Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override PixelFormat GetNativeFormat(TextureType ttype, PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage)
            // Adjust requested parameters to capabilities
            RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Instance.RenderSystem.Capabilities;

            // Check compressed texture support
            // if a compressed format not supported, revert to PF_A8R8G8B8
            if (PixelUtil.IsCompressed(format) && !caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.TextureCompressionDXT))
            // if floating point textures not supported, revert to PF_A8R8G8B8
            if (PixelUtil.IsFloatingPoint(format) && !caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.TextureFloat))

            // Check if this is a valid rendertarget format
            if ((usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget) != 0)
                /// Get closest supported alternative
                /// If mFormat is supported it's returned

            // Supported
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ttype"> </param>
        /// <param name="format"> </param>
        /// <param name="usage"> </param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public override Media.PixelFormat GetNativeFormat(TextureType ttype, Media.PixelFormat format, TextureUsage usage)
            // Adjust requested parameters to capabilities
            RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Instance.RenderSystem.HardwareCapabilities;

#warning check TextureCompressionVTC == RSC_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_PVRTC
            // Check compressed texture support
            // if a compressed format not supported, revert to A8R8G8B8
            if (PixelUtil.IsCompressed(format) && !caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.TextureCompressionDXT) && !caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.TextureCompressionVTC))
            // if floating point textures not supported, revert to A8R8G8B8
            if (PixelUtil.IsFloatingPoint(format) && !caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.TextureFloat))

            // Check if this is a valid rendertarget format
            if ((usage & TextureUsage.RenderTarget) != 0)
                /// Get closest supported alternative
                /// If format is supported it's returned

            // Supported
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void CreateScene()
            // Check capabilities
            RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Singleton.RenderSystem.Capabilities;

            if (!caps.HasCapability(Mogre.Capabilities.RSC_VERTEX_PROGRAM) || !(caps.HasCapability(Mogre.Capabilities.RSC_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM)))
                MessageBox.Show("Your card does not support vertex and fragment programs, so cannot run this demo. Sorry! CelShading::createScene");

            // Create a point light
            Light l = sceneMgr.CreateLight("MainLight");

            // Accept default settings: point light, white diffuse, just set position
            // Add light to the scene node
            rootNode = sceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            rootNode.CreateChildSceneNode(new Vector3(20, 40, 50)).AttachObject(l);

            Entity ent = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("head", "ogrehead.mesh");

            camera.Position = new Vector3(20, 0, 100);
            camera.LookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));

            // Set common material, but define custom parameters to change colours
            // See Example-Advanced.material for how these are finally bound to GPU parameters
            SubEntity sub;

            // eyes
            sub = ent.GetSubEntity(0);
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SHININESS, new Vector4(35.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_DIFFUSE, new Vector4(1.0f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SPECULAR, new Vector4(1.0f, 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f));
            // skin
            sub = ent.GetSubEntity(1);
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SHININESS, new Vector4(10.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_DIFFUSE, new Vector4(0.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SPECULAR, new Vector4(0.3f, 0.5f, 0.3f, 1.0f));
            // earring
            sub = ent.GetSubEntity(2);
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SHININESS, new Vector4(25.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_DIFFUSE, new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SPECULAR, new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f));
            // teeth
            sub = ent.GetSubEntity(3);
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SHININESS, new Vector4(20.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_DIFFUSE, new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f));
            sub.SetCustomParameter(CUSTOM_SPECULAR, new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

            // Add entity to the root scene node

            window.GetViewport(0).BackgroundColour = (Mogre.ColourValue.White);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public override void TestCapabilities(RenderSystemCapabilities capabilities)
     if (!capabilities.HasCapability(Capabilities.VertexPrograms) ||
         throw new AxiomException(
                   "Your graphics card does not support vertex or fragment shaders, so you cannot run this sample. Sorry!");
Ejemplo n.º 5
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="capabilities"></param>
		public override void TestCapabilities( RenderSystemCapabilities capabilities )
			if ( !capabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.Texture3D ) )
				throw new AxiomException( "Your card does not support 3D textures, so cannot run this demo. Sorry!" );
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="capabilities"></param>
 public override void TestCapabilities(RenderSystemCapabilities capabilities)
     if (!capabilities.HasCapability(Capabilities.Texture3D))
         throw new AxiomException("Your card does not support 3D textures, so cannot run this demo. Sorry!");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 protected override void TestCapabilities(RenderSystemCapabilities caps)
     if (!caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.RSC_CUBEMAPPING))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Your graphics card does not support cube mapping, so you cannot run this sample. Sorry!");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns next power-of-two size if required by render system, in case
        /// RSC_NON_POWER_OF_2_TEXTURES is supported it returns value as-is.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int OptionalPO2(int value)
            RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Instance.RenderSystem.Capabilities;

            if (caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.NonPowerOf2Textures))
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geom"></param>
        public override void Init(PagedGeometry geom)
            mSceneMgr = geom.SceneManager;
            mBatch    = new BatchedGeometry(mSceneMgr, geom.SceneNode);

            mFadeEnabled = false;
            RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Singleton.RenderSystem.Capabilities;

            if (caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.VertexPrograms))
                mShadersSupported = true;
                mShadersSupported = false;

Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        ///   Returns next power-of-two size if required by render system, in case RSC_NON_POWER_OF_2_TEXTURES is supported it returns value as-is.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value"> </param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        public static int OptionalPO2(int value)
            RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Instance.RenderSystem.HardwareCapabilities;

            if (caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.NonPowerOf2Textures))
                var n = (uint)value;
                n |= n >> 16;
                n |= n >> 8;
                n |= n >> 4;
                n |= n >> 2;
                n |= n >> 1;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        internal void UpdateShaders()
            if (mShaderNeedsUpdate)
                mShaderNeedsUpdate = false;
                //Proceed only if there is no custom vertex shader and the user's computer supports vertex shaders
                RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Singleton.RenderSystem.Capabilities;
                if (caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.VertexPrograms))
                    //Generate a string ID that identifies the current set of vertex shader options
                    string tmpName = string.Empty;
                    tmpName += "GrassVS_";
                    if (mAnimate)
                        tmpName += "anim_";
                    if (mBlend)
                        tmpName += "blend_";
                    tmpName += mRenderTechnique.ToString() + "_";
                    tmpName += mFadeTechnique.ToString() + "_";
                    if (mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.Grow || mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.AlphaGrow)
                        tmpName += mMaxHeight + "_";
                    tmpName += "vp";

                    string vsName = tmpName;
                    //Generate a string ID that identifies the material combined with the vertex shader
                    string matName = mMaterial.Name + "_" + vsName;

                    //Check if the desired material already exists (if not, create it)
                    Material tmpMat = (Material)MaterialManager.Instance.GetByName(matName);
                    if (tmpMat == null)
                        //Clone the original material
                        tmpMat = mMaterial.Clone(matName);

                        //Disable lighting
                        tmpMat.Lighting = false;
                        //Check if the desired shader already exists (if not, compile it)
                        HighLevelGpuProgram vertexShader = (HighLevelGpuProgram)HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.GetByName(vsName);
                        if (vertexShader == null)
                            //Generate the grass shader
                            string vertexProgSource = string.Empty;
                            vertexProgSource +=
                                "void main( \n" +
                                "	float4 iPosition : POSITION, \n"+
                                "	float4 iColor : COLOR, \n"+
                                "	float2 iUV       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"+
                                "	out float4 oPosition : POSITION, \n"+
                                "	out float4 oColor : COLOR, \n"+
                                "	out float2 oUV       : TEXCOORD0,	\n";

                            if (mAnimate)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	uniform float time,	\n"+
                                    "	uniform float frequency,	\n"+
                                    "	uniform float4 direction,	\n";
                            if (mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.Grow || mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.AlphaGrow)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	uniform float grassHeight,	\n";
                            if (mRenderTechnique == GrassTechnique.Sprite)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	float4 iNormal : NORMAL, \n";

                            vertexProgSource +=
                                "	uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,	\n"+
                                "	uniform float3 camPos, \n"+
                                "	uniform float fadeRange ) \n"+
                                "{	\n"+
                                "	oColor.rgb = iColor.rgb;   \n"+
                                "	float4 position = iPosition;	\n"+
                                "	float dist = distance(camPos.xz, position.xz);	\n";

                            if (mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.Alpha || mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.AlphaGrow)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    //Fade out in the distance
                                    "	oColor.a = 2.0f - (2.0f * dist / fadeRange);   \n";
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	oColor.a = 1.0f;   \n";

                            vertexProgSource +=
                                "	float oldposx = position.x;	\n";

                            if (mRenderTechnique == GrassTechnique.Sprite)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    //Face the camera
                                    "	float3 dirVec = (float3)position - (float3)camPos;		\n"+
                                    "	float3 p = normalize(cross(float4(0,1,0,0), dirVec));	\n"+
                                    "	position += float4(p.x * iNormal.x, iNormal.y, p.z * iNormal.x, 0);	\n";

                            if (mAnimate)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	if (iUV.y == 0.0f){	\n"+
                                    //Wave grass in breeze
                                    "		float offset = sin(time + oldposx * frequency);	\n"+
                                    "		position += direction * offset;	\n"+
                                    "	}	\n";
                            if (mBlend && mAnimate)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	else {	\n";
                            else if (mBlend)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	if (iUV.y != 0.0f){	\n";
                            if (mBlend)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    //Blend the base of nearby grass into the terrain
                                    "		if (oColor.a >= 1.0f) \n"+
                                    "			oColor.a = 4.0f * ((dist / fadeRange) - 0.1f);	\n"+
                                    "	}	\n";
                            if (mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.Grow || mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.AlphaGrow)
                                vertexProgSource +=
                                    "	float offset = (2.0f * dist / fadeRange) - 1.0f; \n"+
                                    "	position.y -= grassHeight * clamp(offset, 0, 1); ";
                            vertexProgSource +=
                                "	oPosition = mul(worldViewProj, position);  \n";

                            vertexProgSource +=
                                "	oUV = iUV;\n"+
                            vertexShader = HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgram(
                                "cg", GpuProgramType.Vertex);
                            vertexShader.Source = vertexProgSource;
                            vertexShader.SetParam("profiles", "vs_1_1 arbvp1");
                            vertexShader.SetParam("entry_point", "main");
                        //Now the vertex shader (vertexShader) has either been found or just generated
                        //(depending on whether or not it was already generated).

                        //Apply the shader to the material
                        Pass pass = tmpMat.GetTechnique(0).GetPass(0);
                        pass.VertexProgramName = vsName;
                        GpuProgramParameters gparams = pass.VertexProgramParameters;

                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("worldViewProj", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.WorldViewProjMatrix, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("camPos", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.CameraPositionObjectSpace, 0);
                        gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("fadeRange", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 1);

                        if (mAnimate)
                            gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("time", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 1);
                            gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("frequency", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 1);
                            gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("direction", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 4);

                        if (mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.Grow || mFadeTechnique == FadeTechnique.AlphaGrow)
                            gparams.SetNamedAutoConstant("grassHeight", GpuProgramParameters.AutoConstantType.Custom, 1);
                            gparams.SetNamedConstant("grassHeight", mMaxHeight * 1.05f);

                        float farViewDist = mGeom.DetailLevels[0].FarRange;
                        pass.VertexProgramParameters.SetNamedConstant("fadeRange", farViewDist / 1.225f);
                        //Note: 1.225 ~= sqrt(1.5), which is necessary since the far view distance is measured from the centers
                        //of pages, while the vertex shader needs to fade grass completely out (including the closest corner)
                        //before the page center is out of range.
                    //Now the material (tmpMat) has either been found or just created (depending on whether or not it was already
                    //created). The appropriate vertex shader should be applied and the material is ready for use.

                    //Apply the new material
                    mMaterial = tmpMat;
		public override void InitializeFromRenderSystemCapabilities( RenderSystemCapabilities caps, RenderTarget primary )
			if ( caps.RendersystemName != Name )
				throw new AxiomException(
					"Trying to initialize GLRenderSystem from RenderSystemCapabilities that do not support OpenGL" );

			// set texture the number of texture units
			this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits = caps.TextureUnitCount;

			//In GL there can be less fixed function texture units than general
			//texture units. Get the minimum of the two.
			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.FragmentPrograms ) )
				int maxTexCoords;
				Gl.glGetIntegerv( Gl.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB, out maxTexCoords );
				if ( this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits > maxTexCoords )
					this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits = maxTexCoords;

			/* Axiom: assume that OpenTK/Tao does this already
			 * otherwise we will need to use delegates for these gl calls ..
			if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.GL15NoVbo))
				// Assign ARB functions same to GL 1.5 version since
				// interface identical

				Gl.glBindBufferARB = Gl.glBindBuffer;
				Gl.glBufferDataARB = Gl.glBufferData;
				Gl.glBufferSubDataARB = Gl.glBufferSubData;
				Gl.glDeleteBuffersARB = Gl.glDeleteBuffers;
				Gl.glGenBuffersARB = Gl.glGenBuffers;
				Gl.glGetBufferParameterivARB = Gl.glGetBufferParameteriv;
				Gl.glGetBufferPointervARB = Gl.glGetBufferPointerv;
				Gl.glGetBufferSubDataARB = Gl.glGetBufferSubData;
				Gl.glIsBufferARB = Gl.glIsBuffer;
				Gl.glMapBufferARB = Gl.glMapBuffer;
				Gl.glUnmapBufferARB = Gl.glUnmapBuffer;

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.VertexBuffer ) )
				this._hardwareBufferManager = new GLHardwareBufferManager();
				this._hardwareBufferManager = new GLDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

			// XXX Need to check for nv2 support and make a program manager for it
			// XXX Probably nv1 as well for older cards
			// GPU Program Manager setup
			this.gpuProgramMgr = new GLGpuProgramManager();

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.VertexPrograms ) )
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "arbvp1" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "arbvp1", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "vp30" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "vp30", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "vp40" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "vp40", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gp4vp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gp4vp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gpu_vp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gpu_vp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.GeometryPrograms ) )
				//TODO : Should these be createGLArbGpuProgram or createGLGpuNVparseProgram?
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "nvgp4" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "nvgp4", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gp4gp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gp4gp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "gpu_gp" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "gpu_gp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.FragmentPrograms ) )
				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "fp20" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "fp20", new Nvidia.NvparseProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_4" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_4", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_3" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_3", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_2" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_2", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "ps_1_1" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "ps_1_1", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "arbfp1" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "arbfp1", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "fp40" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "fp40", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

				if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "fp30" ) )
					this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory( "fp30", new ARBGpuProgramFactory() );

			if ( caps.IsShaderProfileSupported( "glsl" ) )
				// NFZ - check for GLSL vertex and fragment shader support successful
				this._GLSLProgramFactory = new GLSL.GLSLProgramFactory();
				HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.AddFactory( this._GLSLProgramFactory );
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "GLSL support detected" );

			/* Axiom: assume that OpenTK/Tao does this already
			 * otherwise we will need to use delegates for these gl calls ..
			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareOcculusion ) )
				if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.GL15NoHardwareOcclusion ) )
					// Assign ARB functions same to GL 1.5 version since
					// interface identical
					Gl.glBeginQueryARB = Gl.glBeginQuery;
					Gl.glDeleteQueriesARB = Gl.glDeleteQueries;
					Gl.glEndQueryARB = Gl.glEndQuery;
					Gl.glGenQueriesARB = Gl.glGenQueries;
					Gl.glGetQueryObjectivARB = Gl.glGetQueryObjectiv;
					Gl.glGetQueryObjectuivARB = Gl.glGetQueryObjectuiv;
					Gl.glGetQueryivARB = Gl.glGetQueryiv;
					Gl.glIsQueryARB = Gl.glIsQuery;

			// Do this after extension function pointers are initialised as the extension
			// is used to probe further capabilities.
			ConfigOption cfi;
			var rttMode = 0;
			if ( ConfigOptions.TryGetValue( "RTT Preferred Mode", out cfi ) )
				if ( cfi.Value == "PBuffer" )
					rttMode = 1;
				else if ( cfi.Value == "Copy" )
					rttMode = 2;

			// Check for framebuffer object extension
			if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects ) && rttMode < 1 )
				// Before GL version 2.0, we need to get one of the extensions
				//    GLEW_GET_FUN(__glewDrawBuffers) = Gl.glDrawBuffersARB;
				//else if(caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.FrameBufferObjectsATI))
				//    GLEW_GET_FUN(__glewDrawBuffers) = Gl.glDrawBuffersATI;

				if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
					// Create FBO manager
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Using GL_EXT_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)" );
					this.rttManager = new GLFBORTTManager( this._glSupport, false );
					caps.SetCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.RTTSeperateDepthBuffer );

					//TODO: Check if we're using OpenGL 3.0 and add RSC_RTT_DEPTHBUFFER_RESOLUTION_LESSEQUAL flag
				// Check GLSupport for PBuffer support
				if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.PBuffer ) && rttMode < 2 )
					if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
						// Use PBuffers
						this.rttManager = new GLPBRTTManager( this._glSupport, primary );
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Using PBuffers for rendering to textures" );

						//TODO: Depth buffer sharing in pbuffer is left unsupported
					// No pbuffer support either -- fallback to simplest copying from framebuffer
					this.rttManager = new GLCopyingRTTManager( this._glSupport );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Using framebuffer copy for rendering to textures (worst)" );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "GL: Warning: RenderTexture size is restricted to size of framebuffer. If you are on Linux, consider using GLX instead of SDL." );

					//Copy method uses the main depth buffer but no other depth buffer
					caps.SetCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.RTTMainDepthbufferAttachable );
					caps.SetCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.RTTDepthbufferResolutionLessEqual );

				// Downgrade number of simultaneous targets
				caps.MultiRenderTargetCount = 1;

			var defaultLog = LogManager.Instance.DefaultLog;
			if ( defaultLog != null )
				caps.Log( defaultLog );

			// Create the texture manager        
			textureManager = new GLTextureManager( this._glSupport );

			this._glInitialised = true;
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public override void TestCapabilities( RenderSystemCapabilities capabilities )
			if ( !capabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.VertexPrograms ) ||
			     !capabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.FragmentPrograms ) )
				throw new AxiomException(
					"Your graphics card does not support vertex or fragment shaders, so you cannot run this sample. Sorry!" );
Ejemplo n.º 14
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="primary"></param>
		private void CheckCaps( RenderTarget primary )
			_rsCapabilities = new RenderSystemCapabilities();

			_rsCapabilities.DeviceName = OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GL.GetString( All.Renderer );
			_rsCapabilities.VendorName = OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GL.GetString( All.Vendor );
			_rsCapabilities.RendersystemName = Name;

			// GL ES 1.x is fixed function only
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.FixedFunction );
			// Multitexturing support and set number of texture units
			int units = 0;
			OpenGL.GetInteger( All.MaxTextureUnits, ref units );
			_rsCapabilities.TextureUnitCount = units;

			// Check for hardware stencil support and set bit depth
			int stencil = 0;
			OpenGL.GetInteger( All.StencilBits, ref stencil );
			GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );

			if ( stencil != 0 )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.StencilBuffer );
				_rsCapabilities.StencilBufferBitCount = stencil;

			// Scissor test is standard
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.ScissorTest );

			// Vertex Buffer Objects are always supported by OpenGL ES
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer );

			// OpenGL ES - Check for these extensions too
			// For 1.1, http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/api/1.1/glext.h
			// For 2.0, http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/api/2.0/gl2ext.h

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_AMD_compressed_3DC_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture" ) )
				// TODO: Add support for compression types other than pvrtc
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureCompression );

				if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc" ) )
					_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureCompressionPVRTC );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AnisotropicFiltering );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_framebuffer_object" ) )
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Framebuffers are supported." );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PBuffer );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture );

			// Cube map
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture_cube_map" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.CubeMapping );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_stencil_wrap" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.StencilWrap );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_blend_subtract" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AdvancedBlendOperations );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_ANDROID_user_clip_plane" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.UserClipPlanes );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture3D" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Texture3D );

			// GL always shares vertex and fragment texture units (for now?)
			_rsCapabilities.VertexTextureUnitsShared = true;
			// Hardware support mipmapping
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Automipmap );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.MipmapLODBias );

			//blending support
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureBlending );

			// DOT3 support is standard
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Dot3 );

			if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer ) )
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESHardwareBufferManager();
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

			/// Do this after extension function pointers are initialised as the extension
			/// is used to probe further capabilities.
			int rttMode = 0;
			if ( ConfigOptions.ContainsKey( "RTT Preferred Mode" ) )
				ConfigOption opt = ConfigOptions[ "RTT Preferred Mode" ];
				// RTT Mode: 0 use whatever available, 1 use PBuffers, 2 force use copying
				if ( opt.Value == "PBuffer" )
					rttMode = 1;
				else if ( opt.Value == "Copy" )
					rttMode = 2;
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] 'RTT Preferred Mode' = {0}", rttMode );
			// Check for framebuffer object extension
			if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects ) && ( rttMode < 1 ) )
				if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
					// Create FBO manager
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using GL_OES_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)" );
					_rttManager = new GLESFBORTTManager();
				// Check GLSupport for PBuffer support
				if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.PBuffer ) && rttMode < 2 )
					if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
						// Use PBuffers
						_rttManager = new GLESPBRTTManager();
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using PBuffers for rendering to textures" );
					// No pbuffer support either -- fallback to simplest copying from framebuffer
					_rttManager = new GLESCopyingRTTManager();
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using framebuffer copy for rendering to textures (worst)" );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Warning: RenderTexture size is restricted to size of framebuffer." );
				_rsCapabilities.MultiRenderTargetCount = 1;

			// Point size
			float ps = 0;
			OpenGL.GetFloat( All.PointSizeMax, ref ps );
			GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
			_rsCapabilities.MaxPointSize = ps;

			// Point sprites
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_point_sprite" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PointSprites );

			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PointExtendedParameters );

			// UBYTE4 always supported
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.VertexFormatUByte4 );

			// Infinite far plane always supported
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.InfiniteFarPlane );

			// hardware occlusion support
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareOcculusion );

			//// Check for Float textures
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture_half_float" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureFloat );

			// Alpha to coverage always 'supported' when MSAA is available
			// although card may ignore it if it doesn't specifically support A2C
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AlphaToCoverage );
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void InitializeFromRenderSystemCapabilities(RenderSystemCapabilities caps, RenderTarget primary)
            if (caps.RendersystemName != Name)
                throw new AxiomException(
                          "Trying to initialize GLRenderSystem from RenderSystemCapabilities that do not support OpenGL");

            // set texture the number of texture units
            this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits = caps.TextureUnitCount;

            //In GL there can be less fixed function texture units than general
            //texture units. Get the minimum of the two.
            if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.FragmentPrograms))
                int maxTexCoords;
                Gl.glGetIntegerv(Gl.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS_ARB, out maxTexCoords);
                if (this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits > maxTexCoords)
                    this._fixedFunctionTextureUnits = maxTexCoords;

            /* Axiom: assume that OpenTK/Tao does this already
             * otherwise we will need to use delegates for these gl calls ..
             *          if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.GL15NoVbo))
             *          {
             *                  // Assign ARB functions same to GL 1.5 version since
             *                  // interface identical
             *                  Gl.glBindBufferARB = Gl.glBindBuffer;
             *                  Gl.glBufferDataARB = Gl.glBufferData;
             *                  Gl.glBufferSubDataARB = Gl.glBufferSubData;
             *                  Gl.glDeleteBuffersARB = Gl.glDeleteBuffers;
             *                  Gl.glGenBuffersARB = Gl.glGenBuffers;
             *                  Gl.glGetBufferParameterivARB = Gl.glGetBufferParameteriv;
             *                  Gl.glGetBufferPointervARB = Gl.glGetBufferPointerv;
             *                  Gl.glGetBufferSubDataARB = Gl.glGetBufferSubData;
             *                  Gl.glIsBufferARB = Gl.glIsBuffer;
             *                  Gl.glMapBufferARB = Gl.glMapBuffer;
             *                  Gl.glUnmapBufferARB = Gl.glUnmapBuffer;
             *          }

            if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.VertexBuffer))
                this._hardwareBufferManager = new GLHardwareBufferManager();
                this._hardwareBufferManager = new GLDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

            // XXX Need to check for nv2 support and make a program manager for it
            // XXX Probably nv1 as well for older cards
            // GPU Program Manager setup
            this.gpuProgramMgr = new GLGpuProgramManager();

            if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.VertexPrograms))
                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("arbvp1"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("arbvp1", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("vp30"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("vp30", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("vp40"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("vp40", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("gp4vp"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("gp4vp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("gpu_vp"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("gpu_vp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

            if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.GeometryPrograms))
                //TODO : Should these be createGLArbGpuProgram or createGLGpuNVparseProgram?
                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("nvgp4"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("nvgp4", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());
                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("gp4gp"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("gp4gp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());
                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("gpu_gp"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("gpu_gp", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

            if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.FragmentPrograms))
                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("fp20"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("fp20", new Nvidia.NvparseProgramFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("ps_1_4"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("ps_1_4", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("ps_1_3"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("ps_1_3", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("ps_1_2"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("ps_1_2", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("ps_1_1"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("ps_1_1", new ATI.ATIFragmentShaderFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("arbfp1"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("arbfp1", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("fp40"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("fp40", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

                if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("fp30"))
                    this.gpuProgramMgr.RegisterProgramFactory("fp30", new ARBGpuProgramFactory());

            if (caps.IsShaderProfileSupported("glsl"))
                // NFZ - check for GLSL vertex and fragment shader support successful
                this._GLSLProgramFactory = new GLSL.GLSLProgramFactory();
                LogManager.Instance.Write("GLSL support detected");

            /* Axiom: assume that OpenTK/Tao does this already
             * otherwise we will need to use delegates for these gl calls ..
             *          if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareOcculusion ) )
             *          {
             *                  if ( caps.HasCapability( Graphics.Capabilities.GL15NoHardwareOcclusion ) )
             *                  {
             *                          // Assign ARB functions same to GL 1.5 version since
             *                          // interface identical
             *                          Gl.glBeginQueryARB = Gl.glBeginQuery;
             *                          Gl.glDeleteQueriesARB = Gl.glDeleteQueries;
             *                          Gl.glEndQueryARB = Gl.glEndQuery;
             *                          Gl.glGenQueriesARB = Gl.glGenQueries;
             *                          Gl.glGetQueryObjectivARB = Gl.glGetQueryObjectiv;
             *                          Gl.glGetQueryObjectuivARB = Gl.glGetQueryObjectuiv;
             *                          Gl.glGetQueryivARB = Gl.glGetQueryiv;
             *                          Gl.glIsQueryARB = Gl.glIsQuery;
             *                  }
             *          }

            // Do this after extension function pointers are initialised as the extension
            // is used to probe further capabilities.
            ConfigOption cfi;
            var          rttMode = 0;

            if (ConfigOptions.TryGetValue("RTT Preferred Mode", out cfi))
                if (cfi.Value == "PBuffer")
                    rttMode = 1;
                else if (cfi.Value == "Copy")
                    rttMode = 2;

            // Check for framebuffer object extension
            if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects) && rttMode < 1)
                // Before GL version 2.0, we need to get one of the extensions
                //    GLEW_GET_FUN(__glewDrawBuffers) = Gl.glDrawBuffersARB;
                //else if(caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.FrameBufferObjectsATI))
                //    GLEW_GET_FUN(__glewDrawBuffers) = Gl.glDrawBuffersATI;

                if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture))
                    // Create FBO manager
                    LogManager.Instance.Write("GL: Using GL_EXT_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)");
                    this.rttManager = new GLFBORTTManager(this._glSupport, false);

                    //TODO: Check if we're using OpenGL 3.0 and add RSC_RTT_DEPTHBUFFER_RESOLUTION_LESSEQUAL flag
                // Check GLSupport for PBuffer support
                if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.PBuffer) && rttMode < 2)
                    if (caps.HasCapability(Graphics.Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture))
                        // Use PBuffers
                        this.rttManager = new GLPBRTTManager(this._glSupport, primary);
                        LogManager.Instance.Write("GL: Using PBuffers for rendering to textures");

                        //TODO: Depth buffer sharing in pbuffer is left unsupported
                    // No pbuffer support either -- fallback to simplest copying from framebuffer
                    this.rttManager = new GLCopyingRTTManager(this._glSupport);
                    LogManager.Instance.Write("GL: Using framebuffer copy for rendering to textures (worst)");
                    LogManager.Instance.Write("GL: Warning: RenderTexture size is restricted to size of framebuffer. If you are on Linux, consider using GLX instead of SDL.");

                    //Copy method uses the main depth buffer but no other depth buffer

                // Downgrade number of simultaneous targets
                caps.MultiRenderTargetCount = 1;

            var defaultLog = LogManager.Instance.DefaultLog;

            if (defaultLog != null)

            // Create the texture manager
            textureManager = new GLTextureManager(this._glSupport);

            this._glInitialised = true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public override void CreateScene()
            //init spline array
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FISH; i++)
                fishSplines[i] = new SimpleSpline();

            // Check prerequisites first
            RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Singleton.RenderSystem.Capabilities;

            if (!caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.RSC_VERTEX_PROGRAM) || !(caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.RSC_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM)))
                throw new System.Exception("Your card does not support vertex and fragment programs, so cannot run this demo. Sorry!");
                if (!GpuProgramManager.Singleton.IsSyntaxSupported("arbfp1") &&
                    !GpuProgramManager.Singleton.IsSyntaxSupported("ps_2_0") &&
                    throw new System.Exception("Your card does not support advanced fragment programs, so cannot run this demo. Sorry!");

            camera.SetPosition(-50, 125, 760);
            camera.SetDirection(0, 0, -1);
            // Set ambient light
            sceneMgr.AmbientLight = new ColourValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            // Create a point light
            Light l = sceneMgr.CreateLight("MainLight");

            l.Type      = Light.LightTypes.LT_DIRECTIONAL;
            l.Direction = -Vector3.UNIT_Y;

            Entity pEnt;

            TexturePtr mTexture = TextureManager.Singleton.CreateManual("Refraction",
                                                                        ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, TextureType.TEX_TYPE_2D,
                                                                        512, 512, 0, PixelFormat.PF_R8G8B8, (int)TextureUsage.TU_RENDERTARGET);
            //RenderTexture* rttTex = mRoot.getRenderSystem().createRenderTexture( "Refraction", 512, 512 );
            RenderTarget rttTex = mTexture.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();

                Viewport    v   = rttTex.AddViewport(camera);
                MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager.Singleton.GetByName("Examples/FresnelReflectionRefraction");
                v.OverlaysEnabled              = false;
                rttTex.PreRenderTargetUpdate  += new RenderTargetListener.PreRenderTargetUpdateHandler(Refraction_PreRenderTargetUpdate);
                rttTex.PostRenderTargetUpdate += new RenderTargetListener.PostRenderTargetUpdateHandler(Refraction_PostRenderTargetUpdate);

            mTexture = TextureManager.Singleton.CreateManual("Reflection",
                                                             ResourceGroupManager.DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME, TextureType.TEX_TYPE_2D,
                                                             512, 512, 0, PixelFormat.PF_R8G8B8, (int)TextureUsage.TU_RENDERTARGET);
            //rttTex = mRoot.getRenderSystem().createRenderTexture( "Reflection", 512, 512 );
            rttTex = mTexture.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();
                Viewport    v   = rttTex.AddViewport(camera);
                MaterialPtr mat = MaterialManager.Singleton.GetByName("Examples/FresnelReflectionRefraction");
                v.OverlaysEnabled              = false;
                rttTex.PreRenderTargetUpdate  += new RenderTargetListener.PreRenderTargetUpdateHandler(Reflection_PreRenderTargetUpdate);
                rttTex.PostRenderTargetUpdate += new RenderTargetListener.PostRenderTargetUpdateHandler(Reflection_PostRenderTargetUpdate);

            // Define a floor plane mesh
            reflectionPlane.normal = Vector3.UNIT_Y;
            reflectionPlane.d      = 0;
                                              1500, 1500, 10, 10, true, 1, 5, 5, Vector3.UNIT_Z);
            pPlaneEnt = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("plane", "ReflectPlane");

            sceneMgr.SetSkyBox(true, "Examples/CloudyNoonSkyBox");

            // My node to which all objects will be attached
            SceneNode myRootNode = sceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();

            // above water entities
            pEnt = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("RomanBathUpper", "RomanBathUpper.mesh");

            pEnt = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("Columns", "Columns.mesh");

            SceneNode headNode = myRootNode.CreateChildSceneNode();

            pEnt = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("OgreHead", "ogrehead.mesh");
            headNode.SetPosition(-350, 55, 130);
            headNode.Rotate(Vector3.UNIT_Y, new Degree(90));

            // below water entities
            pEnt = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("RomanBathLower", "RomanBathLower.mesh");

            for (int fishNo = 0; fishNo < NUM_FISH; ++fishNo)
                pEnt = sceneMgr.CreateEntity("fish" + fishNo, "fish.mesh");
                fishNodes[fishNo]              = myRootNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
                fishAnimations[fishNo]         = pEnt.GetAnimationState("swim");
                fishAnimations[fishNo].Enabled = true;

                // Generate a random selection of points for the fish to swim to
                Vector3 lastPos = new Vector3();
                for (int waypoint = 0; waypoint < NUM_FISH_WAYPOINTS; ++waypoint)
                    Vector3 pos = new Vector3(
                        Mogre.Math.SymmetricRandom() * 270, -10, Mogre.Math.SymmetricRandom() * 700);
                    if (waypoint > 0)
                        // check this waypoint isn't too far, we don't want turbo-fish ;)
                        // since the waypoints are achieved every 5 seconds, half the length
                        // of the pond is ok
                        while ((lastPos - pos).Length > 750)
                            pos = new Vector3(
                                Mogre.Math.SymmetricRandom() * 270, -10, Mogre.Math.SymmetricRandom() * 700);
                    lastPos = pos;
                // close the spline
                // recalc
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mgr"></param>
        /// <param name="rootSceneNode"></param>
        /// <param name="method"></param>
        public StaticBillboardSet(SceneManager mgr, SceneNode rootSceneNode, BillboardMethod method)
            mSceneMgr     = mgr;
            mRenderMethod = method;
            mVisible      = true;
            mFadeEnabled  = false;
            mBBOrigin     = BillboardOrigin.Center;

            //Fall back to Compatible if vertex shaders are not available
            if (mRenderMethod == BillboardMethod.Accelerated)
                RenderSystemCapabilities caps = Root.Singleton.RenderSystem.Capabilities;
                if (!caps.HasCapability(Capabilities.VertexPrograms))
                    mRenderMethod = BillboardMethod.Compatible;

            mNode       = rootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode();
            mEntityName = GetUniqueID("SBSEntity");

            if (mRenderMethod == BillboardMethod.Accelerated)
                //Accelerated billboard method
                mEntity  = null;
                mUFactor = 1.0f;
                mVFactor = 1.0f;

                //Load vertex shader to align billboards to face the camera (if not loaded already)
                if (++mSelfInstances == 1)
                    //First shader, simple camera-alignment
                    HighLevelGpuProgram vertexShader =
                    if (vertexShader == null)
                        string vertexProg = string.Empty;

                        vertexProg =
                            "void Sprite_vp(	\n"+
                            "	float4 position : POSITION,	\n"+
                            "	float3 normal   : NORMAL,	\n"+
                            "	float4 color	: COLOR,	\n"+
                            "	float2 uv       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"+
                            "	out float4 oPosition : POSITION,	\n"+
                            "	out float2 oUv       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"+
                            "	out float4 oColor    : COLOR, \n"+
                            "	out float4 oFog      : FOG,	\n"+
                            "	uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,	\n"+
                            "	uniform float    uScroll, \n"+
                            "	uniform float    vScroll, \n"+
                            "	uniform float4   preRotatedQuad[4] )	\n"+
                            "{	\n"+
                            //Face the camera
                            "	float4 vCenter = float4( position.x, position.y, position.z, 1.0f );	\n"+
                            "	float4 vScale = float4( normal.x, normal.y, normal.x, 1.0f );	\n"+
                            "	oPosition = mul( worldViewProj, vCenter + (preRotatedQuad[normal.z] * vScale) );  \n"+

                            "	oColor = color;   \n"+

                            //UV Scroll
                            "	oUv = uv;	\n"+
                            "	oUv.x += uScroll; \n"+
                            "	oUv.y += vScroll; \n"+

                            "	oFog.x = oPosition.z; \n"+

                        vertexShader = HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgram(
                            "cg", GpuProgramType.Vertex);

                        vertexShader.Source = vertexProg;
                        vertexShader.SetParam("profiles", "vs_1_1 arbvp1");
                        vertexShader.SetParam("entry_point", "Sprite_vp");

                    //Second shader, camera alignment and distance based fading
                    HighLevelGpuProgram vertexShader2 =
                    if (vertexShader2 == null)
                        string vertexProg2 = string.Empty;

                        vertexProg2 =
                            "void SpriteFade_vp(	\n"+
                            "	float4 position : POSITION,	\n"+
                            "	float3 normal   : NORMAL,	\n"+
                            "	float4 color	: COLOR,	\n"+
                            "	float2 uv       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"+
                            "	out float4 oPosition : POSITION,	\n"+
                            "	out float2 oUv       : TEXCOORD0,	\n"+
                            "	out float4 oColor    : COLOR, \n"+
                            "	out float4 oFog      : FOG,	\n"+
                            "	uniform float4x4 worldViewProj,	\n"+

                            "	uniform float3 camPos, \n"+
                            "	uniform float fadeGap, \n"+
                            "   uniform float invisibleDist, \n" +

                            "	uniform float    uScroll, \n"+
                            "	uniform float    vScroll, \n"+
                            "	uniform float4   preRotatedQuad[4] )	\n"+
                            "{	\n"+
                            //Face the camera
                            "	float4 vCenter = float4( position.x, position.y, position.z, 1.0f );	\n"+
                            "	float4 vScale = float4( normal.x, normal.y, normal.x, 1.0f );	\n"+
                            "	oPosition = mul( worldViewProj, vCenter + (preRotatedQuad[normal.z] * vScale) );  \n"+

                            "	oColor.rgb = color.rgb;   \n"+

                            //Fade out in the distance
                            "	float dist = distance(camPos.xz, position.xz);	\n"+
                            "	oColor.a = (invisibleDist - dist) / fadeGap;   \n"+

                            //UV scroll
                            "	oUv = uv;	\n"+
                            "	oUv.x += uScroll; \n"+
                            "	oUv.y += vScroll; \n"+

                            "	oFog.x = oPosition.z; \n"+

                        vertexShader2 = HighLevelGpuProgramManager.Instance.CreateProgram(
                            "cg", GpuProgramType.Vertex);
                        vertexShader2.Source = vertexProg2;
                        vertexShader2.SetParam("profiles", "vs_1_1 arbvp1");
                        vertexShader2.SetParam("entry_point", "SpriteFade_vp");
                //Compatible billboard method
                mFallbackSet = mSceneMgr.CreateBillboardSet(GetUniqueID("SBS"), 100);