Ejemplo n.º 1
        public FixedDocumentSequence getReport()
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID))
                bool flagEx = false;
                RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                string     strage = "", strsex = "";
                TimeParser timeParser = new TimeParser();
                strage = timeParser.GetAge(model.Birthday);

                if (model.Sex != null)
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "1")
                        strsex = "男";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "2")
                        strsex = "女";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "0")
                        strsex = "未知";
                    if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "9")
                        strsex = "未说明";
                List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue>
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$name",
                        strVal  = model.CustomerName
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$age",
                        strVal  = strage
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$sex",
                        strVal  = strsex
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$fkys",
                        strVal  = model.Doctor
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$zhen",
                        strVal  = model.TownName
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$cun",
                        strVal  = model.VillageName
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$cardid",
                        strVal  = model.IDCardNo
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$archiveid",
                        strVal  = model.RecordID
                    new ListValue
                        strMark = "$address",
                        strVal  = model.Address

                string phone = ConfigHelper.GetSetNode("phone");

                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "$zxdh",
                    strVal  = phone
                string strOrg = ConfigHelper.GetNode("orgCode").Substring(0, 9);
                string TownID = (strOrg.Length < 9) ? "" : strOrg.Substring(0, 9);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TownID))
                    SysOrgTownModel townmodel = new SysOrgTownBLL().GetModel(strOrg);
                    if (townmodel != null)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "^wsy",
                            strVal  = townmodel.Name
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$zxwsy",
                            strVal  = townmodel.Name
                RecordsCustomerBaseInfoModel model2 = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().GetMaxModel(this.CardID);
                if (model2 != null)
                    list.Add(new ListValue
                        strMark = "$tjsj",
                        strVal  = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.CheckDate, 1)
                    RecordsGeneralConditionModel model3 = new RecordsGeneralConditionDAL().GetModelByOutKey(model2.ID);
                    if (model3 != null)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$height",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.Height)
                        string strBMI = model3.BMI.ToString();
                        if (model3.BMI > 24)
                            strBMI += "↑";
                        else if (model3.BMI < 18)
                            strBMI += "↓";
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$tzzs",
                            strVal  = strBMI
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$weight",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.Weight)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$ml",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.PulseRate)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$xyg",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.RightHeight, 0)
                        string strxyd = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.RightPre, 0);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model3.RightHeight)) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model3.RightPre)))
                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model3.RightHeight) > 140 || Convert.ToDouble(model3.RightPre) > 90)
                                flagEx  = true;
                                strxyd += "↑";
                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model3.RightHeight) < 90 || Convert.ToDouble(model3.RightPre) < 60)
                                flagEx  = true;
                                strxyd += "↓";
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$xyd",
                            strVal  = strxyd

                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$gy",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.LeftHeight, 0)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$dy",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.LeftPre, 0)

                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$rgy",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.RightHeight, 0)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$rdy",
                            strVal  = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.RightPre, 0)

                    string  strYear  = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
                    string  strWhere = string.Format("IDCardNo='{0}' AND Devicetype=33 AND LEFT(UpdateData,4)='{1}' ORDER BY UpdateData DESC,ID DESC LIMIT 0,1 ", this.CardID, strYear);
                    DataSet UrineDt  = new DeviceInfoDAL().GetList(strWhere);

                    if (UrineDt.Tables.Count > 0)
                        foreach (DataRow UrineRow in UrineDt.Tables[0].Rows)
                            // 白细胞
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$nbxb",
                                strVal  = UrineRow["VALUE9"].ToString()

                            // 亚硝酸盐
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$sy",
                                strVal  = UrineRow["VALUE8"].ToString()

                            // 尿胆原
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$ndy",
                                strVal  = UrineRow["VALUE1"].ToString()

                            // 胆红素
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$dhs",
                                strVal  = UrineRow["VALUE3"].ToString()

                            // 维生素C
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$vc",
                                strVal  = UrineRow["VALUE11"].ToString()

                            // PH值
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$ph",
                                strVal  = UrineRow["VALUE7"].ToString()

                            // 比重
                            list.Add(new ListValue
                                strMark = "$bz",
                                strVal  = UrineRow["VALUE10"].ToString()

                    RecordsAssistCheckModel model7 = new RecordsAssistCheckBLL().GetModelByOutKey(model2.ID);

                    if (model7 != null)
                        string strHB = "", strWBC = "", strPLT = "", strTC = "", strTG = "", strHeiCho = "", strLowCho = "",
                               strFPGL = "", strSGPT = "", strGOT = "", strTBIL = "", strSCR = "", strBUN = "", strHCY = "";

                        if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\SHValueRange.xml"))
                            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                            ds.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath + "\\SHValueRange.xml");
                            DataTable dtSH = ds.Tables[0];
                            if (dtSH.Rows.Count > 0)
                                foreach (DataRow item in dtSH.Rows)
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血红蛋白") //血红蛋白
                                        strHB = model7.HB.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$hbg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.HB)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.HB) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strHB  = model7.HB.ToString() + "↓";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.HB) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strHB  = model7.HB.ToString() + "↑";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "白细胞") //白细胞
                                        strWBC = model7.WBC.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$wbcg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.WBC)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.WBC) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strWBC = model7.WBC.ToString() + "↓";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.WBC) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strWBC = model7.WBC.ToString() + "↑";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血小板") //血小板PLT
                                        strPLT = model7.PLT.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$xxbg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.PLT)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.PLT) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strPLT = model7.PLT.ToString() + "↓";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.PLT) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strPLT = model7.PLT.ToString() + "↑";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "总胆固醇") //总胆固醇(TC)
                                        strTC = model7.TC.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$tcg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.TC)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.TC) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strTC  = model7.TC.ToString() + "↓";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.TC) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strTC  = model7.TC.ToString() + "↑";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "甘油三酯")  //甘油三酯(TG)
                                        strTG = model7.TG.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$tgg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.TG)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.TG) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strTG  = model7.TG.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.TG) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strTG  = model7.TG.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血清高密度脂蛋白胆固醇") //高密度脂蛋白HeiCho
                                        strHeiCho = model7.HeiCho.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$gzg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.HeiCho)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.HeiCho) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx    = true;
                                                strHeiCho = model7.HeiCho.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.HeiCho) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx    = true;
                                                strHeiCho = model7.HeiCho.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇")  //低密度脂蛋白LowCho
                                        strLowCho = model7.LowCho.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$dzg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.LowCho)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.LowCho) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx    = true;
                                                strLowCho = model7.LowCho.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.LowCho) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx    = true;
                                                strLowCho = model7.LowCho.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "空腹血糖") //空腹血糖FPGL
                                        strFPGL = model7.FPGL.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$xtg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.FPGL)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.FPGL) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx  = true;
                                                strFPGL = model7.FPGL.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.FPGL) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx  = true;
                                                strFPGL = model7.FPGL.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血清谷丙转氨酶") //谷丙转氨酶SGPT
                                        strSGPT = model7.SGPT.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$gbg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.SGPT)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.SGPT) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx  = true;
                                                strSGPT = model7.SGPT.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.SGPT) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx  = true;
                                                strSGPT = model7.SGPT.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血清谷草转氨酶") //谷草转氨酶GOT
                                        strGOT = model7.GOT.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$gcg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.GOT)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.GOT) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strGOT = model7.GOT.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.GOT) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strGOT = model7.GOT.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "同型半胱氨酸") //同型半胱氨酸
                                        strHCY = model7.HCY.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$bgdg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.HCY)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.HCY) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strHCY = model7.HCY.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.HCY) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strHCY = model7.HCY.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "总胆红素") //总胆红素TBIL
                                        strTBIL = model7.TBIL.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$zdg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()

                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.TBIL)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.TBIL) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx  = true;
                                                strTBIL = model7.TBIL.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.TBIL) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx  = true;
                                                strTBIL = model7.TBIL.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血清肌酐") //肌酐SCR
                                        strSCR = model7.SCR.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$jgg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.SCR)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.SCR) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strSCR = model7.SCR.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.SCR) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strSCR = model7.SCR.ToString() + "↓";
                                    if (item["name"].ToString() == "血尿素氮") //尿素氮BUN
                                        strBUN = model7.BUN.ToString();
                                        list.Add(new ListValue
                                            strMark = "$sdg",
                                            strVal  = item["minvalue"].ToString() + " - " + item["maxvalue"].ToString()
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(model7.BUN)) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["minvalue"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                            if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.BUN) > Convert.ToDouble(item["maxvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strBUN = model7.BUN.ToString() + "↑";
                                            else if (Convert.ToDouble(model7.BUN) < Convert.ToDouble(item["minvalue"].ToString()))
                                                flagEx = true;
                                                strBUN = model7.BUN.ToString() + "↓";


                        list.Add(new ListValue     //血红蛋白
                            strMark = "$xhdb",
                            strVal  = strHB
                        list.Add(new ListValue     //白细胞数
                            strMark = "$bxbs",
                            strVal  = strWBC
                        list.Add(new ListValue     //血小板PLT
                            strMark = "$xxb",
                            strVal  = strPLT
                        list.Add(new ListValue     //总胆固醇(TC)
                            strMark = "$zdgc",
                            strVal  = strTC

                        list.Add(new ListValue     //甘油三酯(TG)
                            strMark = "$gysz",
                            strVal  = strTG

                        list.Add(new ListValue     //高密度脂蛋白HeiCho
                            strMark = "$gzdb",
                            strVal  = strHeiCho
                        list.Add(new ListValue     //低密度脂蛋白LowCho
                            strMark = "$dzdb",
                            strVal  = strLowCho

                        list.Add(new ListValue     //尿蛋白PRO
                            strMark = "$ncdb",
                            strVal  = model7.PRO
                        list.Add(new ListValue     //尿糖GLU
                            strMark = "$ncnt",
                            strVal  = model7.GLU
                        list.Add(new ListValue     //尿酮体KET
                            strMark = "$nctt",
                            strVal  = model7.KET
                        list.Add(new ListValue     //尿潜血BLD
                            strMark = "$ncqx",
                            strVal  = model7.BLD
                        list.Add(new ListValue     // 尿常规其他
                            strMark = "%nqt",
                            strVal  = model7.UrineOther
                        if ((model7.PRO + model7.GLU + model7.KET + model7.BLD + model7.UrineOther).Contains("+"))
                            flagEx = true;
                        list.Add(new ListValue    //空腹血糖FPGL
                            strMark = "$kfxt",
                            strVal  = strFPGL

                        list.Add(new ListValue    //谷丙转氨酶SGPT
                            strMark = "$bzam",
                            strVal  = strSGPT
                        list.Add(new ListValue   //谷草转氨酶GOT
                            strMark = "$czam",
                            strVal  = strGOT
                        list.Add(new ListValue   //总胆红素TBIL
                            strMark = "$zdhs",
                            strVal  = strTBIL
                        list.Add(new ListValue    //肌酐SCR
                            strMark = "$jig",
                            strVal  = strSCR
                        list.Add(new ListValue   //尿素氮BUN
                            strMark = "$nsd",
                            strVal  = strBUN

                        string strECG = "", strECGex = "";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model7.ECG))
                            string[] ecg = model7.ECG.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                            foreach (string c in ecg)
                                switch (c)
                                case "1":
                                    strECG = "1";

                                case "2":
                                    strECG    = "2";
                                    strECGex += "ST-T改变,";

                                case "3":
                                    strECG    = "2";
                                    strECGex += "陈旧性心肌梗塞,";

                                case "4":
                                    strECG    = "2";
                                    strECGex += "窦性心动过速,";

                                case "5":
                                    strECG    = "2";
                                    strECGex += "窦性心动过缓,";

                                case "6":
                                    strECG    = "2";
                                    strECGex += "早搏,";

                                case "7":
                                    strECG    = "2";
                                    strECGex += "房颤,";

                                case "8":
                                    strECG    = "2";
                                    strECGex += "房室传导阻滞,";

                                case "9":
                                    strECG = "2";
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "#xdt",
                            strVal  = strECG

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model7.ECGEx))
                            strECGex += "其他:" + model7.ECGEx.Replace('\n', ';').Replace('\r', ' ').Replace(" ", "");
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$xdtex",
                            strVal  = strECGex
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "#bc",
                            strVal  = model7.BCHAO
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$BCex",
                            strVal  = model7.BCHAOEx
                        string strex = "1";
                        if (flagEx)
                            strex = "2";
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "#tjjl",
                            strVal  = strex

                    RecordsAssessmentGuideModel guidemodel = new RecordsAssessmentGuideDAL().GetModelByOutKey(model2.ID);
                    if (guidemodel != null)
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "#tjjl",
                            strVal  = guidemodel.IsNormal
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$Ex1",
                            strVal  = guidemodel.Exception1
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$Ex2",
                            strVal  = guidemodel.Exception2
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$Ex3",
                            strVal  = guidemodel.Exception3
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$Ex4",
                            strVal  = guidemodel.Exception4
                //int Count = 0;
                OlderSelfCareabilityModel CareModel = new OlderSelfCareabilityBLL().GetModel(this.CardID);
                if (CareModel != null)
                    OlderMedicineResultModel model4 = new OlderMedicineResultBLL().GetModel(this.CardID, CareModel.ID);
                    if (model4 != null)
                        string strzytz = "";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.Mild) && (model4.Mild == "1" || model4.Mild == "2"))
                            strzytz += "平和质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.Faint) && (model4.Faint == "1" || model4.Faint == "2"))
                            strzytz += "气虚质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.Yang) && (model4.Yang == "1" || model4.Yang == "2"))
                            strzytz += "阳虚质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.Yin) && (model4.Yin == "1" || model4.Yin == "2"))
                            strzytz += "阴虚质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.PhlegmDamp) && (model4.PhlegmDamp == "1" || model4.PhlegmDamp == "2"))
                            strzytz += "痰湿质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.Muggy) && (model4.Muggy == "1" || model4.Muggy == "2"))
                            strzytz += "湿热质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.BloodStasis) && (model4.BloodStasis == "1" || model4.BloodStasis == "2"))
                            strzytz += "血瘀质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.QiConstraint) && (model4.QiConstraint == "1" || model4.QiConstraint == "2"))
                            strzytz += "气郁质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model4.Characteristic) && (model4.Characteristic == "1" || model4.Characteristic == "2"))
                            strzytz += "特兼质、";
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strzytz))
                            strzytz = strzytz.Trim(new char[] { '、' });
                        list.Add(new ListValue
                            strMark = "$zytz",
                            strVal  = strzytz
                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "&photo",
                    strVal  = PhotoPath + this.CardID + ".jpeg"
                list.Add(new ListValue
                    strMark = "&fkys",
                    strVal  = SignPath + "_Doctor13.png"
                return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + this.PrintName, list));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void btndataupload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string strwhere = "";

            if (this.ckbcheckdate.Checked)
                strwhere = string.Format(" CheckDate BETWEEN '{0}' and '{1}' ",
                                         this.dtpstart.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), this.dtpend.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            DataSet customds = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().GetList(strwhere);

            int amount = 0;

            progressBar1.Visible   = true;
            progressBar1.Minimum   = 0;
            progressBar1.Maximum   = customds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            progressBar1.BackColor = Color.Green;
            labCountnum.Text       = customds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString();

            foreach (DataRow row in customds.Tables[0].Rows)
                int OutKey = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"].ToString());

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["IDCardNo"].ToString()))

                // 基本信息
                RecordsBaseInfoModel Model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(row["IDCardNo"].ToString());
                if (Model == null)
                    Model = new RecordsBaseInfoModel();

                // 一般状况
                RecordsGeneralConditionModel generalConditionModel = new RecordsGeneralConditionBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey);
                if (generalConditionModel == null)
                    generalConditionModel = new RecordsGeneralConditionModel();

                ChronicDiadetesVisitModel diabetesModel = new ChronicDiadetesVisitModel();

                diabetesModel.IDCardNo     = row["IDCardNo"].ToString();
                diabetesModel.Hypertension = generalConditionModel.RightHeight;
                diabetesModel.Hypotension  = generalConditionModel.RightPre;
                diabetesModel.BMI          = generalConditionModel.BMI;
                diabetesModel.Weight       = generalConditionModel.Weight;
                diabetesModel.Hight        = generalConditionModel.Height;

                if (diabetesModel.BMI != null)
                    if (diabetesModel.BMI >= 24)
                        diabetesModel.TargetWeight = diabetesModel.Weight - 5;

                // 生活方式
                RecordsLifeStyleModel lifeModel = new RecordsLifeStyleBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey);
                if (lifeModel == null)
                    lifeModel = new RecordsLifeStyleModel();

                if (lifeModel.SmokeCondition == "3")
                    diabetesModel.DailySmokeNum = lifeModel.SmokeDayNum;
                    diabetesModel.DailySmokeNum = 0;

                if (lifeModel.DrinkRate == "2" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "3" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "4")
                    diabetesModel.DailyDrinkNum = lifeModel.DayDrinkVolume;
                    diabetesModel.DailyDrinkNum = 0;

                diabetesModel.DailySmokeNumTarget      = 0;
                diabetesModel.DailyDrinkNumTarget      = 0;
                diabetesModel.SportTimePerWeekTarget   = 7;
                diabetesModel.SportPerMinuteTimeTarget = 60;

                // 辅助检查
                RecordsAssistCheckModel AssistCheck = new RecordsAssistCheckBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey);
                if (AssistCheck == null)
                    AssistCheck = new RecordsAssistCheckModel();

                diabetesModel.FPG   = AssistCheck.FPGL;
                diabetesModel.HbAlc = AssistCheck.HBALC;

                new ChronicDiadetesVisitBLL().UpdateDate(diabetesModel);

                ChronicHypertensionVisitModel hypertensionModel = new ChronicHypertensionVisitModel();
                hypertensionModel.Hypertension = generalConditionModel.RightHeight;
                hypertensionModel.Hypotension  = generalConditionModel.RightPre;
                hypertensionModel.BMI          = generalConditionModel.BMI;
                hypertensionModel.Weight       = generalConditionModel.Weight;
                hypertensionModel.Hight        = generalConditionModel.Height;

                if (hypertensionModel.BMI != null)
                    if (hypertensionModel.BMI >= 24)
                        hypertensionModel.WeightTarGet = hypertensionModel.Weight - 5;
                if (AssistCheck.FPGL != null)
                    hypertensionModel.AssistantExam = $"空腹血糖:{AssistCheck.FPGL}mmol/L";

                // 查体
                RecordsPhysicalExamModel physicalModel = new RecordsPhysicalExamBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey);
                if (physicalModel == null)
                    physicalModel = new RecordsPhysicalExamModel();

                decimal dd = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(physicalModel.HeartRate))
                    if (decimal.TryParse(physicalModel.HeartRate, out dd))
                        hypertensionModel.HeartRate = dd;

                if (lifeModel.SmokeCondition == "3")
                    hypertensionModel.DailySmokeNum = lifeModel.SmokeDayNum;
                    hypertensionModel.DailySmokeNum = 0;

                if (lifeModel.DrinkRate == "2" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "3" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "4")
                    hypertensionModel.DailyDrinkNum = lifeModel.DayDrinkVolume;
                    hypertensionModel.DailyDrinkNum = 0;

                hypertensionModel.DailySmokeNumTarget       = 0;
                hypertensionModel.DailyDrinkNumTarget       = 0;
                hypertensionModel.SportTimeSperWeekTarget   = 7;
                hypertensionModel.SportPerMinutesTimeTarget = 60;
                hypertensionModel.IDCardNo = row["IDCardNo"].ToString();

                new ChronicHypertensionVisitBLL().UpdateDate(hypertensionModel);

                labUploadnum.Text  = amount.ToString();
                progressBar1.Value = amount;

            MessageBox.Show("成功匹配:" + amount + "条数据!", "提示");
            progressBar1.Visible = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void TransDs(DataSet ds)
            string mustchoosenode = ConfigHelper.GetMustChooseNode("mustchoose");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mustchoosenode))
                mustchoosenode = "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000";
                ConfigHelper.WriteNode("mustchoose", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
            char[] chrArray = mustchoosenode.ToCharArray();
            RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL CustomerBaseBll     = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL();
            RecordsGeneralConditionBLL GeneralConditionBll = new RecordsGeneralConditionBLL();
            RecordsLifeStyleBLL        LifeStyleBll        = new RecordsLifeStyleBLL();
            RecordsPhysicalExamBLL     PhysicalExamBll     = new RecordsPhysicalExamBLL();
            RecordsAssistCheckBLL      AssistCheckBll      = new RecordsAssistCheckBLL();
            RecordsVisceraFunctionBLL  VisceraFunctionBll  = new RecordsVisceraFunctionBLL();
            RecordsHealthQuestionBLL   HealthQuestionBll   = new RecordsHealthQuestionBLL();
            RecordsAssessmentGuideBLL  AssessmentGuideBll  = new RecordsAssessmentGuideBLL();

            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                string str = "";
                row["Sex"] = !(row["Sex"].ToString() == "1") ? "女" : "男";
                DataTable CustomerBaseInfoDt = CustomerBaseBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                DataTable GeneralConditionDt = GeneralConditionBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                if (CustomerBaseInfoDt.Rows.Count > 0 || GeneralConditionDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    str = str + "一般状况:";
                    if (CustomerBaseInfoDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        DataRow CustomerBaseInforow = CustomerBaseInfoDt.Rows[0];
                        if (chrArray[0] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomerBaseInforow["Symptom"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "症状、";
                    if (GeneralConditionDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        DataRow GeneralConditionrow = GeneralConditionDt.Rows[0];
                        if (chrArray[1] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["AnimalHeat"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "体温、";
                        if (chrArray[2] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["BreathRate"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "呼吸频率、";
                        if (chrArray[3] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["Waistline"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "腰围、";
                        if (chrArray[4] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["Height"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "身高、";
                        if (chrArray[5] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["PulseRate"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "脉率、";
                        if (chrArray[6] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["Weight"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "体重、";
                        if (chrArray[7] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["BMI"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "体质指数、";
                        if (chrArray[8] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["LeftPre"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "左侧低血压、";
                        if (chrArray[9] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["RightPre"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "右侧低血压、";
                        if (chrArray[10] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["LeftHeight"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "左侧高血压、";
                        if (chrArray[11] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(GeneralConditionrow["RightHeight"].ToString()))
                            str = str + "右侧高血压、";

                        if (str.Length > 2)
                            if (str == "一般状况:")
                                str = "";
                                str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1) + ",";

                string    strlife     = "";
                DataTable LifeStyleDt = LifeStyleBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                if (LifeStyleDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strlife = strlife + "生活方式:";
                    DataRow LifeStylerow = LifeStyleDt.Rows[0];
                    if (chrArray[12] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LifeStylerow["DietaryHabit"].ToString()))
                        strlife = strlife + "饮食习惯、";
                    if (chrArray[13] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(LifeStylerow["CareerHarmFactorHistory"].ToString()))
                        strlife = strlife + "职业病危害因素接触史、";
                if (strlife.Length > 2)
                    if (strlife == "生活方式:")
                        strlife = "";
                        str = str + strlife.Substring(0, strlife.Length - 1) + ",";

                string    strphysicalexam = "";
                DataTable PhysicalExamDt  = PhysicalExamBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                if (PhysicalExamDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "查体信息:";
                    DataRow PhysicalExamrow = PhysicalExamDt.Rows[0];
                    if (chrArray[14] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Skin"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "皮肤、";
                    if (chrArray[15] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Sclere"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "巩膜、";
                    if (chrArray[16] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Lymph"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "淋巴结、";
                    if (chrArray[17] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["BarrelChest"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "桶状胸、";
                    if (chrArray[18] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["BreathSounds"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "呼吸音、";
                    if (chrArray[19] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Rale"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "罗音、";
                    if (chrArray[20] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["HeartRate"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "心率、";
                    if (chrArray[21] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["HeartRhythm"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "心律、";
                    if (chrArray[22] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Noise"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "杂音、";
                    if (chrArray[23] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["EnclosedMass"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "包块、";
                    if (chrArray[24] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Edema"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "下肢水肿、";
                    if (chrArray[25] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["FootBack"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "足背动脉搏动、";
                    if (chrArray[26] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Anus"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "肛门指诊、";
                    if (chrArray[27] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Breast"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "乳腺、";
                    if (chrArray[28] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["PressPain"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "压痛、";
                    if (chrArray[29] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Liver"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "肝大、";
                    if (chrArray[30] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Spleen"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "脾大、";
                    if (chrArray[31] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["Voiced"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "移动性浊音、";
                    if (chrArray[32] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(PhysicalExamrow["EyeRound"].ToString()))
                        strphysicalexam = strphysicalexam + "眼底、";
                if (strphysicalexam.Length > 2)
                    if (strphysicalexam == "查体信息:")
                        strphysicalexam = "";
                        str = str + strphysicalexam.Substring(0, strphysicalexam.Length - 1) + ",";

                string    strAssistCheck = "";
                DataTable AssistCheckDt  = AssistCheckBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                if (AssistCheckDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strAssistCheck = strAssistCheck + "辅助检查:";
                    DataRow AssistCheckrow = AssistCheckDt.Rows[0];
                    if (chrArray[33] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssistCheckrow["FPGL"].ToString()))
                        strAssistCheck = strAssistCheck + "空腹血糖DL、";
                if (strAssistCheck.Length > 2)
                    if (strAssistCheck == "辅助检查:")
                        strAssistCheck = "";
                        str = str + strAssistCheck.Substring(0, strAssistCheck.Length - 1) + ",";

                string    strVisceraFunction = "";
                DataTable VisceraFunctionDt  = VisceraFunctionBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                if (VisceraFunctionDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strVisceraFunction = strVisceraFunction + "脏器功能:";
                    DataRow VisceraFunctionrow = VisceraFunctionDt.Rows[0];
                    if (chrArray[34] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(VisceraFunctionrow["Lips"].ToString()))
                        strAssistCheck = strAssistCheck + "口唇、";
                    if (chrArray[35] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(VisceraFunctionrow["ToothResides"].ToString()))
                        strAssistCheck = strAssistCheck + "齿列、";
                    if (chrArray[36] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(VisceraFunctionrow["Pharyngeal"].ToString()))
                        strAssistCheck = strAssistCheck + "咽部、";
                    if (chrArray[37] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(VisceraFunctionrow["Listen"].ToString()))
                        strAssistCheck = strAssistCheck + "听力、";
                    if (chrArray[38] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(VisceraFunctionrow["SportFunction"].ToString()))
                        strAssistCheck = strAssistCheck + "运动功能、";
                if (strVisceraFunction.Length > 2)
                    if (strVisceraFunction == "脏器功能:")
                        strVisceraFunction = "";
                        str = str + strVisceraFunction.Substring(0, strVisceraFunction.Length - 1) + ",";

                string    strHealthQuestion = "";
                DataTable HealthQuestionDt  = HealthQuestionBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                if (HealthQuestionDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "健康问题:";
                    DataRow HealthQuestionrow = HealthQuestionDt.Rows[0];
                    if (chrArray[39] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HealthQuestionrow["BrainDis"].ToString()))
                        strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "脑血管疾病、";
                    if (chrArray[40] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HealthQuestionrow["RenalDis"].ToString()))
                        strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "肾脏疾病、";
                    if (chrArray[41] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HealthQuestionrow["HeartDis"].ToString()))
                        strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "心脏疾病、";
                    if (chrArray[42] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HealthQuestionrow["VesselDis"].ToString()))
                        strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "血管疾病、";
                    if (chrArray[43] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HealthQuestionrow["EyeDis"].ToString()))
                        strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "眼部疾病、";
                    if (chrArray[44] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HealthQuestionrow["NerveDis"].ToString()))
                        strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "神经系统疾病、";
                    if (chrArray[45] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HealthQuestionrow["ElseDis"].ToString()))
                        strHealthQuestion = strHealthQuestion + "其他系统疾病、";
                if (strHealthQuestion.Length > 2)
                    if (strHealthQuestion == "健康问题:")
                        strHealthQuestion = "";
                        str = str + strHealthQuestion.Substring(0, strHealthQuestion.Length - 1) + ",";

                string    strAssessmentGuide = "";
                DataTable AssessmentGuideDt  = AssessmentGuideBll.GetList(string.Format("IDCardNo = '{0}'", row["IDCardNo"])).Tables[0];
                if (AssessmentGuideDt.Rows.Count > 0)
                    strAssessmentGuide = strAssessmentGuide + "健康评价:";
                    DataRow AssessmentGuiderow = AssessmentGuideDt.Rows[0];
                    if (chrArray[46] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssessmentGuiderow["IsNormal"].ToString()))
                        strAssessmentGuide = strAssessmentGuide + "是否正常1:体检无异常2:有异常、";
                    if (chrArray[47] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssessmentGuiderow["HealthGuide"].ToString()))
                        strAssessmentGuide = strAssessmentGuide + "健康指导、";
                    if (chrArray[48] == '1' && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AssessmentGuiderow["DangerControl"].ToString()))
                        strAssessmentGuide = strAssessmentGuide + "危险因素控制、";
                if (strAssessmentGuide.Length > 2)
                    if (strAssessmentGuide == "健康评价:")
                        strAssessmentGuide = "";
                        str = str + strAssessmentGuide.Substring(0, strAssessmentGuide.Length - 1) + ",";
                if (str.Length > 0)
                    str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);

                row["MustChoose"] = str;