Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void Member(Document doc, Dimension dimension, ref string hh, ref string type)
            ReferenceArray referenceArray = dimension.References;
            List <string>  list           = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 1; i < referenceArray.Size - 1; i++)
                Reference reference = referenceArray.get_Item(i);
                Element   element   = doc.GetElement(reference);

                if (element.Category.Id.IntegerValue != (int)BuiltInCategory.OST_StructuralFraming)
                    ElementId elementId     = element.GetTypeId();
                    Element   eletype       = doc.GetElement(elementId);
                    Parameter sorting_order = eletype.LookupParameter("SORTING_ORDER");
                    string    val           = string.Empty;
                    if (sorting_order != null)
                        if (sorting_order.AsInteger() == 405)
                            type = "REBAR";
                            val  = element.LookupParameter("CONTROL_MARK").AsString();
                            type = "EMBED";
                            val  = eletype.LookupParameter("CONTROL_MARK").AsString();
                        type = "EMBED";
                        val  = element.LookupParameter("CONTROL_MARK").AsString();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    hh = list[i];
                    hh = hh + "," + list[i];
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
            UIDocument    uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
            Application   app   = uiapp.Application;
            Document      doc   = uidoc.Document;

            // Select two walls and the dimension line point:

            Selection      sel  = uidoc.Selection;
            ReferenceArray refs = new ReferenceArray();

                ISelectionFilter f
                    = new JtElementsOfClassSelectionFilter <Wall>();

                                ObjectType.Element, f,
                                "Please select first wall"));

                                ObjectType.Element, f,
                                "Please pick dimension line "
                                + "point on second wall"));

                //rFace = sel.PickObject( ObjectType.Face,
                //  "Please select face on second wall at dimension line point" );
                //rPoint = sel.PickObject( ObjectType.PointOnElement,
                //  "Please select point on first wall" );
            catch (Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException)
                message = "No two walls selected";

            // Ensure the two selected walls are straight and
            // parallel; determine their mutual normal vector
            // and a point on each wall for distance
            // calculations:

            Wall[]     walls = new Wall[2];
            List <int> ids   = new List <int>(2);

            XYZ[]              pts   = new XYZ[2];
            Line[]             lines = new Line[2];
            IntersectionResult ir;
            XYZ normal = null;
            int i      = 0;

            foreach (Reference r in refs)
                // 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Reference.Element' is
                // obsolete: Property will be removed. Use
                // Document.GetElement(Reference) instead.
                //Wall wall = r.Element as Wall; // 2011

                Wall wall = doc.GetElement(r) as Wall; // 2012

                walls[i] = wall;

                // Obtain location curve and
                // check that it is straight:

                LocationCurve lc = wall.Location
                                   as LocationCurve;

                Curve curve = lc.Curve;
                lines[i] = curve as Line;

                if (null == lines[i])
                    message = _prompt;

                // Obtain normal vectors
                // and ensure that they are equal,
                // i.e. walls are parallel:

                if (null == normal)
                    normal = Util.Normal(lines[i]);
                    if (!Util.IsParallel(normal,
                        message = _prompt;

                // Obtain pick points and project
                // onto wall location lines:

                XYZ p = r.GlobalPoint;
                ir = lines[i].Project(p);

                if (null == ir)
                    message = string.Format(
                        "Unable to project pick point {0} "
                        + "onto wall location line.",


                pts[i] = ir.XYZPoint;

                    "Wall {0} id {1} at {2}, {3} --> point {4}",
                    i, wall.Id.IntegerValue,

                if (0 < i)
                    // Project dimension point selected on second wall
                    // back onto first wall, and ensure that normal
                    // points from second wall to first:

                    ir = lines[0].Project(pts[1]);
                    if (null == ir)
                        message = string.Format(
                            "Unable to project selected dimension "
                            + "line point {0} on second wall onto "
                            + "first wall's location line.",

                    pts[0] = ir.XYZPoint;


            XYZ v = pts[0] - pts[1];

            if (0 > v.DotProduct(normal))
                normal = -normal;

            // Shoot a ray back from the second
            // picked wall towards first:

                "Shooting ray from {0} in direction {1}",

            View3D view = Get3DView(doc);

            if (null == view)
                message = "No 3D view named '{3D}' found; "
                          + "run the View > 3D View command once "
                          + "to generate it.";


            //refs = doc.FindReferencesByDirection(
            //  pts[1], normal, view ); // 2011

            //IList<ReferenceWithContext> refs2
            //  = doc.FindReferencesWithContextByDirection(
            //    pts[1], normal, view ); // 2012

            // In the Revit 2014 API, the call to
            // FindReferencesWithContextByDirection causes a
            // warning saying:
            // "FindReferencesWithContextByDirection is obsolete:
            // This method is deprecated in Revit 2014.
            // Use the ReferenceIntersector class instead."

            ReferenceIntersector ri
                = new ReferenceIntersector(
                      walls[0].Id, FindReferenceTarget.Element, view);

            ReferenceWithContext ref2
                = ri.FindNearest(pts[1], normal);

            if (null == ref2)
                message = "ReferenceIntersector.FindNearest"
                          + " returned null!";


            #region Obsolete code to determine the closest reference
            // Store the references to the wall surfaces:

            Reference[] surfrefs = new Reference[2] {
                null, null

            // Find the two closest intersection
            // points on each of the two walls:

            double[] minDistance = new double[2] {

            //foreach( Reference r in refs )
            foreach (ReferenceWithContext rc in refs2)
                // 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Reference.Element' is
                // obsolete: Property will be removed. Use
                // Document.GetElement(Reference) instead.
                //Element e = r.Element; // 2011

                Reference r = rc.GetReference();
                Element   e = doc.GetElement(r); // 2012

                if (e is Wall)
                    i = ids.IndexOf(e.Id.IntegerValue);

                    if (-1 < i &&
                        == r.ElementReferenceType)
                        //GeometryObject g = r.GeometryObject; // 2011
                        GeometryObject g = e.GetGeometryObjectFromReference(r); // 2012

                        if (g is PlanarFace)
                            PlanarFace face = g as PlanarFace;

                            Line line = (e.Location as LocationCurve)
                                        .Curve as Line;

                                "Wall {0} at {1}, {2} surface {3} "
                                + "normal {4} proximity {5}",

                            // First reference: assert it is a face on this wall
                            // and the distance is half the wall thickness.
                            // Second reference: the first reference on the other
                            // wall; assert the distance between the two references
                            // equals the distance between the wall location lines
                            // minus half of the sum of the two wall thicknesses.

                            if (rc.Proximity < minDistance[i])
                                surfrefs[i]    = r;
                                minDistance[i] = rc.Proximity;

            if (null == surfrefs[0])
                message = "No suitable face intersection "
                          + "points found on first wall.";


            if (null == surfrefs[1])
                message = "No suitable face intersection "
                          + "points found on second wall.";


                                    pts[0], surfrefs[0], pts[1], surfrefs[1]);
            #endregion // Obsolete code to determine the closest reference

                                    pts[0], ref2.GetReference(), pts[1], refs.get_Item(1));

        public Result Execute(
            ExternalCommandData commandData,
            ref string message,
            ElementSet elements)
            UIApplication uiapp = commandData.Application;
              UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
              Application app = uiapp.Application;
              Document doc = uidoc.Document;

              // Select two walls and the dimension line point:

              Selection sel = uidoc.Selection;
              ReferenceArray refs = new ReferenceArray();

            ISelectionFilter f
              = new JtElementsOfClassSelectionFilter<Wall>();

            refs.Append( sel.PickObject(
              ObjectType.Element, f,
              "Please select first wall" ) );

            refs.Append( sel.PickObject(
              ObjectType.Element, f,
              "Please pick dimension line "
              + "point on second wall" ) );

            //rFace = sel.PickObject( ObjectType.Face,
            //  "Please select face on second wall at dimension line point" );
            //rPoint = sel.PickObject( ObjectType.PointOnElement,
            //  "Please select point on first wall" );
              catch( Autodesk.Revit.Exceptions.OperationCanceledException )
            message = "No two walls selected";
            return Result.Failed;

              // Ensure the two selected walls are straight and
              // parallel; determine their mutual normal vector
              // and a point on each wall for distance
              // calculations:

              Wall[] walls = new Wall[2];
              List<int> ids = new List<int>( 2 );
              XYZ[] pts = new XYZ[2];
              Line[] lines = new Line[2];
              IntersectionResult ir;
              XYZ normal = null;
              int i = 0;

              foreach( Reference r in refs )
            // 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Reference.Element' is
            // obsolete: Property will be removed. Use
            // Document.GetElement(Reference) instead.
            //Wall wall = r.Element as Wall; // 2011

            Wall wall = doc.GetElement( r ) as Wall; // 2012

            walls[i] = wall;
            ids.Add( wall.Id.IntegerValue );

            // Obtain location curve and
            // check that it is straight:

            LocationCurve lc = wall.Location
              as LocationCurve;

            Curve curve = lc.Curve;
            lines[i] = curve as Line;

            if( null == lines[i] )
              message = _prompt;
              return Result.Failed;

            // Obtain normal vectors
            // and ensure that they are equal,
            // i.e. walls are parallel:

            if( null == normal )
              normal = Util.Normal( lines[i] );
              if( !Util.IsParallel( normal,
            Util.Normal( lines[i] ) ) )
            message = _prompt;
            return Result.Failed;

            // Obtain pick points and project
            // onto wall location lines:

            XYZ p = r.GlobalPoint;
            ir = lines[i].Project( p );

            if( null == ir )
              message = string.Format(
            "Unable to project pick point {0} "
            + "onto wall location line.",
            i );

              return Result.Failed;

            pts[i] = ir.XYZPoint;

              "Wall {0} id {1} at {2}, {3} --> point {4}",
              i, wall.Id.IntegerValue,
              Util.PointString( lines[i].GetEndPoint( 0 ) ),
              Util.PointString( lines[i].GetEndPoint( 1 ) ),
              Util.PointString( pts[i] ) );

            if( 0 < i )
              // Project dimension point selected on second wall
              // back onto first wall, and ensure that normal
              // points from second wall to first:

              ir = lines[0].Project( pts[1] );
              if( null == ir )
            message = string.Format(
              "Unable to project selected dimension "
              + "line point {0} on second wall onto "
              + "first wall's location line.",
              Util.PointString( pts[1] ) );

            return Result.Failed;
              pts[0] = ir.XYZPoint;


              XYZ v = pts[0] - pts[1];
              if( 0 > v.DotProduct( normal ) )
            normal = -normal;

              // Shoot a ray back from the second
              // picked wall towards first:

            "Shooting ray from {0} in direction {1}",
            Util.PointString( pts[1] ),
            Util.PointString( normal ) );

              View3D view = Get3DView( doc );

              if( null == view )
            message = "No 3D view named '{3D}' found; "
              + "run the View > 3D View command once "
              + "to generate it.";

            return Result.Failed;

              //refs = doc.FindReferencesByDirection(
              //  pts[1], normal, view ); // 2011

              //IList<ReferenceWithContext> refs2
              //  = doc.FindReferencesWithContextByDirection(
              //    pts[1], normal, view ); // 2012

              // In the Revit 2014 API, the call to
              // FindReferencesWithContextByDirection causes a
              // warning saying:
              // "FindReferencesWithContextByDirection is obsolete:
              // This method is deprecated in Revit 2014.
              // Use the ReferenceIntersector class instead."

              ReferenceIntersector ri
            = new ReferenceIntersector(
              walls[0].Id, FindReferenceTarget.Element, view );

              ReferenceWithContext ref2
            = ri.FindNearest( pts[1], normal );

              if( null == ref2 )
            message = "ReferenceIntersector.FindNearest"
              + " returned null!";

            return Result.Failed;

              #region Obsolete code to determine the closest reference
              // Store the references to the wall surfaces:

              Reference[] surfrefs = new Reference[2] {
            null, null };

              // Find the two closest intersection
              // points on each of the two walls:

              double[] minDistance = new double[2] {
            double.MaxValue };

              //foreach( Reference r in refs )
              foreach( ReferenceWithContext rc in refs2 )
            // 'Autodesk.Revit.DB.Reference.Element' is
            // obsolete: Property will be removed. Use
            // Document.GetElement(Reference) instead.
            //Element e = r.Element; // 2011

            Reference r = rc.GetReference();
            Element e = doc.GetElement( r ); // 2012

            if( e is Wall )
              i = ids.IndexOf( e.Id.IntegerValue );

              if( -1 < i
            && ElementReferenceType.REFERENCE_TYPE_SURFACE
              == r.ElementReferenceType )
            //GeometryObject g = r.GeometryObject; // 2011
            GeometryObject g = e.GetGeometryObjectFromReference( r ); // 2012

            if( g is PlanarFace )
              PlanarFace face = g as PlanarFace;

              Line line = ( e.Location as LocationCurve )
            .Curve as Line;

            "Wall {0} at {1}, {2} surface {3} "
            + "normal {4} proximity {5}",
            Util.PointString( line.GetEndPoint( 0 ) ),
            Util.PointString( line.GetEndPoint( 1 ) ),
            Util.PointString( face.Origin ),
            Util.PointString( face.Normal ),
            rc.Proximity );

              // First reference: assert it is a face on this wall
              // and the distance is half the wall thickness.
              // Second reference: the first reference on the other
              // wall; assert the distance between the two references
              // equals the distance between the wall location lines
              // minus half of the sum of the two wall thicknesses.

              if( rc.Proximity < minDistance[i] )
            surfrefs[i] = r;
            minDistance[i] = rc.Proximity;

              if( null == surfrefs[0] )
            message = "No suitable face intersection "
              + "points found on first wall.";

            return Result.Failed;

              if( null == surfrefs[1] )
            message = "No suitable face intersection "
              + "points found on second wall.";

            return Result.Failed;

            .CreateDimensionElement( doc.ActiveView,
            pts[0], surfrefs[0], pts[1], surfrefs[1] );
              #endregion // Obsolete code to determine the closest reference

            .CreateDimensionElement( doc.ActiveView,
            pts[0], ref2.GetReference(), pts[1], refs.get_Item( 1 ) );

              return Result.Succeeded;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        Result IExternalCommand.Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            UIDocument               uidoc      = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument;
            Document                 doc        = uidoc.Document;
            Level                    level      = doc.ActiveView.GenLevel;
            View                     view       = doc.ActiveView;
            FamilySymbol             symbol     = doc.GetElement(new ElementId(587194)) as FamilySymbol;
            ElementClassFilter       dimfilter  = new ElementClassFilter(typeof(Dimension));
            ElementOwnerViewFilter   viewfilter = new ElementOwnerViewFilter(view.Id);
            FilteredElementCollector collector  = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);

            List <Dimension>             add           = new List <Dimension>();
            List <Dimension>             add2          = new List <Dimension>();
            List <DimensionSegmentArray> dimarrayarray = new List <DimensionSegmentArray>();
            ReferenceArray referarray  = new ReferenceArray();
            ReferenceArray referarray2 = new ReferenceArray();

            foreach (Element e in collector)
                Dimension dim = e as Dimension;
                if (dim.NumberOfSegments > 1)
            if (add2.Count != 0)            //连续尺寸标注
                using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc))
                    FailureHandlingOptions failureHandlingOptions = trans.GetFailureHandlingOptions();

                    FailureHandler failureHandler = new FailureHandler();


                    // 这句话是关键



                    ChangeDimensionTypeStyle(add2.First <Dimension>(), doc);
                    for (int b = 0; b < add2.Count; b++)
                        referarray2 = add2.ElementAt <Dimension>(b).References;
                        foreach (Reference refer in referarray2)
                            //string re = refer.ElementReferenceType.ToString();
                            var       cu  = add2.ElementAt <Dimension>(b).Curve;
                            Dimension dim = add2.ElementAt <Dimension>(b);
                            Line      li  = cu as Line;
                            //var n = re.GetType().ToString();
                            Element el    = doc.GetElement(refer);
                            Curve   curve = null;
                            if (el.Location.GetType() != typeof(LocationCurve))
                                if (el.GetType() == typeof(Grid))
                                    curve = (el as Grid).Curve;
                                else if ((el as FamilyInstance) is FamilyInstance)
                                    FamilyInstance instance2   = el as FamilyInstance;
                                    Element        hostelement = instance2.Host;
                                    curve = GetLineFromLcPoint(GetSolid(hostelement), instance2);
                                else if (el.GetType() == typeof(Floor))
                                    Floor floor = el as Floor;
                                    Face  face  = GetGeometryFace(GetSolid(el));
                                    var   test2 = GetCurveFromFloor(face, add2[b].Curve);
                                    if (test2.Size < 2)
                                    XYZ[] xYZsn = { test2.get_Item(0).GetEndPoint(0), test2.get_Item(1).GetEndPoint(0) };
                                    Line  l3    = Line.CreateBound(test2.get_Item(0).GetEndPoint(0),
                                    curve = l3 as Curve;
                                curve = (el.Location as LocationCurve).Curve;

                            if (curve == null)
                            XYZ p0 = li.Project(curve.GetEndPoint(1))
                            if (!symbol.IsActive)

                            FamilyInstance instance = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(p0, symbol, level,
                            var    l  = GetGeometryLine(GetGeometryFace(GetSolid(instance)));
                            double an = GetAngle(li, l);
                            double rotateangle;
                            double e = 1e-12;
                            double a = Math.Round((an - Math.PI / 4), 13);
                            double c = Math.Round(Math.Abs((an - Math.PI * 3 / 2)), 13);
                            if (a != e || c != Math.Round(Math.PI * 3 / 2, 13)) //判断度数,相减做判断
                                if (an > Math.PI * 0.5)
                                    rotateangle = 0.75 * Math.PI - an;
                                    rotateangle = an + 0.25 * Math.PI;
                                LocationPoint lp = instance.Location as LocationPoint;
                                if (lp != null)
                                    Line line3 = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, 0), new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, lp.Point.Z + 20));
                                    lp.Rotate(line3, rotateangle);
                                    XYZ pNew = (instance.Location as LocationPoint).Point;
                                    if (p0.X != pNew.X || p0.Y != pNew.Y || p0.Z != pNew.Z)
                                        lp.Point = p0;
            }                                                    //逐点标注
            if (add.Count != 0)                                  //普通尺寸标注
                using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(doc)) //将本身的Dimension样式修改未无对角线样式
                    FailureHandlingOptions failureHandlingOptions = trans.GetFailureHandlingOptions();

                    FailureHandler failureHandler = new FailureHandler();


                    // 这句话是关键



                    ChangeDimensionTypeStyle(add.First <Dimension>(), doc);
                for (int a = 0; a < add.Count; a++)
                    referarray = add.ElementAt <Dimension>(a).References;
                    if (referarray.Size == 2)
                        foreach (Reference re in referarray)
                            var       cu  = add.ElementAt <Dimension>(a).Curve;
                            Dimension dim = add.ElementAt <Dimension>(a);
                            Line      li  = cu as Line;
                            //var n = re.GetType().ToString();
                            Element el    = doc.GetElement(re);
                            Curve   curve = null;
                            using (Transaction test = new Transaction(doc, "change"))
                                FailureHandlingOptions failureHandlingOptions = test.GetFailureHandlingOptions();

                                FailureHandler failureHandler = new FailureHandler();


                                // 这句话是关键


                                if (el.Location.GetType() != typeof(LocationCurve))
                                    if (el.GetType() == typeof(Grid))
                                        curve = (el as Grid).Curve;
                                    else if ((el as FamilyInstance) is FamilyInstance)
                                        FamilyInstance instance2   = el as FamilyInstance;
                                        Element        hostelement = instance2.Host;
                                        curve = GetLineFromLcPoint(GetSolid(hostelement), instance2);
                                    else if (el.GetType() == typeof(Floor))
                                        Floor floor = el as Floor;
                                        Face  face  = GetGeometryFace(GetSolid(el));
                                        var   test2 = GetCurveFromFloor(face, add[a].Curve);
                                        if (test2.Size < 2)
                                        XYZ[] xYZsn = { test2.get_Item(0).GetEndPoint(0), test2.get_Item(1).GetEndPoint(0) };
                                        Line  l     = Line.CreateBound(test2.get_Item(0).GetEndPoint(0),
                                        curve = l as Curve;

                                    if (curve == null)
                                    XYZ[] xYZs = { curve.GetEndPoint(0), curve.GetEndPoint(1) };
                                    foreach (XYZ xyz in xYZs)
                                        XYZ p0 = li.Project(xyz).XYZPoint;
                                        if (!symbol.IsActive)

                                        FamilyInstance instance = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(p0, symbol, level,
                                        var    l  = GetGeometryLine(GetGeometryFace(GetSolid(instance)));
                                        double an = GetAngle(li, l);
                                        if (an != Math.PI / 4 || an != Math.PI * 3 / 2)
                                            LocationPoint lp = instance.Location as LocationPoint;
                                            if (lp != null)
                                                Line line3 = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, 0), new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, lp.Point.Z + 20));
                                                lp.Rotate(line3, 0.25 * Math.PI + (Math.PI + an));
                                                XYZ pNew = (instance.Location as LocationPoint).Point;
                                                if (p0.X != pNew.X || p0.Y != pNew.Y || p0.Z != pNew.Z)
                                                    lp.Point = p0;
                                    curve = (el.Location as LocationCurve).Curve;
                                    if (doc.GetElement(referarray.get_Item(0)).Id ==
                                        var       cu4  = add.ElementAt <Dimension>(a).Curve;
                                        Dimension dim4 = add.ElementAt <Dimension>(a);
                                        Line      li4  = cu as Line;
                                        //var n = re.GetType().ToString();
                                        Element el4    = doc.GetElement(referarray.get_Item(0));
                                        Curve   curve4 = (el4.Location as LocationCurve).Curve;
                                        XYZ[]   xyzs2  = { curve4.GetEndPoint(0), curve4.GetEndPoint(1) };
                                        foreach (XYZ xyz in xyzs2)
                                            XYZ p0 = li.Project(xyz).XYZPoint;
                                            if (!symbol.IsActive)

                                            FamilyInstance instance = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(p0, symbol, level,
                                            var    l  = GetGeometryLine(GetGeometryFace(GetSolid(instance)));
                                            double an = GetAngle(li, l);
                                            if (an != Math.PI / 4 || an != Math.PI * 3 / 2)
                                                LocationPoint lp = instance.Location as LocationPoint;
                                                if (lp != null)
                                                    Line line3 = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, 0), new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, lp.Point.Z + 20));
                                                    lp.Rotate(line3, 0.25 * Math.PI + (Math.PI + an));
                                                    XYZ pNew = (instance.Location as LocationPoint).Point;
                                                    if (p0.X != pNew.X || p0.Y != pNew.Y || p0.Z != pNew.Z)
                                                        lp.Point = p0;
                                        foreach (Reference refer in referarray)
                                            //string re = refer.ElementReferenceType.ToString();
                                            var       cu3  = add.ElementAt <Dimension>(a).Curve;
                                            Dimension dim3 = add.ElementAt <Dimension>(a);
                                            Line      li3  = cu as Line;
                                            //var n = re.GetType().ToString();
                                            Element el3    = doc.GetElement(refer);
                                            Curve   curve3 = null;
                                            if (el3.Location.GetType() != typeof(LocationCurve))
                                                if (el3.GetType() == typeof(Grid))
                                                    curve3 = (el3 as Grid).Curve;
                                                else if ((el3 as FamilyInstance) is FamilyInstance)
                                                    FamilyInstance instance3   = el3 as FamilyInstance;
                                                    Element        hostelement = instance3.Host;
                                                    curve3 = GetLineFromLcPoint(GetSolid(hostelement), instance3);
                                                else if (el3.GetType() == typeof(Floor))
                                                    Floor floor = el3 as Floor;
                                                    Face  face  = GetGeometryFace(GetSolid(el3));
                                                    var   test2 = GetCurveFromFloor(face, add2[a].Curve);
                                                    if (test2.Size < 2)
                                                    XYZ[] xYZsn = { test2.get_Item(0).GetEndPoint(0), test2.get_Item(1).GetEndPoint(0) };
                                                    Line  l4    = Line.CreateBound(test2.get_Item(0).GetEndPoint(0),
                                                    curve3 = l4 as Curve;
                                                curve3 = (el3.Location as LocationCurve).Curve;

                                            if (curve3 == null)
                                            XYZ p0 = li3.Project(curve.GetEndPoint(1))
                                            if (!symbol.IsActive)

                                            FamilyInstance instance = doc.Create.NewFamilyInstance(p0, symbol, level,
                                            var    l  = GetGeometryLine(GetGeometryFace(GetSolid(instance)));
                                            double an = GetAngle(li, l);
                                            if (an != Math.PI / 4 || an != Math.PI * 3 / 2)
                                                LocationPoint lp = instance.Location as LocationPoint;
                                                if (lp != null)
                                                    Line line3 = Line.CreateBound(new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, 0), new XYZ(lp.Point.X, lp.Point.Y, lp.Point.Z + 20));
                                                    lp.Rotate(line3, 0.25 * Math.PI + (Math.PI + an));
                                                    XYZ pNew = (instance.Location as LocationPoint).Point;
                                                    if (p0.X != pNew.X || p0.Y != pNew.Y || p0.Z != pNew.Z)
                                                        lp.Point = p0;

            }         //连续标注
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the percentage number of gridlines dimensioned in the drawing. If all gridlines are dimensioned the value should be 100%.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sheets">sheets to check</param>
        /// <returns name="results">count of datums in each sheet</returns>
        /// <search>
        /// mace, structural, general, arrangement, drawing, datum, count, number
        /// </search>
        public static object PercentageOfDimensionedGridlines(Revit.Elements.Views.Sheet sheets)
            Document doc = RevitServices.Persistence.DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument;

            Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element unwrappedSheet = sheets.InternalElement;

            BuiltInCategory dimCat  = BuiltInCategory.OST_Dimensions;
            BuiltInCategory gridCat = BuiltInCategory.OST_Grids;

            //Get views on sheet
            Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewSheet viewSheet = unwrappedSheet as Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewSheet;
            List <ElementId>            viewIds   = viewSheet.GetAllPlacedViews().ToList();
            ElementId viewId = viewIds[0];

            FilteredElementCollector dimElements  = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, viewId).OfCategory(dimCat).WhereElementIsNotElementType();
            FilteredElementCollector gridElements = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, viewId).OfCategory(gridCat).WhereElementIsNotElementType();

            List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Dimension> dimList = new List <Autodesk.Revit.DB.Dimension>();

            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Dimension dim in dimElements)
                dimList.Add(dim as Autodesk.Revit.DB.Dimension);

            List <int> gridList = new List <int>();

            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element grid in gridElements)

            List <int> dimRefs = new List <int>();

            foreach (Autodesk.Revit.DB.Dimension d in dimList)
                ReferenceArray refArray = d.References;
                int            size     = refArray.Size;

                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    Reference _ref = refArray.get_Item(i);
                    ElementId id   = _ref.ElementId;
                    //Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element revitElement = doc.GetElement(id);

            List <int> uniqueIds = new HashSet <int>(dimRefs).ToList();

            List <bool> bools = new List <bool>();

            foreach (int id in gridList)
                if (uniqueIds.Contains(id))

            double countTrue  = bools.Where(c => c).Count();
            double countTotal = bools.Count();

            double  num   = (countTrue / countTotal) * 100;
            decimal dec   = System.Convert.ToDecimal(num);
            decimal round = System.Math.Round(dec, 1);

            string output = sheets.SheetNumber.ToString() + " - " + sheets.SheetName.ToString() + " = " + round.ToString() + "%";
