Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void ProcessPendingVATProc(List <TaxTran> list)
            JournalEntry je = PXGraph.CreateInstance <JournalEntry>();

            PXCache dummycache = je.Caches[typeof(TaxTran)];

            dummycache = je.Caches[typeof(VATTaxTran)];

            DocumentList <Batch> created = new DocumentList <Batch>(je);

            foreach (TaxTran taxtran in list)
                PXProcessing <TaxTran> .SetCurrentItem(taxtran);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxtran.TaxInvoiceNbr) == true || taxtran.TaxInvoiceDate == null)
                    PXProcessing <TaxTran> .SetError(Messages.CannotProcessW);
                    using (PXTransactionScope ts = new PXTransactionScope())
                        foreach (PXResult <VATTaxTran, CurrencyInfo, Tax> res  in PXSelectJoin <VATTaxTran, InnerJoin <CurrencyInfo, On <CurrencyInfo.curyInfoID, Equal <VATTaxTran.curyInfoID> >, InnerJoin <Tax, On <Tax.taxID, Equal <VATTaxTran.taxID> > > >, Where <VATTaxTran.module, Equal <Current <TaxTran.module> >, And <VATTaxTran.tranType, Equal <Current <TaxTran.tranType> >, And <VATTaxTran.refNbr, Equal <Current <TaxTran.refNbr> >, And <VATTaxTran.taxID, Equal <Current <TaxTran.taxID> > > > > > > .SelectSingleBound(je, new object[] { taxtran }))
                            VATTaxTran   n    = (VATTaxTran)res;
                            CurrencyInfo info = (CurrencyInfo)res;
                            Tax          x    = (Tax)res;

                            string strFinPeriodID = FinPeriodSelectorAttribute.PeriodFromDate(taxtran.TaxInvoiceDate);
                            SegregateBatch(je, info.CuryID, taxtran.TaxInvoiceDate, strFinPeriodID, created);

                            n.TaxInvoiceNbr  = taxtran.TaxInvoiceNbr;
                            n.TaxInvoiceDate = taxtran.TaxInvoiceDate;


                            CurrencyInfo new_info = PXCache <CurrencyInfo> .CreateCopy(info);

                            new_info.CuryInfoID = null;
                            new_info.ModuleCode = "GL";
                            new_info.BaseCalc   = false;
                            new_info            = je.currencyinfo.Insert(new_info) ?? new_info;

                            //reverse original transaction
                                GLTran tran = new GLTran();
                                tran.AccountID     = n.AccountID;
                                tran.SubID         = n.SubID;
                                tran.CuryDebitAmt  = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? n.CuryTaxAmt : 0m;
                                tran.DebitAmt      = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? n.TaxAmt : 0m;
                                tran.CuryCreditAmt = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? 0m : n.CuryTaxAmt;
                                tran.CreditAmt     = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? 0m : n.TaxAmt;
                                tran.TranType      = n.TranType;
                                tran.TranClass     = "N";
                                tran.RefNbr        = n.RefNbr;
                                tran.TranDesc      = n.TaxInvoiceNbr;
                                tran.TranPeriodID  = strFinPeriodID;
                                tran.FinPeriodID   = strFinPeriodID;
                                tran.TranDate      = n.TaxInvoiceDate;
                                tran.CuryInfoID    = new_info.CuryInfoID;
                                tran.Released      = true;


                                VATTaxTran newtran = PXCache <VATTaxTran> .CreateCopy(n);

                                newtran.Module         = "GL";
                                newtran.TranType       = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxAdjustmentType.ReverseOutputVAT : TaxAdjustmentType.ReverseInputVAT;
                                newtran.RefNbr         = newtran.TaxInvoiceNbr;
                                newtran.TranDate       = newtran.TaxInvoiceDate;
                                newtran.CuryTaxableAmt = -ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.CuryTaxableAmt;
                                newtran.TaxableAmt     = -ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.TaxableAmt;
                                newtran.CuryTaxAmt     = -ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.CuryTaxAmt;
                                newtran.TaxAmt         = -ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.TaxAmt;


                            //reclassify to VAT account
                                GLTran tran = new GLTran();
                                tran.AccountID     = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? x.SalesTaxAcctID : x.PurchTaxAcctID;
                                tran.SubID         = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? x.SalesTaxSubID : x.PurchTaxSubID;
                                tran.CuryDebitAmt  = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? 0m : n.CuryTaxAmt;
                                tran.DebitAmt      = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? 0m : n.TaxAmt;
                                tran.CuryCreditAmt = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? n.CuryTaxAmt : 0m;
                                tran.CreditAmt     = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales && ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n) == 1m) ? n.TaxAmt : 0m;
                                tran.TranType      = n.TranType;
                                tran.TranClass     = "N";
                                tran.RefNbr        = n.RefNbr;
                                tran.TranDesc      = n.TaxInvoiceNbr;
                                tran.TranPeriodID  = strFinPeriodID;
                                tran.FinPeriodID   = strFinPeriodID;
                                tran.TranDate      = n.TaxInvoiceDate;
                                tran.CuryInfoID    = new_info.CuryInfoID;
                                tran.Released      = true;


                                VATTaxTran newtran = PXCache <VATTaxTran> .CreateCopy(n);

                                newtran.Module         = "GL";
                                newtran.TranType       = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxAdjustmentType.OutputVAT : TaxAdjustmentType.InputVAT;
                                newtran.TaxType        = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase;
                                newtran.AccountID      = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? x.SalesTaxAcctID : x.PurchTaxAcctID;
                                newtran.SubID          = (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? x.SalesTaxSubID : x.PurchTaxSubID;
                                newtran.RefNbr         = newtran.TaxInvoiceNbr;
                                newtran.TranDate       = newtran.TaxInvoiceDate;
                                newtran.CuryTaxableAmt = ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.CuryTaxableAmt;
                                newtran.TaxableAmt     = ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.TaxableAmt;
                                newtran.CuryTaxAmt     = ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.CuryTaxAmt;
                                newtran.TaxAmt         = ReportTaxProcess.GetMult(n.Module, n.TranType, (n.TaxType == TaxType.PendingSales) ? TaxType.Sales : TaxType.Purchase, (short)1) * newtran.TaxAmt;



                    PXProcessing <TaxTran> .SetProcessed();