Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Cycles through the UI depending on the button pushed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="num">The index for the 4 buttons.</param>
        protected internal void PressButton(ref byte num)
            // Plays button sound effect.
            reversal.Audio.PlayGameSoundAtTransform(KMSoundOverride.SoundEffect.ButtonPress, reversal.Buttons[num].transform);

            // If lights are off or the module is solved, the buttons should do nothing.
            if (!init.Ready || init.Solved)

            int length = init.Conditions.GetLength(0) * init.Conditions.GetLength(1);

            switch (ButtonOrder[num])
            // Subtract 1 from the current selected wire.
            case 0:
                reversal.Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(Sounds.Rrr.Button(4), reversal.Buttons[num].transform);
                WireSelected = ((WireSelected + 7) % 9) + 1;
                selectWire   = true;

            // Read previous instruction.
            case 1:
                reversal.Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(Sounds.Rrr.Button(2), reversal.Buttons[num].transform);
                if (selectWire)
                Instruction = (--Instruction + length) % length;

            // Read next instruction.
            case 2:
                reversal.Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(Sounds.Rrr.Button(1), reversal.Buttons[num].transform);
                if (selectWire)
                Instruction = ++Instruction % length;

            // Add 1 to the current selected wire.
            case 3:
                reversal.Audio.PlaySoundAtTransform(Sounds.Rrr.Button(3), reversal.Buttons[num].transform);
                WireSelected = (WireSelected % 9) + 1;
                selectWire   = true;

            coroutines.UpdateScreen(instructionX: Instruction / init.Conditions.GetLength(1), instructionY: Instruction % init.Conditions.GetLength(1), wireSelected: ref WireSelected, isSelectingWire: ref selectWire);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans through the condition's properties to determine the answer of the module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Seed">The seed in base 10.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the answer, if the answer is null then any wire can be cut.</returns>
        private int?GetAnswer(int[] wires, ref int lookup, ref bool discard, ref bool append)
            int  wireSelected = 1, wireCount = wires.Length - 2, iMax = init.Conditions.GetLength(1);
            bool isSelectingWire = false;

            string[] discardValues = new[] { "-2", "-1", "1", "2" };

            coroutines.UpdateScreen(instructionX: 0, instructionY: 0, wireSelected: ref wireSelected, isSelectingWire: ref isSelectingWire);

            bool shouldRun = wireCount >= 0 && wireCount <= 7;

            for (int i = 0; i < iMax && shouldRun; i++)
                // If true, set the current index to the Skip property.
                if (init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Skip != null)
                    int?skipValue = init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Skip;
                    if (skipValue < 1 || skipValue > iMax)
                        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("[Reformed Role Reversal #" + init.ModuleId + "]: Condition [" + wireCount + ", " + i + "] returned " + init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Skip + " for parameter \"Skip\"! This should not happen under normal circumstances, as the specified condition doesn't exist.");

                    Debug.LogFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: <Condition {1}, {2}> \"{3}\" is true, skip to section {4}.", init.ModuleId, wireCount + 2, i + 1, init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Text, init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Skip);
                    i = (int)skipValue - 1;

                // If true, regenerate a set of conditions and refer the index to the new conditions.
                if (init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Discard != null)
                    int?discardValue = init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Discard;
                    if (!discardValues.Contains(discardValue.ToString()))
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("[Reformed Role Reversal #" + init.ModuleId + "]: Condition [" + wireCount + ", " + i + "] returned " + discardValue + " for parameter \"Discard\"! This should not happen under normal circumstances, as it should only return -2, -1, 1, or 2.");

                    Debug.LogFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: <Condition {1}, {2}> \"{3}\" is true, discard the {4}{5} wire{6}.", init.ModuleId, wireCount + 2, i + 1, init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Text, Math.Abs((int)discardValue) > 1 ? Math.Abs((int)discardValue) + " " : string.Empty, discardValue < 0 ? "leftmost" : "rightmost", Math.Abs((int)discardValue) > 1 ? "s" : string.Empty);

                    wires = Algorithms.SubArray(wires, discardValue < 0 ? Math.Abs((int)discardValue) : 0, wires.Length - Math.Abs((int)discardValue));

                    // Log the list of all wires, converting each index to the respective string.
                    string[] log = new string[wires.Length];

                    for (int j = 0; j < wires.Length; j++)
                        log[j] += j == wires.Length - 1 ? "and " + Arrays.Colors[wires[j]] : Arrays.Colors[wires[j]];

                    Debug.LogFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: The wires are now {1}.", init.ModuleId, log.Join(", "));

                    coroutines.GenerateSetOfConditions(wires.Length - 2, wires, ref lookup, ref discard, ref append);

                    // This method will run again from the generate set of conditions. An answer has not been determined yet.

                // If true, regenerate a set of conditions and refer the index to the new conditions.
                if (init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Append != null && init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Append != null)
                    int[] appendValue = init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Append;
                    int   minValue = 10, maxValue = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < appendValue.Length; j++)
                        if (appendValue[j] < minValue)
                            minValue = appendValue[j];

                        if (appendValue[j] > maxValue)
                            maxValue = appendValue[j];

                    if (appendValue.Min() < 0 || appendValue.Max() > 9)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("[Reformed Role Reversal #" + init.ModuleId + "]: Condition [" + wireCount + ", " + i + "] returned " + init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Append.Join(", ") + " for parameter \"Append\"! This should not happen under normal circumstances, as all values should be between 0 through 9.");

                    Debug.LogFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: <Condition {1}, {2}> \"{3}\" is true, append the wires to the {4}.", init.ModuleId, wireCount + 2, i + 1, init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Text, append ? "left" : "right");

                    Array.Resize(ref wires, wires.Length + appendValue.Length);

                    while (Seed.Length < 9)
                        Seed = append ? 'X' + Seed : Seed + 'X';

                    // Append right.
                    if (!append)
                        Array.Copy(appendValue, 0, wires, wires.Length - appendValue.Length, appendValue.Length);
                    // Append left.
                        Array.Copy(wires, 0, wires, appendValue.Length, wires.Length - appendValue.Length);
                        Array.Copy(appendValue, 0, wires, 0, appendValue.Length);

                    // Log the list of all wires, converting each index to the respective string.
                    string[] log = new string[wires.Length];

                    for (int j = 0; j < wires.Length; j++)
                        log[j] += j == wires.Length - 1 ? "and " + Arrays.Colors[wires[j]] : Arrays.Colors[wires[j]];

                    Debug.LogFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: The wires are now {1}.", init.ModuleId, log.Join(", "));

                    coroutines.GenerateSetOfConditions(wires.Length - 2, wires, ref lookup, ref discard, ref append);

                    // This method will run again from the generate set of conditions. An answer has not yet been determined.

                // If true, the answer has been reached, and the wire to cut is in the Wire property.
                if (init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Wire != null)
                    SouvenirWires    = wires;
                    SouvenirIndex[0] = wireCount;
                    SouvenirIndex[1] = i;

                    int?wireValue = init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Wire;
                    if (wireValue < 1 || wireValue > 9)
                        throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("[Reformed Role Reversal #" + init.ModuleId + "]: Condition [" + (wireCount + 2) + ", " + (i + 1) + "] returned " + wireValue + " for parameter \"Wire\"! This should not happen under normal circumstances, as the wire specified to cut doesn't exist.");

                    Debug.LogFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: <Condition {1}, {2}> \"{3}\" is true, cut the {4} wire.", init.ModuleId, wireCount + 2, i + 1, init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Text, Arrays.Ordinals[(int)wireValue - 1]);
                    init.Ready = true;

                Debug.LogFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: <Condition {1}, {2}> \"{3}\" is false.", init.ModuleId, wireCount + 2, i + 1, init.Conditions[wireCount, i].Text);

            // Failsafe: If the answer isn't found, any wire can be cut.
            Debug.LogWarningFormat("[Reformed Role Reversal #{0}]: An internal error has occured whilst trying to calculate the answer. Any submitted answer will solve the module.", init.ModuleId);
            init.Ready = true;