Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Releases the unmanaged resources used by an instance of the <see cref="SceneNode" /> class
        /// and optionally releases the managed resources.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">
        /// <see langword="true" /> to release both managed and unmanaged resources;
        /// <see langword="false" /> to release only unmanaged resources.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="disposeData">
        /// <see langword="true"/> to dispose scene nodes including data objects;
        /// <see langword="false"/> to dispose only scene nodes but preserve the data objects.
        /// </param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Scene nodes can share data objects. The parameter <paramref name="disposeData"/> determines
        /// whether data objects are disposed or preserved when the scene node is disposed. For example,
        /// multiple <see cref="MeshNode"/>s can share the same <see cref="Mesh"/>. When a
        /// <see cref="MeshNode"/> is disposed and <paramref name="disposeData"/> is
        /// <see langword="true"/> the <see cref="Mesh"/> is disposed. All resources (vertex buffers,
        /// index buffers, etc.) are released and the mesh is no longer usable.
        /// </remarks>
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing, bool disposeData)
            if (!IsDisposed)
                if (disposing)
                    // Unregister event handlers to prevent "memory leak".
                    _shape.Changed -= OnShapeChanged;

                    // Dispose additional data.

                    // Remove any view-dependent information from cameras.

                    if (_children != null)
                        foreach (var child in _children)

                IsDisposed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private void OnClipChanged(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void Update(bool invalidateRenderData)
            if (invalidateRenderData)

            // Update shape.
            if (Volume == null)
                // Use a PlaneShape for an infinite ocean.

                var planeShape = Shape as PlaneShape;
                if (planeShape != null)
                    planeShape.Normal             = new Vector3F(0, 1, 0);
                    planeShape.DistanceFromOrigin = ExtraHeight;
                    Shape = new PlaneShape(new Vector3F(0, 1, 0), ExtraHeight);


            // Check if we have a valid AABB.
            var aabb = Volume.GetAabb();

            if (!Numeric.IsZeroOrPositiveFinite(aabb.Extent.LengthSquared))
                throw new GraphicsException("Invalid water volume. The water volume must be a finite shape or null.");

            // Apply ExtraHeight. We also apply it horizontally because choppy waves
            // move vertices horizontally too.
            aabb.Minimum.X -= ExtraHeight;

            // Minimum y should be at least max y - ExtraHeight.
            aabb.Minimum.Y  = Math.Min(aabb.Minimum.Y, aabb.Maximum.Y - ExtraHeight);
            aabb.Minimum.Z -= ExtraHeight;
            aabb.Maximum.X += ExtraHeight;
            aabb.Maximum.Y += ExtraHeight;
            aabb.Maximum.Z += ExtraHeight;

            // Create shape from volume AABB.
            if (aabb.Center.IsNumericallyZero)
                // Use BoxShape.
                var boxShape = Shape as BoxShape;
                if (boxShape != null)
                    boxShape.Extent = aabb.Extent;
                    Shape = new BoxShape(aabb.Extent);
                BoxShape boxShape         = null;
                var      transformedShape = Shape as TransformedShape;
                if (transformedShape != null)
                    boxShape = transformedShape.Child.Shape as BoxShape;

                if (boxShape != null)
                    boxShape.Extent = aabb.Extent;
                    ((GeometricObject)transformedShape.Child).Pose = new Pose(aabb.Center);
                    Shape = new TransformedShape(
                        new GeometricObject(new BoxShape(aabb.Extent), new Pose(aabb.Center)));