Ejemplo n.º 1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldPopulateIndexWithExistingNodesAndRelationships() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldPopulateIndexWithExistingNodesAndRelationships()
            long firstNodeID;
            long secondNodeID;
            long firstRelID;
            long secondRelID;

            using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                // skip a few rel ids, so the ones we work with are different from the node ids, just in case.
                Node node = Db.createNode();
                node.CreateRelationshipTo(node, Reltype);
                node.CreateRelationshipTo(node, Reltype);
                node.CreateRelationshipTo(node, Reltype);

                firstNodeID  = CreateNodeIndexableByPropertyValue(Label, "Hello. Hello again.");
                secondNodeID = CreateNodeIndexableByPropertyValue(Label, "This string is slightly shorter than the zebra one");
                firstRelID   = CreateRelationshipIndexableByPropertyValue(firstNodeID, secondNodeID, "Goodbye");
                secondRelID  = CreateRelationshipIndexableByPropertyValue(secondNodeID, firstNodeID, "And now, something completely different");


            SchemaDescriptor nodes = FulltextAdapter.schemaFor(NODE, new string[] { Label.name() }, Settings, PROP);
            SchemaDescriptor rels  = FulltextAdapter.schemaFor(RELATIONSHIP, new string[] { Reltype.name() }, Settings, PROP);
            IndexReference   nodesIndex;
            IndexReference   relsIndex;

            using (KernelTransactionImplementation tx = KernelTransaction)
                nodesIndex = tx.schemaWrite().indexCreate(nodes, FulltextIndexProviderFactory.Descriptor.name(), NODE_INDEX_NAME);
                relsIndex  = tx.schemaWrite().indexCreate(rels, FulltextIndexProviderFactory.Descriptor.name(), REL_INDEX_NAME);
            using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                KernelTransaction ktx = KernelTransaction(tx);
                AssertQueryFindsIds(ktx, NODE_INDEX_NAME, "hello", firstNodeID);
                AssertQueryFindsIds(ktx, NODE_INDEX_NAME, "string", secondNodeID);
                AssertQueryFindsNothing(ktx, NODE_INDEX_NAME, "goodbye");
                AssertQueryFindsNothing(ktx, NODE_INDEX_NAME, "different");

                AssertQueryFindsNothing(ktx, REL_INDEX_NAME, "hello");
                AssertQueryFindsNothing(ktx, REL_INDEX_NAME, "string");
                AssertQueryFindsIds(ktx, REL_INDEX_NAME, "goodbye", firstRelID);
                AssertQueryFindsIds(ktx, REL_INDEX_NAME, "different", secondRelID);
Ejemplo n.º 2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test public void shouldNotReturnNonMatches() throws Exception
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
        public virtual void ShouldNotReturnNonMatches()
            SchemaDescriptor nodes = FulltextAdapter.schemaFor(NODE, new string[] { Label.name() }, Settings, PROP);
            SchemaDescriptor rels  = FulltextAdapter.schemaFor(RELATIONSHIP, new string[] { Reltype.name() }, Settings, PROP);
            IndexReference   nodesIndex;
            IndexReference   relsIndex;

            using (KernelTransactionImplementation tx = KernelTransaction)
                nodesIndex = tx.SchemaWrite().indexCreate(nodes, FulltextIndexProviderFactory.Descriptor.name(), NODE_INDEX_NAME);
                relsIndex  = tx.SchemaWrite().indexCreate(rels, FulltextIndexProviderFactory.Descriptor.name(), REL_INDEX_NAME);
            using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                long firstNode  = CreateNodeIndexableByPropertyValue(Label, "Hello. Hello again.");
                long secondNode = CreateNodeWithProperty(Label, "prop2", "A zebroid (also zedonk, zorse, zebra mule, zonkey, and zebmule) is the offspring of any " + "cross between a zebra and any other equine: essentially, a zebra hybrid.");
                CreateRelationshipIndexableByPropertyValue(firstNode, secondNode, "Hello. Hello again.");
                CreateRelationshipWithProperty(secondNode, firstNode, "prop2", "A zebroid (also zedonk, zorse, zebra mule, zonkey, and zebmule) is the offspring of any " + "cross between a zebra and any other equine: essentially, a zebra hybrid.");

            using (Transaction tx = Db.beginTx())
                KernelTransaction ktx = KernelTransaction(tx);
                AssertQueryFindsNothing(ktx, NODE_INDEX_NAME, "zebra");
                AssertQueryFindsNothing(ktx, REL_INDEX_NAME, "zebra");