

            if (_currDataStoreRequestInfo != null)
                _currDataStoreRequestInfo.ResponseStatus = responseInfo.Status.ToString();
                _currDataStoreRequestInfo.ResponseTime   = DateTime.Now;

            //process response headers
            if (responseInfo.Status == 401)
                //we need to send the proxy support header/ or overwrite the existing proxy support header
                responseInfo.Headers["Proxy-Support"] = "Session-Based-Authentication";

            //if connection is close disconnect, or if the client sent us a connection close message
            if (String.Compare(responseInfo.Headers[CONNECTION_HEADER], "close", true) == 0 ||
                String.Compare(_requestInfo.Headers[CONNECTION_HEADER], "close", true) == 0)
                _isClose = true;

            byte[] responseHead = HandleResponseByteChunk(responseInfo.ResponseHead);

            if (!TryWriteToStream(responseHead))

            // Return the substitute response body
            if (responseInfo.ResponseBody.IsChunked)
                byte[] chunk;
                byte[] chunkBuf;
                while ((chunk = responseInfo.ResponseBody.ReadChunk()) != null)
                    //write the chunk size line
                    chunkBuf = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(String.Format("{0:x}\r\n", chunk.Length));
                    chunkBuf = HandleResponseByteChunk(chunkBuf);
                    if (!TryWriteToStream(chunkBuf))
                    //write the chunk
                    chunk = HandleResponseByteChunk(chunk);
                    if (!TryWriteToStream(chunk))
                    chunkBuf = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes("\r\n");
                    chunkBuf = HandleResponseByteChunk(chunkBuf);
                    if (!TryWriteToStream(chunkBuf))
                //write a last chunk with the value 0
                // write the last chunk size
                chunkBuf = Constants.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes("0\r\n\r\n");
                chunkBuf = HandleResponseByteChunk(chunkBuf);
                if (!TryWriteToStream(chunkBuf))
                byte[] buffer = responseInfo.ResponseBody.ToArray();
                if (buffer != null)
                    buffer = HandleResponseByteChunk(buffer);
                    if (!TryWriteToStream(buffer))

            //cleanup the request info
            _requestBuilder = new ByteArrayBuilder();

            if (_currDataStoreRequestInfo != null)
                TrafficDataStore.SaveResponse(_currDataStoreRequestInfo.Id, _currentRequestResponseBytes);

            _currDataStoreRequestInfo    = null;
            _currentRequestResponseBytes = null;

            //close the connection if the request had a connection close header
            if (_isClose)
                _isBusy = false;
                ClientStreamWrapper.BeginRead(Buffer, 0, Buffer.Length, new AsyncCallback(OnRead), ClientStreamWrapper);