protected void btnreturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _RentBL = new RentBL(); List <Rent> _RentList = new List <Rent>(); _RentList = _RentBL.BL_Student_Select_BY_SID_Status(Convert.ToInt32(Session["sid"].ToString()), 1); GridView2.DataSource = _RentList; GridView2.DataBind(); MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1; lblr.Text = GridView2.Rows.Count.ToString(); }
protected void btnreturnbook_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int result = 0; _RentBL = new RentBL(); result = _RentBL.BL_RENT_SELECT_RETURN(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["RRID"].ToString()), 1, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BBID"].ToString())); if (result != 0) { lblbook.Text = "Book Returd Successfully !!"; lblbook.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; } }
protected void Button12_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (drppublication.SelectedIndex == 0) { lblmsg.Text = "Select Student First !!"; lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = -1; } else if (drpbook.SelectedIndex == 0) { lblmsg.Text = "Select Book !!"; lblmsg.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = -1; } else { MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0; List <Book> _BookList = new List <Book>(); _BookBL = new BookBL(); _BookList = _BookBL.BL_BOOK_Select_BY_BNAME(drpbook.SelectedItem.Text); ViewState["BBID"] = _BookList[0].BID.ToString(); lblbname.Text = _BookList[0].BookName.ToString(); lblauthor.Text = _BookList[0].Author.ToString(); lblbran.Text = _BookList[0].Branch.ToString(); lblpub.Text = _BookList[0].Publication.ToString(); lblprice.Text = _BookList[0].Price.ToString(); Image2.ImageUrl = _BookList[0].Image.ToString(); List <Student> _StudentList = new List <Student>(); _StudentBL = new StudentBL(); _StudentList = _StudentBL.BL_Student_Select_BY_SID(Convert.ToInt32(drppublication.SelectedValue)); lblstudent.Text = _StudentList[0].STUDENTNAME.ToString(); List <Rent> __RentList = new List <Rent>(); _RentBL = new RentBL(); __RentList = _RentBL.BL_Student_Select_BY_SID_BName_Status(Convert.ToInt32(drppublication.SelectedValue), drpbook.SelectedItem.Text, 0); lbldays.Text = __RentList[0].Days.ToString(); lblidate.Text = __RentList[0].IssueDate.ToString(); ViewState["RRID"] = __RentList[0].RID.ToString(); } }
protected void drppublication_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (drppublication.SelectedValue != "0") { List <Rent> __RentList = new List <Rent>(); _RentBL = new RentBL(); __RentList = _RentBL.BL_Student_Select_BY_SID_Status(Convert.ToInt32(drppublication.SelectedValue), 0); drpbook.DataSource = __RentList; drpbook.DataTextField = "BookName"; drpbook.DataValueField = "RID"; drpbook.DataBind(); drpbook.Items.Insert(0, "SELECT"); } }
protected void btnseach_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lbl.Text = ""; if (drpbranch.SelectedItem.Text == "SELECT") { lbl.Text = "Select Branch First !!"; } else if (drpstudent.SelectedItem.Text == "SELECT") { lbl.Text = "Select Student First !!"; } else { List <Rent> _RentList = new List <Rent>(); _RentBL = new RentBL(); _RentList = _RentBL.BL_Student_Select_BY_SID_Status(Convert.ToInt32(drpstudent.SelectedValue), 0); GridView1.DataSource = _RentList; GridView1.DataBind(); lbl.Text = "Total Records = " + _RentList.Count.ToString(); } }
protected void btnissue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _RentBL = new RentBL(); _BookBL = new BookBL(); try { if (TextBox1.Text == "") { lblissue.Text = "Enter Days !!"; } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(lblaqnt.Text) == 0) { lblissue.Text = "Book Stock Empty !!"; } else { List <Rent> _RentList = new List <Rent>(); _RentBL = new RentBL(); _RentList = _RentBL.BL_Student_Select_BY_SID_BName_Status(Convert.ToInt32(drpstudent.SelectedValue), lblbname.Text, 0); if (_RentList.Count != 0) { lblissue.Text = "Student can't get copies of same book !!"; } else { _RentList = _RentBL.BL_Student_Select_BY_SID_Status(Convert.ToInt32(drpstudent.SelectedValue), 0); if (_RentList.Count == 3) { lblissue.Text = "A student has maximum 3 books !!"; } else { int result = 0; int result1 = 0; result = _RentBL.BL_RENT_Insert(lblbname.Text, Convert.ToInt32(drpstudent.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text)); result1 = _BookBL.BL_Book_ISSUE_TO_STUDENT(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BBID"].ToString())); lblissue.Text = "Book Issued to " + drpstudent.SelectedItem.Text; List <Book> _BOOKList = new List <Book>(); _BOOKList = _BookBL.BL_BOOK_Select_BY_BID(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["BBID"])); if (_BOOKList.Count > 0) { ViewState["BBID"] = _BOOKList[0].BID.ToString(); lblbname.Text = _BOOKList[0].BookName.ToString(); lblauthor.Text = _BOOKList[0].Author.ToString(); lblbran.Text = _BOOKList[0].Branch.ToString(); lblpub.Text = _BOOKList[0].Publication.ToString(); lblprice.Text = _BOOKList[0].Price.ToString(); lblqnt.Text = _BOOKList[0].Quantites.ToString(); lblaqnt.Text = _BOOKList[0].AvailableQnt.ToString(); lblrqnt.Text = _BOOKList[0].RentQnt.ToString(); lbldetail.Text = _BOOKList[0].Detail.ToString(); Image2.ImageUrl = _BOOKList[0].Image.ToString(); } TextBox1.Text = ""; drpstudent.Items.Clear(); drpstudent.Items.Insert(0, "SELECT"); List <Branch> _BranchList = new List <Branch>(); _BranchBL = new BranchBL(); _BranchList = _BranchBL.BL_Branch_Select(); drpbranch.DataSource = _BranchList; drpbranch.DataTextField = "BranchName"; drpbranch.DataValueField = "BranchID"; drpbranch.DataBind(); drpbranch.Items.Insert(0, "SELECT"); } } } } } catch { lblissue.Text = "Sorry !!! Error !!!"; } }