Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Bla([Values(0, 1, 2, 3)] int refElementIndex, [Values(0, 1, 2)] int foreignTypeIndex)
            RefElement Element = ListElementsMain.Elements[refElementIndex];

            RefElement.ExchangeFormats ft = ListElementsMain.ForeignTypes[foreignTypeIndex];

            foreach (var type in Element.SupportedCellTypes)
                try {
                    int    fnum;
                    string fname;
                    Element.GetForeignElementType(type, ft, out fname, out fnum);
                } catch (NotSupportedException) {
                    // Combination of element type and foreign convection
                    // simply does not exist, swallow exception.

                // Check any of these methods throws an exception
                MultidimensionalArray InterpolationNodes = Element.GetInterpolationNodes(type);
                int[] NodeType    = Element.GetInterpolationNodes_NodeType(type);
                int[] EntityIndex = Element.GetInterpolationNodes_EntityIndices(type);
                int   NoOfNodes   = InterpolationNodes.GetLength(0);
                var   R           = Element.GetForeignElementMapping(type, ft);