protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { report = new Reports(); bool isDeleted; bool isDeletedReport; bool hasDataReport; bool hasDataPopulation; hasDataReport = report.HasDataForTheYear(Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear0.Text), ddlMonth0.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlBarangay0.Text)); hasDataPopulation = report.HasPopulationData(Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear0.Text), ddlMonth0.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlBarangay0.Text)); if (hasDataReport) { isDeleted = report.DeleteRecord(ddlMonth0.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlBarangay0.Text)); isDeletedReport = report.DeleteReportsRecord(ddlMonth0.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear0.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlBarangay0.Text)); if (isDeleted && isDeletedReport) Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Deleted Record Successfully.')</script>"); else Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Deleted Record Failed! Please Try Again!')</script>"); } else { if (hasDataPopulation) { isDeleted = report.DeleteRecord(ddlMonth0.Text, Convert.ToInt32(ddlYear.Text), Convert.ToInt32(ddlBarangay0.Text)); if (isDeleted) Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Deleted Record Successfully.')</script>"); else Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Deleted Record Failed! Please Try Again!')</script>"); } else Response.Write("<script> window.alert('There is no data or report to delete!')</script>"); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Master.IsInMembership("Administrator")) Response.Redirect("~/views/dashboard/dash.aspx?access=denied"); Reports reports = new Reports(); gvLastFiveUsers.DataSource = reports.LastUsers(); gvLastFiveUsers.DataBind(); gvLastFiveUnicasts.DataSource = reports.LastUnicasts(); gvLastFiveUnicasts.DataBind(); gvLastFiveMulticasts.DataSource = reports.LastMulticasts(); gvLastFiveMulticasts.DataBind(); gvTopFiveUnicasts.DataSource = reports.TopFiveUnicast(); gvTopFiveUnicasts.DataBind(); gvTopFiveMulticasts.DataSource = reports.TopFiveMulticast(); gvTopFiveMulticasts.DataBind(); gvUserStats.DataSource = reports.UserStats(); gvUserStats.DataBind(); }
public BarChartDetailCourse(Reports.XmlRpc.XmlRpcRequest client, string url, bool showusername, string style, string minor_group_header, string category_group, string template_group) : base(client, url, showusername) { majorgroup.Add("Group Name", "gname"); minisection = new Dictionary<string, string>(); if (minor_group_header.Equals("Username") && category_group.Equals("Course") && template_group.Equals("Three Group")) { SetParams(0); minorgroup.Add("Full Name", "userdata"); section.Add("Course Title", "ctitle"); minisection.Add("Course Title", "ctitle"); minisection.Add("Current Grade", "caverage"); minisection.Add("Lesson Title", "ltitle"); minisection.Add("Lesson Grade", "laverage"); minisection.Add("Status", "status"); } else if (minor_group_header.Equals("Course") && category_group.Equals("Username") && template_group.Equals("Three Group")) { SetParams(1); minorgroup.Add("Course Title", "ctitle"); section.Add("Lesson Title", "ltitle"); minisection.Add("Full Name", "userdata"); minisection.Add("Course Title", "ctitle"); minisection.Add("Current Grade", "caverage"); minisection.Add("Lesson Title", "ltitle"); minisection.Add("Lesson Grade", "laverage"); } }
public DependencyListOptions(Reports reports, CommandArgument path, CommandOption framework) { bool isInputValid = true; // reports Reports = reports; // project var projectPath = path.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Runtime.Project projectOption; isInputValid &= Runtime.Project.TryGetProject(projectPath, out projectOption); Path = projectPath; Project = projectOption; // framework if (framework.HasValue()) { try { Framework = VersionUtility.ParseFrameworkName(framework.Value()); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Reports.Error.WriteLine("Invalid framework name: {0}. [{1}]", framework.Value(), ex.Message); isInputValid = false; } } else { Framework = null; } Valid = isInputValid; }
public HttpSource( string baseUri, string userName, string password, Reports reports) { _baseUri = baseUri + (baseUri.EndsWith("/") ? "" : "/"); _userName = userName; _password = password; _reports = reports; var proxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy)) { #if ASPNET50 _client = new HttpClient(); #else _client = new HttpClient(new Microsoft.Net.Http.Client.ManagedHandler()); #endif } else { // To use an authenticated proxy, the proxy address should be in the form of // "http://*****:*****" var proxyUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(proxy); #if ASPNET50 var webProxy = new WebProxy(proxy); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUriBuilder.UserName)) { // If no credentials were specified we use default credentials webProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } else { ICredentials credentials = new NetworkCredential(proxyUriBuilder.UserName, proxyUriBuilder.Password); webProxy.Credentials = credentials; } var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Proxy = webProxy, UseProxy = true }; _client = new HttpClient(handler); #else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUriBuilder.UserName)) { _proxyUserName = proxyUriBuilder.UserName; _proxyPassword = proxyUriBuilder.Password; } _client = new HttpClient(new Microsoft.Net.Http.Client.ManagedHandler() { ProxyAddress = new Uri(proxy) }); #endif } }
public NuGetPackageFolder( string physicalPath, Reports reports) { _repository = new LocalPackageRepository(physicalPath, reports.Quiet); _reports = reports; Source = physicalPath; }
public GitSourceControlProvider(Reports buildReports) { if (buildReports == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buildReports)); } _buildReports = buildReports; }
public static IRepositoryPublisher Create( string path, Reports reports) { return new FileSystemRepositoryPublisher(path) { Reports = reports }; }
public ReportForm() { InitializeComponent(); DataCollection = new List<List<Object>>(); DataCollection2 = new List<List<Object>>(); Reports = new Reports(); SimpleXmlParser = null; HtmlRenderer = new HtmlRenderer(Reports, "Css", "JsLib"); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of <see cref="Workspace"/> for a given <see cref="Token"/> with a given <see cref="ICommunication"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="token"><see cref="Token">Access token to use</see></param> /// <param name="communication"><see cref="ICommunication"/> to use</param> public Workspace(Token token, ICommunication communication) { _communication = communication; Groups = new Groups(token, communication); Datasets = new Datasets(token, communication); Tables = new Tables(token, communication); Rows = new Rows(token, communication); Dashboards = new Dashboards(token, communication); Reports = new Reports(token, communication); Tiles = new Tiles(token, communication); }
public ActionResult Create(Reports reports) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { ViewData["WorkFor"] = GetWorkFor(); int finishedLength = int.Parse(Request.Form["hideFinished"]); int wIPLength = int.Parse(Request.Form["hideWIP"]); int planningLength = int.Parse(Request.Form["hidePlanning"]); int blockingLength = int.Parse(Request.Form["hideBlocking"]); ReportItems reportItems = new ReportItems(); reportItems.Finished = GetReportItems(finishedLength, "Finished"); reportItems.WIP = GetReportItems(wIPLength, "WIP"); reportItems.Planning = GetReportItems(planningLength, "Planning"); reportItems.Blocking = GetReportItems(blockingLength, "Blocking"); if (reportItems.Finished.Count != 0 || reportItems.WIP.Count != 0 || reportItems.Planning.Count != 0 || reportItems.Blocking.Count != 0) { reports.DailyReport.Report = reportItems.ToXML(); reports.DailyReport.DailyReportID = Guid.NewGuid(); reports.DailyReport.AddDate = DateTime.Now; reports.DailyReport.UserID = User.Identity.Name.Split(',')[0]; db.DailyReports.Add(reports.DailyReport); db.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = reports.DailyReport.DailyReportID }); } ReportFiles reportFiles = new ReportFiles(); reportFiles.Files = GetFiles(); if (reportFiles.Files.Count != 0) { reportFiles.Status = Request.Form["ProjectStatus_TB"]; reportFiles.Project = Request.Form["Project_DDL"]; reports.DailyProjectReort.Report = reportFiles.ToXML(); reports.DailyProjectReort.DailyProjectReportID = Guid.NewGuid(); reports.DailyProjectReort.AddDate = DateTime.Now; reports.DailyProjectReort.UserID = User.Identity.Name.Split(',')[0]; reports.DailyProjectReort.Project = Request.Form["Project_DDL"]; db.DailyProjectReports.Add(reports.DailyProjectReort); db.SaveChanges(); } } return View(); }
public AssemblyWalker( FrameworkName framework, ApplicationHostContext hostContext, string runtimeFolder, bool showDetails, Reports reports) { _framework = framework; _hostContext = hostContext; _runtimeFolder = runtimeFolder; _showDetails = showDetails; _reports = reports; }
public PublishRoot(Runtime.Project project, string outputPath, IServiceProvider hostServices, Reports reports) { _project = project; Reports = reports; Projects = new List<PublishProject>(); Packages = new List<PublishPackage>(); Runtimes = new List<PublishRuntime>(); OutputPath = outputPath; HostServices = hostServices; TargetPackagesPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, AppRootName, "packages"); Operations = new PublishOperations(); LibraryDependencyContexts = new Dictionary<Library, IList<DependencyContext>>(); }
public AssemblyWalker( FrameworkName framework, Dictionary<AssemblyName, string> paths, string runtimeFolder, bool showDetails, Reports reports) { _framework = framework; _runtimeFolder = runtimeFolder; _showDetails = showDetails; _reports = reports; _paths = paths; }
public SourceCommand(string packageId, Reports reports) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageId)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packageId)); } if (reports == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(reports)); } _packageId = packageId; _reports = reports; }
public SimpleXmlParser(String xmlFilePath, String xsdFilePath, Reports reports) { XmlFilePath = xmlFilePath; XsdFilePath = xsdFilePath; XmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings(); XmlReaderSettings.Schemas.Add(null, XmlReader.Create(XsdFilePath)); XmlReaderSettings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema; XmlReaderSettings.ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings; XmlReaderSettings.ValidationEventHandler += settings_ValidationEventHandler; XmlReaderSettings.IgnoreWhitespace = true; XmlReaderSettings.IgnoreComments = true; XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(XmlFilePath, XmlReaderSettings); Reports = reports; }
// TODO: When we have a second source control provider extract the common API in a base class/interface // and return it from this method public static GitSourceControlProvider ResolveProvider(string sourceControlType, Reports buildReports) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceControlType)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceControlType)); } if (sourceControlType.Equals("git", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return new GitSourceControlProvider(buildReports); } return null; }
public PublishRoot(Runtime.Project project, string outputPath, IServiceProvider hostServices, Reports reports) { _project = project; Reports = reports; Projects = new List<PublishProject>(); Packages = new List<PublishPackage>(); Runtimes = new List<PublishRuntime>(); Frameworks = new Dictionary<FrameworkName, string>(); OutputPath = outputPath; HostServices = hostServices; TargetPackagesPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, AppRootName, "packages"); TargetRuntimesPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, AppRootName, "runtimes"); Operations = new PublishOperations(); }
public PublishRoot(Runtime.Project project, string outputPath, Reports reports) { _project = project; MainProjectName = project.Name; Reports = reports; Projects = new List<PublishProject>(); Packages = new List<PublishPackage>(); Runtimes = new List<PublishRuntime>(); RuntimeIdentifiers = new HashSet<string>(); Frameworks = new Dictionary<FrameworkName, string>(); OutputPath = outputPath; TargetPackagesPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, AppRootName, "packages"); TargetRuntimesPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, AppRootName, "runtimes"); Operations = new PublishOperations(); }
public PackageFolder( string physicalPath, bool ignoreFailure, Reports reports) { // We need to help restore operation to ensure case-sensitivity here // Turn on the flag to get package ids in accurate casing _repository = new PackageRepository(physicalPath, caseSensitivePackagesName: true); _fileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(physicalPath); _pathResolver = new DefaultPackagePathResolver(_fileSystem); _reports = reports; Source = physicalPath; _ignored = false; _ignoreFailure = ignoreFailure; }
public DependencyListOptions(Reports reports, CommandArgument path) { bool isInputValid = true; // reports Reports = reports; // project var projectPath = path.Value ?? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); Runtime.Project projectOption; isInputValid &= Runtime.Project.TryGetProject(projectPath, out projectOption); Path = projectPath; Project = projectOption; Valid = isInputValid; }
public HttpSource( string baseUri, string userName, string password, Reports reports) { _baseUri = baseUri + ((baseUri.EndsWith("/") || baseUri.EndsWith("index.json")) ? "" : "/"); _userName = userName; _password = password; _reports = reports; var proxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("http_proxy"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy)) { _client = new HttpClient(); } else { // To use an authenticated proxy, the proxy address should be in the form of // "http://*****:*****" var proxyUriBuilder = new UriBuilder(proxy); var webProxy = new WebProxy(proxy); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyUriBuilder.UserName)) { // If no credentials were specified we use default credentials webProxy.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } else { ICredentials credentials = new NetworkCredential(proxyUriBuilder.UserName, proxyUriBuilder.Password); webProxy.Credentials = credentials; } var handler = new HttpClientHandler { Proxy = webProxy, UseProxy = true }; _client = new HttpClient(handler); } var env = RuntimeEnvironmentHelper.RuntimeEnvironment; var userAgentHeader = $"{UserAgentName}/{env.RuntimeVersion}({env.OperatingSystem}{env.OperatingSystemVersion})"; _client.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("User-Agent", userAgentHeader); }
public static async Task<NupkgEntry> OpenNupkgStreamAsync( HttpSource httpSource, PackageInfo package, TimeSpan cacheAgeLimit, Reports reports) { for (int retry = 0; retry != 3; ++retry) { try { using (var data = await httpSource.GetAsync( package.ContentUri, cacheKey: $"nupkg_{package.Id}.{package.Version}", cacheAgeLimit: retry == 0 ? cacheAgeLimit : TimeSpan.Zero, ensureValidContents: stream => EnsureValidPackageContents(stream, package))) { return new NupkgEntry { TempFileName = data.CacheFileName }; } } catch (Exception ex) { var isFinalAttempt = (retry == 2); var message = ex.Message; if (ex is TaskCanceledException) { message = ErrorMessageUtils.GetFriendlyTimeoutErrorMessage(ex as TaskCanceledException, isFinalAttempt, ignoreFailure: false); } if (isFinalAttempt) { reports.Error.WriteLine( $"Error: DownloadPackageAsync: {package.ContentUri}{Environment.NewLine} {message}".Red().Bold()); throw; } else { reports.Information.WriteLine( $"Warning: DownloadPackageAsync: {package.ContentUri}{Environment.NewLine} {message}".Yellow().Bold()); } } } return null; }
public SourceBuilder(Runtime.Project project, IPackageBuilder packageBuilder, Reports buildReport) { if (project == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(project)); } if (buildReport == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(buildReport)); } if (packageBuilder == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(packageBuilder)); } _project = project; _packageBuilder = packageBuilder; _reports = buildReport; }
public bool GetEmployeesOnLeaveByDate(DateTime date, out List<Reports> objEmployees) { DataTable dt, dt1, dt2, dt3, dt4; List<Reports> objEmployees1 = new List<Reports>(); DBDataHelper.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CSBiometricAttendance"].ConnectionString; List<SqlParameter> list_params = new List<SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("@date", date) }; try { using (DBDataHelper helper = new DBDataHelper()) { dt = helper.GetDataTable("spGetEmployeesOnLeaveByDate", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, list_params); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { int EmployeeId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["EmployeeId"]); List<SqlParameter> list_params2 = new List<SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("@employeeId", EmployeeId) }; dt1 = helper.GetDataTable("select FirstName,MiddleName,LastName from tblEmployeesMaster where Id=@employeeId", SQLTextType.Query, list_params2); Reports objReports = new Reports(); objReports.FirstName = Convert.ToString(dt1.Rows[0]["FirstName"]); objReports.MiddleName = Convert.ToString(dt1.Rows[0]["MiddleName"]); objReports.LastName = Convert.ToString(dt1.Rows[0]["LastName"]); List<SqlParameter> list_params3 = new List<SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("@employeeId", EmployeeId) }; dt2 = helper.GetDataTable("Select RoleId,DepartmentId from tblEmployees where EmployeeId=@employeeId", SQLTextType.Query, list_params3); objReports.RoleId = Convert.ToInt32(dt2.Rows[0]["RoleId"]); objReports.DepartmentId = Convert.ToInt32(dt2.Rows[0]["DepartmentId"]); List<SqlParameter> list_params4 = new List<SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("@roleId", objReports.RoleId) }; dt3 = helper.GetDataTable("spGetRoleById", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, list_params4); objReports.RoleName = dt3.Rows[0][0].ToString(); List<SqlParameter> list_params5 = new List<SqlParameter>() { new SqlParameter("@departmentId", objReports.DepartmentId) }; dt4 = helper.GetDataTable("spGetDepartmentById", SQLTextType.Stored_Proc, list_params5); objReports.DepartmentName = dt4.Rows[0][0].ToString(); objEmployees1.Add(objReports); } } objEmployees = objEmployees1; return true; } catch (Exception) { objEmployees = null; return false; } }
protected void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rep = new Reports(); bar = new Barangay(); mc = new MonthConverter(); bool inserted = false; if (txtPopulation.Text != "") { if (Int32.Parse(txtPopulation.Text) > 0) { if (rep.HasDataForTheYear(Int32.Parse(ddlYear.Text), ddlMonth.Text,bar.GetBarangayID(ddlBarangay.Text))) { Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Barangay: "+ddlBarangay.Text+" of the Year: "+ ddlYear.Text+" has data in the database. Please Try Other Year for the Barangay')</script>"); } else { inserted = rep.InsertPopulation(bar.GetBarangayID(ddlBarangay.Text), Int32.Parse(txtPopulation.Text), Int32.Parse("0"), mc.MonthNameToIndex(ddlMonth.Text), Int32.Parse(ddlYear.Text)); if (inserted) { Response.Redirect("~/Reports/Templates/xAllProgram.aspx?&month=" + Server.UrlEncode(ddlMonth.Text) + "&year=" + Server.UrlEncode(ddlYear.Text) + "&barangay=" + Server.UrlEncode(ddlBarangay.Text) + "&population=" + Server.UrlEncode(txtPopulation.Text)); } else { Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Population Insertion has failed, Please try Again.')</script>"); } } } else Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Population should be greater than zero.')</script>"); } else Response.Write("<script> window.alert('Please Fill the Population Field.')</script>"); }
public Reports GetReportByOID(int ReportOID) { Reports report = null; using (OdbcConnection connection = new OdbcConnection(connectionString)) { using (OdbcCommand command = new OdbcCommand()) { command.Connection = connection; command.CommandText = "{CALL Reports_GetByOID(?)}"; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ReportOID", ReportOID); connection.Open(); using (OdbcDataReader dataReader = command.ExecuteReader()) { if (dataReader.Read()) { report = new Reports(); report.ReportOID = (int)dataReader["ReportOID"]; report.ReportName = (string)dataReader["ReportName"]; report.SPName = (string)dataReader["SPName"]; report.SPParams = (string)dataReader["SPParams"]; report.GridColumns = (string)dataReader["GridColumns"]; report.CreatedDate = (DateTime)dataReader["CreatedDate"]; if (dataReader["CreatedDate"] != null) { report.CreatedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dataReader["CreatedDate"]); } else { report.CreatedDate = System.DateTime.Now; } } } } } return report; }
internal NuGetv3Feed( HttpSource httpSource, bool noCache, Reports reports, bool ignoreFailure) { _baseUri = httpSource.BaseUri; _reports = reports; _httpSource = httpSource; _ignoreFailure = ignoreFailure; if (noCache) { _cacheAgeLimitList = TimeSpan.Zero; _cacheAgeLimitNupkg = TimeSpan.Zero; } else { _cacheAgeLimitList = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30); _cacheAgeLimitNupkg = TimeSpan.FromHours(24); } }
public static async Task<NupkgEntry> OpenNupkgStreamAsync( HttpSource httpSource, PackageInfo package, TimeSpan cacheAgeLimit, Reports reports) { for (int retry = 0; retry != 3; ++retry) { try { using (var data = await httpSource.GetAsync( package.ContentUri, cacheKey: $"nupkg_{package.Id}.{package.Version}", cacheAgeLimit: retry == 0 ? cacheAgeLimit : TimeSpan.Zero, ensureValidContents: stream => EnsureValidPackageContents(stream, package))) { return new NupkgEntry { TempFileName = data.CacheFileName }; } } catch (Exception ex) { if (retry == 2) { reports.Error.WriteLine( $"Error: DownloadPackageAsync: {package.ContentUri}{Environment.NewLine} {ex.Message}".Red().Bold()); throw; } else { reports.Information.WriteLine( $"Warning: DownloadPackageAsync: {package.ContentUri}{Environment.NewLine} {ex.Message}".Yellow().Bold()); } } } return null; }
public void AddNews(Reports.Core.Dto.NewsDto post) { News result = null; var dao = Ioc.Resolve<INewsDao>(); if ( <= 0) { result = new News { PostDate = DateTime.Now, Header = post.Header, Text = post.Text, IsVisible = true, Author = Ioc.Resolve<IUserDao>().Load(AuthenticationService.CurrentUser.Id) }; } else { result = dao.Load(; result.Text = post.Text; result.Header = post.Header; } dao.SaveAndFlush(result); }
public bool SendData(Reports reports, string reportId, ref string errorInfo) { return(_service.ReceiveData(reports, reportId, ref errorInfo)); }
public void SetFavorite(int reportID, bool value) { Reports.SetIsFavorite(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), TSAuthentication.UserID, reportID, value); }
private void btnImprimir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Obtengo los datos seleccionados int sede = Clases.Paciente.PacienteSede; string documento = cmboxDocumento.SelectedItem.ToString(); string datosAIncluir = cmboxTipoDocumento.SelectedItem.ToString(); int piso; if (datosAIncluir.Equals("Un piso específico")) { SISTMEDEntities E = new SISTMEDEntities(); string piso_texto = cmboxPiso.SelectedItem.ToString(); piso = (from p in E.Piso where p.descripcion == piso_texto select p.piso_id).Single(); } else { piso = -1; } // Configuro los datos del Crystal Reports try { Reports _Reporte = new Reports(); ReportDocument objReport = new ReportDocument(); if (documento.Equals("Hoja de camarera")) { String reportPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Reports"] + "\\Reporting\\" + "HojaDeCamarera.rpt"; objReport.Load(reportPath); objReport.Refresh(); objReport.ReportOptions.EnableSaveDataWithReport = false; } else { if (documento.Equals("Hoja de cocina")) { String reportPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Reports"] + "\\Reporting\\" + "HojaDeCocina.rpt"; objReport.Load(reportPath); objReport.Refresh(); objReport.ReportOptions.EnableSaveDataWithReport = false; } } // PARAMETROS DE CONEXION TableLogOnInfo logoninfo = new TableLogOnInfo(); logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Source"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CatalogSISTMED"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["User ID"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = false; Tables tables = objReport.Database.Tables; foreach (Table table in tables) { table.ApplyLogOnInfo(logoninfo); } // FIN PARAMETROS DE CONEXION ParameterFields Parametros = new ParameterFields(); ParameterField ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParameterDiscreteValue ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); Parametros.Clear(); ////1° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@sede"; ParametroValue.Value = sede; ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); if (piso != -1) { ////2° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@piso"; ParametroValue.Value = piso; ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); } else { ////2° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@piso"; ParametroValue.Value = null; ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); } _Reporte.Parameters = Parametros; _Reporte.Reporte = objReport; _Reporte.Show(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error55", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public DashboardReport() { this.tiles = new Tiles(); this.reports = new Reports(); = "New Dashboard"; }
/* * ///<summary>This is typically used when we want to define the columns before we run the query. If the query has already been run, then this method is not necessary.</summary> * public void InitializeColumns(int colcount) { * colWidth=new int[colcount]; * colPos=new int[colcount+1]; * colPos[0]=0; * colCaption=new string[colcount]; * colAlign=new HorizontalAlignment[colcount]; * ColTotal=new double[colcount]; * }*/ ///<summary>Runs the query and returns the result. An improvement would be to pass in the query, but no time to rewrite.</summary> public DataTable GetTempTable() { return(Reports.GetTable(Query)); }
public PublishRoot(Runtime.Project project, string outputPath, IServiceProvider hostServices, Reports reports) { _project = project; Reports = reports; Projects = new List <PublishProject>(); Packages = new List <PublishPackage>(); Runtimes = new List <PublishRuntime>(); OutputPath = outputPath; HostServices = hostServices; TargetPackagesPath = Path.Combine(outputPath, AppRootName, "packages"); Operations = new PublishOperations(); LibraryDependencyContexts = new Dictionary <Library, IList <DependencyContext> >(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { AuthenticateUser(); intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["profileid"].Value); oPage = new Pages(intProfile, dsn); oReport = new Reports(intProfile, dsn); if (Request.QueryString["pageid"] != null && Request.QueryString["pageid"] != "") { intPage = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["pageid"]); } if (Request.QueryString["calc"] != null && Request.QueryString["calc"] != "") { strCalc = Request.QueryString["calc"]; } if (Request.QueryString["repid"] != null && Request.QueryString["repid"] != "") { intRepId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["repid"]); } if (!IsPostBack) { if (strCalc.ToLower() == "y") { panFormula.Visible = true; drpName.DataSource = oReport.GetOrderReportDataFields(intRepId); drpName.DataTextField = "name"; drpName.DataValueField = "id"; drpName.DataBind(); drpName.Items.Insert(0, "-- SELECT --"); rptFormula.DataSource = oReport.GetOrderReportCalculations(intRepId); rptFormula.DataBind(); foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptFormula.Items) { Panel panEdit = item.FindControl("panEdit") as Panel; panEdit.Visible = true; LinkButton oDelete = (LinkButton)item.FindControl("btnDelete"); oDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this field?');"); } } else { panField.Visible = true; rptPlot.DataSource = oReport.GetOrderReportDataFields(intRepId); rptPlot.DataBind(); foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptPlot.Items) { Panel panEdit = item.FindControl("panEdit") as Panel; panEdit.Visible = true; LinkButton oDelete = (LinkButton)item.FindControl("btnDelete"); oDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this field?');"); } } } lblNoFields.Visible = rptPlot.Items.Count == 0; lblNoFormula.Visible = rptFormula.Items.Count == 0; if (panField.Visible == true) { btnAdd.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateText('" + txtName.ClientID + "','Please enter a field name') " + "&& ValidateDropDown('" + drpType.ClientID + "','Please select a field type') " + ";"); } else { btnAddFormula.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return ValidateDropDown('" + drpName.ClientID + "','Please select a field name') " + ";"); } }
protected void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "SAMWAIT", "myApp.hidePleaseWait();", true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); string Region = ddlSearchRegion.SelectedItem.ToString(); string AgentName = ddlAgentName.SelectedValue; string SPName = ddl_SPName.SelectedValue; string CustomerType = DDLCustomerType.SelectedValue; string CustomerName = txbCustomerName.Text; string ResidenceType = ddlResidenceType.SelectedValue; string Status = ddl_Status.SelectedValue; if (Region == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { Region = string.Empty; } if (AgentName == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { AgentName = string.Empty; } if (SPName == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { SPName = string.Empty; } if (CustomerType == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { CustomerType = string.Empty; } else if (CustomerType == "สมาชิก") { CustomerType = "1"; } else if (CustomerType == "ทั่วไป") { CustomerType = "0"; } if (ResidenceType == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { ResidenceType = string.Empty; } if (Status == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { Status = string.Empty; } else if (Status == "ยังติดต่ออยู่") { Status = "1"; } else if (Status == "ระงับการส่งชั่วคราว") { Status = "2"; } else if (Status == "ขาดการติดต่อ") { Status = "3"; } List <RPT_Customer_INFO_41211> rt_RPT_Customer_INFO = new List <RPT_Customer_INFO_41211>(); rt_RPT_Customer_INFO = Reports.RPT_Customer_INFO_41211(Region, AgentName, CustomerType, CustomerName , SPName, ResidenceType, Status, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); if (rt_RPT_Customer_INFO.Count > 0) { string User_ID = Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value; string url = "../Report/ReportViewer.aspx?RPT=ReportCustomerDetails&Region=" + ddlSearchRegion.SelectedItem + "&AgentName=" + ddlAgentName.SelectedValue + "&AgentFullName=" + ddlAgentName.SelectedItem.ToString() + "&CustomerType=" + DDLCustomerType.SelectedValue + "&CustomerName=" + txbCustomerName.Text + "&SPName=" + ddl_SPName.SelectedValue + "&SPFullName=" + ddl_SPName.SelectedItem.ToString() + "&ResidenceType=" + ddlResidenceType.SelectedValue + "&ResidenceTypeFullName=" + ddlResidenceType.SelectedItem.ToString() + "&Status=" + ddl_Status.SelectedValue; string s = "'" + url + "', 'popup_window', 'width=1024,height=768,left=100,top=100,resizable=yes');"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "SAM", s, true); } else { Messages.Show("ไม่พบข้อมูล กรุณาเลือกเงื่อนไขอีกครั้ง", this.Page); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } }
public void ThenUserShouldLandOnTheHomePage() { Assert.AreEqual(driver.Title, "nopCommerce - ASP.NET Open-source Ecommerce Shopping Cart Solution"); try { Assert.IsTrue(driver.PageSource.Contains("My account"), "User has not landed on Home Page"); test.Pass("Login Successful", MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath(Reports.SaveScreenshot(driver)).Build()); } catch (Exception) { test.Fail("Failure occurred ", MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath(Reports.SaveScreenshot(driver)).Build()); } }
public ScientistModel(Scientist scientist, bool downloadEntityDates = true) { Scientist = scientist; if (downloadEntityDates) { List <Conference> conferences = ScientistService.GetConferences(Scientist); foreach (Conference c in conferences) { Conferences.Add(new ConferenceModel(c, false)); } foreach (Report r in Scientist.Reports) { Reports.Add(new ReportModel(r)); } List <Organization> organizations = ScientistService.GetOrganizations(Scientist); foreach (Organization o in organizations) { Organizations.Add(new OrganizationModel(o, false)); } } Conferences.CollectionChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.Action.ToString().Equals("Add")) { ConferenceModel cm = null; foreach (ConferenceModel cmo in e.NewItems) { cm = cmo; } ScientistService.AddConference(Scientist, cm.Conference); } else if (e.Action.ToString().Equals("Remove")) { ConferenceModel cm = null; foreach (ConferenceModel cmo in e.OldItems) { cm = cmo; } ScientistService.RemoveConference(Scientist, cm.Conference); } OnPropertyChanged("Conferences"); }; Reports.CollectionChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.Action.ToString().Equals("Add")) { ReportModel rm = null; foreach (ReportModel rem in e.NewItems) { rm = rem; } ScientistService.AddReport(Scientist, rm.Report); } else if (e.Action.ToString().Equals("Remove")) { ReportModel rm = null; foreach (ReportModel rem in e.OldItems) { rm = rem; } ScientistService.RemoveReport(Scientist, rm.Report); } OnPropertyChanged("Reports"); OnPropertyChanged("ReportsCount"); }; Organizations.CollectionChanged += (o, e) => { if (e.Action.ToString().Equals("Add")) { OrganizationModel om = null; foreach (OrganizationModel orm in e.NewItems) { om = orm; } ScientistService.AddOrganization(Scientist, om.Organization); } else if (e.Action.ToString().Equals("Remove")) { OrganizationModel om = null; foreach (OrganizationModel orm in e.OldItems) { om = orm; } ScientistService.RemoveOrganization(Scientist, om.Organization); } OnPropertyChanged("Organizations"); }; }
/// <summary> /// Perform the server specific tasks when an event occurs /// </summary> /// <param name="E"></param> /// <returns></returns> override protected async Task <bool> ProcessEvent(GameEvent E) { if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.ConnectionLost) { var exception = E.Extra as Exception; Logger.WriteError(exception.Message); if (exception.Data["internal_exception"] != null) { Logger.WriteDebug($"Internal Exception: {exception.Data["internal_exception"]}"); } Logger.WriteInfo("Connection lost to server, so we are throttling the poll rate"); Throttled = true; } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.ConnectionRestored) { if (Throttled) { Logger.WriteVerbose(loc["MANAGER_CONNECTION_REST"].FormatExt($"[{IP}:{Port}]")); } Logger.WriteInfo("Connection restored to server, so we are no longer throttling the poll rate"); Throttled = false; } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.ChangePermission) { var newPermission = (Permission)E.Extra; if (newPermission < Permission.Moderator) { // remove banned or demoted privileged user Manager.GetPrivilegedClients().Remove(E.Target.ClientId); } else { if (Manager.GetPrivilegedClients().ContainsKey(E.Target.ClientId)) { Manager.GetPrivilegedClients()[E.Target.ClientId] = E.Target; } else { Manager.GetPrivilegedClients().Add(E.Target.ClientId, E.Target); } } Logger.WriteInfo($"{E.Origin} is setting {E.Target} to permission level {newPermission}"); await Manager.GetClientService().UpdateLevel(newPermission, E.Target, E.Origin); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.PreConnect) { // we don't want to track bots in the database at all if ignore bots is requested if (E.Origin.IsBot && Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().IgnoreBots) { return(false); } var existingClient = GetClientsAsList().FirstOrDefault(_client => _client.Equals(E.Origin)); // they're already connected if (existingClient != null) { Logger.WriteWarning($"detected preconnect for {E.Origin}, but they are already connected"); return(false); } CONNECT: if (Clients[E.Origin.ClientNumber] == null) { #if DEBUG == true Logger.WriteDebug($"Begin PreConnect for {E.Origin}"); #endif // we can go ahead and put them in so that they don't get re added Clients[E.Origin.ClientNumber] = E.Origin; await OnClientConnected(E.Origin); ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo() { Name = E.Origin.Name, Message = "CONNECTED", Time = DateTime.UtcNow }); if (E.Origin.Level > EFClient.Permission.Moderator) { E.Origin.Tell(string.Format(loc["SERVER_REPORT_COUNT"], E.Owner.Reports.Count)); } } // for some reason there's still a client in the spot else { Logger.WriteWarning($"{E.Origin} is connecteding but {Clients[E.Origin.ClientNumber]} is currently in that client slot"); await OnClientDisconnected(Clients[E.Origin.ClientNumber]); goto CONNECT; } } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Flag) { // todo: maybe move this to a seperate function Penalty newPenalty = new Penalty() { Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Expires = DateTime.UtcNow, Offender = E.Target, Offense = E.Data, Punisher = E.Origin, When = DateTime.UtcNow, Link = E.Target.AliasLink }; var addedPenalty = await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(newPenalty); E.Target.SetLevel(Permission.Flagged, E.Origin); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Unflag) { var unflagPenalty = new Penalty() { Type = Penalty.PenaltyType.Unflag, Expires = DateTime.UtcNow, Offender = E.Target, Offense = E.Data, Punisher = E.Origin, When = DateTime.UtcNow, Link = E.Target.AliasLink }; await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(unflagPenalty); E.Target.SetLevel(Permission.User, E.Origin); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Report) { Reports.Add(new Report() { Origin = E.Origin, Target = E.Target, Reason = E.Data }); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.TempBan) { await TempBan(E.Data, (TimeSpan)E.Extra, E.Target, E.Origin);; } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Ban) { bool isEvade = E.Extra != null ? (bool)E.Extra : false; await Ban(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin, isEvade); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Unban) { await Unban(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Kick) { await Kick(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Warn) { await Warn(E.Data, E.Target, E.Origin); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Disconnect) { ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo() { Name = E.Origin.Name, Message = "DISCONNECTED", Time = DateTime.UtcNow }); await new MetaService().AddPersistentMeta("LastMapPlayed", CurrentMap.Alias, E.Origin); await new MetaService().AddPersistentMeta("LastServerPlayed", E.Owner.Hostname, E.Origin); } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.PreDisconnect) { // predisconnect comes from minimal rcon polled players and minimal log players // so we need to disconnect the "full" version of the client var client = GetClientsAsList().FirstOrDefault(_client => _client.Equals(E.Origin)); if (client != null) { #if DEBUG == true Logger.WriteDebug($"Begin PreDisconnect for {client}"); #endif await OnClientDisconnected(client); #if DEBUG == true Logger.WriteDebug($"End PreDisconnect for {client}"); #endif } else if (client?.State != ClientState.Disconnecting) { Logger.WriteWarning($"Client {E.Origin} detected as disconnecting, but could not find them in the player list"); Logger.WriteDebug($"Expected {E.Origin} but found {GetClientsAsList().FirstOrDefault(_client => _client.ClientNumber == E.Origin.ClientNumber)}"); return(false); } } else if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Update) { #if DEBUG == true Logger.WriteDebug($"Begin Update for {E.Origin}"); #endif await OnClientUpdate(E.Origin); } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Say) { E.Data = E.Data.StripColors(); if (E.Data?.Length > 0) { string message = E.Data; if (E.Data.IsQuickMessage()) { try { message = Manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration() .QuickMessages .First(_qm => _qm.Game == GameName) .Messages[E.Data.Substring(1)]; } catch { } } ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo() { Name = E.Origin.Name, Message = message, Time = DateTime.UtcNow }); } } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.MapChange) { Logger.WriteInfo($"New map loaded - {ClientNum} active players"); // iw4 doesn't log the game info if (E.Extra == null) { var dict = await this.GetInfoAsync(); if (dict == null) { Logger.WriteWarning("Map change event response doesn't have any data"); } else { Gametype = dict["gametype"].StripColors(); Hostname = dict["hostname"]?.StripColors(); string mapname = dict["mapname"]?.StripColors() ?? CurrentMap.Name; CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map() { Alias = mapname, Name = mapname }; } } else { var dict = (Dictionary <string, string>)E.Extra; Gametype = dict["g_gametype"].StripColors(); Hostname = dict["sv_hostname"].StripColors(); MaxClients = int.Parse(dict["sv_maxclients"]); string mapname = dict["mapname"].StripColors(); CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map() { Alias = mapname, Name = mapname }; } } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.MapEnd) { Logger.WriteInfo("Game ending..."); SessionStart = DateTime.UtcNow; } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Tell) { await Tell(E.Message, E.Target); } if (E.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Broadcast) { #if DEBUG == false // this is a little ugly but I don't want to change the abstract class if (E.Data != null) { await E.Owner.ExecuteCommandAsync(E.Data); } #endif } lock (ChatHistory) { while (ChatHistory.Count > Math.Ceiling(ClientNum / 2.0)) { ChatHistory.RemoveAt(0); } } // the last client hasn't fully disconnected yet // so there will still be at least 1 client left if (ClientNum < 2) { ChatHistory.Clear(); } return(true); }
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { CachePage = true; base.OnInit(e); gridReport.GroupingSettings.CaseSensitive = false; _report = null; try { _reportID = int.Parse(Request["ReportID"]); if (_reportID < 0) { throw new Exception("Invalid ReportID"); } _report = (Report)Reports.GetReport(UserSession.LoginUser, _reportID); if (_report == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid Report"); } if (_report.OrganizationID != null && UserSession.LoginUser.OrganizationID != 1 && UserSession.LoginUser.OrganizationID != 1078) { if (_report.OrganizationID != UserSession.LoginUser.OrganizationID) { _report = null; throw new Exception("Invalid Report"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionLogs.LogException(UserSession.LoginUser, ex, "ReportResults"); Response.Write("There was an error retrieving your report."); Response.End(); return; } _isCustom = _report.ReportSubcategoryID != null; fieldReportID.Value = _reportID.ToString(); if (!IsPostBack) { if (_isCustom) { filterControl.ReportSubcategoryID = (int)_report.ReportSubcategoryID; filterControl.ReportID = _reportID; int h = Settings.UserDB.ReadInt("ReportFilterHeight_" + _reportID.ToString(), 175); if (h > 300) { h = 300; } paneFilters.Height = new Unit(h, UnitType.Pixel); } else { //paneFilters.Visible = false; paneFilters.Height = new Unit(1, UnitType.Pixel); barFilters.Visible = false; } try { CreateColumns(_report); LoadReportSettings(); } catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionLogs.LogException(UserSession.LoginUser, ex, "Reports"); } } }
public void RemoveReports(DateTime beforeDate) { Reports.RemoveAll(usage => usage.Dimensions.Date.Date < beforeDate.Date); }
public List <Usage> SelectReports(DateTime beforeDate) { return(Reports.Where(usage => usage.Dimensions.Date.Date < beforeDate.Date).ToList()); }
public void SetHidden(int reportID, bool value) { Reports.SetIsHiddenFromUser(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), TSAuthentication.UserID, reportID, value); }
public void ThenHeShouldSeeAnErrorMessageStatingThatTheLoginAttemptWasNotSuccessful() { Assert.IsTrue(driver.PageSource.Contains("Your login attempt was not successful. Please try again.")); test.Pass("Login Attempt Failure", MediaEntityBuilder.CreateScreenCaptureFromPath(Reports.SaveScreenshot(driver)).Build()); }
public void ReportDateRangeTrue() { Reports reports = new Reports(); Assert.IsTrue(SeedUser()); }
private void DisplayReportExpenditure() { logger.Info(HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value + " " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.ToString() + " " + System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); try { List <RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY_41218> rt_RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY = new List <RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY_41218>(); string User_ID = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value; dbo_UserClass user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(User_ID); List <dbo_AgentClass> agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Search(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "Active", string.Empty); if (user_class.User_Group_ID == "CP Meiji") { string region = user_class.Region; string[] regions = region.Split(','); List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code_ = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(); foreach (string in_region in regions) { List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code2 = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(agent.Where(f => f.Location_Region == in_region).Select(f => f)); foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code2) { //cv_code_.Add(_cv); List <RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY_41218> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY_41218(string.Empty, _cv.CV_Code, MonthGroup, MonthGroupTo, Year, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY_41218 rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY.Add(rpt); } } } foreach (var d in rt_RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY) { d.paramCV_Code = d.CV_Code; dbo_AgentClass _agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Select_Record(d.paramCV_Code); d.paramCV_Name = _agent.AgentName; //user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(d.paramCV_Code); //d.paramCV_Name = user_class.AgentName; d.paramYear = Request.QueryString["Year"]; d.paramStartMonth = CV_Month(MonthGroup); d.paramEndMonth = CV_Month(MonthGroupTo); } } else { rt_RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY = Reports.RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY_41218(string.Empty, CV_CODE, MonthGroup, MonthGroupTo, Year, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); foreach (var d in rt_RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY) { d.paramCV_Code = CV_CODE; dbo_AgentClass _agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Select_Record(d.paramCV_Code); d.paramCV_Name = _agent.AgentName; d.paramYear = Request.QueryString["Year"]; d.paramStartMonth = CV_Month(MonthGroup); d.paramEndMonth = CV_Month(MonthGroupTo); } } cryRpt.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Report/RT_ReportExpenditure.rpt")); cryRpt.SetDataSource(rt_RPT_EXPENSE_MONTHLY); ReportViewer1.ToolPanelView = ToolPanelViewType.None; ReportViewer1.HasCrystalLogo = false; ReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt; ReportViewer1.RefreshReport(); //BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(cryRpt.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat)); //Response.ClearContent(); //Response.ClearHeaders(); //Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; //Response.BinaryWrite(stream.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(stream.BaseStream.Length))); //Response.Flush(); //Response.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } }
protected void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (IsValidForm()) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "SAMWAIT", "myApp.hidePleaseWait();", true); string Region = ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue; string AgentName = ddlAgentName.SelectedValue; string Month_From = ddlMonth_From.SelectedValue; string Month_To = ddlMonth_To.SelectedValue; string ProductGroup = ddl_ProductGroup.SelectedValue; string Size = ddl_Size.SelectedValue; string UnitType = ddlUnit.SelectedValue; if (Region == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { Region = string.Empty; } if (AgentName == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { AgentName = string.Empty; } if (ProductGroup == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { ProductGroup = string.Empty; } if (Size == "เลือกทั้งหมด") { Size = string.Empty; } List <RPT_AnnualReport_4121> rt_RPT_Order = new List <RPT_AnnualReport_4121>(); string User_ID = Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value; dbo_UserClass user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(User_ID); List <dbo_AgentClass> agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Search(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "Active", string.Empty); if (user_class.User_Group_ID == "CP Meiji") { string region = user_class.Region; string[] regions = region.Split(','); List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code2 = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(agent.Where(f => regions.Contains(f.Location_Region)).Select(f => f)); List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code1 = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(agent.Where(f => f.DM_ID == User_ID || f.GM_ID == User_ID.Trim() || f.SD_ID == User_ID.Trim() || f.SM_ID == User_ID.Trim() || f.APV_ID == User_ID.Trim()).Select(f => f)); if (cv_code1.Count > 0) { if (AgentName == string.Empty) { foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code1) { List <RPT_AnnualReport_4121> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_AnnualReport_4121(string.Empty, _cv.CV_Code, Month_From, Month_To, txt_Year.Text, ProductGroup, Size, UnitType, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_AnnualReport_4121 rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_Order.Add(rpt); } } } else { foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code1) { List <RPT_AnnualReport_4121> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_AnnualReport_4121(string.Empty, AgentName, Month_From, Month_To, txt_Year.Text, ProductGroup, Size, UnitType, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_AnnualReport_4121 rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_Order.Add(rpt); } } } } else //เงื่อนไข CV ใน Region { if (Region == string.Empty) { foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code2) { List <RPT_AnnualReport_4121> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_AnnualReport_4121(_cv.Location_ID, AgentName, Month_From, Month_To, txt_Year.Text, ProductGroup, Size, UnitType, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_AnnualReport_4121 rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_Order.Add(rpt); } } } else { foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code2) { List <RPT_AnnualReport_4121> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_AnnualReport_4121(Region, AgentName, Month_From, Month_To, txt_Year.Text, ProductGroup, Size, UnitType, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_AnnualReport_4121 rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_Order.Add(rpt); } } } } } else { rt_RPT_Order = Reports.RPT_AnnualReport_4121(Region, AgentName, Month_From, Month_To, txt_Year.Text, ProductGroup, Size, UnitType, string.Empty); } if (rt_RPT_Order.Count > 0) { string url = "../Report/ReportViewer.aspx?RPT=RPT_Order&Region=" + ddlSearchRegion.SelectedValue + "&AgentName=" + ddlAgentName.SelectedValue + "&Month_From=" + ddlMonth_From.SelectedValue + "&Month_To=" + ddlMonth_To.SelectedValue + "&Year=" + txt_Year.Text + "&ProductGroup=" + ddl_ProductGroup.SelectedValue + "&Size=" + ddl_Size.SelectedValue + "&Unit=" + ddlUnit.SelectedValue; string s = "'" + url + "', 'popup_window', 'width=1024,height=768,left=100,top=100,resizable=yes');"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "SAM", s, true); } else { Messages.Show("ไม่พบข้อมูล กรุณาเลือกเงื่อนไขอีกครั้ง", this.Page); } } else { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, Page.GetType(), "SAMWAIT", "myApp.hidePleaseWait();", true); ddlMonth_From.SelectedIndex = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex); } }
private void DisplayReportDailyFinance() { try { List <RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A> rt_RPT_AMT_DAILY = new List <RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A>(); #region old //string User_ID = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value; //dbo_UserClass user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(User_ID); //List<dbo_AgentClass> agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Search(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "Active", string.Empty); //if (user_class.User_Group_ID == "CP Meiji") //{ // string region = user_class.Region; // string[] regions = region.Split(','); // List<dbo_AgentClass> cv_code_ = new List<dbo_AgentClass>(); // foreach (string in_region in regions) // { // List<dbo_AgentClass> cv_code2 = new List<dbo_AgentClass>(agent.Where(f => f.Location_Region == in_region).Select(f => f)); // foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code2) // { // List<RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A(string.Empty, _cv.CV_Code , InvoiceDate, InvoiceDateTo, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); // foreach (RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A rpt in _inrpt) // { // rt_RPT_AMT_DAILY.Add(rpt); // } // } // } //} //else //{ // rt_RPT_AMT_DAILY = Reports.RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A(string.Empty, string.Empty, InvoiceDate, InvoiceDateTo, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); //} #endregion string User_ID = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value; dbo_UserClass user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(User_ID); List <dbo_AgentClass> agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Search(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "Active", string.Empty); if (user_class.User_Group_ID == "CP Meiji") { string region = user_class.Region; string[] regions = region.Split(','); List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code2 = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(agent.Where(f => regions.Contains(f.Location_Region)).Select(f => f)); foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code2) { List <RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A(string.Empty, _cv.CV_Code, InvoiceDate, InvoiceDateTo, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_AMT_DAILY.Add(rpt); } } } else { rt_RPT_AMT_DAILY = Reports.RPT_SALE_AMT_DAILY_41220A(string.Empty, CV_CODE, InvoiceDate, InvoiceDateTo, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); } foreach (var d in rt_RPT_AMT_DAILY) { d.Create_Date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } cryRpt.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Report/RT_ReportDailyFinance.rpt")); cryRpt.SetDataSource(rt_RPT_AMT_DAILY); ReportViewer1.ToolPanelView = ToolPanelViewType.None; ReportViewer1.HasCrystalLogo = false; ReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt; ReportViewer1.RefreshReport(); //BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(cryRpt.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat)); //Response.ClearContent(); //Response.ClearHeaders(); //Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; //Response.BinaryWrite(stream.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(stream.BaseStream.Length))); //Response.Flush(); //Response.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } }
public int GetNumberOfExecutedBenchmarks() => Reports.Count(report => report.ExecuteResults.Any(result => result.FoundExecutable));
public void SaveUserSettings(int reportID, string data) { Reports.SetUserSettings(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), TSAuthentication.UserID, reportID, data); }
///<summary>Sends the query to the database to retrieve the table. Then initializes the column objects.</summary> public void SubmitQuery() { TableQ = Reports.GetTable(Query); InitializeColumns(); }
public ReportColumn[] GetReportColumns(int reportID) { return(Reports.GetReportColumns(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), reportID)); }
private void DisplayReportSummaryIncome() { try { List <RPT_SUMM_EXPENSE_41219> rt_RPT_EXPENSE = new List <RPT_SUMM_EXPENSE_41219>(); string User_ID = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value; dbo_UserClass user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(User_ID); List <dbo_AgentClass> agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Search(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "Active", string.Empty); if (user_class.User_Group_ID == "CP Meiji") { string region = user_class.Region; string[] regions = region.Split(','); List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code_ = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(); foreach (string in_region in regions) { List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code2 = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(agent.Where(f => f.Location_Region == in_region).Select(f => f)); foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code2) { List <RPT_SUMM_EXPENSE_41219> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_SUMM_EXPENSE_41219(string.Empty, _cv.CV_Code, InvoiceDate, InvoiceDateTo, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_SUMM_EXPENSE_41219 rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_EXPENSE.Add(rpt); } } } foreach (var d in rt_RPT_EXPENSE) { d.paramCV_Code = d.CV_Code; // dbo_AgentClass _agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Select_Record(d.paramCV_Code); dbo_AgentClass _agent = agent.FirstOrDefault(f => f.CV_Code == d.CV_Code); if (_agent != null) { d.paramCV_Name = _agent.AgentName; } d.Temp0 = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } } else { rt_RPT_EXPENSE = Reports.RPT_SUMM_EXPENSE_41219(string.Empty, CV_CODE, InvoiceDate, InvoiceDateTo, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); foreach (var d in rt_RPT_EXPENSE) { d.paramCV_Code = d.CV_Code; // dbo_AgentClass _agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Select_Record(d.paramCV_Code); dbo_AgentClass _agent = agent.FirstOrDefault(f => f.CV_Code == d.CV_Code); if (_agent != null) { d.paramCV_Name = _agent.AgentName; } d.Temp0 = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); } } /* * rt_RPT_EXPENSE = Reports.RPT_SUMM_EXPENSE_41219(string.Empty, CV_CODE, InvoiceDate, InvoiceDateTo, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); * * foreach (var d in rt_RPT_EXPENSE) * { * d.paramCV_Code = CV_CODE; * user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(d.paramCV_Code); * d.paramCV_Name = user_class.AgentName; * } */ cryRpt.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Report/RT_ReportSummaryIncome.rpt")); cryRpt.SetDataSource(rt_RPT_EXPENSE); ReportViewer1.ToolPanelView = ToolPanelViewType.None; ReportViewer1.HasCrystalLogo = false; ReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt; ReportViewer1.RefreshReport(); //BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(cryRpt.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat)); //Response.ClearContent(); //Response.ClearHeaders(); //Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; //Response.BinaryWrite(stream.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(stream.BaseStream.Length))); //Response.Flush(); //Response.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex.Message); } }
private void ImprimePedidosSec() { try { Reports _Reporte = new Reports(); ReportDocument objReport = new ReportDocument(); //String reportPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\Reporting\" + "IngresoCompras_Sintetico.rpt"; String reportPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Reports"] + "\\Reporting\\" + "PedidoLab.rpt"; objReport.Load(reportPath); objReport.Refresh(); objReport.ReportOptions.EnableSaveDataWithReport = false; // PARAMETROS DE CONEXION TableLogOnInfo logoninfo = new TableLogOnInfo(); logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Source"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CatalogSISTMED"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["User ID"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"]; logoninfo.ConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = false; Tables tables = objReport.Database.Tables; foreach (Table table in tables) { table.ApplyLogOnInfo(logoninfo); } // FIN PARAMETROS DE CONEXION ParameterFields Parametros = new ParameterFields(); ParameterField ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParameterDiscreteValue ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); Parametros.Clear(); //1er PARAMETRO ParametroField.Name = "@INF"; if (radioTodos.Checked) { ParametroValue.Value = "TOD"; } if (radioTipo.Checked) { ParametroValue.Value = "TIP"; } if (radioSector.Checked) { ParametroValue.Value = "SEC"; } if (radioEstado.Checked) { ParametroValue.Value = "EST"; } ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); //2° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@FECHA_DESDE"; ParametroValue.Value = this.dateDesde.Value; ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); //3° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@FECHA_HASTA"; ParametroValue.Value = this.dateHasta.Value; ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); //4° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@SECTOR"; if (cboSector.SelectedIndex == 0) { ParametroValue.Value = "GEN"; } if (cboSector.SelectedIndex == 1) { ParametroValue.Value = "MIC"; } ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); //5° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@TIPO"; ParametroValue.Value = this.cboTipo.SelectedIndex + 1; ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); //6° PARAMETRO ParametroField = new ParameterField(); ParametroValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue(); ParametroField.Name = "@ESTADO"; ParametroValue.Value = this.cboEstado.SelectedValue; ParametroField.CurrentValues.Add(ParametroValue); Parametros.Add(ParametroField); _Reporte.Parameters = Parametros; _Reporte.Reporte = objReport; _Reporte.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void DisplayReportReduceDebt_CustomerAndAgent() { List <RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223> rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT = new List <RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223>(); //rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT = Reports.RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223(Region, AgentName, SPName, DebtDate_From, DebtDate_To, Status, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); //cryRpt.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Report/RT_ReportReduceDebt_CustomerAndAgent.rpt")); //cryRpt.SetDataSource(rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT); string User_ID = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["User_ID"].Value; dbo_UserClass user_class = dbo_UserDataClass.Select_Record(User_ID); List <dbo_AgentClass> agent = dbo_AgentDataClass.Search(string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, "Active", string.Empty); if (user_class.User_Group_ID == "CP Meiji") { string region = user_class.Region; string[] regions = region.Split(','); //string[] CVCode_tmp = agent.Where(f => regions.Contains(f.Location_Region)).Select(f => f.CV_Code).ToArray(); List <dbo_AgentClass> cv_code2 = new List <dbo_AgentClass>(agent.Where(f => regions.Contains(f.Location_Region)).Select(f => f)); foreach (dbo_AgentClass _cv in cv_code2) { List <RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223> _inrpt = Reports.RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223(_cv.Location_Region, _cv.CV_Code, SPName, DebtDate_From, DebtDate_To, Status, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); foreach (RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223 rpt in _inrpt) { rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT.Add(rpt); } } } else { rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT = Reports.RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223(Region, AgentName, SPName, DebtDate_From, DebtDate_To, Status, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); } // rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT = Reports.RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223(Region, AgentName, SPName, DebtDate_From, DebtDate_To, Status, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); cryRpt.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Report/RT_ReportReduceDebt_CustomerAndAgent.rpt")); cryRpt.SetDataSource(rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT); #region old /////// //List<RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223> rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT = new List<RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223>(); //rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT = Reports.RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT_41223(Region, AgentName, SPName, DebtDate_From, DebtDate_To, Status, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty, string.Empty); //foreach (var d in rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT) //{ // d.pramDebt_StartDate = Request.QueryString["DebtDate_From"]; // d.pramDebt_EndDate = Request.QueryString["DebtDate_To"]; // d.pramStatus = Request.QueryString["Status"]; //} //cryRpt.Load(Server.MapPath("~/Report/RT_ReportReduceDebt_CustomerAndAgent.rpt")); //cryRpt.SetDataSource(rt_RPT_CUSTOMER_DEBT); /////// #endregion ReportViewer1.ToolPanelView = ToolPanelViewType.None; ReportViewer1.HasCrystalLogo = false; ReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt; ReportViewer1.RefreshReport(); //BinaryReader stream = new BinaryReader(cryRpt.ExportToStream(CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat)); //Response.ClearContent(); //Response.ClearHeaders(); //Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; //Response.BinaryWrite(stream.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(stream.BaseStream.Length))); //Response.Flush(); //Response.Close(); }
public void GetBalanceSheet() { CultureInfo info = new CultureInfo("ne-NP"); info.NumberFormat.CurrencySymbol = "Rs"; info.DateTimeFormat = new DateTimeFormatInfo(); info.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = new GregorianCalendar(GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized); info.DateTimeFormat.AMDesignator = "AM"; info.DateTimeFormat.PMDesignator = "PM"; System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = info; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = info; Assets = new ObservableCollection <AssetsVm>(); Liabilities = new ObservableCollection <LiabilitiesVm>(); Equities = new ObservableCollection <Rms.Classes.EquityVm>(); LiabilitiesAndEquity = new ObservableCollection <Rms.Classes.LiabilitiesAndEquity>(); TotalAssetsBalance = 0; TotalLiabilitiesBalance = 0; TotalEquityBalance = 0; Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { AccountType = "Assets", Date = BalanceSheetDate.Date.ToLongDateString() }); #region grouping List <LedgerAccount> acountlistwithparentacount = new List <LedgerAccount>(); foreach (var item in LedgerAccounts.Where(a => a.parentLedgerAccount != null)) { acountlistwithparentacount.Add(item); } List <LedgerAccount> accountlistwithoutparentaccount = new List <LedgerAccount>(); accountlistwithoutparentaccount = LedgerAccounts.Except(acountlistwithparentacount).ToList(); var groups = acountlistwithparentacount.GroupBy(a => a.parentLedgerAccount); #endregion #region foreach foreach (var item in groups) { decimal assetgroupbalance = 0; foreach (var i in LedgerAccounts.Where(a => a.parentLedgerAccount == item.Key && a.AccountClassId == 1)) { var v = GetAssets(i); if (v != null) { assetgroupbalance += v.Amount; } } if (assetgroupbalance > 0) { Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { Account = item.Key.AccountName, Balance = assetgroupbalance.ToString("C") }); // Assets.Add(new AssetsVm { LedgerAccountName = item.Key.AccountName, Amount = assetgroupbalance }); } } #endregion foreach (var item in accountlistwithoutparentaccount.Where(a => a.AccountClassId == 1)) { var v = GetAssets(item); if (v != null) { Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { Account = v.LedgerAccountName, Balance = v.Amount.ToString("C") }); } } Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { TotalHeading = "Total Assets", Total = TotalAssetsBalance.ToString("C") }); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { AccountType = "Liabilities" }); #region foreach foreach (var item in groups) { decimal liabilitiesgroupbalance = 0; foreach (var i in LedgerAccounts.Where(a => a.AccountClassId == 4 && a.parentLedgerAccount == item.Key)) { var v = GetLiabilities(i); if (v != null) { liabilitiesgroupbalance += v.Amount; } } if (liabilitiesgroupbalance > 0) { Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { Account = item.Key.AccountName, Balance = liabilitiesgroupbalance.ToString("C") }); // Liabilities.Add(new LiabilitiesVm { LedgerAccountName = item.Key.AccountName, Amount = liabilitiesgroupbalance }); } } #endregion foreach (var item in accountlistwithoutparentaccount.Where(a => a.AccountClassId == 4)) { var v = GetLiabilities(item); if (v != null) { //Liabilities.Add(v); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { Account = v.LedgerAccountName, Balance = v.Amount.ToString("C") }); } } Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { TotalHeading = "Total Liabilities", Total = TotalLiabilitiesBalance.ToString("C") }); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { AccountType = "Equity" }); #region foreach foreach (var item in groups) { decimal equitygroupbalance = 0; foreach (var i in LedgerAccounts.Where(a => a.AccountClassId == 5 && a.parentLedgerAccount == item.Key)) { var v = GetEquities(i); if (v != null) { equitygroupbalance += v.Amount; } } if (equitygroupbalance > 0) { Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { Account = item.Key.AccountName, Balance = equitygroupbalance.ToString("C") }); } } #endregion foreach (var item in accountlistwithoutparentaccount.Where(a => a.AccountClassId == 5)) { var v = GetEquities(item); if (v != null) { //Equities.Add(v); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { Account = v.LedgerAccountName, Balance = v.Amount.ToString("C") }); } } GetIncomeStatement(); var lande = TotalEquityBalance + GetNetIncome() + TotalLiabilitiesBalance; var totalquity = TotalEquityBalance + GetNetIncome(); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { Account = "Net Income", Balance = GetNetIncome().ToString("C") }); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { TotalHeading = "Total Equities", Total = totalquity.ToString("C") }); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { }); Reports.Add(new BalanceSheetExport { TotalHeading = "Liabilities And Equity", Total = lande.ToString("C") }); }
public void RemoveReports(DateTime beforeDate) { Reports.RemoveAll(usage => usage.Date.Date != beforeDate.Date); }
public GridResult GetReportData(int reportID, int from, int to, string sortField, bool isDesc, bool useUserFilter) { return(Reports.GetReportData(TSAuthentication.GetLoginUser(), reportID, from, to, sortField, isDesc, useUserFilter)); }