Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when we want to add a new registry mapping
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bnAddKey_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FormShadedAskInput2 form = new FormShadedAskInput2("Please enter the registry key name and value name to map to the application.  Do not specify the registry hive as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is assumed."
                                                               , "Enter Registry Key (beneath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)"
                                                               , "Registry Key Name:", "Value Name", "", "", Properties.Resources.application_serial_number_corner
                                                               , true);

            if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // OK add the new mapping to our list
                RegistryMapping        mapping      = new RegistryMapping(form.Value1Entered(), form.Value2Entered());
                UltraListViewSubItem[] subItemArray = new UltraListViewSubItem[1];
                subItemArray[0]       = new UltraListViewSubItem();
                subItemArray[0].Value = mapping.ValueName;
                UltraListViewItem item = new UltraListViewItem(mapping.RegistryKey, subItemArray);
                item.Tag = mapping;

                // Build the mappings string
                String mappingString = BuildMappingString();

                // ..and update the configuration file
                _applicationsFile.SetString(cbApplications.SelectedItem.ToString(), mappingString, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <RegistryResponse> GetRegistryByID(int id)
            CsvParserOptions             csvParserOptions = new CsvParserOptions(false, ',');
            CsvReaderOptions             csvReaderOptions = new CsvReaderOptions(new[] { Environment.NewLine });
            RegistryMapping              csvMapper        = new RegistryMapping();
            CsvParser <RegistryServices> csvParser        =
                new CsvParser <RegistryServices>(csvParserOptions, csvMapper);
            RegistryResponse resultList = null;
            var list = new List <RegistryResponse>();

                string fileName = $"Doc//RegistryServices.csv";
                var    result   = csvParser
                                  .ReadFromFile(fileName, Encoding.UTF8).Skip(1)

                result.ForEach(x =>
                    list.Add(new RegistryResponse
                        Id            = Convert.ToInt32(x.Result.IdAgreement.ToString()),
                        NombreEmpresa = x.Result.NameEnterprise.ToString(),
                        EndpointUrl   = new Uri($"http://{x.Result.EndpointUrl}"),
                        Formato       = x.Result.FormatTransformation.ToString()
            catch (Exception ex)
                var error = ex.ToString();
            return(list.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(id)).FirstOrDefault());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Edit an existing registry key mapping
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bnEditKey_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the mapping that is to be edited
            UltraListViewItem editItem    = lvRegistryKeys.SelectedItems[0];
            RegistryMapping   editMapping = editItem.Tag as RegistryMapping;

            // ...and invoke a form to edit it
            //FormAskInput2 form = new FormAskInput2("Please enter the registry key name and value name to map to the application.  Do not specify the registry hive as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is assumed"
            //                                     , "Enter Registry Key (beneath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)"
            //                                     , "Registry Key Name:"
            //                                     , "Value Name"
            //                                     , editMapping.RegistryKey
            //                                     , editMapping.ValueName);
            FormShadedAskInput2 form = new FormShadedAskInput2("Please enter the registry key name and value name to map to the application.  Do not specify the registry hive as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is assumed"
                                                               , "Enter Registry Key (beneath HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)"
                                                               , "Registry Key Name:"
                                                               , "Value Name"
                                                               , editMapping.RegistryKey
                                                               , editMapping.ValueName
                                                               , Properties.Resources.application_serial_number_corner
                                                               , true);

            if (form.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // Remove the existing item from the list
                int index = editItem.Index;

                // ...and add in the new item
                RegistryMapping        mapping      = new RegistryMapping(form.Value1Entered(), form.Value2Entered());
                UltraListViewSubItem[] subItemArray = new UltraListViewSubItem[1];
                subItemArray[0]       = new UltraListViewSubItem();
                subItemArray[0].Value = mapping.ValueName;
                UltraListViewItem item = new UltraListViewItem(mapping.RegistryKey, subItemArray);
                item.Tag = mapping;
                lvRegistryKeys.Items.Insert(index, item);

                // Build the mappings string
                String mappingString = BuildMappingString();

                // ..and update the configuration file
                _applicationsFile.SetString(cbApplications.SelectedItem.ToString(), mappingString, true);