Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateReport(string reportName, string parentPath, byte[] definition, IEnumerable <string> dataSourcePaths)
            Property[] reportProperties = new Property[1];
            Property   hidden           = new Property();

            hidden.Name         = "Hidden";
            hidden.Value        = reportName.StartsWith("_") ? "true" : "false";
            reportProperties[0] = hidden;
            _reportService.CreateReport(reportName, parentPath, true, definition, reportProperties);

            var sources = new List <DataSource>();

            foreach (var dataSourcePath in dataSourcePaths)
                DataSourceReference dsRef = new DataSourceReference();
                dsRef.Reference = dataSourcePath;
                var ds = new DataSource();
                ds.Item = dsRef;
            //DataSourceReference dsRef = new DataSourceReference();
            //	dsRef.Reference = dataSourcePaths;
            //	DataSource[] Sources = _reportService.GetItemDataSources(parentPath + "/" + reportName);
            if (sources != null && sources.Count > 0)
                    _reportService.SetItemDataSources(parentPath + "/" + reportName, sources.ToArray());
                catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// Attaches the data source to report.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSourceName">Name of the data source.</param>
        /// <param name="dataSourcePath">The data source path.</param>
        /// <param name="reportName">Name of the report.</param>
        /// <param name="reportLocation">The report location.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AttachDataSourceToReport(string dataSourceName, string dataSourcePath, string reportName, string reportLocation)
            bool resVal;

                string fullReportPath     = (reportLocation + "/" + reportName).Replace("//", @"/");
                string fullDataSourcePath = (dataSourcePath.Replace(dataSourceName, string.Empty) + dataSourceName).Replace(@"\", @"/");

                DataSource[] dataSources = _reportsServerInstance2005.GetItemDataSources(fullReportPath);

                var dsRef = new DataSourceReference
                    Reference = fullDataSourcePath

                dataSources[0].Item = dsRef;

                _reportsServerInstance2005.SetItemDataSources(fullReportPath, dataSources);

                resVal = true;
            catch (Exception)
                resVal = false;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void CreateReport(string reportingServiceUrl, string name, string parent, string[] dataSourcePaths, string definitionFile)
            // Open the definition.

            byte[] definition;
            using (var stream = File.OpenRead(definitionFile))
                definition = new byte[stream.Length];
                stream.Read(definition, 0, (int)stream.Length);

            var service = new ReportingService2005
                Url         = reportingServiceUrl,
                Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

            var warnings = service.CreateReport(name, parent, true, definition, null);

            // If there are data sources then associate them with the report.

            if (dataSourcePaths != null && dataSourcePaths.Length > 0)
                var dataSources = (from dsp in dataSourcePaths
                                   select new DataSource
                    Item = new DataSourceReference {
                        Reference = dsp
                    Name = GetName(dsp),
                service.SetItemDataSources(GetPath(name, parent), dataSources);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void CreateReport(string reportName, string parentPath, byte[] definition, string dataSourcePath)
            Property[] reportProperties = new Property[1];
            Property   hidden           = new Property();

            hidden.Name         = "Hidden";
            hidden.Value        = reportName.StartsWith("_") ? "true" : "false";
            reportProperties[0] = hidden;
            _reportService.CreateReport(reportName, parentPath, true, definition, reportProperties);

            DataSourceReference dsRef = new DataSourceReference();

            dsRef.Reference = dataSourcePath;
            DataSource[] Sources = _reportService.GetItemDataSources(parentPath + "/" + reportName);
            if (Sources != null && Sources.Length > 0)
                Sources[0].Item = dsRef;
                    _reportService.SetItemDataSources(parentPath + "/" + reportName, Sources);
                catch (Exception)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void UploadReport(ReportItem item)
            _Service.CreateReport(item.Name, item.ParentPath, true, item.ReportDefinition, null);

            var dataSources = GetDataSources(item.DataSources);

            if (dataSources.Length > 0)
                _Service.SetItemDataSources(item.Path, dataSources);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool AttachDataSourceToReport(string _dataSourceName, string _dataSourcePath, string _report, string _reportLocation)
            bool resVal = false;

                string fullReportPath     = (_reportLocation + "/" + _report).Replace("//", @"/");
                string fullDataSourcePath = (_dataSourcePath.Replace(_dataSourceName, string.Empty) + _dataSourceName).Replace(@"\", @"/");

                DataSource[] sharedDs = _reportsServerInstance.GetItemDataSources(fullReportPath);

                DataSource[] targetDs = new DataSource[sharedDs.Count()];

                int counter = 0;

                foreach (var dataSource in sharedDs)
                    DataSourceReference dsRef = new DataSourceReference
                        Reference = fullDataSourcePath

                    dataSource.Item = dsRef;

                    targetDs[counter] = dataSource;

                _reportsServerInstance.SetItemDataSources(fullReportPath, targetDs);

                resVal = true;
            catch (Exception)
                resVal = false;

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void SetItemDataSources(string item, string dataSourceName)
            var reportDataSources = webserviceProxy.GetItemDataSources(item);

            foreach (var existingDataSource in reportDataSources)
                var dsr = new DataSourceReference
                    Reference = dataSourceName

                existingDataSource.Item = dsr;

            webserviceProxy.SetItemDataSources(item, reportDataSources);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        private void UpdateReportDataSources(string folder,
                                             string name,
                                             Dictionary <string, DataSourceDefinitionOrReference> dataSources)
            var itemPath            = $"{folder}/{name}";
            var existingDataSources = rs.GetItemDataSources(itemPath);
            var sources             = existingDataSources
                                      .Where(ds => dataSources.ContainsKey(ds.Name))
                                      .Select(ds => new DataSource {
                Name = ds.Name, Item = dataSources[ds.Name]

            if (sources.Any())
                rs.SetItemDataSources(itemPath, sources);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public string SaveReport(string report, Stream file, string name, bool overwrite, ref Guid id)
            id = Guid.Empty;
            string _report = report.ToLower().Replace(".rdl", "");

            if (this.CheckExist(ItemTypeEnum.Report, WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportsRootPath"].ToString(), (name == "" ? _report : name)) == true && overwrite == false)
                return("The Report '" + (name == "" ? _report : name) + "' already exists");
            Byte[] definition = null;
                System.IO.BinaryReader br = new System.IO.BinaryReader(file);
                definition = br.ReadBytes((Int32)file.Length);
                //Create Report
                rs.CreateReport((name == string.Empty ? _report : name), WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportsRootPath"].ToString(), overwrite, definition, null);
                //Set DataSource
                DataSourceReference Item1 = new DataSourceReference();

                DataSource[] datasources = rs.GetItemDataSources(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportsRootPath"].ToString() + "/" + (name == "" ? _report : name));

                Item1.Reference = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportsRootPath"].ToString() + WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyDataSource"].ToString();

                datasources[0].Item = Item1;

                rs.SetItemDataSources(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportsRootPath"].ToString() + "/" + (name == "" ? _report : name), datasources);

                string _id = GetReportID(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ReportsRootPath"].ToString() + "/" + (name == "" ? _report : name));
                id = _id != string.Empty ? new Guid(_id) : Guid.Empty;

                return(string.Format("Report: {0} created successfully", name == "" ? _report : name));
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void uploadReport(string destinationPath, string reportName, byte[] reportDef)
                //Create report
                destRS.CreateReport(reportName, destinationPath, true, reportDef, null);

                //Link datasources
                var reportPath = destinationPath;
                if (reportPath.EndsWith("/"))
                    reportPath += reportName;
                    reportPath += "/" + reportName;
                var reportDss = destRS.GetItemDataSources(reportPath);
                List <DataSource> dataSources = new List <DataSource>();
                foreach (var reportDs in reportDss)
                    if (destDS.ContainsKey(reportDs.Name))
                        DataSourceReference reference = new DataSourceReference();
                        reference.Reference = destDS[reportDs.Name];
                        var ds = new DataSource();
                        ds.Item = (DataSourceDefinitionOrReference)reference;
                        ds.Name = reportDs.Name;
                destRS.SetItemDataSources(reportPath, dataSources.ToArray());
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Upload " + reportName + " failed." + e.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private string DeployReport(string localPath, string serverPath, string dataSourcePath, string dataSourceName)
            byte[]    definition = null;
            Warning[] warnings   = null;
            string    retRes     = String.Empty;

                // Read the file and put it into a byte array to pass to SRS
                FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(localPath);
                definition = new byte[stream.Length];
                stream.Read(definition, 0, (int)(stream.Length));
            catch (Exception ex)

            // We are going to use the name of the rdl file as the name of our report
            string reportName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(localPath);

            // Now lets use this information to publish the report
                warnings = rs.CreateReport(reportName, serverPath, true, definition, null);

                if (warnings != null)
                    retRes = String.Format("Report {0} created with warnings :\n", reportName);
                    foreach (Warning warning in warnings)
                        retRes += warning.Message + "\n";
                    retRes = String.Format("Report {0} created successfully with no warnings\n", reportName);

                // check xml datasource
                var isXmlProvider = IsXmlDataProvider(localPath);
                if (isXmlProvider)

                //set the datasource
                DataSourceReference dsr = new DataSourceReference();
                dsr.Reference = dataSourcePath + "/" + dataSourceName;

                DataSource[] dsarray = rs.GetItemDataSources(serverPath + "/" + reportName);
                DataSource   ds      = new DataSource();
                if (dsarray.Length > 0)
                    ds      = dsarray[0];
                    ds.Item = (DataSourceReference)dsr;
                    rs.SetItemDataSources(serverPath + "/" + reportName, dsarray);
                    retRes += String.Format("Data source succesfully set to {0}\n", dsr.Reference);
            catch (SoapException ex)
                return(String.Format("Report {0} failed with exception {1}\n", reportName, ex.Detail.InnerXml.ToString()));

Ejemplo n.º 12
        private void UpdateConnections(string destPath, TreeNodeCollection nodes)
            foreach (TreeNode node in nodes)
                if ((bool)node.Tag)
                    if (node.Nodes.Count > 0)
                        var childPath = destPath;
                        if (node.Checked)
                            if (destPath.Equals(ROOT_FOLDER))
                                childPath = ROOT_FOLDER + node.Text;
                                childPath = destPath + PATH_SEPERATOR + node.Text;
                        UpdateConnections(childPath, node.Nodes);
                        var itemPath = ROOT_FOLDER + node.FullPath.Replace("\\", PATH_SEPERATOR);
                        var itemType = sourceRS.GetItemType(itemPath);

                        var dataSources = new DataSource[0];

                        dataSources = sourceRS.GetItemDataSources(itemPath);
                        if (dataSources.Any())
                            var dataSource = (DataSourceDefinition)dataSources.First(d => d.Name == dsName).Item;
                            dataSource.CredentialRetrieval = CredentialRetrievalEnum.Store;
                            dataSource.UserName            = rptDsUsername;
                            dataSource.Password            = rptDsPassword;

                            sourceRS.SetItemDataSources(itemPath, dataSources);

                        var destReportPath = destPath;
                        if (destReportPath.EndsWith("/"))
                            destReportPath += node.Text;
                            destReportPath += "/" + node.Text;

                        bwUpdateConn.ReportProgress(processedNodeCount * 100 / selectedNodeCount);