Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void ConcatTest()
            //This works. Test for three files with different aspect ratios.
            RenderViewModel renderDataa = new RenderViewModel()
                RawFileNames       = "17.MP4,19.MP4,20.MP4",
                ConvertedFileName  = "helke_no_slate_long.mp4",
                Duration           = 40,
                Start              = 4236,
                FirstName          = "Auggie",
                LastName           = "Wolchansky",
                FoundVideoToRender = true,
                FuneralHomeName    = "DevHome",
                ServiceId          = 16,
                VideoQueId         = 30,
                VideoQueType       = VideoQueType.FullWithSlate,
                ServiceDate        = DateTime.Now
            RenderVideo   render = new RenderVideo(renderDataa);
            List <string> vids   = new List <string>();

            //render.CreateSlideShow("Shane", "White", DateTime.Now, "Your Funeral Home Name", "slate.mp4");
            render.ConcatenateVideoFiles(vids, true);
            //render.CreateSlideShow("Shane", "White", DateTime.Now, "Mollys Funeral Home", "slideshow.mp4");
            //render.MergeSlateToService("slate.mp4", "hi.mp4", "output.mp4");
            // render.StartRender(false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void TrimTest()
            RenderViewModel renderDataa = new RenderViewModel()
                RawFileNames       = "sintel.mp4",
                ConvertedFileName  = "jan2nd_full_slate.mp4",
                Duration           = 345,
                Start              = 20,
                FirstName          = "Auggie",
                LastName           = "Wolchansky",
                FoundVideoToRender = true,
                FuneralHomeName    = "DevHome",
                ServiceId          = 16,
                VideoQueId         = 30,
                VideoQueType       = VideoQueType.FullWithSlate,
                ServiceDate        = DateTime.Now
            RenderVideo render = new RenderVideo(renderDataa);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void CompleteTest()
            RenderViewModel renderDataa = new RenderViewModel()
                RawFileNames       = "helke1.mp4,helke2.mp4",
                ConvertedFileName  = "Helke320TestWithNoSlate.mp4",
                Duration           = 0,
                Start              = 0,
                FirstName          = "Shane",
                LastName           = "White",
                FoundVideoToRender = true,
                FuneralHomeName    = "DevHome",
                ServiceId          = 40,
                VideoQueId         = 30,
                VideoQueType       = VideoQueType.FullNoSlate,
                ServiceDate        = DateTime.Now
            RenderVideo render = new RenderVideo(renderDataa);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void Download()
            string          videoFiles  = "7589_OurSavior_uploading_201809160802_48.mp4,7589_OurSavior_uploading_201809160802_48_1.mp4,7589_OurSavior_uploading_201809160802_48_2.mp4,7589_OurSavior_uploading_201809160802_48_3.mp4";
            RenderViewModel renderDataa = new RenderViewModel()
                RawFileNames       = videoFiles,
                ConvertedFileName  = "saviortest.mp4",
                Duration           = 3768,
                Start              = 0,
                FirstName          = "Auggie",
                LastName           = "Wolchansky",
                FoundVideoToRender = true,
                FuneralHomeName    = "DevHome",
                ServiceId          = 16,
                VideoQueId         = 19,
                VideoQueType       = VideoQueType.FullNoSlate
            RenderVideo renderer = new RenderVideo(renderDataa);

            string[] _videoFiles = videoFiles.Split(',');
            renderer.ConcatenateVideoFiles(_videoFiles.ToList(), true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            var isAzureVM = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["IsAzureVM"];

            if (isAzureVM != "false")
                //Each tick represents 30 seconds
                //Dont keep track of ticks on Machine that is always running
            string     vmMachineName = Environment.MachineName;
            DataAccess da            = new DataAccess();

            if (GlobalVariables.IsRendering == false)
                GlobalVariables.IsRendering = true;
                RenderViewModel renderData = da.GetRenderData(vmMachineName);

                if (renderData != null && renderData.FoundVideoToRender == true)
                    RenderVideo render = new RenderVideo(renderData);
                    switch (renderData.VideoQueType)
                    case VideoQueType.FullNoSlate:

                    case VideoQueType.FullWithSlate:

                    case VideoQueType.AddSlate:

                    case VideoQueType.StripSlate:

                    case VideoQueType.ReEditSlate:
                    GlobalVariables.IsRendering = false;

            if (GlobalVariables.IsRendering == false && isAzureVM != "false")
                //If the machine has been running for 20 minutes and isn't rendering something probably isn't right
                if (ticks == 40)
                    Library.WriteServiceLog("Machine has been running for 40 ticks. Sending an email to Shane");
                    da.SendErrorEmail("Render Machine: " + vmMachineName + " has been running for 20 minutes and has not begun to process the video. ");
                if (ticks > 65)
                    Library.WriteServiceLog("Machine has been running for " + ticks + " without starting render process");

                    //Only send an email every 13 times so we don't blow through our email alloment if this runs for a while.
                    if (ticks % 13 == 0)
                        da.SendErrorEmail("Render Machine: " + vmMachineName + " has been running for longer than 30 minutes and has not begun to process the video. Attempting to Shut Down machine");
                    Library.WriteServiceLog("Attempting to shut down machine");
                    string rg = da.GetResourceGroupName(vmMachineName);
                    ManageResourceGroup.StopVirtualMachine(rg, vmMachineName);

            //The machine should never be alive this long
            if (ticks == 960)
                Library.WriteServiceLog("Machine has been running for 960 ticks. Sending an email to Shane");
                da.SendErrorEmail("Render Machine: " + vmMachineName + " has been running for over 8 hours ");
            if (ticks > 1000)
                Library.WriteServiceLog("Machine has been running for " + ticks);

                //Only send an email every 25 times so we don't blow through our email alloment if this runs for a while.
                if (ticks % 50 == 0)
                    da.SendErrorEmail("Render Machine: " + vmMachineName + " has been running for longer than 8 hours. Attempting to Shut Down machine");
                Library.WriteServiceLog("Attempting to shut down machine");
                string rg = da.GetResourceGroupName(vmMachineName);
                ManageResourceGroup.StopVirtualMachine(rg, vmMachineName);