public SimulationDialog()

            _simulator = new RemoteSimulator()
                IsVerbose = false

            _motion            = new MotionModel(_simulator, 45, -74);
            _motion.Exception += _motion_Exception;
            this.MotionControl.DataContext = _motion;


            _simulator.Call(new New(true));
            _simulator.Call(new SetModulationTarget(Settings.Default.TargetType, "", Settings.Default.TargetAddress, Settings.Default.ClockIsExternal, "radio1"));
            _simulator.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, "radio1"));
            _simulator.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectory("HIL"));
            _simulator.Call(new EnableLogRaw(Settings.Default.RawLogging));
            _simulator.Call(new SetLogRawRate(Settings.Default.LoggingRate));

Ejemplo n.º 2
 public MotionModel(RemoteSimulator simulator, double latDeg, double lonDeg)
     _simulator        = simulator;
     _timer            = new MyTimer(_TimerTick, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 10));
     _timer.Exception += _timer_Exception;
     _position.Lat     = Angles.ToRadian(latDeg);
     _position.Lon     = Angles.ToRadian(lonDeg);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Automatic simulation stop at trajectory end example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- Create a simple vehicle route and simulate it until the vehicle has reached destination
        // 2- Create a simple vehicle track and simulate it until the vehicle has reached destination
        static void RunExampleAutomaticStop(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Automatic Stop Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();

            sim.IsVerbose = false;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            //When enabled, the simulation will stop when the vehicle will reach its trajectory destination
            Console.WriteLine("==> Enable simulation automatic stop at trajectory end");
            sim.Call(new EnableSimulationStopAtTrajectoryEnd(true));

            int numberOfNodes;

            sim.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectory("Route"));
            PushRouteNode(sim, 50.0, 42.719943, -73.830492);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.718110, -73.833439);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.717620, -73.832875);
            sim.EndRouteDefinition(out numberOfNodes);
            Console.WriteLine("==> Route created, number of nodes in Route = " + numberOfNodes);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting Simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Wait until the automatic stop happens when vehicle reaches route destination");

            sim.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectory("Track"));
            sim.PushTrackLla(0, new Lla(ToRadian(42.719943), ToRadian(-73.830492), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLla(40000, new Lla(ToRadian(42.718110), ToRadian(-73.833439), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLla(45000, new Lla(ToRadian(42.717620), ToRadian(-73.832875), 0));
            sim.EndTrackDefinition(out numberOfNodes);
            Console.WriteLine("==> Track created, number of nodes in Track = " + numberOfNodes);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting Simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Wait until the automatic stop happens when vehicle reaches track destination");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Disconnect from Simulator");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DOF) Track creation Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- Create a vehicle trajectory from different nodes forming a 6DOF track.
        static void RunExampleCreateTrack6dof(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Create Track 6 Degrees of Liberty Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();


            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            sim.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectory("Track"));

            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(0, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0000), ToRadian(-73.0000), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(-35), ToRadian(5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(4000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0004), ToRadian(-73.0004), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(-35), ToRadian(5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(5000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0005), ToRadian(-73.0005), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(35), ToRadian(5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(9000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0009), ToRadian(-73.0001), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(35), ToRadian(5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(10000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0010), ToRadian(-73.0000), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(-35), ToRadian(-5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(14000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0014), ToRadian(-73.0004), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(-35), ToRadian(-5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(15000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0015), ToRadian(-73.0005), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(35), ToRadian(-5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(19000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0019), ToRadian(-73.0001), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(35), ToRadian(-5), 0));
            sim.PushTrackLlaNed(20000, new Lla(ToRadian(45.0020), ToRadian(-73.0000), 0), new Attitude(ToRadian(-35), ToRadian(-5), 0));

            int numberOfNodes;

            sim.EndTrackDefinition(out numberOfNodes);
            Console.WriteLine("==> Track created, number of nodes in Track = " + numberOfNodes);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting Simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Stop simulation when elapsed time is 20 sec");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Disconnect from Simulator");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static void DisplayHilExtrapolationWarnings(RemoteSimulator sim)
            bool isVerbose = sim.IsVerbose;

            sim.IsVerbose = false;

            var result = (GetHilExtrapolationStateResult)sim.Call(new GetHilExtrapolationState());

            if (result.State == HilExtrapolationState.NonDeterministic)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: HIL non deterministic extrapolation at millisecond " + result.ElapsedTime);
            else if (result.State == HilExtrapolationState.Snap)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: HIL position snap at millisecond " + result.ElapsedTime);

            sim.IsVerbose = isVerbose;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        // Retrieve satellite power example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- How to get a list of all visible satellites
        // 2- How to retrieve their decomposed power
        static void RunExampleGetPower(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Basic Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();

            sim.IsVerbose = false;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Arming the simulation");

            GetVisibleSVResult visibles = (GetVisibleSVResult)sim.Call(new GetVisibleSV("GPS"));

            foreach (int svId in visibles.SvId)
                GetPowerForSVResult power = (GetPowerForSVResult)sim.Call(new GetPowerForSV("GPS", svId));

                Console.WriteLine("SV ID {0} received power: {1} dBm", svId, power.Total);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Stop simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Disconnect from Simulator");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // Elasped Time Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- How to get simulation elasped time
        // 2- How to retrieve values from command results
        static void RunExampleElapsedTime(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Get Elapsed Time Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();

            sim.IsVerbose = false;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));


            int elapsedTimeMs = 0;

            while (elapsedTimeMs < 20000)
                SimulationElapsedTimeResult time = (SimulationElapsedTimeResult)sim.Call(new GetSimulationElapsedTime());
                elapsedTimeMs = time.Milliseconds;
                string formattedTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(elapsedTimeMs).ToString(@"g");
                Console.WriteLine("Simulation Elapsed Time: " + formattedTime);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Stop simulation after 20 seconds of time polling");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        // Interferences Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- How to add in-band interferences to the simulated signal
        // 2- Change the parameters of the interferences during the simulation
        static void RunExampleInterferences(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Interferences Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();

            sim.IsVerbose = false;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            // Interference 1:
            // Basic Example: create a CW interference at 1.5751GHz, that will stay enabled for the whole simulation.
            string interferenceId1 = "CW Interference 1";

            sim.Call(new SetInterferenceCW(0, 0, 1575100000, -20, true, interferenceId1));

            // Interference 2:
            // Create a CW interference at 1.5752GHz
            string interferenceId2 = "CW Interference 2";

            sim.Call(new SetInterferenceCW(0, 0, 1575200000, -20, true, interferenceId2));
            // Update "CW Interference 2":
            // By using the same "InterferenceId", the simulators knows we want to update an interference.
            // We now set it to run between simulation time 2s and 5s (StartTime:2, EndTime:5)
            sim.Call(new SetInterferenceCW(2, 5, 1575200000, -20, true, interferenceId2));

            // Interference 3:
            // Create a CW Interference at 1.5753GHz
            // This time, we don't give an interferenceId.
            // The simulator will create an Id for us.
            // We will retreive the Id with the result of the call to the simulator
            SetInterferenceCW cmd    = new SetInterferenceCW(0, 0, 1575300000, -20, true, "");
            CommandResult     result = sim.Call(cmd);

            // Using the result, we can retreive the command that produced this result
            cmd = (SetInterferenceCW)result.RelatedCommand;
            // The retreived command is a SetInterferenceCW command. It was updated by the simulator with a unique InterferenceId.
            // We can update this command to change the interference, and resend it to the simulator.
            // For example, we can disable this interference.
            cmd.Enabled = false;

            // Interference 4:
            // Create a CW Interference at 1.5754GHz
            // We will program updates to change periodically the power of this interference
            SetInterferenceCW cmdInterference4 = new SetInterferenceCW(0, 0, 1575400000, 0, true, "");

            cmdInterference4 = (SetInterferenceCW)sim.Call(cmdInterference4).RelatedCommand;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting Simulation");

            // Asynchronous command examples
            // Gradually increase cw interference power from 0 to 10 dB for 10 secs and
            // gradually decrease cw interference power from 10 to 0 dB for 20 secs after 10 secs of simulation
            for (int x = 0; x <= 100; ++x)
                double power     = x / 10.0;
                double timeStamp = x / 10.0;
                cmdInterference4.Power = power;
                sim.Post(cmdInterference4, timeStamp);
                cmdInterference4.Power = 10.0 - power;
                sim.Post(cmdInterference4, 10.0 + timeStamp);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Stopping Simulation when elapsed time will be 30s");
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // Basic Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- How to connect to the simulator
        // 2- Set Basic Simulation Parameters
        // 3- Start Simulation
        // 4- Send command to the simulator during the simulation
        // 5- Stop the simulation, and disconnect from the simulator
        // 6- How to pause/resume Vehicle motion
        static void RunExampleBasic(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Basic Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();

            sim.IsVerbose = false;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Vehicle Settings");
            sim.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectoryCircular("Circular", 0.7853995339022749, -1.2740964277717111, 0, 50, 3, true));
            sim.Call(new SetGpsStartTime(new DateTime(2021, 02, 15, 7, 0, 0)));
            sim.Call(new SetVehicleAntennaGain(new List <List <double> >(), AntennaPatternType.AntennaNone, GNSSBand.L1));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Save configuration");
            sim.Call(new Save());

            Console.WriteLine("==> Arming the simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Change satellite 16 power to +5 dB  (relative to nominal power)");
            sim.Call(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 16, 5, false));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting the simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Right after start, change satellite 25 power to -15dB (relative to nominal power)");
            sim.Call(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 25, -15, false));

            // Asynchronous command examples
            Console.WriteLine("==> CMD #1: At simulation time 9.567s, Change satellite 32 power to -25dB (relative to nominal power)");
            CommandBase cmd1 = sim.Post(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 32, -25, false), 9.567);

            Console.WriteLine("==> CMD #2: At simulation time 12.05s, Change satellite 29 power to +10dB (relative to nominal power)");
            CommandBase cmd2 = sim.Post(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 29, 10, false), 12.05);

            // Wait for commands to complete
            Console.Write("==> Waiting for CMD #1...");
            Console.Write("==> Waiting for CMD #2...");

            Console.WriteLine("==> At simulation time 15s, reset all satellites to nominal power");
            sim.Call(new ResetAllSatPower("GPS"), 15);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Pause vehicle motion");
            sim.Call(new Pause());
            sim.Call(new Resume(), 18);
            Console.WriteLine("==> Vehicle motion resumed at 18 sec");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Stop simulation when elapsed time is 20 sec...");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Disconnect from Simulator");
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL) Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- How to push simulated positions during the simulation
        // There are two modes of operation with this example:
        //   1 - You run this example on the same PC as Skydel, and haven't setup time synchronization
        //       between the computer system time and the PPS signal driving your radio (or you run in NoneRT).
        //       This is the default use case (when the variable isOsTimeSyncWithPPS is false), it exists
        //       to allow users to quickly and easily test HIL without having to set up time synchronization.
        //       Note that if you use this mode with a radio, the time will drift between this example and
        //       the Skydel's simulation over time.
        //   2 - You run this example on any PC which has it's time synchronized with the radio PPS signal.
        //       This is the recommended use case (when the variable isOsTimeSyncWithPPS is true).
        //       We recommend using a time server, such as the SecureSync 2400 to provide the 10Mhz
        //       and the PPS reference to the radio. The SecureSync is also a PTP server that can
        //       synchronize your computer system clock with the PPS to a high degree of precision.
        //       In this mode, there will be no time drift between the example and the Skydel's simulation.
        // Additional note: the example doesn't change the Skydel's engine latency by default,
        // as this is a system wide preference. To set the preference, you can uncomment the line
        // in the example. We recommend you set it back to the default value of 200ms once you are done
        // using this example, unless you only plan to do low latency HIL on this machine.
        static void RunExampleHil(string host, string targetType, string x300Ip)
            // Change these as required
            var          trajectory             = new CircleTrajectory();
            const long   SIMULATION_DURATION_MS = 60000;
            const int    SYNC_DURATION_MS       = 2000;
            const string UNIQUE_RADIO_ID        = "uniqueId";

            // Set to true if the computer which runs this example has it's time synchronized with the output radio PPS
            bool isOsTimeSyncWithPPS = false;

            Console.WriteLine("=== HIL Example ===");

            if (host != "localhost" && host != "" && !isOsTimeSyncWithPPS)
                throw new Exception("Can't run this example on a different computer if the OS time isn't in sync with the radio's PPS.");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            var sim = new RemoteSimulator {
                IsVerbose = false


            Console.WriteLine("==> Checking preferences before start");

            // We suggest these values as a starting point, but they will have to be modified according
            // to your hardware, the configuration of the simulation and your requirements.
            // Use the performance graph as well as the HIL graph to monitor Skydel and diagnose issues.
            // It is strongly recommended to read the user manual before you try to optimize those settings.
            const int TIME_BETWEEN_POSITION_MS = 15; // Send receiver position every 15 milliseconds
            const int SKYDEL_LATENCY_MS        = 40; // How much in advance can Skydel be versus the radio time
            const int HIL_TJOIN = 65;                // This value should be greater than SKYDEL_LATENCY_MS + TIME_BETWEEN_POSITION_MS + network latency

            // Check the engine latency (Skydel preference)
            if (((GetEngineLatencyResult)sim.Call(new GetEngineLatency())).Latency != SKYDEL_LATENCY_MS)
                throw new Exception("HIL Example: Please execute SetEngineLatency(" + SKYDEL_LATENCY_MS + ") command or change the SKYDEL_LATENCY_MS value before executing this example.");

            // Check the streaming buffer preference, do not change it from its default value
            if (((GetStreamingBufferResult)sim.Call(new GetStreamingBuffer())).Size != 200)
                throw new Exception("HIL Example: Please do not change the Streaming Buffer preference.");

            // Uncomment these lines if you do very low latency HIL, as these features can impact Skydel's performance (Skydel's system wide preferences)
            //sim.Call(new ShowMapAnalysis(false));
            //sim.Call(new SetSpectrumVisible(false));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Create new config, ignore the default config if it's set");
            sim.Call(new New(true, false));

            // Change the output
            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(targetType, "", x300Ip, true, UNIQUE_RADIO_ID));

            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, UNIQUE_RADIO_ID));

            // Enable some logging type
            sim.Call(new EnableLogRaw(false));      // You can enable raw logging and compare the logs (the receiver position is especially helpful)
            sim.Call(new EnableLogHILInput(false)); // This will give you exactly what Skydel has received through the HIL interface

            Console.WriteLine("==> Change the vehicle's trajectory to HIL");
            sim.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectory("HIL"));

            // HIL Tjoin is a volatile parameter that must be set before every HIL simulation
            sim.Call(new SetHilTjoin(HIL_TJOIN));

            // The streaming check is performed at the end of pushEcefNed. It's recommended to disable this check
            // and do it asynchronously outside of the while loop when sending positions at high frequencies.
            sim.IsHilStreamingCheckEnabled = true;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Setup synchronisation with PPS");

            // From here we want to make sure to stop the simulation if something goes wrong
                double pps0TimestampMs = 0.0;

                // Enable PPS synchronisation
                sim.Call(new EnableMasterPps(true));

                // Arm the simulator, when this command returns, we can start synchronizing with the PPS
                sim.Call(new ArmPPS());

                // The WaitAndResetPPS command returns immediately after a PPS signal, which is our PPS reference (PPS0)
                sim.Call(new WaitAndResetPPS());

                if (isOsTimeSyncWithPPS)
                    pps0TimestampMs = HilHelper.GetClosestPpsTimeMs();

                Console.WriteLine("==> Starting Simulation in " + SYNC_DURATION_MS + "ms");

                // The command StartPPS will start the simulation at PPS0 + syncDurationMs
                // You can sync with your HIL simulation, by changing the value of syncDurationMs
                sim.Call(new StartPPS(SYNC_DURATION_MS));

                // If the PC clock is NOT synchronized with the PPS, we can ask Skydel to tell us the PC time corresponding to PPS0
                if (!isOsTimeSyncWithPPS)
                    pps0TimestampMs = ((GetComputerSystemTimeSinceEpochAtPps0Result)sim.Call(new GetComputerSystemTimeSinceEpochAtPps0())).Milliseconds;

                // Compute the timestamp at the beginning of the simulation
                double simStartTimestampMs = pps0TimestampMs + SYNC_DURATION_MS;

                // We send the first position outside of the loop, so initialize this variable for the second position
                double nextTimestampMs = simStartTimestampMs + TIME_BETWEEN_POSITION_MS;

                // Keep track of the simulation elapsed time in milliseconds
                double elapsedMs     = 0.0;
                double warningTimeMs = 0.0;
                Random random        = new Random();

                // Fix a precise attitude
                var fixedAttitude   = new Attitude(HilHelper.ToRadian(45), HilHelper.ToRadian(2), 0);
                var angularVelocity = new Attitude(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                // Skydel must know the initial position of the receiver for initialization.
                // Use PushLla, PushEcef or PushEcefNed based on your requirements.
                Tuple <Ecef, Ecef> positionVelocity = trajectory.GeneratePositionAndVelocityAt(elapsedMs);
                sim.PushEcefNed(elapsedMs, positionVelocity.Item1, fixedAttitude, positionVelocity.Item2, angularVelocity);

                Console.WriteLine("==> Sending positions in Real-Time, for " + (SIMULATION_DURATION_MS / 1000) + " seconds.");

                while (elapsedMs <= SIMULATION_DURATION_MS)
                    //  Wait for the next position timestamp
                    nextTimestampMs += TIME_BETWEEN_POSITION_MS;

                    // Get the current elapsed time in milliseconds
                    elapsedMs = HilHelper.GetCurrentTimeMs() - simStartTimestampMs;

                    // Generate the position
                    positionVelocity = trajectory.GeneratePositionAndVelocityAt(elapsedMs);

                    // Push the position to Skydel
                    // Uncomment the following condition to simulate a poor network connection and get HIL extrapolation warnings:
                    //if (random.NextDouble() < 0.98)
                    sim.PushEcefNed(elapsedMs, positionVelocity.Item1, fixedAttitude, positionVelocity.Item2, angularVelocity);

                    // It is recommended to do this check at 10 Hz or less to avoid TCP stack overflow.
                    // Do this check asynchronously, outside of this loop, if you are sending positions at a high rate.
                    // HIL uses UDP, so you can send positions at 100 Hz or 1000 Hz without any issues.
                    if (elapsedMs > warningTimeMs + 1000.0)
                        warningTimeMs = elapsedMs;

                Console.WriteLine("==> Stop simulation.");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("==> Simulation stopped with error: " + e.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        // Vehicle Route creation Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- Create a vehicle trajectory from positions and speed limits
        static void RunExampleCreateRouteCar(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Create Route Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();


            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            sim.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectory("Route"));
            sim.Call(new EnableTrajectorySmoothing(true));

            PushRouteNode(sim, 50.0, 42.719943, -73.830492);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 50.0, 42.718155, -73.833370);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.718110, -73.833439);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.717620, -73.832875);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.717296, -73.832508);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.716674, -73.831805);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.715545, -73.830511);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.715469, -73.830427);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.714831, -73.829695);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.714155, -73.828924);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.714200, -73.828803);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 80.0, 42.714720, -73.827925);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 80.0, 42.714759, -73.827850);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 80.0, 42.714769, -73.827747);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 80.0, 42.714752, -73.827672);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 80.0, 42.714681, -73.827552);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 80.0, 42.714338, -73.827183);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 80.0, 42.713316, -73.826026);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.713257, -73.825929);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.713235, -73.825804);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.713235, -73.825693);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.713248, -73.825528);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 60.0, 42.713708, -73.823088);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 40.0, 42.713837, -73.823108);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 40.0, 42.713902, -73.823097);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 40.0, 42.713979, -73.823028);
            PushRouteNode(sim, 40.0, 42.714546, -73.822143);

            int numberOfNodes;

            sim.EndRouteDefinition(out numberOfNodes);
            Console.WriteLine("==> Route created, number of nodes in Route = " + numberOfNodes);

            //You must call BeginVehicleInfo before getting vehicle informations
            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting Simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Getting vehicle statistics");
            VehicleInfo vehicleInfo = sim.LastVehicleInfo();

            Lla originLla = vehicleInfo.Position.ToLla(); //convert ecef origin to lla

                //sim.LastVehicleInfo() will block till a vehicle info is received,
                //you can use sim.HasVehicleInfo(), if you do not want a blocking behavior :
                //if (!sim.HasVehicleInfo()) continue;

                vehicleInfo = sim.LastVehicleInfo();
                Lla currentLla = vehicleInfo.Position.ToLla(); //convert ecef to lla
                Enu currentEnu = currentLla.ToEnu(originLla);  //convert lla to enu
                Console.WriteLine("Time (ms): " + vehicleInfo.ElapsedTime);
                Console.Write("ENU Position (meters): " + currentEnu.North.ToString("F2") + " ");
                Console.WriteLine(currentEnu.East.ToString("F2") + " " + currentEnu.Up.ToString("F2"));
                Console.Write("NED Attitude (deg): " + vehicleInfo.Attitude.YawDeg.ToString("F2") + " ");
                Console.WriteLine(vehicleInfo.Attitude.PitchDeg.ToString("F2") + ", " + vehicleInfo.Attitude.RollDeg.ToString("F2"));
                Console.Write("Odometer (meters): " + vehicleInfo.Odometer.ToString("F2"));
                Console.Write(" | Heading (deg): " + (vehicleInfo.Heading / Math.PI * 180).ToString("F2"));
                Console.WriteLine(" | Speed (m/s): " + vehicleInfo.Speed.ToString("F2"));

                //You can remove or decrease this sleep to get more resolution
                //A vehicle info is sent each 10 ms from simulator
            } while (vehicleInfo.ElapsedTime < 60 * 1000);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Stopping simulation");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Disconnect from Simulator");
Ejemplo n.º 12
 static void PushRouteNode(RemoteSimulator sim, double speedKmh, double latDeg, double lonDeg)
     // Push Route LLA in radian with speed in m/s
     sim.PushRouteLla(speedKmh / 3.6, new Lla(ToRadian(latDeg), ToRadian(lonDeg), 0));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        // Vehicle Information Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- Get Information about the simulated Vehicle during the simulation
        static void RunExampleVehicleInfo(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Simulation Statistics Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator();


            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Vehicle Settings");
            sim.Call(new SetVehicleTrajectoryCircular("Circular", 0.7853995339022749, -1.2740964277717111, 0, 50, 3, true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting the simulation");
            Console.WriteLine("==> Begin receiving vehicle informations");
            //You must call BeginVehicleInfo before getting vehicle informations

            Console.WriteLine("==> Getting vehicle statistics");
            VehicleInfo vehicleInfo = sim.LastVehicleInfo();

            Lla originLla = vehicleInfo.Position.ToLla(); //convert ecef origin to lla

                //sim.LastVehicleInfo() will block till a vehicle info is received,
                //you can use sim.HasVehicleInfo(), if you do not want a blocking behavior :
                //if (!sim.HasVehicleInfo()) continue;

                vehicleInfo = sim.LastVehicleInfo();
                Lla currentLla = vehicleInfo.Position.ToLla(); //convert ecef to lla
                Enu currentEnu = currentLla.ToEnu(originLla);  //convert lla to enu
                Console.WriteLine("Time (ms): " + vehicleInfo.ElapsedTime);
                Console.Write("ENU Position (meters): " + currentEnu.North.ToString("F2") + " ");
                Console.WriteLine(currentEnu.East.ToString("F2") + " " + currentEnu.Up.ToString("F2"));
                Console.Write("NED Attitude (deg): " + vehicleInfo.Attitude.YawDeg.ToString("F2") + " ");
                Console.WriteLine(vehicleInfo.Attitude.PitchDeg.ToString("F2") + ", " + vehicleInfo.Attitude.RollDeg.ToString("F2"));
                Console.Write("Odometer (meters): " + vehicleInfo.Odometer.ToString("F2"));
                Console.Write(" | Heading (deg): " + (vehicleInfo.Heading / Math.PI * 180).ToString("F2"));
                Console.WriteLine(" | Speed (m/s): " + vehicleInfo.Speed.ToString("F2"));

                //You can remove or decrease this sleep to get more resolution
                //A vehicle info is sent each 10 ms from simulator
            } while (vehicleInfo.ElapsedTime < 90000);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Stop simulation when elapsed time is 90 sec...");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Disconnect from Simulator");
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // Failure Handling Example
        // This example shows:
        // 1- How to verify command result
        // 2- How to get error messages from command failure
        static void RunExampleFailureHandling(string host, string target_type, string x300_ip)
            Console.WriteLine("=== Failure handling Example ===");

            Console.WriteLine("==> Connecting to the simulator");
            //RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator(true); // Stop the example with an exception if a command fail
            RemoteSimulator sim = new RemoteSimulator(false); // Does not stop the example with an exception if a command fail

            sim.IsVerbose = false;

            Console.WriteLine("==> Create New Configuration, discarding current simulator settings");
            sim.Call(new New(true));

            Console.WriteLine("==> Modulation Settings");
            string targetId = "MyTargetId";

            sim.Call(new SetModulationTarget(target_type, "", x300_ip, true, targetId));
            // Select signals to simulate
            sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 12500000, "UpperL", "L1CA", -1, false, targetId));

            // Command Success Example:
            // Changing configuration before starting the simulation.
            CommandResult result1 = sim.Call(new ChangeModulationTargetSignals(0, 12500000, 50000000, "UpperL", "L1CA,G1", -1, false, targetId));

            Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS MESSAGE EXAMPLE: " + result1.Message); // Will print Success

            // Command Failure Example:
            // The following command is not allowed before you start the simulation.
            CommandResult result2 = sim.Call(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 12, -10, true));

            Console.WriteLine("FAILURE MESSAGE EXAMPLE: " + result2.Message);

            Console.WriteLine("==> Starting Simulation");
            if (sim.Start())
                // Change satellite 14 power to -15dB (relative to nominal power)
                sim.Call(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 14, -15, false));

                // Command Failure Example:
                // The following command (setting simulation start time) is not allowed once simulation is started.
                CommandResult result3 = sim.Call(new SetGpsStartTime(new DateTime(2021, 2, 15, 7, 0, 0)));
                Console.WriteLine("FAILURE MESSAGE EXAMPLE: " + result3.RelatedCommand.ToReadableCommand() + ": " + result3.Message);

                // Asynchronous Success command example
                // When simulation elapsed time is 9.567 sec, change satellite 31 power to -25 dB
                CommandBase cmd4 = sim.Post(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 31, -25, false), 9.567);

                // Asynchronous Failure command example
                // When simulation elapsed time is 12.05 sec, change satellite 200 power to +10 dB
                CommandBase cmd5 = sim.Post(new SetPowerForSV("GPS", 200, 10, false), 12.05);

                // Wait for Asynchronous commands to complete
                CommandResult result4 = sim.Wait(cmd4);
                CommandResult result5 = sim.Wait(cmd5);

                Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS MESSAGE EXAMPLE: " + result4.RelatedCommand.ToReadableCommand() + ": " + result4.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("FAILURE MESSAGE EXAMPLE: " + result5.RelatedCommand.ToReadableCommand() + ": " + result5.Message);

                Console.WriteLine("==> Stop simulation when elapsed time is 20 sec");

            SimulatorStateResult stateResult = (SimulatorStateResult)sim.Call(new GetSimulatorState());

            if (stateResult.State == "Error")
                Console.WriteLine("An error occured during simulation. Error message:\n" + stateResult.Error);
