Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true when the Step found a match
        /// </summary>
        public bool StepScan(EventPattern step, ScanLineArgs args)
            var s = string.Empty;

            var expression = step.RegularExpression;

            if (step.Options.BodyStop && step.BodyStartFound)
                expression = step.RegularExpressionBodyStop;

            step.Found = step.IsRegularExpression ? RegularExpression.HasMatch(args.Line, expression) :
                         Common.GetStringFromLog(args.Line, step.RegularExpression, ref s);
            if (step.Found)
                Log.Write($"   {step.Parent.Name}: Step {step.EventType}, \"{step.RegularExpression.Insert(1, "__")}\"", typeof(EventPattern).FullName, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, LogEntryType.Debug);

                // 'Prior' option requires that a exact EventPattern is found prior to this EventPattern
                if (step.Options.Prior &&
                    LastFound != null)
                    var _priorStep = step.Parent.Events[step.Parent.Events.IndexOf(step) - step.Options.PriorIndex];
                    if ((!_priorStep.Found && _priorStep.EventTag == step.Options.PriorPattern) || _priorStep.EventTag != step.Options.PriorPattern)
                        Log.Write($"EventPattern found, however the expected Prior EventPattern should be '{step.Options.PriorPattern}' at Index {step.Options.PriorIndex}", typeof(EventPattern).FullName, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, LogEntryType.Debug);
                        step.Found = false;

                // 'FirstRepeat' will only allow the first match to stay a match, any events that are found after are skipped
                if (step.Options.FirstRepeat &&
                    LastFound != null &&
                    LastFound.Options.FirstRepeat &&
                    LastFound.EventTag == step.EventTag)
                    step.Found = false;

                if (step.Options.BodyStop)
                    if (step.BodyStartFound)
                        step.DateTimeBodyStop = RegularExpression.GetDateTime(EventService.GetDateTimeRegularExpression(args.SourceType), args.Line);
                        step.iLineBodyStop    = args.iLine;
                        step.LineBodyStop     = args.Line;
                        step.DateTime = RegularExpression.GetDateTime(EventService.GetDateTimeRegularExpression(args.SourceType), args.Line);
                        step.iLine    = args.iLine;
                        step.Line     = args.Line;
                    step.DateTime = RegularExpression.GetDateTime(EventService.GetDateTimeRegularExpression(args.SourceType), args.Line);
                    step.iLine    = args.iLine;
                    step.Line     = args.Line;

                step.Found = true;

                // Last Repeat
                if (step.Options.LastRepeat &&
                    LastFound != null &&
                    LastFound.Options.LastRepeat &&
                    step.EventTag == LastFound.EventTag)
                    LastFound = null;

                // 'BodyStop' option represents a start and stop eventPattern.
                if (step.Options.BodyStop)
                    if (!step.BodyStartFound)
                        step.BodyStartFound = true;
                        step.Found          = false;

                    step.BodyStopFound = true;

                // When an EventPattern is found that can occur OneOrMore times
                // Clone the EventPattern
                // If Required or RequiredInOrder, remove these flags and make the next EventPattern Optional
                if (step.Options.OneOrMore)
                    var index = step.Parent.Events.FindIndex(p => p.Identifier == step.Identifier);
                    var e     = step.Clone(step.Parent);
                    if (step.Options.Required || step.Options.RequiredInOrder)
                        e.Options.Required        = false;
                        e.Options.RequiredInOrder = false;
                        e.Options.Optional        = true;
                    step.Parent.Events.Insert(index + 1, e);
                LastFound = step;
