Ejemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a directory on the remote server. Catch any exception errors.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="folder">The folder to create on the remote server.</param>
 private void CreateRemoteDirectory(string folder)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public override bool CreateDirectory(string remotePath)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static public void ImportProducts(string market)
            sqlRequest sql = new sqlRequest();

            string path      = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ProductSource_Path"].ToString() + market + @"\";
            string imagePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ImageTemp_Path"].ToString() + market + @"\";

            string[] columnToIgnore = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Ignore_Column"].ToString().Trim().Split(';');

            string table_name = "products_" + market;

            sql.RequestText("TRUNCATE TABLE " + table_name + "_temp");

            //-Lire le fichier Excel
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path);
            foreach (string file in files)
                ManageError.Gestion_Log("Charge file : " + file, null, ManageError.Niveau.Info);

                FileInfo  fInfo = new FileInfo(file);
                DataTable tmp_table_structure = sql.RequestSelect("SELECT * FROM " + table_name + "_temp LIMIT 0");

                if (fInfo.Extension == ".xlsx" || fInfo.Extension == ".xls")
                    using (Excel excel = new Excel(fInfo.FullName))
                        Dictionary <String, bool> urlsTraites = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

                        //Chercher tous les entetes
                        String colName = String.Empty;

                        //Verification des noms de champs
                        int           colCount = excel.ColumnCount();
                        List <string> columns  = new List <string>();

                        for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; ++colIndex)
                            colName = excel.Cell(colIndex, 0).Trim();
                            if (colName.Length > 0)
                                bool find = false;
                                //Verifier le champs,//-La table peut contenir des champs dont le fichier ne dispose pas, mais pas l'inverse
                                foreach (DataColumn tableColNameColumn in tmp_table_structure.Columns)
                                    if (tableColNameColumn.ColumnName.ToString().ToUpper() == colName.ToUpper())
                                        find = true;
                                if (find == true)
                                    //Rejeter une exception si on trouve une colonne qui n'existe pas dans la structure de la table + ne peut pas ignoré
                                    if (columnToIgnore.Contains(colName) == false)
                                        string errorInfo = "Impossible de trouver la colonne <" + colName + "> dans la table " + table_name + "_temp, Modifer la strucuture de cette table.";
                                        ManageError.Gestion_Log(errorInfo, null, ManageError.Niveau.Info);
                                        throw new Exception(errorInfo);

                        //-Inserer dans la table temporaire
                        int row_count = excel.RowCount();
                        for (int row_index = 1; row_index < row_count; ++row_index)
                            DataRow tmp_table_row = tmp_table_structure.NewRow();
                            for (int col_index = 0; col_index < colCount; ++col_index)
                                string excel_col_name = excel.Cell(col_index, 0);
                                if (columnToIgnore.Contains(excel_col_name))

                                string col_str = columns[col_index];
                                tmp_table_row[col_str] = excel.Cell(col_index, row_index).Trim();

                            string url = tmp_table_row["URL"].ToString();
                            if (urlsTraites.ContainsKey(url) == false)
                                urlsTraites[url] = true;

                        //Inserer dans la table temporaire
                        sql.BuldInsert(tmp_table_structure, table_name + "_temp");
                        ManageError.Gestion_Log("Insert " + tmp_table_structure.Rows.Count + " into " + table_name + "_temp", null, ManageError.Niveau.Info);

                        //-Calculer les keywods*/
                        JArray kw = RefreshKeywordsTree();
                        RefreshProductKeywords(kw, table_name + "_temp");
                        ManageError.Gestion_Log("Refresh keywords for " + table_name + "_temp", null, ManageError.Niveau.Info);

                        //Traiter la table temporaire pour inserer dans la table principale
                        sql.StoredProcedure(market + "_HandleTempTable", new List <MySqlParameter>(), 0);
                        ManageError.Gestion_Log("Handle tmp table", null, ManageError.Niveau.Info);

                        //-Calculer les caracteres pour les inserer dans la table des caracteres
                        ProductCaractere pc = new ProductCaractere();
                        pc.Interpret(market, table_name + "_temp", sql);
                        ManageError.Gestion_Log("Build caracteres list", null, ManageError.Niveau.Info);

                        //-Telecharger + Upload images

                        DataTable products2download = sql.RequestSelect("SELECT * FROM " + table_name + "_temp", 0);
                        using (WebClient client = new WebClient())
                            Regex regex = new Regex(@"https?://[^/\s]+/\S+\.(jpg|png|gif)");

                            String login    = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sftp_login"].ToString();
                            String password = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sftp_password"].ToString();
                            String adresse  = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sftp_adresse"].ToString();

                            int    port     = System.Convert.ToInt32(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sftp_port"].ToString());
                            string basePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sftp_basepath"].ToString();

                            Renci.SshNet.SftpClient oSFTP = new Renci.SshNet.SftpClient(adresse, port, login, password);

                            foreach (DataRow product_row in products2download.Rows)
                                //Creer le dossier
                                string directory_path = imagePath + product_row["Id"].ToString() + @"\";
                                if (Directory.Exists(imagePath + product_row["Id"].ToString()) == false)
                                string remoteDir = basePath + "img/" + market + "/" + product_row["Id"].ToString() + "/";
                                if (oSFTP.Exists(remoteDir) == false)
                                Dictionary <string, string> finished_images = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                String urls  = product_row["images"].ToString();
                                Match  match = regex.Match(urls);
                                // int imgCount = 0;

                                while (match.Success)
                                    /*if (imgCount > 0) {
                                     *  break;
                                     * }*/

                                    String imgUrl = match.Value;

                                    if (finished_images.Keys.Contains(imgUrl) == false && imgUrl.Contains("50x50.jpg") == false)
                                        Uri    uri      = new Uri(imgUrl);
                                        string filename = (finished_images.Count + 1) + Path.GetExtension(uri.LocalPath);
                                            /*client.DownloadFile(new Uri(imgUrl), directory_path + filename);
                                             * if (File.Exists(directory_path + filename))
                                             * {
                                             *  FileStream fs = new FileStream(directory_path + filename, FileMode.Open);
                                             *  oSFTP.UploadFile(fs, remoteDir + filename, true);
                                             *  fs.Close();
                                            finished_images[imgUrl] = "";//(remoteDir + filename);

                                            /*    File.Delete(directory_path + filename);
                                             *  imgCount++;
                                             * }*/
                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            ManageError.Gestion_Log("Cannot download image : " + e.Message, null, ManageError.Niveau.Info);

                                    match = match.NextMatch();

                                JObject imgObjet = new JObject();
                                foreach (string imageurl in finished_images.Keys)
                                    imgObjet[imageurl] = finished_images[imageurl];
                                sql.RequestSelect("UPDATE " + table_name + " SET images = @img_json Where Id = @id", new List <MySqlParameter>()
                                    new MySqlParameter("@img_json", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(imgObjet.ToString())),
                                    new MySqlParameter("@id", product_row["Id"].ToString())



                if (File.Exists(file))