private void Remap(RemapType type, ref string current) { string prefix = PrefixFor(type) ?? PrefixFor(RemapType.All); string suffix = SuffixFor(type) ?? SuffixFor(RemapType.All); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prefix) && !current.StartsWith(prefix)) { current = prefix + current; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(suffix) && !current.EndsWith(suffix)) { current = current + suffix; } }
private string Remap(RemapType type, string current) { Remap(type, ref current); return(current); }
public void SuffixFor(RemapType type, string suffix) { m_suffix[type] = suffix; }
public string SuffixFor(RemapType type) { string val = null; return(m_suffix.TryGetValue(type, out val) ? val : null); }
public void PrefixFor(RemapType type, string prefix) { m_prefix[type] = prefix; }
private void OnMaterialsDropped(Material[] droppedMaterials) { remappingRoot.Clear(); DisposeOfSerializedObjects(); //Construct a dictionary between shaders and their materials shadersToMaterials = new Dictionary <Shader, List <SerializedObject> >(); foreach (Material material in droppedMaterials) { if (!shadersToMaterials.TryGetValue(material.shader, out var list)) { list = new List <SerializedObject>(); shadersToMaterials.Add(material.shader, list); } list.Add(new SerializedObject(material)); } foreach (var pair in shadersToMaterials) { Box shaderRoot = new Box(); shaderRoot.AddToClassList("innerPadding"); remappingRoot.Add(shaderRoot); Shader shader = pair.Key; ObjectField shaderField = new ObjectField { objectType = typeof(Shader), value = shader }; shaderField.SetEnabled(false); shaderRoot.Add(shaderField); //RemapType, to a set of keys referring to values that could be remapped. var remapsFrom = new Dictionary <RemapType, HashSet <string> >(); var remapsTo = new Dictionary <RemapType, HashSet <string> >(); List <SerializedObject> materials = pair.Value; foreach (SerializedObject materialSO in materials) { SerializedProperty savedProperties = materialSO.FindProperty("m_SavedProperties"); //Textures ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SerializedProperty texEnvsArray = savedProperties.FindPropertyRelative("m_TexEnvs"); var textureKeys = new HashSet <string>(); remapsTo.Add(RemapType.Texture, textureKeys); var textureKeysFrom = new HashSet <string>(); remapsFrom.Add(RemapType.Texture, textureKeysFrom); for (int i = 0; i < texEnvsArray.arraySize; i++) { SerializedProperty texEnv = texEnvsArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty key = texEnv.FindPropertyRelative("first"); SerializedProperty texture = texEnv.FindPropertyRelative("second.m_Texture"); textureKeys.Add(key.stringValue); //Only add to the "from", if there is a key with a meaningful value in it. if (texture.objectReferenceValue != null) { textureKeysFrom.Add(key.stringValue); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Floats ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SerializedProperty floatsArray = savedProperties.FindPropertyRelative("m_Floats"); //floats have no way of telling if they're not set, so they can use the same set var floatKeys = new HashSet <string>(); remapsTo.Add(RemapType.Float, floatKeys); remapsFrom.Add(RemapType.Float, floatKeys); for (int i = 0; i < floatsArray.arraySize; i++) { SerializedProperty @float = floatsArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty key = @float.FindPropertyRelative("first"); floatKeys.Add(key.stringValue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Vectors and Colors ---------------------------------------------------------------- SerializedProperty colorsArray = savedProperties.FindPropertyRelative("m_Colors"); //colors have no way of telling if they're not set, so they can use the same set var vectorKeys = new HashSet <string>(); remapsTo.Add(RemapType.VectorOrColor, vectorKeys); remapsFrom.Add(RemapType.VectorOrColor, vectorKeys); for (int i = 0; i < colorsArray.arraySize; i++) { SerializedProperty vector = colorsArray.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty key = vector.FindPropertyRelative("first"); vectorKeys.Add(key.stringValue); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } //CONTROLS var remapTypeField = new EnumField("Remap Type", RemapType.None) { name = remapTypeName }; remapTypeField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <Enum> >(SelectedRemapType); shaderRoot.Add(remapTypeField); PopupField <string> popupFromField = new PopupField <string>(fromKeyLabel, noneList, 0) { name = fromKeyPopupName }; popupFromField.SetEnabled(false); shaderRoot.Add(popupFromField); PopupField <string> popupToField = new PopupField <string>(toKeyLabel, noneList, 0) { name = toKeyPopupName }; popupToField.SetEnabled(false); shaderRoot.Add(popupToField); Button remapButton = new Button { text = "Remap", name = remapButtonName }; remapButton.SetEnabled(false); shaderRoot.Add(remapButton); void SelectedRemapType(ChangeEvent <Enum> remapEvt) { if (remapEvt == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(remapEvt)); } RemapType value = (RemapType)remapEvt.newValue; if (value == RemapType.None) { GetButton().SetEnabled(false); GetRemapTo().SetEnabled(false); GetRemapFrom().SetEnabled(false); return; } PopupField <string> child = GetRemapFrom(); int index = shaderRoot.IndexOf(child); child.RemoveFromHierarchy(); List <string> choicesFrom = remapsFrom[value].ToList(); choicesFrom.Insert(0, none); popupFromField = new PopupField <string>(fromKeyLabel, choicesFrom, none) { name = fromKeyPopupName }; shaderRoot.Insert(index, popupFromField); popupFromField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string> >(SelectedRemapFrom); } void SelectedRemapFrom(ChangeEvent <string> popupFromEvt) { string remapFromKey = popupFromEvt.newValue; if (remapFromKey == none) { GetButton().SetEnabled(false); GetRemapTo().SetEnabled(false); return; } PopupField <string> child = GetRemapTo(); int index = shaderRoot.IndexOf(child); child.RemoveFromHierarchy(); List <string> choicesTo = remapsTo[(RemapType)remapTypeField.value].ToList(); choicesTo.Insert(0, none); popupToField = new PopupField <string>(toKeyLabel, choicesTo, none) { name = toKeyPopupName }; shaderRoot.Insert(index, popupToField); popupToField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <string>, (PopupField <string>, string)>(SelectedRemapTo, (popupToField, remapFromKey)); } void SelectedRemapTo(ChangeEvent <string> popupToEvt, (PopupField <string> popupToField, string remapFromKey) args) { string remapToKey = popupToEvt.newValue; VisualElement background = args.popupToField.Q(null, PopupField <string> .inputUssClassName); if (remapToKey == none) { GetButton().SetEnabled(false); = default; return; } if (remapToKey == args.remapFromKey) { = new Color(1f, 0.46f, 0.51f); return; } = default; var button = GetButton(); button.SetEnabled(true); button.RemoveManipulator(button.clickable); button.clickable = new Clickable(() => PerformRemap(shader, (RemapType)GetRemapType().value, args.remapFromKey, remapToKey)); button.AddManipulator(button.clickable); } Button GetButton() => shaderRoot.Q <Button>(remapButtonName); EnumField GetRemapType() => shaderRoot.Q <EnumField>(remapTypeName); PopupField <string> GetRemapFrom() => shaderRoot.Q <PopupField <string> >(fromKeyPopupName); PopupField <string> GetRemapTo() => shaderRoot.Q <PopupField <string> >(toKeyPopupName); } }
void PerformRemap(Shader shader, RemapType remapType, string fromKey, string toKey) { if (remapType == RemapType.None) { Debug.LogError($"This shouldn't happen. {RemapType.None} has been provided to Perform Remap"); return; } EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Remapping", "Remapping materials", 0); StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder(); try { string[] guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets($"t:{nameof(Material)}"); for (var index = 0; index < guids.Length; index++) { if (index % 5 == 0) { if (EditorUtility.DisplayCancelableProgressBar("Remapping", "Remapping materials", index / (float)(guids.Length - 1))) { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); return; } } string guid = guids[index]; string path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); var material = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <Material>(path); try { if (material.shader != shader) { continue; } using (SerializedObject materialSO = new SerializedObject(material)) { SerializedProperty savedProperties = materialSO.FindProperty("m_SavedProperties"); SerializedProperty source; switch (remapType) { case RemapType.Texture: source = savedProperties.FindPropertyRelative("m_TexEnvs"); break; case RemapType.Float: source = savedProperties.FindPropertyRelative("m_Floats"); break; case RemapType.VectorOrColor: source = savedProperties.FindPropertyRelative("m_Colors"); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(remapType), remapType, null); } //Collect the source and destination remappings SerializedProperty from = null; int fromIndex = -1; int toIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < source.arraySize; i++) { SerializedProperty value = source.GetArrayElementAtIndex(i); SerializedProperty key = value.FindPropertyRelative("first"); if (key.stringValue == fromKey) { from = value; fromIndex = i; if (toIndex != -1) { break; } continue; } if (key.stringValue == toKey) { toIndex = i; if (from != null) { break; } } } if (from == null) { log.AppendLine($"Failed to modify {materialSO.targetObject}. It did not contain the From property."); //<color=#aa4400ff> continue; } #if !OVERWRITE_SOURCE //TODO this has not been tested, it almost certainly needs to do a copy source.InsertArrayElementAtIndex(fromIndex); from = source.GetArrayElementAtIndex(fromIndex); #endif if (remapType == RemapType.Texture) { SerializedProperty texProp = from.FindPropertyRelative("second.m_Texture"); if (texProp != null) { if (texProp.objectReferenceValue == null) { log.AppendLine($"{materialSO.targetObject} was skipped as it did not have a texture set in the From property."); //<color=#aa4400ff> continue; } } } //Re-assign from's key to be the destination key. from.FindPropertyRelative("first").stringValue = toKey; if (toIndex != -1) { //Delete pre-existing "to" source.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(toIndex); // source.DeleteArrayElementAtIndex(toIndex); } materialSO.ApplyModifiedProperties(); log.AppendLine($"Modified {materialSO.targetObject} successfully."); //<color=#22aa22ff> } } catch (Exception e) { log.AppendLine($"\"{path}\" was skipped as an exception occurred."); //<color=#aa4400ff> Debug.LogWarning("Exception was encountered, remap will continue."); Debug.LogException(e); } } } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } Debug.LogWarning(log.ToString()); }