/// <summary>)
    /// Serialize the image that was taken and turn it into a rawrequest.
    /// 1. Take photo and decode it as jpeg string string
    /// 2. decode the jpeg wtih base64 to be serializeable
    /// 3. serialize everything as json string
    /// 4. serialize the json string as raw request
    /// </summary>
    private IEnumerator <bool> SerializeRequest(PhotoCaptureFrame photoCapturedFrame)
        yield return(true);

        //Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(ImageCapture.Instance.width,
        //                              ImageCapture.Instance.height);
        //byte[] jpgEncoded = tex.EncodeToJPG

        List <byte> jpgEncodedList = new List <byte>();

        byte[] jpgEncoded = jpgEncodedList.ToArray();

        // server expects an base64 encoded JPG encoded string
        // should have the form {"inputs": [{"b64": <b64encodejpgencodedstring>}]}
        string           b64Encode        = Convert.ToBase64String(jpgEncoded);
        DetectionRequest detectionRequest = new DetectionRequest {
            inputs = new List <B64> {
                new B64 {
                    b64 = b64Encode

        string jsonRequest = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(detectionRequest);

        RequestBufferElem requestBufferElem = new RequestBufferElem()
            rawRequest = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonRequest)

        if (!photoCapturedFrame.TryGetCameraToWorldMatrix(out requestBufferElem.cameraToWorld) ||
            !photoCapturedFrame.TryGetProjectionMatrix(out requestBufferElem.projection))
            requestBufferElem.hasWorldData = false;
            requestBufferElem.hasWorldData = true;


        rawRequestBufferEmpty = false;

        timestamp = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
    void Update()
        if (outputsBufferRefill && !ImageSerializer.Instance.rawRequestBufferEmpty && stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - timestamp > 200)
            //For Timing Analysis
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"ImageAnalysis Idletime {stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds - timestamp} Runtime {timestamp}");
            stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //Deqeue a rawrequest element from the buffer for the Worker
            RequestBufferElem rawRequestElem = ImageSerializer.Instance.rawRequestBuffer.Dequeue();
            ImageSerializer.Instance.rawRequestBufferRefill = true;
            ImageSerializer.Instance.rawRequestBufferEmpty  = true;
            outputsBufferRefill = false;

            //Start Analysis Worker
    /// <summary>
    /// Call the Computer Vision Service to submit the image.
    /// </summary>
    public IEnumerator AnalyseLastImageCaptured(RequestBufferElem rawRequestElem)
        // define header as json
        //Dictionary<string, string> headers = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        //headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");

        DetectionResponse detectionResponse = new DetectionResponse();
        //send of request
        //using (WWW www = new WWW(predictionEndpoint, rawRequest, headers))
        //    yield return www;

        //    //Debug.Log($"Response Error {www.error}");
        //    //Debug.Log(www.text);

        //    detectionResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DetectionResponse>(www.text);

        WWWForm webForm = new WWWForm();

        using (UnityWebRequest unityWebRequest = UnityWebRequest.Post(predictionEndpoint, webForm))
            //Set headers
            unityWebRequest.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

            //Upload Handler to handle data
            unityWebRequest.uploadHandler             = new UploadHandlerRaw(rawRequestElem.rawRequest);
            unityWebRequest.uploadHandler.contentType = "application/json";

            // The download handler will help receiving the analysis from Azure
            unityWebRequest.downloadHandler = new DownloadHandlerBuffer();

            // Send the request
            yield return(unityWebRequest.SendWebRequest());

            //Decode the json response
            detectionResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DetectionResponse>(unityWebRequest.downloadHandler.text);

        //check if the response was succesful
        if (detectionResponse.outputs != null)
            //// Uncomment this to debug the values in the response
            //detectionResponse.outputs = ValuesForCalibration(detectionResponse.outputs);

            //// uncomment this to debug the values in the response

            //If world data is available get it
            if (rawRequestElem.hasWorldData)
                detectionResponse.outputs.hasWorldData  = true;
                detectionResponse.outputs.cameraToWorld = rawRequestElem.cameraToWorld;
                detectionResponse.outputs.projection    = rawRequestElem.projection;
                detectionResponse.outputs.hasWorldData = false;

            //enquue the response and quit worker
            outputsBufferEmpty = false;

            //For Timining Analysis
            timestamp = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
            // The Server failed, Show with cursor
            SceneOrganizer.Instance.cursor.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = Color.blue;
            // Write a debug message
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("The Server failed");
            // Hibernate the detection for 2sec
            timestamp = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + 1800;