Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static Process StartServer(ReleaseMetadataFile metadata, string app_bin, string app_saved)
            //Create launch options
            LaunchOptions options = new LaunchOptions
                launcher_version = (int)LAUNCHER_VERSION,
                launcher_channel = LAUNCHER_CHANNEL,
                path_config      = CombinePath(app_saved, "config.json", false),
                path_db          = CombinePath(app_saved, "database.db", false),
                path_root        = app_saved

            //End the existing process if it's running
            if (server != null)
                if (!server.HasExited)

            //Now, start the process
            server = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
                WorkingDirectory       = app_bin,
                FileName               = app_bin + metadata.app_exec,
                Arguments              = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(options))),
                RedirectStandardError  = false,
                RedirectStandardInput  = false,
                RedirectStandardOutput = false
            Console.Title = $"Delta Web Map Server - v{metadata.version_major}.{metadata.version_minor}";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static ReleaseMetadataFile UpdateRelease(LauncherRemoteConfig config, string bin_pathname, string metadata_pathname)
            //We're going to download the update now
            Console.Title = $"Delta Web Map Server - Updating...";
            string platform = GetReleaseBinaryName();

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                //Download our binary
                Program.WriteLineColor($"Downloading update {config.latest_release.version_major}.{config.latest_release.version_minor}...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                    using (HttpClient hc = new HttpClient())
                        using (Stream ds = hc.GetStreamAsync(config.latest_release.binaries[platform].download_url).GetAwaiter().GetResult())
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.WriteLineColor("Sorry, could not download the update. Try again later.", ConsoleColor.Red);
                    throw new Exception();

                //Open the ZIP file
                Program.WriteLineColor($"Extracting update {config.latest_release.version_major}.{config.latest_release.version_minor}...", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
                    using (ZipArchive za = new ZipArchive(ms, ZipArchiveMode.Read, true))
                        //Delete the existing binaries
                        Directory.Delete(bin_pathname, true);

                        //Create a new directory and extract
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    Program.WriteLineColor("Sorry, could not extract update. Try again later.", ConsoleColor.Red);
                    throw new Exception();

            //Now, we'll create the metadata and save it
            ReleaseMetadataFile metadata = new ReleaseMetadataFile
                release_channel = Program.LAUNCHER_CHANNEL,
                time            = DateTime.UtcNow,
                version_major   = config.latest_release.version_major,
                version_minor   = config.latest_release.version_minor,
                app_exec        = config.latest_release.binaries[platform].exec_name

            File.WriteAllText(metadata_pathname, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(metadata));
            Program.WriteLineColor($"Updated Delta Web Map to version {config.latest_release.version_major}.{config.latest_release.version_minor}!", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Write launcher info
            WriteLineColor("Delta Web Map (C) RomanPort 2019", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
            WriteLineColor("Launcher Version " + LAUNCHER_VERSION.ToString("N1"), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);
            Console.Title = $"Delta Web Map Server - Boot";

            //Download launcher remote config file
            LauncherRemoteConfig config = DownloadConfigFile();

            //Get our pathnames and create them if they don't exist
            string root                  = GetRootPathname();
            string content               = CombinePath(GetRootPathname(), "content", true);
            string saved                 = CombinePath(content, "saved", true);
            string app_saved             = CombinePath(saved, "app", true);
            string app_bin               = CombinePath(content, "bin", true);
            string release_metadata_path = CombinePath(saved, "release_metadata.json", false);


            //Try and open the release data file
            ReleaseMetadataFile current_release = null;

            if (File.Exists(release_metadata_path))
                current_release = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReleaseMetadataFile>(File.ReadAllText(release_metadata_path));

            //Install the app if we need to
            if (current_release == null)
                current_release = ReleaseUpdater.UpdateRelease(config, app_bin, release_metadata_path);

            //Update the app if we need to
            if (current_release.version_major < config.latest_release.version_major || current_release.version_minor < config.latest_release.version_minor)
                current_release = ReleaseUpdater.UpdateRelease(config, app_bin, release_metadata_path);

            //Write version
            WriteLineColor($"Client Version {current_release.version_major}.{current_release.version_minor}", ConsoleColor.DarkCyan);

            //Start the server
            server = StartServer(current_release, app_bin, app_saved);

            //Go into an updater loop
            while (true)
                //Wait for the amount of time our policy states

                //Redownload the config file
                try { config = DownloadConfigFile(); } catch { }

                //Update the app if we need to
                if (current_release.version_major < config.latest_release.version_major || current_release.version_minor < config.latest_release.version_minor)
                    //We must update. Shut down the service
                    WriteLineColor($"There is an update. Upgrading from version {current_release.version_major}.{current_release.version_minor} to {config.latest_release.version_major}.{config.latest_release.version_minor}... Service will temporarily be interrupted.", ConsoleColor.Yellow);

                    //Now, update
                    current_release = ReleaseUpdater.UpdateRelease(config, app_bin, release_metadata_path);

                    //Restart the server
                    server = StartServer(current_release, app_bin, app_saved);

                //Check if the service crashed
                if (server.HasExited)
                    WriteLineColor($"The service crashed. Going to restart...", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
                    server = StartServer(current_release, app_bin, app_saved);