/// <summary> /// DataList控件绑定及分页 /// </summary> /// <param name="intCount">每页显示的记录条数</param> /// <param name="ds">DataSet数据集</param> /// <param name="labPage">当前页码</param> /// <param name="labTPage">总页码</param> /// <param name="lbtnUp">上一页</param> /// <param name="lbtnNext">下一页</param> /// <param name="lbtnBack">最后一页</param> /// <param name="lbtnOne">第一页</param> /// <param name="dl">DataList控件对象</param> public static void dlBind(int intCount, DataSet ds, Label labPage, Label labTPage, LinkButton lbtnUp, LinkButton lbtnNext, LinkButton lbtnBack, LinkButton lbtnOne, Repeater dl) { int curpage = Convert.ToInt32(labPage.Text); PagedDataSource ps = new PagedDataSource(); ps.DataSource = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; ps.AllowPaging = true; //是否可以分页 ps.PageSize = intCount; //显示的数量 ps.CurrentPageIndex = curpage - 1; //取得当前页的页码 lbtnNext.Visible = true; lbtnOne.Visible = true; lbtnBack.Visible = true; lbtnUp.Visible = true; lbtnNext.Enabled = true; lbtnBack.Enabled = true; lbtnOne.Enabled = true; if (curpage == 1) { lbtnOne.Visible = false;//不显示第一页按钮 lbtnUp.Visible = false;//不显示上一页按钮 } if (curpage == ps.PageCount) { lbtnNext.Visible = false;//不显示下一页 lbtnBack.Visible = false;//不显示最后一页 } labTPage.Text = Convert.ToString(ps.PageCount); dl.DataSource = ps; // dl.DataKeyField = "ID"; dl.DataBind(); }
protected void BindControl(Repeater rp, string type) { rp.DataSource = AccessHelper.ExecuteDataTable(strConnection, CommandType.Text, String.Format( "SELECT TOP 4 A.ID,A.Title,A.CreateTime,A.TypeCode,B.ContentType From Contents A,ContentAndType B, ContentType C "+ "WHERE A.ID=B.ContentID AND B.TypeID= C.ID AND( C.TypeCode='{0}' OR C.ParentType='{0}')",type)); rp.DataBind(); }
public void MakeEVKinput(String title) { Label lblTitel = new Label(); lblTitel.Text = title; Repeater rptEVK = new Repeater(); TextBox txtExternVakVaam = new TextBox(); }
protected void Bind(Repeater rpt, string typeName) { var pager = new PagerInfo(); pager.CurrenetPageIndex = 1; pager.PageSize = 10; rpt.DataSource = BLLFactory<T_ManagerInfoManager>.Instance.FindWithPager(string.Format("M_Type='{0}'", typeName), pager, "M_Time", true); // rpt.DataSource = BLLFactory<T_ManagerInfoManager>.Instance.Find(string.Format("M_Type='{0}'",typeName), "order by M_Time desc"); rpt.DataBind(); }
public void BindPersonActivities(Repeater rpToBindTo, Guid personId) { db.Refresh(System.Data.Linq.RefreshMode.OverwriteCurrentValues); var personAssignmentRetreats = from p in db.jkp_PersonAssignmentRetreats where p.PAR_Per_ID == personId && p.PAR_Ret_ID == RetreatId select p; rpToBindTo.DataSource = personAssignmentRetreats; rpToBindTo.DataBind(); }
//添加菜单checkbox到list public void AddCheckBox(Repeater list) { foreach (Control c in list.Controls) { CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox)c.FindControl("MenuBox"); string strId = ((HiddenField)c.FindControl("MenuIDHid")).Value; MyCheckBox cb = new MyCheckBox(checkbox, strId); lists.Add(cb); } }
protected void databind2(int i, Repeater rpt1) { using (var db = new CstwebEntities()) { var t = from it in db.teachers where it.teacherlevel == i orderby it.name select it; rpt1.DataSource = t.ToList(); rpt1.DataBind(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Repeater reapeter = new Repeater(); int ncases = int.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()); for (int k = 1; k <= ncases; k++) { int nstrings = int.Parse(System.Console.ReadLine()); IList<string> strings = new List<string>(); for (int j = 0; j < nstrings; j++) strings.Add(System.Console.ReadLine().ToString()); int moves = reapeter.Moves(strings); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Case #{0}: {1}", k, moves < 0 ? "Fegla Won" : moves.ToString())); } }
protected void databind(int i, Repeater r1) { using (var db = new CstwebEntities()) { var se = (from it in db.lesson where it.lesscla == i select it).ToList(); List<course1> co = new List<course1>(); course1 cour; string first = ""; foreach (lesson less in se) { cour = new course1(); cour.id = less.id; cour.lesscla = less.lesscla; cour.teach = less.teach; cour.experiment = less.experiment; cour.credits = less.credits; cour.classname = less.classname; var rela = (from it in db.lesrelation where it.lesson == less.id select it).ToList(); foreach (lesrelation le in rela) { first += db.lesson.First(a => a.id == le.firstlesson).classname +"、"; } if (first == "") { first = "无"; } else first = first.Substring(0, first.Length - 1); cour.first = first; co.Add(cour); first = ""; } r1.DataSource = co; r1.DataBind(); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取选中checkBoxID /// </summary> /// <param name="rep"></param> /// <param name="ChkBoxID"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetDelIDList(Repeater rep, string ChkBoxID) { string idList = string.Empty; foreach (RepeaterItem item in rep.Items) { CheckBox chkItem = (CheckBox)item.FindControl(ChkBoxID); if (chkItem.Checked) { //被勾选 if (idList.Length <= 0) { idList = chkItem.ToolTip; } else { idList += "," + chkItem.ToolTip; } } } return idList; }
void run() { xspeed = XSPEED; // keep correct ball speed aspect yspeed = YSPEED; ball_colour = WHITE; // initial ball colour xdir = 1; ydir = 1; // initial ball direction ball_x = 20; ball_y = 20; // initial ball position LCD.drawRectangle(0, 0, screenwidth - 1, WALLWIDTH - 1, TOPCOLOUR); // Draw Top Wall LCD.drawRectangle(0, WALLWIDTH - 1, WALLWIDTH - 1, screenheight - racketHeight - 1, LEFTCOLOUR); // Draw Left Wall LCD.drawRectangle(screenwidth - WALLWIDTH, WALLWIDTH - 1, screenwidth - 1, screenheight - racketHeight - 1, RIGHTCOLOUR); // Draw Right Wall tophit = WALLWIDTH + BALLSIZE; bottomhit = screenheight - WALLWIDTH - BALLSIZE - 1; lefthit = WALLWIDTH + BALLSIZE; righthit = screenwidth - WALLWIDTH - BALLSIZE - 1; leftButton = new InterruptPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Interrupt.An0, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeBoth); rightButton = new InterruptPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Interrupt.An1, true, Port.ResistorMode.PullUp, Port.InterruptMode.InterruptEdgeBoth); rightButton.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(rightButtonEvent); leftButton.OnInterrupt += new NativeEventHandler(leftButtonEvent); LCD.drawRectangle(racketX, racketY, racketX + racketWidth - 1, racketY + racketHeight - 1, colorRacket); Repeater repeat1 = new Repeater(moveBall, ballSpeed); new Thread(new ThreadStart(repeat1.run)).Start(); Repeater repeat2 = new Repeater(checkAccelerometer, ballSpeed); new Thread(new ThreadStart(repeat2.run)).Start(); while (true) { Thread.Sleep(100); } }
void OuterRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { CourseInfo course = (CourseInfo)e.Item.DataItem; if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { int intLast1Week = 0; /* * System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image CourseImage = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image)e.Item.FindControl("CourseImage"); if (WebImage.ExistsInCustomStorage("course_image", course.Id.ToString())) { try { CourseImage.ImageUrl = WebImage.LoadFromCustomStorage("course_image", course.Id.ToString()).Resizes["_CourseListSmall"].FileUrl; } catch (Exception ex) { CourseImage.ImageUrl = "~/Images/nocourseimage.gif"; } } else { CourseImage.ImageUrl = "~/Images/nocourseimage.gif"; } */ HyperLink hlCourseTitle = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("hlCourseTitle"); hlCourseTitle.Text = course.Title; hlCourseTitle.NavigateUrl = "ClassRoom/CourseDetail.aspx?Id=" + course.Id; Literal ltrLast24Hours = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrLast24Hours"); ltrLast24Hours.Text = course.Last24Hours.ToString(); intTotal_Last24Hours += course.Last24Hours; Literal ltrLast1Week = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrLast1Week"); //intLast1Week = (course.Last24Hours + course.LastDay + course.SecondLastDay + // course.ThirdLastDay + course.FourthLastDay + // course.FifthLastDay + course.SixthLastDay + // course.SeventhLastDay); intLast1Week = course.L1W; ltrLast1Week.Text = intLast1Week.ToString(); intTotal_Last1Week += intLast1Week; Literal ltrLast1Month = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrLast1Month"); ltrLast1Month.Text = course.L1M.ToString(); intTotal_Last1Month += course.L1M; Literal ltrLast1Year = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrLast1Year"); ltrLast1Year.Text = course.YTD.ToString(); intTotal_YTD += course.YTD; Literal ltrTypicalUser = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrTypicalUser"); if (course.FemaleCount > course.MaleCount) { intFemaleCount += 1; intFemaleAgeTotal += course.FemaleAverageAge; ltrTypicalUser.Text = course.FemaleAverageAge.ToString() + " F"; } if (course.MaleCount > course.FemaleCount) { intMaleCount += 1; intMaleAgeTotal += course.MaleAverageAge; ltrTypicalUser.Text = course.MaleAverageAge.ToString() + " M"; } if (course.MaleCount == course.FemaleCount) ltrTypicalUser.Text = "--"; //Literal ltrTypicalUserMan = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrTypicalUserMan"); //ltrTypicalUserMan.Text = course.MaleAverageAge.ToString(); //Literal ltrTypicalUserWomen = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrTypicalUserWomen"); //ltrTypicalUserWomen.Text = course.FemaleAverageAge.ToString(); InnerRepeater = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("InnerRepeater"); if (course.Id > 0) { //Store CourseId so that we can bind inner repeater. //Session["BindForCourseId"] = course.Id.ToString(); int index = 0; InnerRepeater.ItemDataBound +=new RepeaterItemEventHandler(InnerRepeater_ItemDataBound); List<CourseSKUStatsInfo> oCourseSKUStats_CourseWise = new List<CourseSKUStatsInfo>(); for (int i = 0; i < oCoursesSKUStats.Count; i++) { if (Convert.ToInt32(course.Id.ToString()) == Convert.ToInt32(oCoursesSKUStats[i].CourseId)) { oCourseSKUStats_CourseWise.Insert(index, oCoursesSKUStats[i]); index++; } } InnerRepeater.DataSource = oCourseSKUStats_CourseWise; InnerRepeater.DataBind(); } } }
// Process Pagination ver 2.0 // Compatible with Hyperlinks // Compatible with both MySQL / SQL SERVER. // Support Advance Pagination public static void Process_Pagination_v2(DataList _list,Repeater _rept,HyperLink _prev,HyperLink _next,int _size, int _pagenumber, IEnumerable _source, int _totalrecords) { if (Site_Settings.Pagination_Type == 1) { // MySQL Compatible int total_pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_totalrecords / _size); if (total_pages > 1) { // Previous Link Scripting if (_pagenumber > 1) { _prev.Visible = true; int firstbound = (((_pagenumber - 1) - 1) * _size) + 1; if (firstbound < 0) firstbound = 1; int lastbound = firstbound + _size - 1; _prev.ToolTip = "Showing " + firstbound + " - " + lastbound + " records of " + _totalrecords + " records"; } else { _prev.Visible = false; } // Next Link Scripting if (_pagenumber < total_pages) { _next.Visible = true; int firstbound = (((_pagenumber + 1) - 1) * _size) + 1; int lastbound = firstbound + _size - 1; if (lastbound > _totalrecords) lastbound = _totalrecords; _next.ToolTip = "Showing " + firstbound + " - " + lastbound + " records of " + _totalrecords + " records"; } else { _next.Visible = false; } // main pagination links ArrayList arr = Pagination_Process.Return_Pagination_Link_v2(total_pages, _pagenumber); _rept.Visible = true; _rept.DataSource = arr; _rept.DataBind(); } else { _rept.Visible = false; _next.Visible = false; _prev.Visible = false; } _list.DataSource = _source; _list.DataBind(); } else { // SQL SERVER Compatible PagedDataSource objPds = new PagedDataSource(); objPds.DataSource = _source; objPds.AllowPaging = true; objPds.PageSize = _size; objPds.CurrentPageIndex = (_pagenumber - 1); if (!objPds.IsFirstPage) { _prev.Visible = true; int firstbound = (((_pagenumber - 1) - 1) * _size) + 1; if (firstbound < 0) firstbound = 1; int lastbound = firstbound + _size - 1; _prev.ToolTip = "Showing previous " + firstbound + " - " + lastbound + " records of " + _totalrecords + " records"; } else { _prev.Visible = false; } if (!objPds.IsLastPage) { int firstbound = (((_pagenumber + 1) - 1) * _size) + 1; int lastbound = firstbound + _size - 1; if (lastbound > _totalrecords) lastbound = _totalrecords; _next.ToolTip = "Showing next " + firstbound + " - " + lastbound + " records of " + _totalrecords + " records"; _next.Visible = true; } else { _next.Visible = false; } ArrayList arr = Pagination_Process.Return_Pagination_Link_v2(objPds.PageCount, _pagenumber); if (objPds.PageCount > 1) { _rept.Visible = true; _rept.DataSource = arr; _rept.DataBind(); } else { _rept.Visible = false; } _list.DataSource = objPds; _list.DataBind(); } }
public static void Process_Pagination(DataList _list, Repeater _rept, LinkButton _prev, LinkButton _next, int _size, int _pagenumber, IEnumerable _source) { PagedDataSource objPds = new PagedDataSource(); objPds.DataSource = _source; objPds.AllowPaging = true; objPds.PageSize = _size; objPds.CurrentPageIndex = (_pagenumber - 1); if (!objPds.IsFirstPage) _prev.Visible = true; else _prev.Visible = false; if (!objPds.IsLastPage) _next.Visible = true; else _next.Visible = false; ArrayList arr = Return_Pagination_Link(objPds.PageCount, 11, _pagenumber); if (objPds.PageCount > 1) { _rept.Visible = true; _rept.DataSource = arr; _rept.DataBind(); } else { _rept.Visible = false; } _list.DataSource = objPds; _list.DataBind(); }
private void ExportToDoc(Repeater grRp, string format, string defaultFilename, string defaultTitle) { string contentType = null; string extentionPart = null; string strWrite = ""; string strTopHeader = ""; string strFooter = ""; System.IO.StringWriter sw1 = new System.IO.StringWriter(); System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter hw1 = new HtmlTextWriter(sw1); System.IO.StringWriter sw2 = new System.IO.StringWriter(); System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter hw2 = new HtmlTextWriter(sw2); System.IO.StringWriter sw3 = new System.IO.StringWriter(); System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter hw3 = new HtmlTextWriter(sw3); try { strTopHeader = "Ngày thống kê:" + DateTime.Now.ToString(); strTopHeader += "<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 style=border-right: thin; border-top: thin; border-left: thin; border-bottom: thin>"; strTopHeader += "<tr>"; strTopHeader += "<td style=width: 100px; text-align: center rowspan=2><span style=font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial><strong>Số Dịch Vụ</strong></span></td>"; strTopHeader += "<td colspan=3 style=height: 21px; text-align: center><span style=font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial><strong>GPC</strong></span></td>"; strTopHeader += "<td colspan=3 style=height: 21px; text-align: center><span style=font-size: 10pt; font-family: Arial><strong>VMS</strong></span></td>"; strTopHeader += "<td colspan=3 style=height: 21px; text-align: center><strong>VIETTEL</strong></td>"; strTopHeader += "<td colspan=3 style=height: 21px; text-align: center><strong>SFONE</strong></td>"; strTopHeader += "<td colspan=3 style=height: 21px; text-align: center>TỔNG</td>"; strTopHeader += "</tr>"; strTopHeader += "<tr>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MO</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MTC</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MT</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MO</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MTC</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MT</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MO</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MTC</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MT</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MO</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MTC</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MT</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MO</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MTC</td>"; strTopHeader += "<td align=center style=font-size: 10pt; width: 100px; font-family: Arial>MT</td>"; strTopHeader += "</tr>"; strFooter = "</table>"; grPr.RenderControl(hw1); strWrite = strTopHeader + sw1.ToString() + strFooter; Response.Clear(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.Buffer = true; Response.Charset = "UTF-8"; switch (format) { case "Word": contentType = "application/msword"; extentionPart = ".doc"; break; case "PDF": contentType = "application/pdf"; extentionPart = ".pdf"; break; case "Excel": contentType = "application/msexcel"; extentionPart = ".xls"; break; } Response.ContentType = contentType; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename = " + defaultFilename + extentionPart); Response.Write(strWrite); Response.End(); } catch { } }
public static void SetupRepeater(Repeater repeater) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("Letter", typeof(string)); string[] Letters = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "Å", "Ä", "Ö", "[ Visa alla ]"}; for (int i = 0; i < Letters.Length; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dr[0] = Letters[i]; dt.Rows.Add(dr); } repeater.DataSource = dt.DefaultView; repeater.DataBind(); }
//----------------------------------------------- #endregion #region ---------------CatchControls--------------- //----------------------------------------------- //CatchControls //----------------------------------------------- protected void CatchControls() { rList = (Repeater)this.FindControl("rList"); }
private static string ParseImpl(PageInfo pageInfo, ContextInfo contextInfo, ContentsDisplayInfo displayInfo) { var parsedContent = string.Empty; contextInfo.TitleWordNum = 0; var siteName = displayInfo.OtherAttributes[Attribute_SiteName]; var directory = displayInfo.OtherAttributes[Attribute_Directory]; var since = displayInfo.OtherAttributes[Attribute_Since]; if (displayInfo.Layout == ELayout.None) { var rptContents = new Repeater(); rptContents.ItemTemplate = new RepeaterTemplate(displayInfo.ItemTemplate, displayInfo.SelectedItems, displayInfo.SelectedValues, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Site, contextInfo); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.HeaderTemplate)) { rptContents.HeaderTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(displayInfo.HeaderTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.FooterTemplate)) { rptContents.FooterTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(displayInfo.FooterTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.SeparatorTemplate)) { rptContents.SeparatorTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(displayInfo.SeparatorTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate)) { rptContents.AlternatingItemTemplate = new RepeaterTemplate(displayInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate, displayInfo.SelectedItems, displayInfo.SelectedValues, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Site, contextInfo); } rptContents.DataSource = StlDataUtility.GetSitesDataSource(siteName, directory, displayInfo.StartNum, displayInfo.TotalNum, displayInfo.Where, displayInfo.Scope, displayInfo.OrderByString, since); rptContents.DataBind(); if (rptContents.Items.Count > 0) { parsedContent = ControlUtils.GetControlRenderHtml(rptContents); } } else { var pdlContents = new ParsedDataList(); TemplateUtility.PutContentsDisplayInfoToMyDataList(pdlContents, displayInfo); pdlContents.ItemTemplate = new DataListTemplate(displayInfo.ItemTemplate, displayInfo.SelectedItems, displayInfo.SelectedValues, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Site, contextInfo); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.HeaderTemplate)) { pdlContents.HeaderTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(displayInfo.HeaderTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.FooterTemplate)) { pdlContents.FooterTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(displayInfo.FooterTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.SeparatorTemplate)) { pdlContents.SeparatorTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(displayInfo.SeparatorTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate)) { pdlContents.AlternatingItemTemplate = new DataListTemplate(displayInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate, displayInfo.SelectedItems, displayInfo.SelectedValues, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, displayInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Site, contextInfo); } pdlContents.DataSource = StlDataUtility.GetSitesDataSource(siteName, directory, displayInfo.StartNum, displayInfo.TotalNum, displayInfo.Where, displayInfo.Scope, displayInfo.OrderByString, since); pdlContents.DataBind(); if (pdlContents.Items.Count > 0) { parsedContent = ControlUtils.GetControlRenderHtml(pdlContents); } } return(parsedContent); }
/// <summary> /// The entry point of the program, where the program control starts and ends. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The command-line arguments.</param> static async Task Main(string[] args) { Settings settings = new Settings(true); settings.Save(); string Title = "AA5JC APRS Telemetry Monitor"; Console.Title = Title; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(Title + "\r\n"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Callsign)) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("Settings file not found. Creating new settings.json. Please answer the following questions to set up:"); Console.ResetColor(); settings.Callsign = Settings.Ask("Callsign"); settings.Password = Settings.Ask("Password"); settings.ServerAddress = Settings.Ask("ServerAddress"); string strPort = Settings.Ask("ServerPort"); if (!int.TryParse(strPort, out settings.ServerPort)) { settings.ServerPort = 14580; } settings.Filter = Settings.Ask("Filter"); settings.RegExForParsingTelemetryData = "([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,3}[0123456789][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,3}[a-zA-Z].*)>APTT4,.*:T\\#(...),(...),(...),(...),(...),(...),(........)"; settings.OutputFile = "repeaterTelemetry.json"; settings.Save(); } ReadSettingsAndListen: Repeaters repeaters = new Repeaters(settings.OutputFile); Config config = new Config(); config.Callsign = settings.Callsign; config.Password = settings.Password; config.Uri = settings.ServerAddress; config.UseOgnAdditives = false; config.Port = settings.ServerPort; config.SoftwareName = Console.Title; config.SoftwareVersion = "1.1_05"; config.Filter = settings.Filter; Listener listener = new Listener(config); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.Write(String.Format(@" Server: {0}:{1} Filter: {2} Login callsign: {4} Login password: {5} Output file: {6} * Press ESC for settings, CTRL-C to quit * ", settings.ServerAddress, settings.ServerPort, settings.Filter, settings.RegExForParsingTelemetryData, settings.Callsign, settings.Password, settings.OutputFile)); Console.ResetColor(); listener.Connected += (sender, e) => { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(" -- Connected"); Console.ResetColor(); }; listener.Disconnected += (sender, e) => { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(" -- Disconnected"); Console.ResetColor(); }; listener.DataReceived += (sender, e) => { AprsMessage message = null; try { message = PacketInfo.Parse(e.Data); } catch { } if (message == null) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(e.Data); Console.ResetColor(); } else { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(e.Data); Regex regex = new Regex(settings.RegExForParsingTelemetryData); if (regex.IsMatch(e.Data)) { Match m = regex.Match(e.Data); Repeater repeater = new Repeater(m.Groups[1].Value, m.Groups[2].Value, m.Groups[3].Value, m.Groups[4].Value, m.Groups[5].Value, m.Groups[6].Value, m.Groups[7].Value, m.Groups[8].Value); repeaters.Add(repeater); repeaters.Save(); } Console.ResetColor(); } }; bool interruptReceived = false; Console.CancelKeyPress += delegate { Console.WriteLine("** Interrupt received **"); interruptReceived = true; System.Environment.Exit(0); }; await listener.Open(); while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape) { // Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.. } listener.Stop(); ShowMenu: Console.WriteLine("\r\n"); Console.WriteLine(@" /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ "); Console.WriteLine(@" |" + Console.Title.PadBoth(75)); Console.WriteLine(@" |" + "MENU".PadBoth(75)); Console.WriteLine(@" | "); Console.WriteLine(" | 1. Change callsign"); Console.WriteLine(" | 2. Change password"); Console.WriteLine(" | 3. Change server address"); Console.WriteLine(" | 4. Change server port"); Console.WriteLine(" | 5. Change APRS filter"); Console.WriteLine(" | 6. Change regex for parsing telemetry"); Console.WriteLine(" | 7. Change output file"); Console.WriteLine(" | S. Save and restart program"); Console.WriteLine(" | Q. Quit program"); Console.WriteLine(@" | "); Console.WriteLine(@" \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ "); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("> "); switch (Console.ReadKey().Key) { case ConsoleKey.D1: settings.Callsign = Settings.Ask("Callsign"); break; case ConsoleKey.D2: settings.Password = Settings.Ask("Password"); break; case ConsoleKey.D3: settings.ServerAddress = Settings.Ask("ServerAddress"); break; case ConsoleKey.D4: string strPort = Settings.Ask("ServerPort"); if (!int.TryParse(strPort, out settings.ServerPort)) { settings.ServerPort = 14580; } break; case ConsoleKey.D5: settings.Filter = Settings.Ask("Filter"); break; case ConsoleKey.D6: settings.RegExForParsingTelemetryData = Settings.Ask("RegExForParsingTelemetryData"); break; case ConsoleKey.D7: settings.OutputFile = Settings.Ask("OutputFile"); break; case ConsoleKey.S: settings.Save(); goto ReadSettingsAndListen; //break; case ConsoleKey.Q: System.Environment.Exit(0); break; default: break; } goto ShowMenu; }
private Control ProcessToken(string tokenName) { switch (tokenName.ToUpper()) { case "LISTTITLE": Label lblTitle = new Label { CssClass = "StoreListTitle", Text = _title }; return(lblTitle); case "PAGENAV": if ((ListType == ProductListTypes.Category || ListType == ProductListTypes.SearchResults) && _productList.Count > 0) { HyperLink btnPrevious = new HyperLink { Text = Localization.GetString("Previous", LocalResourceFile), CssClass = "StorePagePrevious" }; _buttonsPrevious.Add(btnPrevious); Literal lblSpace = new Literal { Text = " " }; HyperLink btnNext = new HyperLink { Text = Localization.GetString("Next", LocalResourceFile), CssClass = "StorePageNext" }; _buttonsNext.Add(btnNext); PlaceHolder phPageList = new PlaceHolder(); _placeholdersPageList.Add(phPageList); Label lblPageNav = new Label(); lblPageNav.Controls.Add(btnPrevious); lblPageNav.Controls.Add(lblSpace); lblPageNav.Controls.Add(phPageList); lblPageNav.Controls.Add(btnNext); lblPageNav.CssClass = "StorePageNav"; _labelsPageNav.Add(lblPageNav); return(lblPageNav); } return(null); case "PAGEINFO": if (_productList.Count > 0) { Label lblPageInfo = new Label { CssClass = "StorePageInfo", Text = string.Format(Localization.GetString("PageInfo", LocalResourceFile), 1, 1) }; _labelsPageInfo.Add(lblPageInfo); return(lblPageInfo); } return(null); case "PRODUCTS": if (_productList.Count > 0) { _lstProducts = new DataList { ID = "ProductsList", CssClass = _containerCssClass, RepeatLayout = RepeatLayout.Table }; switch (_direction) { case "V": _lstProducts.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Vertical; break; case "H": default: _lstProducts.RepeatDirection = RepeatDirection.Horizontal; break; } _lstProducts.RepeatColumns = _columnCount; _lstProducts.ItemDataBound += lstProducts_ItemDataBound; return(_lstProducts); } Label lblEmpty = new Label { CssClass = "StoreEmptyList" }; if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category) { lblEmpty.Text = Localization.GetString("CategoryEmpty", LocalResourceFile); } else if (ListType == ProductListTypes.SearchResults) { lblEmpty.Text = Localization.GetString("SearchEmpty", LocalResourceFile); } return(lblEmpty); case "ULISTPRODUCTS": if (_productList.Count > 0) { _rlProducts = new Repeater { ID = "UnorderedProductsList", HeaderTemplate = new ListTemplate("<ul>"), ItemTemplate = new ListTemplate(), FooterTemplate = new ListTemplate("</ul>") }; _rlProducts.ItemDataBound += rlProducts_ItemDataBound; return(_rlProducts); } return(null); case "ITEMSCOUNT": if (_productList != null) { Label lblItems = new Label { CssClass = "StoreItemsCount", Text = string.Format(Localization.GetString("ItemsCount", LocalResourceFile), _productList.Count) }; return(lblItems); } return(null); case "SELECTEDCATEGORY": if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category) { if (_moduleNav.CategoryID == Null.NullInteger && _moduleSettings.General.DisplayAllProducts) { Label lblProductCategory = new Label { Text = Localization.GetString("FullCatalog", LocalResourceFile), CssClass = "StoreSelectedCategory" }; return(lblProductCategory); } _categoryControler = new CategoryController(); CategoryInfo categoryInfo = _categoryControler.GetCategory(PortalId, CategoryID); if (categoryInfo != null) { Label lblProductCategory = new Label { Text = string.Format(Localization.GetString("SelectedCategory", LocalResourceFile), categoryInfo.Name), CssClass = "StoreSelectedCategory" }; return(lblProductCategory); } } return(null); case "CATEGORIESBREADCRUMB": if (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category && CategoryID != Null.NullInteger) { _categoryControler = new CategoryController(); CategoryInfo categoryInfo = _categoryControler.GetCategory(PortalId, CategoryID); if (categoryInfo != null) { // Create label to contains all other controls Label lblCategoriesBreadcrumb = new Label { CssClass = "StoreCategoriesBreadcrumb" }; // Create "before" label with locale resource Label lblBeforeBreadcrumb = new Label { Text = Localization.GetString("BeforeCategoriesBreadcrumb", LocalResourceFile), CssClass = "StoreBeforeBreadcrumb" }; lblCategoriesBreadcrumb.Controls.Add(lblBeforeBreadcrumb); // Create label to contains categories Label lblBreadcrumb = new Label { CssClass = "StoreBreadcrumb" }; lblCategoriesBreadcrumb.Controls.Add(lblBreadcrumb); // Create literal with selected category name Literal litSelectedCategory = new Literal { Text = categoryInfo.Name }; lblBreadcrumb.Controls.Add(litSelectedCategory); // Create "between" label with locale resource Literal litBetwenBreadcrumb; String betweenBreadcrumb = Localization.GetString("BetweenCategoriesBreadcrumb", LocalResourceFile); // Create catalog navigation object to compute hyperlink URL CatalogNavigation categoryNav = new CatalogNavigation(); // Loop for parent categories (if any) int parentCategoryID = categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID; while (parentCategoryID != Null.NullInteger) { // Get parent category categoryInfo = _categoryControler.GetCategory(PortalId, parentCategoryID); if (categoryInfo != null) { // Insert separator litBetwenBreadcrumb = new Literal { Text = betweenBreadcrumb }; lblBreadcrumb.Controls.AddAt(0, litBetwenBreadcrumb); // Create hyperlink with the parent category HyperLink hlCategory = new HyperLink { Text = categoryInfo.Name }; categoryNav.CategoryID = categoryInfo.CategoryID; if (StoreSettings.SEOFeature) { categoryNav.Category = categoryInfo.SEOName; } hlCategory.NavigateUrl = categoryNav.GetNavigationUrl(); lblBreadcrumb.Controls.AddAt(0, hlCategory); parentCategoryID = categoryInfo.ParentCategoryID; } else { parentCategoryID = Null.NullInteger; } } // Create "after" label with locale resource Label lblAfterBreadcrumb = new Label { Text = Localization.GetString("AfterCategoriesBreadcrumb", LocalResourceFile), CssClass = "StoreAfterBreadcrumb" }; lblCategoriesBreadcrumb.Controls.Add(lblAfterBreadcrumb); return(lblCategoriesBreadcrumb); } } return(null); case "SORTBY": if (_moduleSettings.SortProducts.SortColumns != 0 && (ListType == ProductListTypes.Category || ListType == ProductListTypes.SearchResults)) { // Create label to contains all other controls Label lblSortBy = new Label { CssClass = "StoreSortBy" }; // Create literal text with locale resource Literal litSortBy = new Literal { Text = Localization.GetString("SortBy", LocalResourceFile) }; lblSortBy.Controls.Add(litSortBy); // Create DropDownList with column names DropDownList ddlSortBy = new DropDownList { AutoPostBack = true, CssClass = "StoreSortByColumns" }; int sortColumns = _moduleSettings.SortProducts.SortColumns; if ((sortColumns & (int)SortColumn.Manufacturer) != 0) { ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortManufacturer", LocalResourceFile), "0")); } if ((sortColumns & (int)SortColumn.ModelNumber) != 0) { ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortModelNumber", LocalResourceFile), "1")); } if ((sortColumns & (int)SortColumn.ModelName) != 0) { ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortModelName", LocalResourceFile), "2")); } if ((sortColumns & (int)SortColumn.UnitPrice) != 0) { ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortUnitPrice", LocalResourceFile), "3")); } if ((sortColumns & (int)SortColumn.Date) != 0) { ddlSortBy.Items.Add(new ListItem(Localization.GetString("SortCreatedDate", LocalResourceFile), "4")); } string sortColumn; // Define sort column if (_moduleNav.SortID != Null.NullInteger) { // Currently selected sort column sortColumn = _moduleNav.SortID.ToString(); } else { // Default sort column sortColumn = _moduleSettings.SortProducts.SortBy.ToString(); } ListItem itemSortColumn = ddlSortBy.Items.FindByValue(sortColumn); if (itemSortColumn != null) { itemSortColumn.Selected = true; } ddlSortBy.SelectedIndexChanged += ddlSortBy_SelectedIndexChanged; if (_productList.Count == 0) { ddlSortBy.Enabled = false; } lblSortBy.Controls.Add(ddlSortBy); // Create Sort Order image button ImageButton btnSortDir = new ImageButton { CssClass = "StoreSortByLinkButton" }; string sortDir; if (_moduleNav.SortDir != Null.NullString) { // Currently selected sort direction sortDir = _moduleNav.SortDir; } else { // Default sort direction sortDir = _moduleSettings.SortProducts.SortDir; } string imageName; string altText; if (sortDir.ToUpper() == "ASC") { imageName = "arrow_up.png"; altText = Localization.GetString("SortAscending", LocalResourceFile); } else { imageName = "arrow_down.png"; altText = Localization.GetString("SortDescending", LocalResourceFile); } btnSortDir.CommandArgument = sortDir; btnSortDir.AlternateText = altText; if (StoreSettings.PortalTemplates) { btnSortDir.ImageUrl = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory + "Store/Templates/Images/" + imageName; } else { btnSortDir.ImageUrl = TemplateSourceDirectory + "/Templates/Images/" + imageName; } btnSortDir.Click += btnSortDir_Click; if (_productList.Count == 0) { btnSortDir.Enabled = false; } lblSortBy.Controls.Add(btnSortDir); return(lblSortBy); } return(null); default: LiteralControl litText = new LiteralControl(tokenName); return(litText); } }
private void InitializeAttributeRepeater(Repeater control, IEnumerable <EntityAttributeModel> attributeModels) { control.DataSource = attributeModels; control.DataBind(); }
protected void rptList_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) || (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)) { Repeater repeater = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptSubList"); OrderInfo orderInfo = OrderHelper.GetOrderInfo(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "OrderID").ToString()); if ((orderInfo != null) && (orderInfo.LineItems.Count > 0)) { repeater.DataSource = orderInfo.LineItems.Values; repeater.DataBind(); } OrderStatus status = (OrderStatus)DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "OrderStatus"); string str = ""; if (!(DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "Gateway") is DBNull)) { str = (string)DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "Gateway"); } int num = (DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "GroupBuyId") != DBNull.Value) ? ((int)DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "GroupBuyId")) : 0; HtmlInputButton button = (HtmlInputButton)e.Item.FindControl("btnModifyPrice"); HtmlInputButton button2 = (HtmlInputButton)e.Item.FindControl("btnSendGoods"); Button button3 = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("btnPayOrder"); Button button4 = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("btnConfirmOrder"); HtmlInputButton button5 = (HtmlInputButton)e.Item.FindControl("btnCloseOrderClient"); HtmlAnchor anchor1 = (HtmlAnchor)e.Item.FindControl("lkbtnCheckRefund"); HtmlAnchor anchor2 = (HtmlAnchor)e.Item.FindControl("lkbtnCheckReturn"); HtmlAnchor anchor3 = (HtmlAnchor)e.Item.FindControl("lkbtnCheckReplace"); Literal literal = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("WeiXinNickName"); Literal literal2 = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("litOtherInfo"); int totalPointNumber = orderInfo.GetTotalPointNumber(); MemberInfo member = MemberProcessor.GetMember(orderInfo.UserId, true); if (member != null) { literal.Text = "买家:" + member.UserName; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); decimal total = orderInfo.GetTotal(); if (total > 0M) { builder.Append("<strong>¥" + total.ToString("F2") + "</strong>"); builder.Append("<small>(含运费¥" + orderInfo.AdjustedFreight.ToString("F2") + ")</small>"); } if (totalPointNumber > 0) { builder.Append("<small>" + totalPointNumber.ToString() + "积分</small>"); } if (orderInfo.PaymentType == "货到付款") { builder.Append("<span class=\"setColor bl\"><strong>货到付款</strong></span>"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(builder.ToString())) { builder.Append("<strong>¥" + total.ToString("F2") + "</strong>"); } literal2.Text = builder.ToString(); if (status == OrderStatus.WaitBuyerPay) { button.Visible = true; button.Attributes.Add("onclick", "DialogFrame('../trade/EditOrder.aspx?OrderId=" + DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "OrderID") + "&reurl='+ encodeURIComponent(goUrl),'修改订单价格',900,450)"); button5.Attributes.Add("onclick", "CloseOrderFun('" + DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "OrderID") + "')"); button5.Visible = true; if (str != "hishop.plugins.payment.podrequest") { button3.Visible = true; } } if (num > 0) { GroupBuyStatus status2 = (GroupBuyStatus)DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "GroupBuyStatus"); button2.Visible = (status == OrderStatus.BuyerAlreadyPaid) && (status2 == GroupBuyStatus.Success); } else { button2.Visible = (status == OrderStatus.BuyerAlreadyPaid) || ((status == OrderStatus.WaitBuyerPay) && (str == "hishop.plugins.payment.podrequest")); } button2.Attributes.Add("onclick", "DialogFrame('../trade/SendOrderGoods.aspx?OrderId=" + DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "OrderID") + "&reurl='+ encodeURIComponent(goUrl),'订单发货',750,220)"); button4.Visible = status == OrderStatus.SellerAlreadySent; } }
protected override void AttachChildControls() { this.listOrders = (Repeater)this.FindControl("listOrders"); this.listOrders.ItemDataBound += this.listOrders_ItemDataBound; this.listOrders.ItemCommand += this.listOrders_RowCommand; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ourRepeater = new Repeater(30f); ourLastCycle = ourRepeater.Cycle(); }
//public void loadState() //{ // info = new ListInfo(); // int page = 0; // if (!CurPage.Value.Equals("")) // page = Int32.Parse(CurPage.Value); // info.loadState(Request, page); // info.order = Order.Value.Equals("True"); // info.orderby = OrderBy.Value; // if (info.orderby == "") // info.orderby = null; // info.recordPerPage = -1; //} public DataView loadData(ListInfo info, DBManager db, Repeater repeater) { //ESSAuthorizationProcess authorization = new ESSAuthorizationProcess(dbConn); //List<EAuthorizationGroup> authGroupList = authorization.GetAuthorizerAuthorizationGroupList(CurID); //if (authGroupList.Count > 0) //{ // Start 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 // Start 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 DBFilter filter = binding.createFilter(); // End 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 // End 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 DateTime dtPeriodFr, dtPeriodTo; if (DateTime.TryParse(EmpRequestFromDate.Value, out dtPeriodFr)) { filter.add(new Match("EmpRequestApprovalHistoryCreateDateTime", ">=", dtPeriodFr)); } if (DateTime.TryParse(EmpRequestToDate.Value, out dtPeriodTo)) { filter.add(new Match("EmpRequestApprovalHistoryCreateDateTime", "<", dtPeriodTo.AddDays(1))); } // Start 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 // Start 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 filter.add(new MatchField("R.EmpID", "E.EmpID")); // End 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 // End 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 filter.add(new MatchField("rah.EmpRequestID", "R.EmpRequestID")); // Start 0000208, Miranda, 2015-06-12 //filter.add(new Match("rah.EmpRequestApprovalHistoryActionByEmpID", CurID)); DBFilter m_filter = new DBFilter(); m_filter.add(new Match("a.EmpID", CurID)); DataTable m_table = AppUtils.runSelectSQL("a.AuthorizationGroupID", "From " + EAuthorizer.db.dbclass.tableName + " a", m_filter, dbConn); DBFilter a_filter = new DBFilter(); if (m_table.Rows != null) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataRow row in m_table.Rows) { list.Add(row[0].ToString()); } String[] values = (String[])list.ToArray(typeof(String)); a_filter.add(new IN("a.AuthorizationGroupID", values)); } DataTable a_table = AppUtils.runSelectSQL("distinct a.EmpID", "From " + EAuthorizer.db.dbclass.tableName + " a", a_filter, dbConn); if (a_table.Rows != null) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataRow row in a_table.Rows) { list.Add(row[0].ToString()); } String[] values = (String[])list.ToArray(typeof(String)); filter.add(new IN("rah.EmpRequestApprovalHistoryActionByEmpID", values)); } // End 0000208, Miranda, 2015-06-12 // Start 0000180, KuangWei, 2015-03-25 // Start 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 // Start 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 string select = "R.*, rah.*, E.EmpNo, E.EmpEngSurname, E.EmpEngOtherName, E.EmpChiFullName, E.EmpAlias, E.EmpGender, E.EmpHKID, E.EmpPassportNo, L.LeaveCode, L.LeaveCodeDesc "; string from = "from " + db.dbclass.tableName + " R , " + EEmpRequestApprovalHistory.db.dbclass.tableName + " rah " + ", " + EEmpPersonalInfo.db.dbclass.tableName + " E " + ", " + ERequestLeaveApplication.db.dbclass.tableName + " C, " + ELeaveCode.db.dbclass.tableName + " L"; // End 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 // End 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 filter.add(new MatchField("C.RequestLeaveAppID", "R.EmpRequestRecordID")); filter.add(new MatchField("L.LeaveCodeID", "C.RequestLeaveCodeID")); // End 0000180, KuangWei, 2015-03-25 // Start 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 DBFilter empInfoFilter = EmployeeSearchControl1.GetEmpInfoFilter(AppUtils.ServerDateTime(), AppUtils.ServerDateTime()); empInfoFilter.add(new MatchField("E.EmpID", "ee.EmpID")); filter.add(new Exists(EEmpPersonalInfo.db.dbclass.tableName + " ee", empInfoFilter)); // End 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 //DBFilter authorizerFilter = new DBFilter(); //authorizerFilter.add(new Match("EmpID", CurID)); //OR orFirstGrpStatusTerms = new OR(); //orFirstGrpStatusTerms.add(new Match("R.EmpRequestStatus", EEmpRequest.STATUS_SUBMITTED)); //DBFilter firstGrpFilter = new DBFilter(); //firstGrpFilter.add(orFirstGrpStatusTerms); //firstGrpFilter.add(orAuthorizationGrpApplicationTerms); //firstGrpFilter.add(new IN("AuthorizationGroupID", "Select AuthorizationGroupID from " + EAuthorizer.db.dbclass.tableName, authorizerFilter)); //OR orSecondGrpStatusTerms = new OR(); //orSecondGrpStatusTerms.add(new Match("R.EmpRequestStatus", EEmpRequest.STATUS_SUBMITTED)); //orSecondGrpStatusTerms.add(new Match("R.EmpRequestStatus", EEmpRequest.STATUS_ACCEPTED)); //DBFilter secondGrpFilter = new DBFilter(); //secondGrpFilter.add(orSecondGrpStatusTerms); //secondGrpFilter.add(orAuthorizationGrpApplicationTerms); //secondGrpFilter.add(new IN("AuthorizationGroupID", "Select AuthorizationGroupID from " + EAuthorizer.db.dbclass.tableName, authorizerFilter)); //OR orAuthorizationGrpFilter = new OR(); //orAuthorizationGrpFilter.add(new IN("EP.EmpFirstAuthorizationGp", "Select AuthorizationGroupID from " + EAuthorizationGroup.db.dbclass.tableName, firstGrpFilter)); //orAuthorizationGrpFilter.add(new IN("EP.EmpSecondAuthorizationGp", "Select AuthorizationGroupID from " + EAuthorizationGroup.db.dbclass.tableName, secondGrpFilter)); //filter.add(orAuthorizationGrpFilter); // Start 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 DataTable table = filter.loadData(dbConn, null, select, from); table = EmployeeSearchControl1.FilterEncryptedEmpInfoField(table, info); // Start 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 //if (table.Rows.Count > 0) // table = EmployeeSearchControl1.FilterEncryptedEmpInfoField(table, new ListInfo()); // End 0000064, Miranda, 2014-09-19 // End 0000124, Miranda, 2014-11-10 view = new DataView(table); ListFooter.Refresh(); if (repeater != null) { repeater.DataSource = view; repeater.DataBind(); } return(view); //} //else // return null; }
/// <summary> /// Bound từng ngày /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected virtual void rptBookingList_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { Control ctrl = e.Item.FindControl("plhPeriodExpense"); if (ctrl != null) { ctrl.Visible = PeriodExpenseAvg; } if (e.Item.DataItem is SailExpense) { #region -- Tính toán chi phí & hiển thị -- SailExpense expense = ExpenseCalculate(e); Plus(_currentCostMap); // Cộng bảng chi phí #region -- Show info -- Repeater rptServices = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptServices"); rptServices.DataSource = AllCostTypes; rptServices.DataBind(); Literal litTotal = e.Item.FindControl("litTotal") as Literal; if (litTotal != null) { litTotal.Text = _currentTotal.ToString("#,0.#"); } HyperLink hplDate = e.Item.FindControl("hplDate") as HyperLink; if (hplDate != null) { hplDate.Text = expense.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); } #endregion return; #endregion } #region -- Header -- if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header) { Repeater rptServices = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptServices"); rptServices.DataSource = AllCostTypes; rptServices.DataBind(); } #endregion #region -- Footer -- if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Footer) { Repeater rptServices = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptServices"); rptServices.DataSource = AllCostTypes; rptServices.DataBind(); double total = 0; foreach (CostType type in AllCostTypes) { total += _grandTotal[type]; } total += _month; total += _year; Literal litMonth = e.Item.FindControl("litMonth") as Literal; if (litMonth != null) { litMonth.Text = _month.ToString("#,0.#"); } Literal litYear = e.Item.FindControl("litYear") as Literal; if (litYear != null) { litYear.Text = _year.ToString("#,0.#"); } Literal litTotal = e.Item.FindControl("litTotal") as Literal; if (litTotal != null) { litTotal.Text = total.ToString("#,0.#"); } } #endregion }
private static string ParseImpl(PageInfo pageInfo, ContextInfo contextInfo, ListInfo listInfo) { var parsedContent = string.Empty; var titleWordNum = contextInfo.TitleWordNum; contextInfo.TitleWordNum = listInfo.TitleWordNum; var dataSource = GetDataSource(pageInfo, contextInfo, listInfo); if (listInfo.Layout == ELayout.None) { var rptContents = new Repeater { ItemTemplate = new RepeaterTemplate(listInfo.ItemTemplate, listInfo.SelectedItems, listInfo.SelectedValues, listInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, listInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Content, contextInfo) }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.HeaderTemplate)) { rptContents.HeaderTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(listInfo.HeaderTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.FooterTemplate)) { rptContents.FooterTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(listInfo.FooterTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.SeparatorTemplate)) { rptContents.SeparatorTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(listInfo.SeparatorTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate)) { rptContents.AlternatingItemTemplate = new RepeaterTemplate(listInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate, listInfo.SelectedItems, listInfo.SelectedValues, listInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, listInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Content, contextInfo); } rptContents.DataSource = dataSource; rptContents.DataBind(); if (rptContents.Items.Count > 0) { parsedContent = ControlUtils.GetControlRenderHtml(rptContents); } } else { var pdlContents = new ParsedDataList(); TemplateUtility.PutListInfoToMyDataList(pdlContents, listInfo); pdlContents.ItemTemplate = new DataListTemplate(listInfo.ItemTemplate, listInfo.SelectedItems, listInfo.SelectedValues, listInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, listInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Content, contextInfo); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.HeaderTemplate)) { pdlContents.HeaderTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(listInfo.HeaderTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.FooterTemplate)) { pdlContents.FooterTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(listInfo.FooterTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.SeparatorTemplate)) { pdlContents.SeparatorTemplate = new SeparatorTemplate(listInfo.SeparatorTemplate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(listInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate)) { pdlContents.AlternatingItemTemplate = new DataListTemplate(listInfo.AlternatingItemTemplate, listInfo.SelectedItems, listInfo.SelectedValues, listInfo.SeparatorRepeatTemplate, listInfo.SeparatorRepeat, pageInfo, EContextType.Content, contextInfo); } pdlContents.DataSource = dataSource; pdlContents.DataKeyField = ContentAttribute.Id; pdlContents.DataBind(); if (pdlContents.Items.Count > 0) { parsedContent = ControlUtils.GetControlRenderHtml(pdlContents); } } contextInfo.TitleWordNum = titleWordNum; return(parsedContent); }
void setup() { om = (IOrderManager)RemoteNew.New(typeof(IOrderManager)); //Listen to any order that has changed orderRepeater = new Repeater(); orderRepeater.orderChanged += new orderChangedDelegate(orderChangedHandler); om.orderChangedEvent += new orderChangedDelegate(orderRepeater.orderChangedRepeater); //Listen to new kitchen orders orderRepeater.newOrderKitchen += new newOrderKitchenDelegate(newOrderHandler); om.newOrderKitchenEvent += new newOrderKitchenDelegate(orderRepeater.newOrderKitchenRepeater); //Listen to new bar orders orderRepeater.newOrderBar += new newOrderBarDelegate(newOrderHandler); om.newOrderBarEvent += new newOrderBarDelegate(orderRepeater.newOrderKitchenRepeater); //Listen to removed orders orderRepeater.tableRemoved += new tableRemovedDelegate(removedTableHandler); om.tableRemovedEvent += new tableRemovedDelegate(orderRepeater.tableRemovedRepeater); setupTables(om.getAllOrders()); if (Program.debug) Console.WriteLine("Setup was made"); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the ItemDataBound event of the rptrGroups control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> protected void rptrGroups_ItemDataBound(object sender, System.Web.UI.WebControls.RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { var group = e.Item.DataItem as Group; if (group != null) { HyperLink hlEditGroup = e.Item.FindControl("hlEditGroup") as HyperLink; if (hlEditGroup != null) { hlEditGroup.Visible = _allowEdit; var pageParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); pageParams.Add("PersonId", Person.Id.ToString()); pageParams.Add("GroupId", group.Id.ToString()); hlEditGroup.NavigateUrl = LinkedPageUrl("GroupEditPage", pageParams); } var lReorderIcon = e.Item.FindControl("lReorderIcon") as Control; lReorderIcon.Visible = _showReorderIcon; Repeater rptrMembers = e.Item.FindControl("rptrMembers") as Repeater; if (rptrMembers != null) { // use the _bindGroupsRockContext that is created/disposed in BindFamilies() var members = new GroupMemberService(_bindGroupsRockContext).Queryable("GroupRole,Person", true) .Where(m => m.GroupId == group.Id && m.PersonId != Person.Id) .OrderBy(m => m.GroupRole.Order) .ToList(); var groupHeaderLava = GetAttributeValue("GroupHeaderLava"); var groupFooterLava = GetAttributeValue("GroupFooterLava"); if (groupHeaderLava.IsNotNullOrWhitespace() || groupFooterLava.IsNotNullOrWhitespace()) { // add header and footer information var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields(this.RockPage, CurrentPerson); mergeFields.Add("Group", group); mergeFields.Add("GroupMembers", members); Literal lGroupHeader = e.Item.FindControl("lGroupHeader") as Literal; Literal lGroupFooter = e.Item.FindControl("lGroupFooter") as Literal; lGroupHeader.Text = groupHeaderLava.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields); lGroupFooter.Text = groupHeaderLava.ResolveMergeFields(mergeFields); } var orderedMembers = new List <GroupMember>(); if (_IsFamilyGroupType) { // Add adult males orderedMembers.AddRange(members .Where(m => m.GroupRole.Guid.Equals(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_ADULT)) && m.Person.Gender == Gender.Male) .OrderByDescending(m => m.Person.Age)); // Add adult females orderedMembers.AddRange(members .Where(m => m.GroupRole.Guid.Equals(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_ADULT)) && m.Person.Gender != Gender.Male) .OrderByDescending(m => m.Person.Age)); // Add non-adults orderedMembers.AddRange(members .Where(m => !m.GroupRole.Guid.Equals(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.GroupRole.GROUPROLE_FAMILY_MEMBER_ADULT))) .OrderByDescending(m => m.Person.Age)); } else { orderedMembers = members .OrderBy(m => m.GroupRole.Order) .ThenBy(m => m.Person.LastName) .ThenBy(m => m.Person.NickName) .ToList(); } rptrMembers.ItemDataBound += rptrMembers_ItemDataBound; rptrMembers.DataSource = orderedMembers; rptrMembers.DataBind(); } Repeater rptrAddresses = e.Item.FindControl("rptrAddresses") as Repeater; if (rptrAddresses != null) { rptrAddresses.ItemDataBound += rptrAddresses_ItemDataBound; rptrAddresses.ItemCommand += rptrAddresses_ItemCommand; rptrAddresses.DataSource = new GroupLocationService(_bindGroupsRockContext).Queryable("Location,GroupLocationTypeValue") .Where(l => l.GroupId == group.Id) .OrderBy(l => l.GroupLocationTypeValue.Order) .ToList(); rptrAddresses.DataBind(); } Panel pnlGroupAttributes = e.Item.FindControl("pnlGroupAttributes") as Panel; HyperLink hlShowMoreAttributes = e.Item.FindControl("hlShowMoreAttributes") as HyperLink; PlaceHolder phGroupAttributes = e.Item.FindControl("phGroupAttributes") as PlaceHolder; PlaceHolder phMoreGroupAttributes = e.Item.FindControl("phMoreGroupAttributes") as PlaceHolder; if (pnlGroupAttributes != null && hlShowMoreAttributes != null && phGroupAttributes != null && phMoreGroupAttributes != null) { hlShowMoreAttributes.Visible = false; phGroupAttributes.Controls.Clear(); phMoreGroupAttributes.Controls.Clear(); group.LoadAttributes(); var attributes = group.GetAuthorizedAttributes(Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson) .Select(a => a.Value) .OrderBy(a => a.Order) .ToList(); foreach (var attribute in attributes) { if (attribute.IsAuthorized(Authorization.VIEW, CurrentPerson)) { string value = attribute.DefaultValue; if (group.AttributeValues.ContainsKey(attribute.Key) && group.AttributeValues[attribute.Key] != null) { value = group.AttributeValues[attribute.Key].ValueFormatted; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { var literalControl = new RockLiteral(); literalControl.ID = string.Format("familyAttribute_{0}", attribute.Id); literalControl.Label = attribute.Name; literalControl.Text = value; var div = new HtmlGenericControl("div"); div.AddCssClass("col-md-3 col-sm-6"); div.Controls.Add(literalControl); if (attribute.IsGridColumn) { phGroupAttributes.Controls.Add(div); } else { hlShowMoreAttributes.Visible = true; phMoreGroupAttributes.Controls.Add(div); } } } } pnlGroupAttributes.Visible = phGroupAttributes.Controls.Count > 0 || phMoreGroupAttributes.Controls.Count > 0; } } } }
public void Load_img_news(int take, int skip, ref Repeater rp) { rp.DataSource = pro_detail.Load_Product_Detail(_sNewsSeoUrl); rp.DataBind(); }
protected void rptOperations_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { OperationWithRoleAuth opAuth = (OperationWithRoleAuth)e.Item.DataItem; int opId = opAuth.OpId; string opSubject = opAuth.OpSubject; bool canRead = opAuth.CanRead; bool canEdit = opAuth.CanEdit; bool canReadSubItemOfSelf = opAuth.CanReadSubItemOfSelf; bool canEditSubItemOfSelf = opAuth.CanEditSubItemOfSelf; bool canAddSubItemOfSelf = opAuth.CanAddSubItemOfSelf; bool canDelSubItemOfSelf = opAuth.CanDelSubItemOfSelf; bool canReadSubItemOfCrew = opAuth.CanReadSubItemOfCrew; bool canEditSubItemOfCrew = opAuth.CanEditSubItemOfCrew; bool canDelSubItemOfCrew = opAuth.CanDelSubItemOfCrew; bool canReadSubItemOfOthers = opAuth.CanReadSubItemOfOthers; bool canEditSubItemOfOthers = opAuth.CanEditSubItemOfOthers; bool canDelSubItemOfOthers = opAuth.CanDelSubItemOfOthers; if (c.seCultureNameOfBackend == "en") { opSubject = opAuth.EnglishSubject; } string lastMdfAccount = ""; DateTime?lastMdfDate = null; if (opAuth.MdfDate.HasValue) { lastMdfAccount = opAuth.MdfAccount; lastMdfDate = opAuth.MdfDate; } else if (opAuth.PostDate.HasValue) { lastMdfAccount = opAuth.PostAccount; lastMdfDate = opAuth.PostDate; } HtmlTableRow OpArea = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("OpArea"); OpArea.Attributes.Add("opid", opId.ToString()); Literal ltrSeqno = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrSeqno"); if (sender == rptOperations) { OpArea.Attributes["class"] += " lv1"; tempLv1Seqno = e.Item.ItemIndex + 1; ltrSeqno.Text = tempLv1Seqno.ToString(); } else { OpArea.Attributes["class"] += " lv2"; ltrSeqno.Text = string.Format("{0}-{1}", tempLv1Seqno, e.Item.ItemIndex + 1); } HtmlImage imgOpItem = (HtmlImage)e.Item.FindControl("imgOpItem"); imgOpItem.Alt = opSubject; imgOpItem.Src = "~/BPimages/icon/data.gif"; string iconImageFile = opAuth.IconImageFile; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(iconImageFile)) { imgOpItem.Src = string.Format("~/BPimages/icon/{0}", iconImageFile); } Literal ltrOpItemSubject = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrOpItemSubject"); ltrOpItemSubject.Text = opSubject; if (lastMdfDate.HasValue) { Literal ltrLastUpdateInfo = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrLastUpdateInfo"); string modificationInfo = string.Format( "<span class='mdf-info text-info' title='{0}: {1}, {2:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}'><i class='fa fa-info-circle'></i></span>", Resources.Lang.Col_LastUpdate, lastMdfAccount, lastMdfDate); ltrLastUpdateInfo.Text = " " + modificationInfo; } Literal ltrPvgOfItem = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrPvgOfItem"); HtmlInputHidden hidPvgOfItem = (HtmlInputHidden)e.Item.FindControl("hidPvgOfItem"); int pvgOfItem = 0; if (!canRead) { ltrPvgOfItem.Text += tagHtmlNotAllowed; } if (canRead) { ltrPvgOfItem.Text += tagHtmlRead; pvgOfItem |= 1; hidPvgOfItem.Value = pvgOfItem.ToString(); } if (canEdit) { ltrPvgOfItem.Text += tagHtmlEdit; pvgOfItem |= 2; hidPvgOfItem.Value = pvgOfItem.ToString(); } Literal ltrPvgOfSubitemSelf = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrPvgOfSubitemSelf"); HtmlInputHidden hidPvgOfSubitemSelf = (HtmlInputHidden)e.Item.FindControl("hidPvgOfSubitemSelf"); int pvgOfSubitemSelf = 0; if (!canReadSubItemOfSelf) { ltrPvgOfSubitemSelf.Text += tagHtmlNotAllowed; } if (canReadSubItemOfSelf) { ltrPvgOfSubitemSelf.Text += tagHtmlRead; pvgOfSubitemSelf |= 1; hidPvgOfSubitemSelf.Value = pvgOfSubitemSelf.ToString(); } if (canEditSubItemOfSelf) { ltrPvgOfSubitemSelf.Text += tagHtmlEdit; pvgOfSubitemSelf |= 2; hidPvgOfSubitemSelf.Value = pvgOfSubitemSelf.ToString(); } if (canAddSubItemOfSelf) { ltrPvgOfSubitemSelf.Text += tagHtmlAdd; pvgOfSubitemSelf |= 4; hidPvgOfSubitemSelf.Value = pvgOfSubitemSelf.ToString(); } if (canDelSubItemOfSelf) { ltrPvgOfSubitemSelf.Text += tagHtmlDelete; pvgOfSubitemSelf |= 8; hidPvgOfSubitemSelf.Value = pvgOfSubitemSelf.ToString(); } Literal ltrPvgOfSubitemCrew = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrPvgOfSubitemCrew"); HtmlInputHidden hidPvgOfSubitemCrew = (HtmlInputHidden)e.Item.FindControl("hidPvgOfSubitemCrew"); int pvgOfSubitemCrew = 0; if (!canReadSubItemOfCrew) { ltrPvgOfSubitemCrew.Text += tagHtmlNotAllowed; } if (canReadSubItemOfCrew) { ltrPvgOfSubitemCrew.Text += tagHtmlRead; pvgOfSubitemCrew |= 1; hidPvgOfSubitemCrew.Value = pvgOfSubitemCrew.ToString(); } if (canEditSubItemOfCrew) { ltrPvgOfSubitemCrew.Text += tagHtmlEdit; pvgOfSubitemCrew |= 2; hidPvgOfSubitemCrew.Value = pvgOfSubitemCrew.ToString(); } if (canDelSubItemOfCrew) { ltrPvgOfSubitemCrew.Text += tagHtmlDelete; pvgOfSubitemCrew |= 8; hidPvgOfSubitemCrew.Value = pvgOfSubitemCrew.ToString(); } Literal ltrPvgOfSubitemOthers = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrPvgOfSubitemOthers"); HtmlInputHidden hidPvgOfSubitemOthers = (HtmlInputHidden)e.Item.FindControl("hidPvgOfSubitemOthers"); int pvgOfSubitemOthers = 0; if (!canReadSubItemOfOthers) { ltrPvgOfSubitemOthers.Text += tagHtmlNotAllowed; } if (canReadSubItemOfOthers) { ltrPvgOfSubitemOthers.Text += tagHtmlRead; pvgOfSubitemOthers |= 1; hidPvgOfSubitemOthers.Value = pvgOfSubitemOthers.ToString(); } if (canEditSubItemOfOthers) { ltrPvgOfSubitemOthers.Text += tagHtmlEdit; pvgOfSubitemOthers |= 2; hidPvgOfSubitemOthers.Value = pvgOfSubitemOthers.ToString(); } if (canDelSubItemOfOthers) { ltrPvgOfSubitemOthers.Text += tagHtmlDelete; pvgOfSubitemOthers |= 8; hidPvgOfSubitemOthers.Value = pvgOfSubitemOthers.ToString(); } Repeater rptSubOperations = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptSubOperations"); if (rptSubOperations != null) { rptSubOperations.DataSource = opAuth.SubItems; rptSubOperations.DataBind(); } }
public static void Process_Pagination(DataList _list, Repeater _rept, LinkButton _prev, LinkButton _next, int _size, int _pagenumber, IEnumerable _source, int _totalrecords) { int total_pages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)_totalrecords / _size); if (total_pages > 1) { // Previous Link Scripting if (_pagenumber > 1) { _prev.Visible = true; int firstbound = (((_pagenumber - 1) - 1) * _size) + 1; if (firstbound < 0) firstbound = 1; int lastbound = firstbound + _size - 1; _prev.ToolTip = "Showing " + firstbound + " - " + lastbound + " records of " + _totalrecords + " records"; } else { _prev.Visible = false; } // Next Link Scripting if (_pagenumber < total_pages) { _next.Visible = true; int firstbound = (((_pagenumber + 1) - 1) * _size) + 1; int lastbound = firstbound + _size - 1; if (lastbound > _totalrecords) lastbound = _totalrecords; _next.ToolTip = "Showing " + firstbound + " - " + lastbound + " records of " + _totalrecords + " records"; } else { _next.Visible = false; } // main pagination links ArrayList arr = Return_Pagination_Link_v2(total_pages, _pagenumber); _rept.Visible = true; _rept.DataSource = arr; _rept.DataBind(); } else { _rept.Visible = false; _next.Visible = false; _prev.Visible = false; } _list.DataSource = _source; _list.DataBind(); }
protected void rptAtividadesSugeridas_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { Repeater rptAtividadesSugeridasInterna = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptAtividadesSugeridasInterna"); Literal ltrIdLocal = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrIdLocal"); Katapoka.DAO.Atividade.TipoAtividade item = (Katapoka.DAO.Atividade.TipoAtividade)e.Item.DataItem; Katapoka.DAO.Usuario_Tb usuarioAssociado = item.IdTipoAtividade != null ? new Katapoka.BLL.Atividade.AtividadeBLL() .GetUsuariosPermitidos(item.IdTipoAtividade.Value) .FirstOrDefault() : null; if (usuarioAssociado != null) { IList <Katapoka.DAO.UsuarioCompleto> usuarioCompleto = new List <Katapoka.DAO.UsuarioCompleto>(); usuarioCompleto.Add(new Katapoka.DAO.UsuarioCompleto() { DsNome = usuarioAssociado.DsNome, IdUsuario = usuarioAssociado.IdUsuario }); usuariosSugeridos.Add(IdIncremento, usuarioCompleto); } ltrIdLocal.Text = IdIncremento.ToString(); IdIncremento++; #region PREENCHE OS DADOS HtmlInputText txtTituloAtividade = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtTituloAtividade"); if (txtTituloAtividade != null) { txtTituloAtividade.Value = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.DsTituloAtividade) ? item.DsTituloAtividade : "Título da atividade"; } HtmlInputText txtQtTempoEstimado = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtQtTempoEstimado"); if (txtQtTempoEstimado != null) { TimeSpan tempoEstimado = TimeSpan.FromHours((double)item.QtTempoEstimado); txtQtTempoEstimado.Value = string.Format("{0:000}:{1:00}", Math.Floor(tempoEstimado.TotalHours), tempoEstimado.Minutes); } HtmlInputText txtQtTempoExecutado = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtQtTempoExecutado"); if (txtQtTempoExecutado != null) { txtQtTempoExecutado.Value = "000:00"; } HtmlInputText txtVrCompletoPorcentagem = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtVrCompletoPorcentagem"); txtVrCompletoPorcentagem.Value = "0"; HtmlInputText txtDtInicio = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtDtInicio"); txtDtInicio.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); HtmlInputText txtDtTermino = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtDtTermino"); txtDtTermino.Value = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours((double)item.QtTempoEstimado)).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); HtmlTextArea txtDescricaoAtividade = (HtmlTextArea)e.Item.FindControl("txtDescricaoAtividade"); txtDescricaoAtividade.InnerText = item.DsAtividade; #endregion rptAtividadesSugeridasInterna.ItemTemplate = rptAtividadesSugeridas.ItemTemplate; rptAtividadesSugeridasInterna.AlternatingItemTemplate = rptAtividadesSugeridas.AlternatingItemTemplate; rptAtividadesSugeridasInterna.ItemDataBound += rptAtividadesSugeridas_ItemDataBound; rptAtividadesSugeridasInterna.DataSource = atividadesSugeridas .Where(p => p.IdTipoAtividadePredecessora == item.IdTipoAtividade) .ToList(); rptAtividadesSugeridasInterna.DataBind(); } }
private void BindCourse(string strGrade, Label lblCredits, Repeater rptCourse, string portfolioID) { strSQL = " select a.CourseCode,a.CourseName,a.Credits,isnull(a.MarkReceived,'') MarkReceived,a.CourseLength,s.StatusDescr" + SuffixCode() + " as CourseStatus "; strSQL += " from Port_PLPCoursesStudent a join ClusterPOSGrid b on a.GridID=b.POSGridID JOIN Port_PLPCourseStatusLookup s on a.Status = s.StatusID where b.POSGrade = " + strGrade + " and CourseID is null and PortfolioID=" + portfolioID; strSQL += " UNION ALL"; strSQL += " select c.CourseCode,c.CourseName,c.Credits,isnull(a.MarkReceived,'') MarkReceived,c.CourseLength,s.StatusDescr" + SuffixCode() + " as CourseStatus "; strSQL += " from Port_PLPCoursesStudent a join ClusterPOSGrid b on a.GridID=b.POSGridID Join Port_PLPCoursesSchool c on a.CourseID = c.CourseID JOIN Port_PLPCourseStatusLookup s on a.Status = s.StatusID where b.POSGrade = " + strGrade + " and PortfolioID=" + portfolioID; strSQL += " ; WITH CTE AS (select a.Credits "; strSQL += " from Port_PLPCoursesStudent a join ClusterPOSGrid b on a.GridID=b.POSGridID JOIN Port_PLPCourseStatusLookup s on a.Status = s.StatusID where b.POSGrade = " + strGrade + " and CourseID is null and Status != 4 and PortfolioID=" + portfolioID; strSQL += " UNION ALL"; strSQL += " select c.Credits"; strSQL += " from Port_PLPCoursesStudent a join ClusterPOSGrid b on a.GridID=b.POSGridID Join Port_PLPCoursesSchool c on a.CourseID = c.CourseID JOIN Port_PLPCourseStatusLookup s on a.Status = s.StatusID where b.POSGrade = " + strGrade + " and Status != 4 and PortfolioID=" + portfolioID; strSQL += " ) select isnull(sum(Credits),0) TTLCredits from CTE "; dtsSource = CareerCruisingWeb.CCLib.Common.DataAccess.GetDataTables(strSQL); dtCourse = dtsSource[0]; dtCredits = dtsSource[1]; rptCourse.DataSource = dtCourse; rptCourse.DataBind(); lblCredits.Text = dtCredits.Rows[0]["TTLCredits"].ToString(); decTTLCredits += Convert.ToDecimal(dtCredits.Rows[0]["TTLCredits"]); }
protected void rptAtividades_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { Repeater rptInterno = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptAtividadesInterna"); Katapoka.DAO.Atividade_Tb item = (Katapoka.DAO.Atividade_Tb)e.Item.DataItem; Literal ltrIdLocal = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrIdLocal"); //Adiciona as tags tags.Add(item.IdAtividade, item.AtividadeTag_Tb.Select(p => new Katapoka.DAO.Tag.TagCompleta() { DsTag = p.Tag_Tb.DsTag, IdTag = p.IdTag }).ToList()); //Adiciona os usuários designados usuarios.Add(item.IdAtividade, item.AtividadeUsuario_Tb.Select(p => new Katapoka.DAO.UsuarioCompleto() { IdUsuario = p.IdUsuario, DsNome = p.Usuario_Tb.DsNome }).ToList()); ltrIdLocal.Text = IdIncremento.ToString(); IdIncremento++; #region PREENCHE OS DADOS Literal ltrTituloAtividade = (Literal)e.Item.FindControl("ltrTituloAtividade"); HtmlInputText txtTituloAtividade = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtTituloAtividade"); if (txtTituloAtividade != null) { txtTituloAtividade.Value = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.DsTituloAtividade) ? item.DsTituloAtividade : "Título da atividade"; } ltrTituloAtividade.Text = txtTituloAtividade.Value; HtmlInputText txtQtTempoEstimado = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtQtTempoEstimado"); if (txtQtTempoEstimado != null) { if (item.QtTempoEstimado != null) { TimeSpan tempoEstimado = TimeSpan.FromHours((double)item.QtTempoEstimado.Value); txtQtTempoEstimado.Value = string.Format("{0:000}:{1:00}", Math.Floor(tempoEstimado.TotalHours), tempoEstimado.Minutes); } } HtmlInputText txtQtTempoExecutado = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtQtTempoExecutado"); if (txtQtTempoExecutado != null) { TimeSpan tempoExecutado = TimeSpan.FromHours((double)item.QtTempoExecutado); txtQtTempoExecutado.Value = string.Format("{0:000}:{1:00}", Math.Floor(tempoExecutado.TotalHours), tempoExecutado.Minutes); } HtmlInputText txtVrCompletoPorcentagem = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtVrCompletoPorcentagem"); if (txtVrCompletoPorcentagem != null && item.VrCompletoPorcentagem != null) { txtVrCompletoPorcentagem.Value = item.VrCompletoPorcentagem.ToString(); } HtmlInputText txtDtInicio = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtDtInicio"); if (txtDtInicio != null && item.DtInicio != null) { txtDtInicio.Value = item.DtInicio.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); } HtmlInputText txtDtTermino = (HtmlInputText)e.Item.FindControl("txtDtTermino"); if (txtDtTermino != null && item.DtTermino != null) { txtDtTermino.Value = item.DtTermino.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); } HtmlTextArea txtDescricaoAtividade = (HtmlTextArea)e.Item.FindControl("txtDescricaoAtividade"); txtDescricaoAtividade.InnerText = item.DsAtividade; #endregion //rptInterno.HeaderTemplate = rptAtividades.HeaderTemplate; //rptInterno.FooterTemplate = rptAtividades.FooterTemplate; rptInterno.ItemTemplate = rptAtividades.ItemTemplate; rptInterno.AlternatingItemTemplate = rptAtividades.AlternatingItemTemplate; rptInterno.ItemDataBound += rptAtividades_ItemDataBound; rptInterno.DataSource = atividades.Where(p => p.IdAtividadePredecessora == item.IdAtividade).ToList(); rptInterno.DataBind(); } }
void rightButtonEvent(uint port, uint state, DateTime time) { lock (this) { if (repeatRight == null) { Repeater repeat = new Repeater(rightButtonFire, racketSpeed); repeatRight = new Thread(new ThreadStart(repeat.run)); repeatRight.Start(); rightButtonFire(port, state, time); } else { repeatRight.Abort(); repeatRight = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Dùng cho sự kiện data bound của một danh sách booking room /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> /// <param name="module"></param> /// <param name="customPrice"></param> /// <param name="policies"></param> /// <param name="page"></param> /// <param name="roomTypes"></param> public static void rptRoomList_itemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e, SailsModule module, bool customPrice, IList policies, SailsAdminBasePage page, ListItemCollection roomTypes) { if (e.Item.ItemType != ListItemType.Header) { BookingRoom item = e.Item.DataItem as BookingRoom; if (item != null) { #region -- Thông tin thường -- Label lblRoomName = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblRoomName"); if (item.Room != null) { Label label_RoomId = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("label_RoomId"); label_RoomId.Text = item.Room.Id.ToString(); if (item.Room != null) { lblRoomName.Text = string.Format("{2}: {0} {1}", item.RoomClass.Name, item.RoomType.Name, item.Room.Name); } else { lblRoomName.Text = string.Format("{0} {1}", item.RoomClass.Name, item.RoomType.Name); } } else { lblRoomName.Text = string.Format("Room {2}: {0} {1}", item.RoomClass.Name, item.RoomType.Name, e.Item.ItemIndex + 1); } HiddenField hiddenRoomClassId = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hiddenRoomClassId"); HiddenField hiddenRoomTypeId = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("hiddenRoomTypeId"); hiddenRoomClassId.Value = item.RoomClass.Id.ToString(); hiddenRoomTypeId.Value = item.RoomType.Id.ToString(); if (item.Booked == 1 && item.RoomType.Id == SailsModule.TWIN) { e.Item.FindControl("trCustomer2").Visible = false; e.Item.FindControl("trExtra").Visible = false; } CheckBox checkBoxAddChild = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("checkBoxAddChild"); HtmlControl trChild = (HtmlControl)e.Item.FindControl("trChild"); HtmlControl trChildServices = (HtmlControl)e.Item.FindControl("trChildServices"); string scriptChild = string.Format(@"toggleVisible('{0}');toggleVisible('{1}');", trChild.ClientID, trChildServices.ClientID); checkBoxAddChild.Attributes.Add("onclick", scriptChild); CheckBox checkBoxAddBaby = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("checkBoxAddBaby"); HtmlControl trBaby = (HtmlControl)e.Item.FindControl("trBaby"); HtmlControl trBabyServices = (HtmlControl)e.Item.FindControl("trBabyServices"); string scriptBaby = string.Format(@"toggleVisible('{0}');toggleVisible('{1}');", trBaby.ClientID, trBabyServices.ClientID); checkBoxAddBaby.Attributes.Add("onclick", scriptBaby); CheckBox checkBoxSingle = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("checkBoxSingle"); HtmlControl trCustomer2 = (HtmlControl)e.Item.FindControl("trCustomer2"); HtmlControl trCustomer2Services = (HtmlControl)e.Item.FindControl("trCustomer2Services"); string scriptCustomer = string.Format(@"toggleVisible('{0}');toggleVisible('{1}');", trCustomer2.ClientID, trCustomer2Services.ClientID); checkBoxSingle.Attributes.Add("onclick", scriptCustomer); #endregion #region -- (back-end) -- bool isSecond = false; // Load customer info đã có #region -- customer info -- foreach (Customer customer in item.Customers) { if (customer.Type == CustomerType.Adult) { if (!isSecond) { CustomerInfoInput customer1 = e.Item.FindControl("customer1") as CustomerInfoInput; Repeater rptService1 = e.Item.FindControl("rptServices1") as Repeater; if (customer1 != null && rptService1 != null) { customer1.GetCustomer(customer, module); if (page.DetailService) { CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler handler = new CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler(customer, module); rptService1.DataSource = module.CustomerServices; rptService1.ItemDataBound += handler.ItemDataBound; rptService1.DataBind(); } else { rptService1.Visible = false; } isSecond = true; } } else { CustomerInfoInput customer2 = e.Item.FindControl("customer2") as CustomerInfoInput; Repeater rptService2 = e.Item.FindControl("rptServices2") as Repeater; if (customer2 != null && rptService2 != null) { customer2.GetCustomer(customer, module); if (page.DetailService) { CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler handler = new CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler(customer, module); rptService2.DataSource = module.CustomerServices; rptService2.ItemDataBound += handler.ItemDataBound; rptService2.DataBind(); } else { rptService2.Visible = false; } } } } if (customer.Type == CustomerType.Children) { CustomerInfoInput customerChild = e.Item.FindControl("customerChild") as CustomerInfoInput; Repeater rptServicesChild = e.Item.FindControl("rptServicesChild") as Repeater; if (customerChild != null && rptServicesChild != null) { customerChild.GetCustomer(customer, module); if (page.DetailService) { CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler handler = new CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler( customer, module); rptServicesChild.DataSource = module.CustomerServices; rptServicesChild.ItemDataBound += handler.ItemDataBound; rptServicesChild.DataBind(); } else { rptServicesChild.Visible = false; } } } if (customer.Type == CustomerType.Baby) { CustomerInfoInput customerBaby = e.Item.FindControl("customerBaby") as CustomerInfoInput; Repeater rptServicesBaby = e.Item.FindControl("rptServicesBaby") as Repeater; if (customerBaby != null && rptServicesBaby != null) { customerBaby.GetCustomer(customer, module); if (page.DetailService) { CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler handler = new CustomerServiceRepeaterHandler( customer, module); rptServicesBaby.DataSource = module.CustomerServices; rptServicesBaby.ItemDataBound += handler.ItemDataBound; rptServicesBaby.DataBind(); } else { rptServicesBaby.Visible = false; } } } } #endregion #region -- Check box và visible -- if (item.VirtualAdult == 1) { e.Item.FindControl("trCustomer2").Visible = false; e.Item.FindControl("rptServices2").Visible = false; } if (item.HasChild) { trChild.Attributes.CssStyle["display"] = ""; trChildServices.Attributes.CssStyle["display"] = ""; checkBoxAddChild.Checked = true; } else { Repeater rptServicesChild = e.Item.FindControl("rptServicesChild") as Repeater; if (rptServicesChild != null) { rptServicesChild.DataSource = module.CustomerServices; rptServicesChild.DataBind(); } } if (item.HasBaby) { trBaby.Attributes.CssStyle["display"] = ""; trBabyServices.Attributes.CssStyle["display"] = ""; checkBoxAddBaby.Checked = true; } else { Repeater rptServicesBaby = e.Item.FindControl("rptServicesBaby") as Repeater; if (rptServicesBaby != null) { rptServicesBaby.DataSource = module.CustomerServices; rptServicesBaby.DataBind(); } } if (item.IsSingle) { trCustomer2.Attributes.CssStyle["display"] = "none"; trCustomer2Services.Attributes.CssStyle["display"] = "none"; checkBoxSingle.Checked = true; } #endregion // Load room available #region -- available -- DropDownList ddlRooms = e.Item.FindControl("ddlRooms") as DropDownList; if (ddlRooms != null) { // Danh sách phòng được chọn bao gồm: toàn bộ các phòng chưa được chọn và phòng trong book hiện tại IList datasouce = module.RoomGetAvailable(item.Book.Cruise, item, (item.Book.EndDate - item.Book.StartDate).Days, item.Book); Room room = new Room("", false, null, null); datasouce.Insert(0, room); ddlRooms.DataSource = datasouce; ddlRooms.DataTextField = Room.NAME; ddlRooms.DataValueField = "Id"; ddlRooms.DataBind(); if (item.Room != null) { ListItem listItem = ddlRooms.Items.FindByValue(item.Room.Id.ToString()); if (listItem != null) { listItem.Selected = true; } } } #endregion #region -- room price -- if (customPrice) { TextBox txtPrice = e.Item.FindControl("txtPrice") as TextBox; if (txtPrice != null) { if (item.Total <= 0) { if (module.ModuleSettings(SailsModule.CUSTOMER_PRICE) == null || Convert.ToBoolean(module.ModuleSettings(SailsModule.CUSTOMER_PRICE))) { txtPrice.Visible = false; } else { txtPrice.Visible = true; } item.Total = item.Calculate(module, policies, page.ChildPrice, page.AgencySupplement, null); } txtPrice.Text = item.Total.ToString("0.#"); } } else { PlaceHolder plhRoomPrice = e.Item.FindControl("plhRoomPrice") as PlaceHolder; if (plhRoomPrice != null) { plhRoomPrice.Visible = false; } } #endregion DropDownList ddlRoomTypes = e.Item.FindControl("ddlRoomTypes") as DropDownList; if (ddlRoomTypes != null) { if (item.VirtualAdult == 2) { ddlRoomTypes.DataSource = roomTypes; //module.RoomTypexGetAll(); ddlRoomTypes.DataValueField = "Value"; ddlRoomTypes.DataTextField = "Text"; ddlRoomTypes.DataBind(); ListItem listitem = ddlRoomTypes.Items.FindByValue(string.Format("{0}|{1}", item.RoomClass.Id, item.RoomType.Id)); if (listitem != null) { listitem.Selected = true; } else { ddlRoomTypes.Items.Add(new ListItem(item.RoomClass.Name + " " + item.RoomType.Name, string.Format("{0}|{1}", item.RoomClass.Id, item.RoomType.Id))); ddlRoomTypes.SelectedValue = string.Format("{0}|{1}", item.RoomClass.Id, item.RoomType.Id); } } else { ddlRoomTypes.Visible = false; e.Item.FindControl("labelRoomTypes").Visible = false; } } #endregion } } }
public void rptProfilePeriod_OnItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { try { EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE metric = (EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE)e.Item.DataItem; Label lbl; LinkButton lnk; TextBox tb; //bool enabled = LocalProfile().InputPeriod.IsPeriodInputClosed(metric.PRMR_ID) == true ? false : true; bool enabled = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metric.MEASURE_PROMPT)) { lbl = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("lblMetricName"); lbl.Text = metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_NAME.Trim(); } ImageButton ib = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("ibAddInput"); ib.Enabled = enabled; if (enabled) { ib.ImageUrl = "~/images/plus.png"; } else { ib.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/checked.png"; } Image img = (Image)e.Item.FindControl("imgHazardType"); System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell cell1 = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell)e.Item.FindControl("tdMetricName"); if (metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY == "ENGY" || metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY == "EUTL") { cell1.Attributes.Add("Class", "rptInputTable energyColor"); img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/energy.png"; } else if (metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY == "PROD" || metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY == "SAFE" || metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY == "FACT") { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/inputs.png"; img.ToolTip = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("measureCategoryEHS", metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY); ib = (ImageButton)e.Item.FindControl("ibAddInput"); ib.Visible = false; } else { cell1.Attributes.Add("Class", "rptInputTable wasteColor"); if (metric.REG_STATUS == "HZ") { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/hazardous.png"; } else { img.ImageUrl = "~/images/status/waste.png"; } img.ToolTip = WebSiteCommon.GetXlatValueLong("regulatoryStatus", metric.REG_STATUS); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(metric.UN_CODE)) { img.ToolTip += (". " + SessionManager.DisposalCodeList.FirstOrDefault(l => l.UN_CODE == metric.UN_CODE).DESCRIPTION); } } cell1 = (System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlTableCell)e.Item.FindControl("tdMetricReqd"); if ((bool)metric.IS_REQUIRED) { cell1.Attributes.Add("Class", "rptInputTable required"); } if (LocalProfile().InputPeriod.CountPeriodInputList(metric.PRMR_ID) == 0) { LocalProfile().CreatePeriodInput(LocalProfile().InputPeriod, metric, false); } Repeater rpt = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("rptProfileInput"); rpt.DataSource = LocalProfile().InputPeriod.GetPeriodInputList(metric.PRMR_ID); rpt.DataBind(); } catch { } } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定DataTable:Repeater控件 /// </summary> /// <param name="dt">DataTable</param> /// <param name="dropdownlists">控件名称</param> public static void BindRepeaterList(DataTable dt, Repeater repeater) { repeater.DataSource = dt; repeater.DataBind(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定IList<T>:Repeater控件 /// </summary> /// <param name="dt">DataTable</param> /// <param name="dropdownlists">控件名称</param> public static void BindRepeaterList <T>(IList <T> list, Repeater repeater) { repeater.DataSource = list; repeater.DataBind(); }
private int SaveInputs(decimal targetPrmrID, bool commitChanges) { int status = 0; LinkButton lnk; HiddenField hf; TextBox tbValue, tbCost, tbCredit; CheckBox cbDelete; decimal decimalValue; DateTime dateValue; decimal prmrID; bool hasReqdInputs = true; bool hasSaveWarning = false; bool hasSaveError = false; EHSProfileStatus saveStatus = EHSProfileStatus.Normal; try { foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptProfilePeriod.Items) { lnk = (LinkButton)item.FindControl("lnkMetricCD"); prmrID = Convert.ToDecimal(lnk.CommandArgument); EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE metric = LocalProfile().GetMeasure((decimal)prmrID); if (prmrID == targetPrmrID || commitChanges) { Repeater rpt = (Repeater)item.FindControl("rptProfileInput"); int numInput = 0; foreach (RepeaterItem inputItem in rpt.Items) { hf = (HiddenField)inputItem.FindControl("hfInputDate"); EHS_PROFILE_INPUT input = LocalProfile().InputPeriod.GetPeriodInput(prmrID, Convert.ToDateTime(hf.Value)); if (input != null) { RadDatePicker dtpFrom = (RadDatePicker)inputItem.FindControl("radDateFrom"); RadDatePicker dtpTo = (RadDatePicker)inputItem.FindControl("radDateTo"); tbValue = (TextBox)inputItem.FindControl("tbMetricValue"); tbCost = (TextBox)inputItem.FindControl("tbMetricCost"); tbCredit = (TextBox)inputItem.FindControl("tbMetricCredit"); cbDelete = (CheckBox)inputItem.FindControl("cbDelete"); hf = (HiddenField)inputItem.FindControl("hfStatus"); Control tr = new Control(); EHSProfileStatus inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.Normal; switch (metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY) { case "PROD": case "SAFE": case "FACT": if (dtpFrom.SelectedDate == null || dtpTo.SelectedDate == null) { inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.Incomplete; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbValue.Text.Trim())) { inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.NoInputs; } break; default: if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbValue.Text.Trim())) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbCost.Text.Trim() + tbCredit.Text.Trim())) { inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.NoInputs; } else { inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.Incomplete; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbCost.Text.Trim() + tbCredit.Text.Trim())) { inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.Incomplete; } else if (dtpFrom.SelectedDate == null || dtpTo.SelectedDate == null) { inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.Incomplete; } if (metric.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT != null && (metric.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.VALUE_DEFAULT.HasValue || metric.EHS_PROFILE_MEASURE_EXT.COST_DEFAULT.HasValue)) { if (inputStatus == EHSProfileStatus.Incomplete && (dtpFrom.SelectedDate == null || dtpTo.SelectedDate == null)) { inputStatus = EHSProfileStatus.NoInputs; } } break; } if (inputStatus == EHSProfileStatus.NoInputs) { LocalProfile().InputPeriod.DeletePeriodInput(input); } else if (inputStatus == EHSProfileStatus.Incomplete) { hasSaveError = true; saveStatus = EHSProfileStatus.Incomplete; dtpFrom.DateInput.Style.Add("BACKGROUND-COLOR", "LIGHTCORAL"); dtpTo.DateInput.Style.Add("BACKGROUND-COLOR", "LIGHTCORAL"); tbValue.Style.Add("BACKGROUND-COLOR", "LIGHTCORAL"); if (tbCost.Enabled) { tbCost.Style.Add("BACKGROUND-COLOR", "LIGHTCORAL"); } if (tbCredit.Enabled) { tbCredit.Style.Add("BACKGROUND-COLOR", "LIGHTCORAL"); } } //if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbValue.Text) || dtpFrom.SelectedDate == null || dtpTo.SelectedDate == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbCost.Text + tbCredit.Text) && metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "PROD" && metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "SAFE" && metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "FACT")) //{ // LocalProfile().InputPeriod.DeletePeriodInput(input); //} else { ++numInput; if (cbDelete.Checked) { input.STATUS = "D"; } else if (input.STATUS == "D") { input.STATUS = "A"; } if (input.EFF_FROM_DT > DateTime.MinValue || input.EFF_FROM_DT != dtpFrom.SelectedDate) { input.EFF_FROM_DT = (DateTime)dtpFrom.SelectedDate; } if (input.EFF_TO_DT > DateTime.MinValue || input.EFF_TO_DT != dtpTo.SelectedDate) { input.EFF_TO_DT = (DateTime)dtpTo.SelectedDate; } if (SQMBasePage.ParseToDecimal(tbValue.Text, out decimalValue)) { if (input.MEASURE_VALUE != decimalValue) { input.MEASURE_VALUE = decimalValue; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbCredit.Text)) { SQMBasePage.ParseToDecimal(tbCredit.Text, out decimalValue); decimalValue = Math.Abs(decimalValue) * -1; if (!input.MEASURE_COST.HasValue || input.MEASURE_COST != decimalValue) { input.MEASURE_COST = decimalValue; } } else { SQMBasePage.ParseToDecimal(tbCost.Text, out decimalValue); decimalValue = Math.Abs(decimalValue); if (!input.MEASURE_COST.HasValue || input.MEASURE_COST != decimalValue) { input.MEASURE_COST = decimalValue; } } if (commitChanges && metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "PROD" && metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "SAFE" && metric.EHS_MEASURE.MEASURE_CATEGORY != "FACT" && LocalProfile().CurrentStatus != EHSProfileStatus.OutOFRange) { if (!EHSModel.IsMeasureValueInRange(metric, (double)input.MEASURE_VALUE, 1.0)) { hasSaveWarning = true; saveStatus = EHSProfileStatus.OutOFRange; tbValue.Style.Add("BACKGROUND-COLOR", "CORNSILK"); } } } } if (metric != null && (bool)metric.IS_REQUIRED && numInput == 0) { hasReqdInputs = false; } } } } if (commitChanges) { if (hasSaveError) { MessageDisplay(saveStatus); return(0); } if (hasSaveWarning) { MessageDisplay(saveStatus); return(0); } // deleted inputs after approval if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hfNumDelete.Value) && hfNumDelete.Value != "0") && LocalProfile().InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT.HasValue) { cbFinalApproval.Checked = false; } // changed inputs after approval if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hfNumChanged.Value) && hfNumChanged.Value != "0") && LocalProfile().InputPeriod.PlantAccounting.APPROVAL_DT.HasValue) { cbFinalApproval.Checked = false; } status = LocalProfile().UpdatePeriod(true, "", cbFinalApproval.Checked, SessionManager.UserContext.UserName()); if (status >= 0) { // option to finalize metrics SETTINGS sets = SQMSettings.GetSetting("EHS", "INPUTFINALIZE"); if (sets != null) { bool doRollup = false; DateTime lastUpdateDate; LocalProfile().PeriodStatus(new string[0] { }, false, out lastUpdateDate); switch (sets.VALUE.ToUpper()) { case "ANY": // finalize any inputs doRollup = true; break; case "ANY_CURRENCY": // finalize any inputs and if the exchange rate for the period exists if (LocalProfile().InputPeriod.PeriodExchangeRate(LocalProfile().Plant) != null) { doRollup = true; } break; case "REQD": // finalize only when all required inputs have been entered if (LocalProfile().InputPeriod.IsRequiredComplete()) { doRollup = true; } break; case "REQD_CURRENCY": // finalize only when all required inputs are entered and exchange rate for the period exists if (LocalProfile().InputPeriod.IsRequiredComplete() && LocalProfile().InputPeriod.PeriodExchangeRate(LocalProfile().Plant) != null) { doRollup = true; } break; default: break; } if (doRollup && LocalProfile().ValidPeriod()) { status = LocalProfile().UpdateMetricHistory(LocalProfile().InputPeriod.PeriodDate); // new roll-up logic } } } if (status >= 0) { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alertResult('hfAlertSaveSuccess');", true); hasSaveWarning = false; // cancel warning to allow re-save MessageDisplay(0); LoadProfileInput(LocalProfile().InputPeriod.PeriodDate, EHSProfileStatus.Normal); } else { ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), "showalert", "alertResult('hfAlertSaveError');", true); MessageDisplay(0); ClearInput(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // SQMLogger.LogException(ex); status = -1; } BindSharedCalendars(); return(status); }
private void ShowSiteActivity() { System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn colBound = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundColumn(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //Dim dr As DataRow Repeater rptFolders = new Repeater(); Repeater rptContents = new Repeater(); int iTotalUpdated = 0; int iPagesUpdated = 0; int iTotalPages = 0; string sReport = ""; StringBuilder sbHtml = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; int j = 0; Collection data; //ContentData() Table main; Table[] tblrep; Table[] Pageinnertbl; Table[] folderinnertbl; TableRow rowMain; TableCell cellMain; TableRow[] rowPath; TableCell[] cellPath; TableRow[] rowfolder; TableCell[] cellfolder; TableRow[] rowPage; TableCell[] cellPage; TableRow[] rowtbl12; TableRow[] rowtbl22; TableCell[] celltbl211; TableCell[] celltbl212; TableCell[] celltbl213; TableCell[] celltbl221; TableCell[] celltbl222; TableCell[] celltbl223; TableRow[] rowtbl31; TableCell[] celltbl311; TableCell[] celltbl312; TableCell[] celltbl313; TableCell[] celltbl314; TableRow[] rowtbl3; TableCell[] celltbl31; TableCell[] celltbl32; TableCell[] celltbl33; TableCell[] celltbl34; Label lbltbl2 = new Label(); Label lbltbl3 = new Label(); Label[] lblPath; Label[] lblFolderHeader1; Label[] lblFolderHeader2; Label[] lblFolderHeader3; Label[] lblTotalUpdated; Label[] lblPagesUpdated; Label[] lblTotalPages; Label[] lblPgHeader1; Label[] lblPgHeader2; Label[] lblPgHeader3; Label[] lblPgHeader4; Label[] lblPg1; Label[] lblPg2; Label[] lblPg3; Label[] lblPg4; ArrayList aPath = new ArrayList(); ArrayList aTotalUpdated = new ArrayList(); ArrayList aPagesUpdated = new ArrayList(); ArrayList aTotalPages = new ArrayList(); ArrayList aPageData = new ArrayList(); ArrayList aFolder = new ArrayList(); string sTempHolder = ""; int iFolderCount = 0; string pathName; //ReportDataGrid _ReportTableHtml = ""; //clear the table for export if (!(_SiteData == null)) { main = new Table(); main.Controls.Clear(); main.ID = "UpdateActivityTbl"; rowMain = new TableRow(); main.Controls.Add(rowMain); cellMain = new TableCell(); data = _SiteData; for (i = 1; i <= data.Count; i++) { //loop through the data to create a collection of array for the information needed to display //((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[i])["FolderName"] //if (((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[i])["FolderName"] != aPath[j - 1]) sReport = (string)((Collection)data[i])["FolderName"]; if (sTempHolder != sReport) { if (sTempHolder != "") { aPath.Add(sTempHolder); aTotalUpdated.Add(iTotalUpdated); aPagesUpdated.Add(iPagesUpdated); aTotalPages.Add(iTotalPages); aFolder.Add(aPageData); iTotalUpdated = 0; iPagesUpdated = 0; iTotalPages = 0; aPageData = null; aPageData = new ArrayList(); } sTempHolder = sReport; } iTotalUpdated = iTotalUpdated + Convert.ToInt32(((Collection)data[i])["Updates"]); //((Collection)data[i])["Updates"] if (Convert.ToInt32(((Collection)data[i])["Updates"]) > 0) { iPagesUpdated++; } iTotalPages++; aPageData.Add(data[i]); } //add the last set of data to the arrays aPath.Add(sReport); aTotalUpdated.Add(iTotalUpdated); aPagesUpdated.Add(iPagesUpdated); aTotalPages.Add(iTotalPages); aFolder.Add(aPageData); if (1 == aPath.Count && Strings.Len(aPath[0]) == 0) { lblPath = new Label[2]; lblPath[0] = new Label(); lblPath[0].Text = "<p>" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("no page found") + "</p>"; cellMain.Controls.Add(lblPath[0]); rowMain.Controls.Add(cellMain); } else { iFolderCount = aPath.Count; tblrep = new Table[iFolderCount + 1]; rowPath = new TableRow[iFolderCount + 1]; cellPath = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; lblPath = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; rowfolder = new TableRow[iFolderCount + 1]; cellfolder = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; rowPage = new TableRow[iFolderCount + 1]; cellPage = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; Pageinnertbl = new Table[iFolderCount + 1]; folderinnertbl = new Table[iFolderCount + 1]; rowtbl12 = new TableRow[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl211 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl212 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl213 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; rowtbl22 = new TableRow[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl221 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl222 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl223 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; rowtbl31 = new TableRow[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl311 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl312 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl313 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; celltbl314 = new TableCell[iFolderCount + 1]; lblPgHeader1 = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblPgHeader2 = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblPgHeader3 = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblPgHeader4 = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblFolderHeader1 = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblFolderHeader2 = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblFolderHeader3 = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblTotalUpdated = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblPagesUpdated = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; lblTotalPages = new Label[iFolderCount + 1]; for (j = 1; j <= iFolderCount; j++) { //!!!--Important---!!! //Var Definations: //j: Outter loop, for the folders selected. //i: mid-lv loop, same number of j, but used to seek the correct dataset. //k: inner loop, generate the inner table for items being updated. //____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //| <b>aPath(j-1)</b> "Folder Path" | //|___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| //| Total Updates # Pages Updated Total Pages | //| aTotalUpdated(j-1) aPagesUpdated(j-1) aTotalPages(j-1) | //|___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| //| _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ | //|| Page Name | Updates | Last Updated | User Name || //|| aFolder(j)(i)("Title") | aFolder(j)(i)("Updates") | aFolder(j)(i)("LastUpdated") | aFolder(j)(i)("UserNames") || //||________________________|__________________________|______________________________|______________________________|| //|___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________| //folder table tblrep[j] = new Table(); tblrep[j].CssClass = "ektronGrid"; tblrep[j].Controls.Clear(); //folder path cell rowPath[j] = new TableRow(); tblrep[j].Controls.Add(rowPath[j]); cellPath[j] = new TableCell(); lblPath[j] = new Label(); pathName = (string)(aPath[j - 1].ToString().Substring(1, Strings.Len(aPath[j - 1]) - 1)); if ("" == pathName || "/" == pathName) { pathName = _ContentApi.GetFolderById(0).Name; } if ("ev" == _ReportDisplay) // show expand link in executive view { lblPath[j].Text = "<a href=\"javascript://\" onclick=\"showDetails(\'" + j + "\');\"><b>" + pathName + "</b></a>"; } else { lblPath[j].Text = pathName; } lblPath[j].Font.Size = FontUnit.Point(14); //folder activity cell rowfolder[j] = new TableRow(); tblrep[j].Controls.Add(rowfolder[j]); cellfolder[j] = new TableCell(); //folder activity table, gives the summary of the folder activity. folderinnertbl[j] = new Table(); folderinnertbl[j].ID = (string)("folderActivity_" + j); folderinnertbl[j].Controls.Clear(); folderinnertbl[j].Width = 500; if ("dv" == _ReportDisplay) // not show in detail view { folderinnertbl[j].Visible = false; } else { folderinnertbl[j].Visible = true; } rowtbl12[j] = new TableRow(); folderinnertbl[j].Controls.Add(rowtbl12[j]); celltbl211[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl212[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl213[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl211[j].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; celltbl212[j].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; celltbl213[j].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; lblFolderHeader1[j] = new Label(); lblFolderHeader2[j] = new Label(); lblFolderHeader3[j] = new Label(); lblFolderHeader1[j].Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl total updates"); lblFolderHeader2[j].Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl pages updated"); lblFolderHeader3[j].Text = _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl total pages"); rowtbl22[j] = new TableRow(); folderinnertbl[j].Controls.Add(rowtbl22[j]); celltbl221[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl222[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl223[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl221[j].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; celltbl222[j].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; celltbl223[j].HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; lblTotalUpdated[j] = new Label(); lblPagesUpdated[j] = new Label(); lblTotalPages[j] = new Label(); lblTotalUpdated[j].Text = aTotalUpdated[j - 1].ToString(); lblPagesUpdated[j].Text = aPagesUpdated[j - 1].ToString(); lblTotalPages[j].Text = aTotalPages[j - 1].ToString(); //page activity cell cellPage[j] = new TableCell(); rowPage[j] = new TableRow(); rowPage[j].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; tblrep[j].Controls.Add(rowPage[j]); //page activity table, give the details of the page activity in this folder. Pageinnertbl[j] = new Table(); Pageinnertbl[j].Controls.Clear(); Pageinnertbl[j].BorderWidth = 1; Pageinnertbl[j].Width = 560; //this Id is need for the JavaScript to hide and show it in executive view Pageinnertbl[j].ID = (string)("PageActivity_" + j); rowtbl31[j] = new TableRow(); Pageinnertbl[j].Controls.Add(rowtbl31[j]); celltbl311[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl312[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl313[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl314[j] = new TableCell(); celltbl311[j].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; celltbl311[j].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; celltbl312[j].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; celltbl312[j].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; celltbl313[j].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; celltbl313[j].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; celltbl314[j].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; celltbl314[j].ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; lblPgHeader1[j] = new Label(); lblPgHeader2[j] = new Label(); lblPgHeader3[j] = new Label(); lblPgHeader4[j] = new Label(); lblPgHeader1[j].Text = "<b>" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl page name") + "</b>"; lblPgHeader2[j].Text = "<b>" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl updates") + "</b>"; lblPgHeader3[j].Text = "<b>" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl last updated") + "</b>"; lblPgHeader4[j].Text = "<b>" + _MessageHelper.GetMessage("lbl user name") + "</b>"; celltbl311[j].Controls.Add(lblPgHeader1[j]); celltbl312[j].Controls.Add(lblPgHeader2[j]); celltbl313[j].Controls.Add(lblPgHeader3[j]); celltbl314[j].Controls.Add(lblPgHeader4[j]); Pageinnertbl[j].Controls.Add(rowtbl31[j]); rowtbl31[j].Controls.Add(celltbl311[j]); rowtbl31[j].Controls.Add(celltbl312[j]); rowtbl31[j].Controls.Add(celltbl313[j]); rowtbl31[j].Controls.Add(celltbl314[j]); //rowtbl3 = new TableRow[j - 1]; //celltbl31 = new TableCell[j - 1]; //celltbl32 = new TableCell[j - 1]; //celltbl33 = new TableCell[j - 1]; //celltbl34 = new TableCell[j - 1]; //lblPg1 = new Label[j - 1]; //lblPg2 = new Label[j - 1]; //lblPg3 = new Label[j - 1]; //lblPg4 = new Label[j - 1]; //looping through the inner table for the page activity for (i = 0; i < aTotalPages.Count ; i++) { rowtbl3 = new TableRow[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; celltbl31 = new TableCell[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; celltbl32 = new TableCell[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; celltbl33 = new TableCell[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; celltbl34 = new TableCell[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; lblPg1 = new Label[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; lblPg2 = new Label[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; lblPg3 = new Label[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; lblPg4 = new Label[(int)aTotalPages[i]]; for (int k = 0; k < (int)aTotalPages[i]; k++) { try { string name1 = ((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[i])[k])["FolderName"].ToString(); string name2 = aPath[j - 1].ToString(); //if (((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[i])["FolderName"] != aPath[j - 1]) if (name1 != name2) { break; } } catch { break; } rowtbl3[k] = new TableRow(); Pageinnertbl[j].Controls.Add(rowtbl3[k]); celltbl31[k] = new TableCell(); celltbl32[k] = new TableCell(); celltbl33[k] = new TableCell(); celltbl34[k] = new TableCell(); if (Convert.ToBoolean((Convert.ToInt32(k) % 2))) { celltbl31[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LavenderBlush; celltbl32[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LavenderBlush; celltbl33[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LavenderBlush; celltbl34[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LavenderBlush; } else { celltbl31[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCyan; celltbl32[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCyan; celltbl33[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCyan; celltbl34[k].BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightCyan; } lblPg1[k] = new Label(); lblPg2[k] = new Label(); lblPg3[k] = new Label(); lblPg4[k] = new Label(); //lblPg1(i).Text = aFolder.Item(j - 1).item(i)("PageName") 'data(i)("PageName") //if (((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[i])["FolderName"] != aPath[j - 1]) lblPg1[k].Text = (((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[k])["PageName"]).ToString(); //data(i)("PageName") lblPg2[k].Text = (((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[k])["Updates"]).ToString(); //data(i)("Updates") lblPg3[k].Text = (string)(" " + ((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[k])["LastUpdated"]).ToString(); //data(i)("LastUpdated") lblPg4[k].Text = (string)(" " + ((Collection)((ArrayList)aFolder[j - 1])[k])["UserName"]).ToString(); //data(i)("UserName") celltbl31[k].Controls.Add(lblPg1[k]); celltbl32[k].Controls.Add(lblPg2[k]); celltbl33[k].Controls.Add(lblPg3[k]); celltbl34[k].Controls.Add(lblPg4[k]); rowtbl3[k].Controls.Add(celltbl31[k]); rowtbl3[k].Controls.Add(celltbl32[k]); rowtbl3[k].Controls.Add(celltbl33[k]); rowtbl3[k].Controls.Add(celltbl34[k]); } } cellPage[j].Controls.Add(Pageinnertbl[j]); rowPage[j].Controls.Add(cellPage[j]); celltbl211[j].Controls.Add(lblFolderHeader1[j]); celltbl212[j].Controls.Add(lblFolderHeader2[j]); celltbl213[j].Controls.Add(lblFolderHeader3[j]); celltbl221[j].Controls.Add(lblTotalUpdated[j]); celltbl222[j].Controls.Add(lblPagesUpdated[j]); celltbl223[j].Controls.Add(lblTotalPages[j]); folderinnertbl[j].Controls.Add(rowtbl12[j]); rowtbl12[j].Controls.Add(celltbl211[j]); rowtbl12[j].Controls.Add(celltbl212[j]); rowtbl12[j].Controls.Add(celltbl213[j]); folderinnertbl[j].Controls.Add(rowtbl22[j]); rowtbl22[j].Controls.Add(celltbl221[j]); rowtbl22[j].Controls.Add(celltbl222[j]); rowtbl22[j].Controls.Add(celltbl223[j]); cellfolder[j].Controls.Add(folderinnertbl[j]); rowfolder[j].Controls.Add(cellfolder[j]); cellPath[j].Controls.Add(lblPath[j]); rowPath[j].Controls.Add(cellPath[j]); cellMain.Controls.Add(tblrep[j]); rowMain.Controls.Add(cellMain); } } //tables of reports added to the placeholder phUpdateActivity phUpdateActivity.Controls.Clear(); phUpdateActivity.Controls.Add(main); phUpdateActivity.Visible = true; tr_phUpdateActivity.Visible = true; //read the tables of reports in HTML. //store it in the member variable for export task. //store in the hidden field for email task. System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); System.IO.StringWriter stringWrite = new System.IO.StringWriter(sb); HtmlTextWriter htmlWrite = new HtmlTextWriter(stringWrite); string siteRptHtml = ""; main.RenderControl(htmlWrite); _ReportTableHtml = sb.ToString(); siteRptHtml = "<input id=\"siteRptHtml\" type=\"hidden\" name=\"siteRptHtml\" value=\"" + Ektron.Cms.Common.EkFunctions.HtmlEncode(_ReportTableHtml) + "\"/>"; siteRptHtml = siteRptHtml + "<script type=\"text/javascript\">setDisplayMode(\'" + _ReportDisplay + "\');</script>"; SiteActivityHtml.Text = siteRptHtml; } }
// multiple dates nested repeater databound protected void MultipleDates_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { // declaare our varibles Repeater catsRates = e.Item.FindControl("MultipleDates") as Repeater; Literal CSSClassRmCat = e.Item.FindControl("romatlblCssClass") as Literal; LinkButton DeleteRmCatRate = e.Item.FindControl("DelRoomCatRate") as LinkButton; TextBox TheCategoryBox = e.Item.FindControl("Hotel_room_category") as TextBox; TextBox RatesTextBox = e.Item.FindControl("Hotel_room_category_Rate") as TextBox; HiddenField RmCatHiddenID = e.Item.FindControl("roomCatID") as HiddenField; HiddenField RmRateHiddenID = e.Item.FindControl("roomRateID") as HiddenField; DropDownList CurCode = e.Item.FindControl("currencyCodes") as DropDownList; //RequiredFieldValidator firtRowValidTwoInner = e.Item.FindControl("RMCatEndDte_Start_Val") as RequiredFieldValidator; if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem) { RatesTextBox.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "javascript:return jsDecimals(event);"); RmCatHiddenID.Value = DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "LID").ToString(); RmRateHiddenID.Value = DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "LID").ToString(); // bind and rebind currency drop down in inner repeater - rebind is for on selected index changed we up db and need to rebind DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.ReadXml(MapPath("~/Resources/countryCurrency.xml")); //get the dataview of table "Country", which is default table name DataView dv = ds.Tables["CurrencyRegion"].DefaultView; //or we can use: //DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView; //Now sort the DataView vy column name "Name" dv.Sort = "Name"; //now define datatext field and datavalue field of dropdownlist CurCode.DataTextField = "Name"; CurCode.DataValueField = "ID"; //now bind the dropdownlist to the dataview CurCode.DataSource = dv; CurCode.DataBind(); // select default value of USD for american dollar CurCode.SelectedValue = "USD"; CurCode.SelectedValue = DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "szCurCode").ToString(); //CurCode. //CurCode.Attributes.Add("onMouseOver", "Open_ddl('" + CurCode.ClientID + "');"); //CurCode.Attributes.Add("onMouseOut", "Close_ddl('" + CurCode.ClientID + "');"); //ListItemCollection lic = new ListItemCollection(); //lic = CurCode.Items; //foreach (ListItem li in lic) //{ // // here you can set any css property // li.Attributes.Add("Style", "height:1px"); //} if (e.Item.ItemIndex == 0) { CSSClassRmCat.Text = "innerreapterRoomCat"; if (Lastseason.Value.ToString() == DataBinder.Eval(e.Item.DataItem, "LSID").ToString()) { DeleteRmCatRate.Visible = false; } else { // this is the first record that shows automatically // with season so don't show delete category or rate button //DeleteRmCatRate.Enabled = false; } DeleteRmCatRate.Attributes.Add("onClick", "confirmLinkDeleteSeason(this); return false;"); DeleteRmCatRate.CommandName = "DeletewholeSeason"; } else if (e.Item.ItemIndex > 0) { // we have more then index = 0 now show delete button CSSClassRmCat.Text = "innerreapterRoomCatExtraEntry"; DeleteRmCatRate.CommandName = "DeleteRMCategory"; DeleteRmCatRate.Attributes.Add("onClick", "confirmLinkDeleteRmRt(this); return false;"); //DeleteRmCatRate.Enabled = true; } } }
YamlObject FromRepeater(Repeater content, YamlMap superclassContent) { var result = superclassContent; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 简单列表绑定 /// </summary> /// <param name="rep">列表对象</param> public void Bind(Repeater rep) { rep.DataSource = this.EnumList; rep.DataBind(); }
public static Control FindFooterControl(this Repeater repeater, string controlID) { return(repeater.Controls[repeater.Controls.Count - 1].FindControl(controlID)); }
void AddAnotherRoomAndRate(RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { // declare our repeater to rebind to Repeater DatesRates = e.Item.FindControl("MultipleDates") as Repeater; // first insert or add the new category and rate using (SqlConnection addnewRmCatRate_Conn = new SqlConnection(RFPDBconnStr)) { // start cmd object using (SqlCommand addnewRmCatRate_cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.sp_RFP_AddRmCatRate", addnewRmCatRate_Conn)) { addnewRmCatRate_cmd.CommandText = "dbo.sp_RFP_AddRmCatRate"; addnewRmCatRate_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; addnewRmCatRate_cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; // first paraemter SqlParameter addnewRmCatRate_Param = addnewRmCatRate_cmd.CreateParameter(); addnewRmCatRate_Param.ParameterName = "@LRFPID"; addnewRmCatRate_Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; addnewRmCatRate_Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; addnewRmCatRate_Param.Value = Decrypt(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ORFP"], "trappOvation"); addnewRmCatRate_cmd.Parameters.Add(addnewRmCatRate_Param); // second parameter addnewRmCatRate_Param = addnewRmCatRate_cmd.CreateParameter(); addnewRmCatRate_Param.ParameterName = "@LSID"; addnewRmCatRate_Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; addnewRmCatRate_Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; addnewRmCatRate_Param.Value = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); addnewRmCatRate_cmd.Parameters.Add(addnewRmCatRate_Param); addnewRmCatRate_Conn.Open(); // execute entry addnewRmCatRate_cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } //// now do a select and rebind what we just inserted using (SqlConnection InnerRepeatRmCat_Conn = new SqlConnection(RFPDBconnStr)) { using (SqlCommand InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.sp_RFP_GetRmCatRebind", InnerRepeatRmCat_Conn)) { InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.CommandText = "dbo.sp_RFP_GetRmCatRebind"; InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.CommandTimeout = 0; // first paraemter SqlParameter InnerRepeatRmCat_Param = InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.CreateParameter(); InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.ParameterName = "@LSID"; InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.Value = e.CommandArgument.ToString(); InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.Parameters.Add(InnerRepeatRmCat_Param); // second paraemter InnerRepeatRmCat_Param = InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.CreateParameter(); InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.ParameterName = "@LRFPID"; InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; InnerRepeatRmCat_Param.Value = Decrypt(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ORFP"], "trappOvation"); InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.Parameters.Add(InnerRepeatRmCat_Param); InnerRepeatRmCat_Conn.Open(); using (SqlDataReader InnerRepeatRmCat_Reader = InnerRepeatRmCat_cmd.ExecuteReader()) { DatesRates.DataSource = InnerRepeatRmCat_Reader; DatesRates.DataBind(); } } } }
public void Loadmenu(int pos, ref Repeater rp) { rp.DataSource = per.Loadmenu_footer(pos); rp.DataBind(); }
public void DrawInspector(Repeater node) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent("Repeater"), TitleStyle); EditorGUILayout.Space (); string message = "Repeater decorator sends the tick signal to its child every time that its child returns a SUCCESS or FAILURE."; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(message, MessageType.Info); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Not yet implemented!", MessageType.Error); }
//+ //- @InstantiateIn -// public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container) { System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder pane = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.PlaceHolder(); switch (type) { case ListItemType.Item: pane.DataBinding += new EventHandler(delegate(Object sender, System.EventArgs ea) { RepeaterItem item = (RepeaterItem)pane.NamingContainer; //+ System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal dtHeader = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal(); dtHeader.Text = "<dl class=\"index-section-list\"><dt>"; pane.Controls.Add(dtHeader); //+ System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal image = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal(); Themelia.Template template = new Themelia.Template(Themelia.Template.Common.Image); Themelia.Map map = new Themelia.Map(); BlogEntryType blogEntryType = FindBlogEntryType((String)DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "TypeGuid")); if (blogEntryType != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(blogEntryType.Extra)) { map.Add("Source", blogEntryType.Extra); map.Add("Text", blogEntryType.Name); image.Text = template.Interpolate(map); pane.Controls.Add(image); } //+ System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal dtddConnection = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal(); dtddConnection.Text = "</dt><dd>"; pane.Controls.Add(dtddConnection); //+ System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal link = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal(); template = new Themelia.Template(Themelia.Template.Common.Link); map = new Themelia.Map(); map.Add("Link", (String)DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "Url")); map.Add("Text", (String)DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "Title")); link.Text = template.Interpolate(map); pane.Controls.Add(link); //+ List <Minima.Service.Label> labelList = (List <Minima.Service.Label>)DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "LabelList"); if (labelList != null && labelList.Count > 0) { Repeater rptLabel = new Repeater(); rptLabel.DataSource = labelList.Select(label => new { Title = label.Title, Url = LabelHelper.GetLabelUrl(label) }); rptLabel.HeaderTemplate = new IndexLabelListTemplate(ListItemType.Header); rptLabel.ItemTemplate = new IndexLabelListTemplate(ListItemType.Item); rptLabel.FooterTemplate = new IndexLabelListTemplate(ListItemType.Footer); pane.Controls.Add(rptLabel); } //+ System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal ddFooter = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal(); ddFooter.Text = "</dd></dl>"; pane.Controls.Add(ddFooter); }); break; } container.Controls.Add(pane); }
public void AddPictures(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { if (e != null && e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { Aircraft ac = (Aircraft)e.Row.DataItem; // Refresh the images if (!IsAdminMode) { ((Controls_mfbHoverImageList)e.Row.FindControl("mfbHoverThumb")).Refresh(); } // Show aircraft capabilities too. Controls_popmenu popup = (Controls_popmenu)e.Row.FindControl("popmenu1"); switch (ac.RoleForPilot) { case Aircraft.PilotRole.None: ((RadioButton)popup.FindControl("rbRoleNone")).Checked = true; break; case Aircraft.PilotRole.CFI: ((RadioButton)popup.FindControl("rbRoleCFI")).Checked = true; break; case Aircraft.PilotRole.SIC: ((RadioButton)popup.FindControl("rbRoleSIC")).Checked = true; break; case Aircraft.PilotRole.PIC: ((RadioButton)popup.FindControl("rbRolePIC")).Checked = true; break; } ((CheckBox)popup.FindControl("ckShowInFavorites")).Checked = !ac.HideFromSelection; ((CheckBox)popup.FindControl("ckAddNameAsPIC")).Checked = ac.CopyPICNameWithCrossfill; ((Label)popup.FindControl("lblOptionHeader")).Text = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Aircraft.optionHeader, ac.DisplayTailnumber); if (!IsAdminMode) { List <LinkedString> lst = new List <LinkedString>(); if (ac.Stats != null) { lst.Add(ac.Stats.UserStatsDisplay); } MakeModel mm = MakeModel.GetModel(ac.ModelID); if (mm != null) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(mm.FamilyName)) { lst.Add(new LinkedString(ModelQuery.ICAOPrefix + mm.FamilyName)); } foreach (string sz in mm.AttributeList(ac.AvionicsTechnologyUpgrade, ac.GlassUpgradeDate)) { lst.Add(new LinkedString(sz)); } } Repeater rpt = (Repeater)e.Row.FindControl("rptAttributes"); rpt.DataSource = lst; rpt.DataBind(); } Controls_mfbSelectTemplates selectTemplates = (Controls_mfbSelectTemplates)popup.FindControl("mfbSelectTemplates"); foreach (int i in ac.DefaultTemplates) { selectTemplates.AddTemplate(i); } selectTemplates.Refresh(); if (IsAdminMode) { HyperLink lnkRegistration = (HyperLink)e.Row.FindControl("lnkRegistration"); string szURL = ac.LinkForTailnumberRegistry(); lnkRegistration.Visible = szURL.Length > 0; lnkRegistration.NavigateUrl = szURL; } } }
void Awake() { myRepeater = new Repeater(1f); }
public static Control FindHeaderControl(this Repeater repeater, string controlID) { return(repeater.Controls[0].FindControl(controlID)); }
protected override void rptBookingList_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Header) { Repeater rptCruisesRow = e.Item.FindControl("rptCruisesRow") as Repeater; if (rptCruisesRow != null) { rptCruisesRow.DataSource = AllCruises; rptCruisesRow.DataBind(); } Repeater rptCruiseRoom = e.Item.FindControl("rptCruiseRoom") as Repeater; if (rptCruiseRoom != null) { rptCruiseRoom.DataSource = AllCruises; rptCruiseRoom.DataBind(); } } #region -- Item -- if (e.Item.DataItem is DateTime) { Literal litTr = e.Item.FindControl("litTr") as Literal; if (litTr != null) { if (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) { litTr.Text = "<tr>"; } else { litTr.Text = @"<tr style=""background-color:#E9E9E9"">"; } } DateTime date = (DateTime)e.Item.DataItem; Label labelDate = (Label)e.Item.FindControl("labelDate"); if (labelDate != null) { labelDate.Text = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); } HyperLink hplDate = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("hplDate"); if (hplDate != null) { hplDate.Text = date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); hplDate.NavigateUrl = string.Format("BookingReport.aspx?NodeId={0}&SectionId={1}&Date={2}", Node.Id, Section.Id, date.ToOADate()); } #region -- Counting -- int count; // Điều kiện bắt buộc ICriterion criterion = Expression.And(Expression.Eq("Deleted", false), Expression.Eq("Status", StatusType.Approved)); // Không bao gồm booking transfer criterion = Expression.And(criterion, Expression.Not(Expression.Eq("IsTransferred", true))); criterion = Module.AddDateExpression(criterion, date); _util.Bookings = Module.GetBookingListInPeriod(false, StatusType.Approved, false, date); Repeater rptCruiseRoom = e.Item.FindControl("rptCruiseRoom") as Repeater; if (rptCruiseRoom != null) { rptCruiseRoom.DataSource = AllCruises; rptCruiseRoom.DataBind(); } #endregion } #endregion }