Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async void Post_NoEstablishment_StatusCode_404_Test()
            // 0: Remove all establishments from database
            await establishmentService.RemoveAll();

            // 1: Creating testing objects
            ReleaseRequest testRelease = new ReleaseRequest()
                Date              = "05/05/2019",
                PaymentMethod     = PaymentMethod.Credito,
                EstablishmentName = "Test 1",
                Amount            = 55.55m

            // 2: Trying to POST a new release
            var query = await releasesController.Post(testRelease);

            var result = query.Result.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(query.Result);

            // 3: Check if result is an error
            Type resultType = result.GetType();

            Assert.Equal(404, (int)resultType.GetProperty("StatusCode").GetValue(result));
            Assert.Equal(controllerMessages.CantFoundGivenName.Replace("$", "estabelecimento"), (string)resultType.GetProperty("Message").GetValue(result));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async void Put_SuccessStatus200_Test()
            // 1: POST Request body
            var postRequestBody = new ReleaseRequest()
                Date              = "05/05/2019",
                PaymentMethod     = PaymentMethod.Credito,
                EstablishmentName = "Test 1",
                Amount            = 55.55m

            var establishmentServiceMock = new Mock <EstablishmentService>(dbSettings);

            establishmentServiceMock.Setup(es => es.GetByName(It.IsAny <string>())).ReturnsAsync(
                new Establishment()
                Name = "Test 1",
                Type = "Alimentação"

            // 2: Call POST Action passing body request with a new release
            var releasesControllerLocal = new ReleasesController(loggerWrapper, releasesService, establishmentServiceMock.Object, controllerMessages);

            var postQuery = await releasesControllerLocal.Post(postRequestBody);

            var postResultValue = (Release)postQuery.Result.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(postQuery.Result);

            // 3: PUT Request body
            string id          = postResultValue.Id;
            var    requestBody = new ReleaseRequest {
                Date              = "06/05/2019",
                PaymentMethod     = PaymentMethod.Credito,
                EstablishmentName = "Test 1",
                Amount            = 55.55m

            var query = await releasesControllerLocal.Put(id, requestBody);

            var statusCode = (int)query.Result.GetType().GetProperty("StatusCode").GetValue(query.Result);
            var result     = (Release)query.Result.GetType().GetProperty("Value").GetValue(query.Result);

            Assert.Equal(200, statusCode);
            Assert.Equal("06/05/2019", result.Date);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async void Post_ThrowsException_Test()
            // 0: Creating testing objects
            ReleaseRequest testRelease = new ReleaseRequest()
                Date              = "05/05/2019",
                PaymentMethod     = PaymentMethod.Credito,
                EstablishmentName = "Test 1",
                Amount            = 55.55m

            // 1: Mocking GetByName Method to throws
            var establishmentServiceMock = new Mock <EstablishmentService>(dbSettings);

            establishmentServiceMock.Setup(es => es.GetByName(It.IsAny <string>())).ThrowsAsync(new InvalidOperationException());

            var releasesControllerLocal = new ReleasesController(loggerWrapper, releasesService, establishmentServiceMock.Object, controllerMessages);

            // 2: Call POST Action and Expects to throws
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(async() => await releasesControllerLocal.Post(testRelease));