Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override void BeforeExport()
            _subttlRows = new List <int>();

            string lineFilter = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_form.Line))
                lineFilter = "產線 = '" + _form.Line + "'";

            FinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter adapter = new FinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter();

            _srcTable = adapter.GetData(_startDate, _endDate);
            _srcTable.Columns.Add("實際總工時auto", typeof(decimal), "(內部工時 + 外包工時)");
            //_srcTable.Columns.Add("退驗數量", typeof(decimal));

            Dictionary <DateTime, decimal> workHoursDic = new Dictionary <DateTime, decimal>();
            DateTime minDate = _startDate;
            DateTime maxDate = _endDate;

            object tmpObj = _srcTable.Compute("MIN(日期)", string.Empty);

            if (tmpObj != DBNull.Value)
                minDate = (DateTime)tmpObj;

            tmpObj = _srcTable.Compute("MAX(日期)", string.Empty);
            if (tmpObj != DBNull.Value)
                maxDate = (DateTime)tmpObj;
                maxDate = new DateTime(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month));

            for (DateTime date = minDate; date <= maxDate; date = date.AddMonths(1))
                decimal  hours = Global.GetWorkingHours(date.Year, date.Month);
                DateTime key   = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                workHoursDic.Add(key, hours);

            DateTime curRowMonth = DateTime.MinValue;

            foreach (ReportDataSet.FinishedWorksheetReportSourceRow row in _srcTable)
                if (!row.IsNull("年份"))
                    if (row.年份 != curRowMonth.Year || row.月份 != curRowMonth.Month)
                        curRowMonth = new DateTime(row.年份, row.月份, 1);

                    row.內部工資 = Math.Round(row.內部工資 / workHoursDic[curRowMonth], MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            DataTableHelper dtHelper = new DataTableHelper();

            _table = dtHelper.SelectGroupByInto("ReportTable", _srcTable,
                                                "產線,實際完成日,工作單號,序號,品號,品名,數量,單位," +
                                                "Sum(內部工時) 內部工時, Sum(內部工資) 內部工資,外包工時,外包工資,標準工時,單位人工成本,實際總工時,實際總工時auto,實際總工資," +
                                                lineFilter, "產線,實際完成日,工作單號,品號,品名,數量,標準工時,單位人工成本,單位標準工資,工品編號");

            _table.Columns["單位"].DefaultValue = "KPCS";

            LaborWageHelper     lwHelper = new LaborWageHelper();
            LaborWage工作單品號Table lwTable  = null;

            string curWorksheetNumber = string.Empty;

            //int seriesNumber = 1;
            foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows)
                string wsNumber = row["工作單號"].ToString();
                string pn       = row["品號"].ToString();
                int    wpid     = (int)row["工品編號"];

                if (curWorksheetNumber != wsNumber)
                    curWorksheetNumber = wsNumber;
                    lwTable            = lwHelper.GetData(curWorksheetNumber);
                    //seriesNumber = 1;

                //row["退驗數量"] = DatabaseSet.GetNGAmount(wsNumber, wpid) / 1000.0f;

                //DataRow[] lwRows = lwTable.Select("工品編號 = " + row["工品編號"]);
                object result = lwTable.Compute("SUM(外包工資)", string.Format("工品編號 = {0}", row["工品編號"].ToString()));

                //if (lwRows.Length > 0)
                if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                    //decimal laborWage = (decimal)lwRows[0]["外包工資"];
                    decimal laborWage = Convert.ToDecimal(result);

                    row["外包工資"] = laborWage;
                    row["外包工時"] = laborWage / Settings.HourlyPay;

                //row["序號"] = seriesNumber++;
                row["序號"]    = wpid;
                row["實際總工時"] = row["實際總工時auto"];

Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void BeforeExport()
            _subttlRows = new List<int>();

            string lineFilter = string.Empty;
                lineFilter = "���u = '" + _form.Line + "'";

            FinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter adapter = new FinishedWorksheetReportSourceTableAdapter();

            _srcTable = adapter.GetData(_startDate, _endDate);
            _srcTable.Columns.Add("����`�u��auto", typeof(decimal), "(�����u�� + �~�]�u��)");
            //_srcTable.Columns.Add("�h��ƶq", typeof(decimal));

            Dictionary<DateTime, decimal> workHoursDic = new Dictionary<DateTime, decimal>();
            DateTime minDate = _startDate;
            DateTime maxDate = _endDate;

            object tmpObj = _srcTable.Compute("MIN(���)",string.Empty);
            if (tmpObj != DBNull.Value)
                minDate = (DateTime)tmpObj;

            tmpObj = _srcTable.Compute("MAX(���)", string.Empty);
            if (tmpObj != DBNull.Value)
                maxDate = (DateTime)tmpObj;
                maxDate = new DateTime(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(maxDate.Year, maxDate.Month));

            for (DateTime date = minDate; date <= maxDate; date = date.AddMonths(1))
                decimal hours = Global.GetWorkingHours(date.Year, date.Month);
                DateTime key = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1);
                workHoursDic.Add(key, hours);

            DateTime curRowMonth = DateTime.MinValue;
            foreach (ReportDataSet.FinishedWorksheetReportSourceRow row in _srcTable)
                if (!row.IsNull("�~��"))
                    if (row.�~�� != curRowMonth.Year || row.��� != curRowMonth.Month)
                        curRowMonth = new DateTime(row.�~��, row.���, 1);

                    row.�����u�� = Math.Round(row.�����u�� / workHoursDic[curRowMonth], MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

            DataTableHelper dtHelper = new DataTableHelper();
            _table = dtHelper.SelectGroupByInto("ReportTable", _srcTable,
                "���u,��ڧ�����,�u�@�渹,�Ǹ�,�~��,�~�W,�ƶq,���," +
                "Sum(�����u��) �����u��, Sum(�����u��) �����u��,�~�]�u��,�~�]�u��,�зǤu��,���H�u����,����`�u��,����`�u��auto,����`�u��," +
                lineFilter, "���u,��ڧ�����,�u�@�渹,�~��,�~�W,�ƶq,�зǤu��,���H�u����,���зǤu��,�u�~�s��");

            _table.Columns["���"].DefaultValue = "KPCS";

            LaborWageHelper lwHelper = new LaborWageHelper();
            LaborWage�u�@��~��Table lwTable = null;

            string curWorksheetNumber = string.Empty;
            //int seriesNumber = 1;
            foreach (DataRow row in _table.Rows)
                string wsNumber = row["�u�@�渹"].ToString();
                string pn = row["�~��"].ToString();
                int wpid = (int)row["�u�~�s��"];

                if (curWorksheetNumber != wsNumber)
                    curWorksheetNumber = wsNumber;
                    lwTable = lwHelper.GetData(curWorksheetNumber);
                    //seriesNumber = 1;

                //row["�h��ƶq"] = DatabaseSet.GetNGAmount(wsNumber, wpid) / 1000.0f;

                //DataRow[] lwRows = lwTable.Select("�u�~�s�� = " + row["�u�~�s��"]);
                object result = lwTable.Compute("SUM(�~�]�u��)", string.Format("�u�~�s�� = {0}", row["�u�~�s��"].ToString()));

                //if (lwRows.Length > 0)
                if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                    //decimal laborWage = (decimal)lwRows[0]["�~�]�u��"];
                    decimal laborWage = Convert.ToDecimal(result);

                    row["�~�]�u��"] = laborWage;
                    row["�~�]�u��"] = laborWage / Settings.HourlyPay;

                //row["�Ǹ�"] = seriesNumber++;
                row["�Ǹ�"] = wpid;
                row["����`�u��"] = row["����`�u��auto"];

Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected override void WriteContent()
            System.Data.DataTable linesTable = DataTableHelper.SelectDistinct(_table, "產線");

            int writeRow = 4;
            PasteDataRowsOptions options = new PasteDataRowsOptions();

            options.IncludeSummary = false;     //手動控制Summary Row
            options.SummaryColumns.AddRange(new string[] { /*"退驗數量", */ "數量" /*, "標準工時", "單位人工成本"*/, "內部工時", "內部工資", "外包工資", "外包工時", "標準總工資", "標準總工時", "實際總工時" /*"單位標準工資", "實際工時", "實際工資"*/ });
            options.NoSummaryColumns.AddRange(new string[] { "標準工時", "單位人工成本", "單位標準工資", "實際工時", "實際工資" });

            PasteDataRowEventHandler beforeSummary = new PasteDataRowEventHandler(BeforePasteDataRowSummary);
            //this.SheetAdapter.BeforePasteDataRowSummary += beforeSummary;

            DataTableHelper dtHelper           = new DataTableHelper();
            DataTable       nonNormalHourTable = dtHelper.SelectGroupByInto("ReportTable", _srcTable,
                                                                            "產線, Sum(內部工時) 內部工時, 工時類型",
                                                                            null, "產線,實際完成日,工作單號,品號,品名,數量,標準工時,單位人工成本,單位標準工資,工品編號,工時類型");

            foreach (DataRow lineRow in linesTable.Rows)
                //NOTICE: 當Select條件修改時也必須修改BeforePasteDataRowSummary內容
                DataRow[] rows = _table.Select("產線 = '" + lineRow["產線"] + "'", "工作單號,序號");

                foreach (DataRow row in rows)
                    string worksheet    = (string)row["工作單號"];
                    int    serialNumber = (int)row["序號"];
                    object abnormalResult = _srcTable.Compute("SUM(內部工時)", "工作單號='" + worksheet + "' AND 工品編號 = " + serialNumber + " AND 產線 = '" + lineRow["產線"] + "' AND (工時類型=" + (int)HourType.異常生產工時 + " OR 工時類型=" + (int)HourType.包裝 + ")");
                    if (abnormalResult != DBNull.Value)
                        row["實際總工時"] = (decimal)row["實際總工時"] - (decimal)abnormalResult;
                options.IncludeSummary = false;
                options.Row            = writeRow;
                options.SummaryPrefix  = lineRow["產線"] + "產線小計";
                writeRow = this.SheetAdapter.PasteDataRows(rows, options);

                decimal unusual = 0;
                decimal package = 0;

                // 取得異常生產工時
                object result = nonNormalHourTable.Compute("SUM(內部工時)", "產線 = '" + lineRow["產線"] + "' AND 工時類型=" + (int)HourType.異常生產工時);
                if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                    unusual = (decimal)result;

                // 取得包裝工時
                result = nonNormalHourTable.Compute("SUM(內部工時)", "產線 = '" + lineRow["產線"] + "' AND 工時類型=" + (int)HourType.包裝);
                if (result != null && result != DBNull.Value)
                    package = (decimal)result;

                DataRow tmpRow = _table.NewRow();
                tmpRow["單位"]    = null;
                tmpRow[0]       = "異常生產工時";
                tmpRow["實際總工時"] = unusual;
                writeRow        = this.SheetAdapter.PasteDataRow(tmpRow, writeRow, options.Column);

                tmpRow[0]       = "包裝";
                tmpRow["實際總工時"] = package;
                writeRow        = this.SheetAdapter.PasteDataRow(tmpRow, writeRow, options.Column);

                options.Row = writeRow;
                writeRow = this.SheetAdapter.PasteSummaryRow(rows, options);
            //this.SheetAdapter.BeforePasteDataRowSummary -= beforeSummary;

            decimal ttlUnusual = 0;
            decimal ttlPackage = 0;

            // 取得異常生產工時
            object tmpResult = nonNormalHourTable.Compute("SUM(內部工時)", "工時類型=" + (int)HourType.異常生產工時);

            if (tmpResult != null && tmpResult != DBNull.Value)
                ttlUnusual = (decimal)tmpResult;

            // 取得包裝工時
            tmpResult = nonNormalHourTable.Compute("SUM(內部工時)", "工時類型=" + (int)HourType.包裝);
            if (tmpResult != null && tmpResult != DBNull.Value)
                ttlPackage = (decimal)tmpResult;

            DataTable tmpTable = _table.Clone();

            tmpTable.Columns["實際總工時"].Expression = string.Empty;                //實際總工時自己計算

            DataRow totalRow = tmpTable.NewRow();

            foreach (string sumCol in options.SummaryColumns)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpTable.Columns[sumCol].Expression))
                    tmpTable.Columns[sumCol].Expression = string.Empty;

                object o;
                o = _table.Compute("SUM(" + sumCol + ")", string.Empty);
                totalRow[sumCol] = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? 0 : (decimal)o;
            foreach (string noSumCol in options.NoSummaryColumns)
                tmpTable.Columns[noSumCol].Expression = string.Empty;
                totalRow[noSumCol] = DBNull.Value;

            ////實際總工時 - (異常生產工時+包裝) 前面減過了
            //object ttlHourObj = _table.Compute("SUM(實際總工時)", string.Empty);
            //decimal ttlHour = Convert.IsDBNull(ttlHourObj) ? 0 : (decimal)ttlHourObj;
            ////totalRow["實際總工時"] = ttlHour - (ttlUnusual + ttlPackage);

            totalRow[0] = "總計";
            _ttlRow     = writeRow;
            writeRow = this.SheetAdapter.PasteDataRow(totalRow, writeRow, 1);

            //tmpTable = _table.Clone();
            //tmpTable.Columns[tmpTable.Columns["外包工資"].Ordinal].DataType = typeof(object);

            //DataRow abnormalTotalRow = tmpTable.NewRow();
            //abnormalTotalRow["單位"] = null;
            //abnormalTotalRow[tmpTable.Columns["外包工資"].Ordinal] = "異常生產工時";
            //abnormalTotalRow["實際總工時"] = ttlUnusual;
            //writeRow = this.SheetAdapter.PasteDataRow(abnormalTotalRow, writeRow, options.Column);

            //abnormalTotalRow[tmpTable.Columns["外包工資"].Ordinal] = "包裝";
            //abnormalTotalRow["實際總工時"] = ttlPackage;
            //writeRow = this.SheetAdapter.PasteDataRow(abnormalTotalRow, writeRow, options.Column);

            //totalRow = tmpTable.NewRow();
            //options.SummaryColumns = new List<string>(new string[] { "實際總工時", "標準總工時" });
            //options.NoSummaryColumns = new List<string>(new string[] { "數量", "內部工時", "內部工資", "外包工資", "外包工時", "標準工時", "單位人工成本", "單位標準工資", "實際工時", "實際工資", "標準總工資" });

            //foreach (string sumCol in options.SummaryColumns)
            //    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpTable.Columns[sumCol].Expression))
            //        tmpTable.Columns[sumCol].Expression = string.Empty;

            //    object o;
            //    o = _table.Compute("SUM(" + sumCol + ")", string.Empty);
            //    totalRow[sumCol] = Convert.IsDBNull(o) ? 0 : (decimal)o;
            //foreach (string noSumCol in options.NoSummaryColumns)
            //    tmpTable.Columns[noSumCol].Expression = string.Empty;
            //    totalRow[noSumCol] = DBNull.Value;

            //totalRow[tmpTable.Columns["外包工資"].Ordinal] = "Total";
            //totalRow["單位"] = null;

            //_ttlRow = writeRow;
            //writeRow = this.SheetAdapter.PasteDataRow(totalRow, writeRow, 1);
