Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected override bool BeginRenderOpacityBrushOverride(Texture tex, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _effect  = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect(EFFECT_LINEAROPACITYGRADIENT);

                g_startpoint = new float[] { StartPoint.X, StartPoint.Y };
                g_endpoint   = new float[] { EndPoint.X, EndPoint.Y };
                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_startpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_startpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_endpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_endpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_framesize = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Width, _vertsBounds.Height };

                if (RelativeTransform != null)
                    Matrix m = RelativeTransform.GetTransform();
                    m.Transform(ref g_startpoint[0], ref g_startpoint[1]);
                    m.Transform(ref g_endpoint[0], ref g_endpoint[1]);
            SurfaceDescription desc = tex.GetLevelDescription(0);

            float[] g_LowerVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Left / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Top / desc.Height };
            float[] g_UpperVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Right / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Bottom / desc.Height };

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]        = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY]          = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_STARTPOINT]       = g_startpoint;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ENDPOINT]         = g_endpoint;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FRAMESIZE]        = g_framesize;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ALPHATEX]         = _gradientBrushTexture.Texture;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_UPPERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_UpperVertsBounds;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_LOWERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_LowerVertsBounds;

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(tex, finalTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override bool BeginRenderBrushOverride(PrimitiveBuffer primitiveContext, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _effect  = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect(EFFECT_LINEARGRADIENT);

                g_startpoint = new float[] { StartPoint.X, StartPoint.Y };
                g_endpoint   = new float[] { EndPoint.X, EndPoint.Y };
                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_startpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_startpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_endpoint[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_endpoint[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_framesize = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Width, _vertsBounds.Height };

                if (RelativeTransform != null)
                    Matrix m = RelativeTransform.GetTransform();
                    m.Transform(ref g_startpoint[0], ref g_startpoint[1]);
                    m.Transform(ref g_endpoint[0], ref g_endpoint[1]);

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FRAMESIZE]  = g_framesize;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]  = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY]    = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_STARTPOINT] = g_startpoint;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ENDPOINT]   = g_endpoint;

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(_gradientBrushTexture.Texture, finalTransform);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected void RefreshEffectParameters()
            float   w     = _vertsBounds.Width;
            float   h     = _vertsBounds.Height;
            Vector2 maxuv = TextureMaxUV;

            Vector4 brushRect = ViewPort;

            // Determine image rect in viewport space
            if (Stretch != Stretch.Fill)
                // Convert brush dimensions to viewport space
                Vector2 brushSize = BrushDimensions;
                brushSize.X /= w;
                brushSize.Y /= h;
                switch (Stretch)
                case Stretch.None:
                    // Center (or alignment), original size

                case Stretch.Uniform:
                    // Center (or alignment), keep aspect ratio and show borders
                    float ratio = Math.Min(ViewPort.Z / brushSize.X, ViewPort.W / brushSize.Y);
                    brushSize.X *= ratio;
                    brushSize.Y *= ratio;

                case Stretch.UniformToFill:
                    // Center (or alignment), keep aspect ratio, zoom in to avoid borders
                    float ratio = Math.Max(ViewPort.Z / brushSize.X, ViewPort.W / brushSize.Y);
                    brushSize.X *= ratio;
                    brushSize.Y *= ratio;
                // Align brush in viewport
                brushRect = AlignBrushInViewport(brushSize);
            // Compensate for any texture borders
            brushRect.Z /= maxuv.X;
            brushRect.W /= maxuv.Y;

            float repeatx = 1.0f / brushRect.Z;
            float repeaty = 1.0f / brushRect.W;

            // Transform ViewPort into Texture-space and store for later use in tiling
            _textureViewport = new Vector4
                X = ViewPort.X * repeatx - brushRect.X * repeatx,
                Y = ViewPort.Y * repeaty - brushRect.Y * repeaty,
                Z = ViewPort.Z * repeatx,
                W = ViewPort.W * repeaty

            // This structure is used for modifying vertex texture coords to position the brush texture
            _brushTransform = new Vector4(brushRect.X * repeatx, brushRect.Y * repeaty, repeatx, repeaty);

            _relativeTransformCache = RelativeTransform == null ? Matrix.Identity : Matrix.Invert(RelativeTransform.GetTransform());

            // Determine if we can use the simpler, more optimised effects
            if (Tile == TileMode.None && Stretch != Stretch.UniformToFill)
                _simplemode = true;
            else if (ViewPort.X <= 0.0f && ViewPort.Z >= 1.0f && ViewPort.Y <= 0.0f && ViewPort.W >= 1.0f)
                _simplemode = true;
                _simplemode = false;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        protected override bool BeginRenderBrushOverride(PrimitiveBuffer primitiveContext, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                _effect = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect("radialgradient");

                g_focus  = new float[] { GradientOrigin.X, GradientOrigin.Y };
                g_center = new float[] { Center.X, Center.Y };
                g_radius = new float[] { (float)RadiusX, (float)RadiusY };

                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_focus[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_focus[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_center[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_center[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_radius[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_radius[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_relativetransform = RelativeTransform == null ? Matrix.Identity : Matrix.Invert(RelativeTransform.GetTransform());

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RELATIVE_TRANSFORM] = g_relativetransform;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]          = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FOCUS]   = g_focus;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_CENTER]  = g_center;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RADIUS]  = g_radius;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY] = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(_gradientBrushTexture.Texture, finalTransform);

        protected override bool BeginRenderOpacityBrushOverride(Texture tex, RenderContext renderContext)
            if (_gradientBrushTexture == null || _refresh)
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                if (_gradientBrushTexture == null)

            Matrix finalTransform = renderContext.Transform.Clone();

            if (_refresh)
                _refresh = false;
                _gradientBrushTexture = BrushCache.Instance.GetGradientBrush(GradientStops);
                _effect = ContentManager.Instance.GetEffect(EFFECT_RADIALOPACITYGRADIENT);

                g_focus  = new float[] { GradientOrigin.X, GradientOrigin.Y };
                g_center = new float[] { Center.X, Center.Y };
                g_radius = new float[] { (float)RadiusX, (float)RadiusY };

                if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.Absolute)
                    g_focus[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_focus[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_center[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_center[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;

                    g_radius[0] /= _vertsBounds.Width;
                    g_radius[1] /= _vertsBounds.Height;
                g_relativetransform = RelativeTransform == null ? Matrix.Identity : Matrix.Invert(RelativeTransform.GetTransform());

            SurfaceDescription desc = tex.GetLevelDescription(0);

            float[] g_LowerVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Left / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Top / desc.Height };
            float[] g_UpperVertsBounds = new float[] { _vertsBounds.Right / desc.Width, _vertsBounds.Bottom / desc.Height };

            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RELATIVE_TRANSFORM] = g_relativetransform;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_TRANSFORM]          = GetCachedFinalBrushTransform();
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_FOCUS]            = g_focus;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_CENTER]           = g_center;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_RADIUS]           = g_radius;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_OPACITY]          = (float)(Opacity * renderContext.Opacity);
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_ALPHATEX]         = _gradientBrushTexture.Texture;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_UPPERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_UpperVertsBounds;
            _effect.Parameters[PARAM_LOWERVERTSBOUNDS] = g_LowerVertsBounds;

            GraphicsDevice.Device.SetSamplerState(0, SamplerState.AddressU, SpreadAddressMode);
            _effect.StartRender(tex, finalTransform);