Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a RenderArea representing a tree node in a grid.
        /// The tree node includes the passed cell content, plus tree-related stuff
        /// such as offset, expand/collapse glyphs etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellContent">The cell's content (text, image or both).</param>
        /// <param name="gridRow">The grid row index.</param>
        /// <returns>The RenderArea representing the tree node.</returns>
        private RenderArea MakeTreeRO(RenderObject cellContent, int gridRow)
            // TODO: add tree lines.

            int        indent = _grid.Tree.Indent;
            RenderArea ra     = new RenderArea();

            ra.Stacking = StackingRulesEnum.BlockLeftToRight;
            ra.Style.FlowAlignChildren = FlowAlignEnum.Center;

            Node        node      = _grid.Rows[gridRow].Node;
            bool        collapsed = node != null ? node.Collapsed : false;
            RenderEmpty re        = new RenderEmpty(PixelsToUnit(indent * node.Level), Unit.Empty);

            RenderImage plusminus = MakeGlyphRO(collapsed ? GlyphEnum.Collapsed : GlyphEnum.Expanded);

            if (!_grid.Rows[gridRow].IsNode || _grid.Rows[gridRow].Node.Children == 0)
                plusminus.Visibility = VisibilityEnum.Hidden; // just a spacer
            plusminus.Style.Parent = _styleTreeGlyph;
            if (cellContent != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a document where almost all RenderObject types provided by C1Preview
        /// are used/demonstrated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">The document to add render objects to.</param>
        private void MakeDoc1(C1PrintDocument doc)
            // clear the document

            // Set up basic page headers and footers:
            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader = new RenderText("RenderObjects sample");
            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader.Style.TextAlignHorz  = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader.Style.Spacing.Bottom = "0.5cm";
            doc.PageLayout.PageHeader.Style.Borders.Bottom = LineDef.Default;

            doc.PageLayout.PageFooter = new RenderText("Page [PageNo] of [PageCount]");
            doc.PageLayout.PageFooter.Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Right;
            doc.PageLayout.PageFooter.Style.Spacing.Top   = "0.5cm";
            doc.PageLayout.PageFooter.Style.Borders.Top   = LineDef.Default;

            // RenderArea
            // The general purpose container for other render objects
            // We create an area for a few RenderText objects,
            // and add it to another are which is a container for all elements in the document:
            RenderArea ra1 = new RenderArea();

            RenderArea ra2 = new RenderArea();

            // set the back color for the area so its bounds are visible
            ra2.Style.BackColor = Color.AntiqueWhite;
            // keep the area to 60% of its parent's width
            ra2.Width = "60%";

            // Add the area which will hold the render texts, to
            // the bigger area which will hold all else

            // RenderText
            // Allows to output a block of text in a single style
            // we also create an outline entry for each RenderText

            // plain text using the default style
            RenderText rt1 = new RenderText(strings.APOLOGIZE);

            doc.Outlines.Add("APOLOGIZE", rt1);

            // different font and color
            RenderText rt2 = new RenderText(strings.APPEAL, new Font("Arial", 16), Color.BlueViolet);

            doc.Outlines.Add("APPEAL", rt2);

            // right-alignged text
            RenderText rt3 = new RenderText(strings.BAROMETER, AlignHorzEnum.Right);

            doc.Outlines.Add("BAROMETER", rt3);

            // justified text in a different font
            RenderText rt4 = new RenderText(strings.BOTANY, new Font("Times New Roman", 14), AlignHorzEnum.Justify);

            doc.Outlines.Add("BOTANY", rt4);

            // text with a different style
            // styles can only exist on an object or as child styles of another style
            Style s1 = doc.Style.Children.Add();

            s1.BackColor   = Color.Chartreuse;
            s1.Padding.All = new Unit("3mm");
            s1.LineSpacing = 120;
            RenderText rt5 = new RenderText(strings.CALAMITY, s1);

            doc.Outlines.Add("CALAMITY", rt5);

            // add RenderText's to the nested area

            // RenderGraphics
            // Allows to insert arbitrary GDI+ drawings in the document
            // Note that RenderGraphics' size is by default automatically adjusted
            // to the actual size of the drawing.
            RenderGraphics rg1 = new RenderGraphics();

                                 new Rectangle(0, 0, 30, 40), 0, 135);
            rg1.Graphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Blue, new Rectangle(20, 20, 90, 45));
            rg1.Style.Borders.All = new LineDef("1mm", Color.CornflowerBlue);
            // provide an outline entry for the RenderGraphics
            doc.Outlines.Add("RenderGraphics", rg1);

            // RenderEmpty
            // Allows to insert breaks in arbitrary locations w/out affecting other render objects
            RenderEmpty re1 = new RenderEmpty();

            re1.BreakAfter = BreakEnum.Column;

            // RenderImage
            // Allows to insert images in the document. Again, by default the size
            // is determined by the size of the image
            RenderImage ri1 = new RenderImage(Image.FromStream(

            doc.Outlines.Add("RenderImage", ri1);

            // RenderRichText
            // Allows to insert RTF in the document
            TextReader tr = new StreamReader(
            RenderRichText rrt1 = new RenderRichText(tr.ReadToEnd());

            doc.Outlines.Add("RenderRichText", rrt1);

            // RenderPolygon
            // A bunch of classes derived from RenderShapeBase provide shapes -
            // lines, polygons and rectangles. Here we draw a polygon:
            RenderPolygon rpoly1 = new RenderPolygon();

            rpoly1.Line.Points = new UnitPoint[] {
                new UnitPoint("0.5cm", "0.5cm"),
                new UnitPoint("2.0cm", "1cm"),
                new UnitPoint("3.5cm", "0cm"),
                new UnitPoint("6cm", "4cm"),
                new UnitPoint("3cm", "5cm")
            rpoly1.Line.Closed = true;
            // set the fill color
            rpoly1.Style.ShapeFillColor = Color.Gainsboro;
            // pad on all sides, otherwise corners may end up outside of the
            // RenderPolygon area and get clipped:
            rpoly1.Style.Padding.All = "0.5cm";
            rpoly1.Style.BackColor   = Color.Cornsilk;
            doc.Outlines.Add("RenderPolygon", rpoly1);

            // RenderTable
            // Allows to draw tables. Tables are very powerful and can be used
            // both for data presentation and as layout tools. Here we show
            // some very basic tables functionality:
            RenderTable rtbl1 = new RenderTable();

            // tables are logically infinte, just touching a cell creates it:
            for (int row = 0; row < 100; ++row)
                for (int col = 0; col < 4; ++col)
                    rtbl1.Cells[row, col].Text = string.Format("Cell ({0}, {1})", row, col);
            // column (see below, in headers) and row spans are supported,
            // as alignment within cells, borders around cells and more:
            rtbl1.Cells[8, 1].SpanRows            = 6;
            rtbl1.Cells[8, 1].Style.BackColor     = Color.Gold;
            rtbl1.Cells[8, 1].Style.TextAlignVert = AlignVertEnum.Center;
            rtbl1.Cells[8, 1].Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            rtbl1.Cells[8, 1].Style.Borders.All   = LineDef.DefaultBold;

            // table header is just a flag on some rows:
            rtbl1.Rows.Insert(0, 1);
            rtbl1.RowGroups[0, 1].PageHeader      = true;
            rtbl1.Cells[0, 0].SpanCols            = rtbl1.Cols.Count;
            rtbl1.Cells[0, 0].Text                = "This is table header";
            rtbl1.Cells[0, 0].Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            rtbl1.Cells[0, 0].Style.BackColor     = Color.LemonChiffon;
            // ditto for the table footer:
            // (again, just touching a row adds it):
            int n = rtbl1.Rows.Count;

            rtbl1.RowGroups[n, 1].PageFooter      = true;
            rtbl1.Cells[n, 0].SpanCols            = rtbl1.Cols.Count;
            rtbl1.Cells[n, 0].Text                = "This is table footer";
            rtbl1.Cells[n, 0].Style.TextAlignHorz = AlignHorzEnum.Center;
            rtbl1.Cells[n, 0].Style.BackColor     = Color.LemonChiffon;
            // by default, tables have no grid lines. add some:
            rtbl1.Style.GridLines.All = LineDef.Default;

            // Using RenderEmpty, we can add outline nodes to start and end of table:
            RenderEmpty rtbl1Beg = new RenderEmpty();
            RenderEmpty rtbl1End = new RenderEmpty();

            doc.Outlines.Add("Table - first row", rtbl1Beg);
            doc.Outlines.Add("Table - last row", rtbl1End);

            // RenderParagraph
            // Allows to render milti-line text, inline images, and hyperlinks within text
            // Create paragraph
            RenderParagraph rpar1 = new RenderParagraph();
            Font            f     = new Font(rpar1.Style.Font, FontStyle.Bold);

            rpar1.Content.AddText("This is a paragraph. This is normal text. ");
            rpar1.Content.AddText("This text is bold. ", f);
            rpar1.Content.AddText("This text is red. ", Color.Red);
            rpar1.Content.AddText("This text is superscript. ",
            rpar1.Content.AddText("This text is bold and red. ", f, Color.Red);
            rpar1.Content.AddText("This text is bold and red and subscript. ",
                                  f, Color.Red, TextPositionEnum.Subscript);
            rpar1.Content.AddText("This is normal text again. ");
                "This is a link to the start of the document.",
            rpar1.Content.AddText("Finally, here is an inline image: ");
            // Add paragraph to the area
            // and an outline entry to point to it:
            doc.Outlines.Add("RenderParagraph", rpar1);

            // we're done. Add the outer RenderArea to the document: